Submissions from 2001
Ni-induced Local Distortions in La₁.₈₅Sr₀.₁₅Cu1-yNiyO₄ and their Relevance to Tc Suppression, Daniel Haskel, Edward A. Stern, Victor Polinger, and Fatih Dogan
Elution Characteristics of Tobramycin from Polycaprolactone in a Rabbit Model, Kelly J. Hendricks, David D. Lane, Kent J. Lowry, J. Glenn Phaup, Jeffrey O. Anglen, Timothy A. Burd, and D. E. Day
Processing of Erbium Doped High-Tc Superconductor Yba₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Single Crystals For Improved Flux Pinning, William C. Hicks, Fatih Dogan, Michael Strasik, Arthur C. Day, and Kevin E. McCrary
Enhanced Superplastic Properties in Bulk Metastable Nanostructured Alloys, R. K. Islamgaliev, R. Z. Valiev, Rajiv S. Mishra, and A. K. Mukherjee
Mechanical and Structural Properties of Phosphate Glasses, Mevlüt Karabulut, Elena Melnik, R. Stefan, G. K. Marasinghe, C. S. Ray, C. R. Kukjian, and D. E. Day
Structure and Properties of Lanthanum-Aluminum-Phosphate Glasses, Mevlüt Karabulut, EzzEldin Metwalli, and Richard K. Brow
Lattice Defects in Nanocrystalline CeO2 Thin Films, I. Kosacki, Tetsuro Suzuki, V. Petrovsky, Harlan U. Anderson, and P. Colomban
Properties of Sputtered Bilayer WNx/W Diffusion Barriers between Si and Cu, K. D. Leedy, Matthew O'Keefe, E. J. Dahlgren, and J. T. Grant
Density Changes on Cooling and Heating of Selected Pb-Sn Alloys during the Precipitation and Dissolution of the Β-Sn Phase, Hollis P. Leighly
RMS Titanic: A Metallurgical Problem, Hollis P. Leighly, B. L. Bramfitt, and S. J. Lawrence
Corrosion Behavior of Al₂O₃-C Based Refractories in Melts of Smelting Reduction with Iron Bath, Qingcai Liu, Joseph William Newkirk, Yuan Xu, D. Chen, and Yangqi Ou
Deposition and Characterization of Metal/polyaniline Bi-layers, Yan Liu, Matthew O'Keefe, Ayse Beyaz, C. Singleton, and Thomas P. Schuman
Heat Treatment Optimization of 7XXX Aluminum Alloys, D. Scott MacKenzie and Joseph William Newkirk
The Use of the Jominy End Quench for Determining Optimal Quenching Parameters in Aluminum, D. S. MacKenzie and Joseph William Newkirk
High Strain Rate, Thick Section Superplasticity Created Via Friction Stir Processing, Murray Mahoney, Rajiv S. Mishra, Tracy Nelson, Jonathan Flintoff, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Yuri Hovansky
Modifier Effects on the Properties and Structures of Aluminophosphate Glasses, EzzEldin Metwalli and Richard K. Brow
Cation Effects on Anion Distributions in Aluminophosphate Glasses, EzzEldin Metwalli, Richard K. Brow, and Frederick S. Stover
Processing Commercial Aluminum Alloys for High Strain Rate Superplasticity, Rajiv S. Mishra
Abnormal Grain Growth during High Temperature Exposure in Friction Stir Processed 7050 and 2519 Aluminum Alloys, Rajiv S. Mishra, R. K. Islamgaliev, T. W. Nelson, Y. Hovansky, and M. W. Mahoney
Friction Stir Processing: A New Grain Refinement Technique to Achieve High Strain Rate Superplasticity in Commercial Alloys, Rajiv S. Mishra and M. W. Mahoney
Processing of High Hardness-high Toughness Alumina Matrix Nanocomposites, Rajiv S. Mishra and A. K. Mukherjee
Mechanical Behavior and Superplasticity of a Severe Plastic Deformation Processed Nanocrystalline Ti-6Al-4V Alloy, Rajiv S. Mishra, V. V. Stolyarov, C. Echer, R. Z. Valiev, and A. K. Mukherjee
High-strain-rate Superplasticity from Nanocrystalline Al Alloy 1420 at Low Temperatures, Rajiv S. Mishra, R. Z. Valiev, S. X. McFadden, R. K. Islamgaliev, and A. K. Mukherjee
Electrical Conductivity and Structural Properties of Cesium Iron Phosphate Glasses: A Potential Host for Vitrifying Nuclear Waste, Andrea Mogus-Milankovic, Kresimir Furic, and D. E. Day
Structure of Sodium Phosphate Glasses Containing Al₂O₃ And/Or Fe₂O₃. Part I, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, A. Gajović, A. Šantić, and D. E. Day
Electrical Properties of Sodium Phosphate Glasses Containing Al₂O₃ And/Or Fe₂O₃. Part II, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, A. Šantić, A. Gajović, and D. E. Day
Electrical Conductivity in Mixed-alkali Iron Phosphate Glasses, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, B. Šantić, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day
Observation of Magnetic Moments in the Superconducting State of YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₆, Herbert A. Mook, Pengcheng Dai, and Fatih Dogan
Charge Fluctuations in YBa₂Cu₃O₆₊ₓ Superconductors, Herbert A. Mook and Fatih Dogan
Silica Corrosion Studies using the UMR Oxy-fuel Simulator Furnace, Robert E. Moore, M. Velez, M. Karakus, J. M. Almanza, P. Sun, and W. D. Headrick
Improving Impact Toughness of Injection Moulded Parts, Joseph William Newkirk
Variation in Mechanical Properties of P/M Parts, Joseph William Newkirk
Abrasive Wear Properties of Cr-Cr₃Si and Cr-Cr₃Si-X Composites, Joseph William Newkirk and J.A. Hawk
Abrasive Wear Properties of Cr-Cr₃Si Composites, Joseph William Newkirk and J.A. Hawk
Abrasive Wear Properties of Cr-Cr₃Si-NbC Composites, Joseph William Newkirk, J. A. Hawk, and M. Perez
Abrasive Wear Properties of Cr-Cr3Si and Cr-Cr3Si-X Composites, Joseph William Newkirk and Jeffrey A. Hawk
Age Strengthening of Gray Cast Iron Phase III- Effect of Aging Temperature, Wayne M. Nicola and Von Richards
Metallic Recovery of Ferrous Charge Materials, Wayne M. Nicola and Von Richards
Wetting of Mullite by Y₂O3-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ and B₂O₃-SiO₂ Glasses, P. D. Ownby, T. S. Huang, M. N. Rahaman, and Benjamin T. Eldred
Infrared Transmission of Czochralski Germanium and Silicon, P. D. Ownby, Jason E. Peters, C. R. Poznich, J. C. W. Richter, and D. W. Thomas
Effect of Solvent on the PMMA Particle Morphology During the Spray Particle Synthesis Process, Jonathan D. Paladino, H. Gu, P. D. Ownby, X.-D. Zhou, S. C. Zheang, and Wayne Huebner
Optical Properties of CeO2 Films Prepared from Colloidal Suspension, V. Petrovsky, B. P. Gorman, Harlan U. Anderson, and T. Petrovsky
Comment on "Influence of Fe³⁺/Fe2+ Ratio on the Crystallization of Iron-rich Glasses Made with Industrial Wastes", Chandra S. Ray, Mario Pelino, and Alexander Karamanov
Determining Crystal Growth Rate-type of Curves in Glasses by Differential Thermal Analysis, C. S. Ray, Kisa S. Ranasinghe, and D. E. Day
Agglomerated Die Casting Lubricant, Mary R. Reidmeyer
Chemical Plating Method, Electrolytic Cell and Automotive Oxygen Sensor Using It, Mary R. Reidmeyer, Matthew J. Donelon, and Robert F. Killion
Chemical Durability and Structure of Zinc-iron Phosphate Glasses, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Mevlüt Karabulut, and D. E. Day
An Exafs Study of Nanocrystalline Thin Films, G. E. Rush, A. V. Chadwick, I. Kosacki, and Harlan U. Anderson
Effects of Processing Parameters on the Impact Toughness of Metal Injection Molded Parts, James Alan Sago and Joseph William Newkirk
The Dc Electrical Conductivity of Iron Phosphate Glasses, B. Šantić, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, and D. E. Day
Editorial, Mark E. Schlesinger
Enthalpies of Mixing in Fe-C-Si Melts, Mark E. Schlesinger and Qinfang Xiang
Estimation of the Effective D₃₁ Coefficients of the Piezoelectric Layer in Rainbow Actuators, Robert W. Schwartz, L. Eric Cross, and Qing Ming Wang
Domain Configuration and Switching Contributions to the Enhanced Performance of Rainbow Actuators, Robert W. Schwartz and Youngwoo Moon
Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Powder Metallurgy Aluminum Alloys and Composite, Siddharth R. Sharma, Rajiv S. Mishra, Murray W. Mahoney, and Kumar V. Jata
Refining of Secondary Aluminum Alloys, S. Y. Shurankov, Vladimir Tribushevsky, Boleslav Mechislavovich Nemenenok, and Semen Naumovich Lekakh
Results of Comparative Nozzle Testing using Abrasive Waterjet Cutting, David A. Summers, R. D. Fossey, Joseph William Newkirk, Greg Galecki, M. Johnson, D. Burch, and G Olson
Electrical Conductivity and Lattice Defects in Nanocrystalline Cerium Oxide Thin Films, Toshio Suzuki, Igor Kosacki, Harlan U. Anderson, and Philippe Colomban
TEM/HREM Observations of Nanostructured Superplastic Ni₃Al, R. Z. Valiev, C. Song, S. X. McFadden, Rajiv S. Mishra, and A. K. Mukherjee
Fatigue Endurance Limit of Steel, David C. Van Aken
Grains That Grow, and Secondary Recrystallization, David C. Van Aken
Relationship Between Hardness and Strength, David C. Van Aken
Segregation and Banding in Steel, David C. Van Aken
Transformation-induced Residual Stresses, David C. Van Aken
Undissolved Ferrite Can Affect Performance, David C. Van Aken
Low-temperature Reduction of Ferric Iron in Red Mud, Qinfang Xiang, Xiaohong Liang, Mark E. Schlesinger, and John L. Watson
Electrochemical Characterization of the Effects of Impurities and Organic Additives in Lead Electrowinning from Fluoborate Electrolyte, Puqiang Zhang, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Pu Yu
Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Processed Al-Ti-Cu Alloy, J. Zheng, Rajiv S. Mishra, P. B. Berbon, and M. W. Mahoney
Size-Induced Lattice Relaxation in CeO₂ Nanoparticles, X.-D. Zhou and Wayne Huebner
A New Crystalline Phase (Na2O · 8TeO2) in the Na2O-TeO2 System, Dongmei Zhu, Wancheng Zhou, and C. S. Ray
Submissions from 2000
Investigation of Sodium Distribution in Phosphate Glasses Using Spin-echo ²³Na NMR, Todd M. Alam, Jay McLaughlin, Carol A. Click, Samuel D. Conzone, Richard K. Brow, Timothy J. Boyle, and J. W. Zwanziger
Phonon Sideband Spectroscopy and 1550 Nm Luminescence from Eu³⁺ and Er³⁺-doped Ferroelectric PLZT for Active Electro-optic Applications, John Ballato, Russell Esmacher, Robert W. Schwartz, and Matthew Dejneka
UV Radiation Effects on the Sol-gel Processing of Ferroelectric PZT Thin Films, K. S. Brinkman, Robert W. Schwartz, and John Ballato
Review: The Structure of Simple Phosphate Glasses, Richard K. Brow
Modifier Coordination and Phosphate Glass Networks, Richard K. Brow, Carol A. Click, and Todd M. Alam
Properties and Structure of Lanthanum Phosphate Glasses, Richard K. Brow, Ezz Metwalli, and David L. Sidebottom
Corrosion Property of Iron Phosphate Simulated HLW Melts, Fuyi Chen, Wanqi Jie, and D. E. Day
Glass Formation and Chemical Durability of Dysprosium Lithium Borate Glasses Intended for in Vivo Radiation Synovectomy, Samuel D. Conzone, D. E. Day, and James G. Hemrick
Interaction of Chrome-free Refractories with Copper Smelting and Converting Slags, Michael D. Crites, Musa Karakus, Mark E. Schlesinger, Michaela Somerville, and Shouyi Sun
Refractory Interactions with Calcium Ferrite Slags, Michael D. Crites, Musa Karakus, Mark E. Schlesinger, Michaela Somerville, and Shouyi Sun
Resonance as a Measure of Pairing Correlations in the High-Tc superconductor YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₆, Pengcheng Dai, Herbert A. Mook, Gabriel Aeppli, Stephen M. Hayden, and Fatih Dogan
Effects of Moulding Pressure on the Mechanical and Friction Properties of a Semi-metallic Friction Material, Feng Chen Dong, Frank D. Blum, and Lokeswarappa R. Dharani
The Boron Trifluoride/Nitromethane Ratio of the BF₃·CH₃NO₂ Adduct, Benjamin T. Eldred, P. D. Ownby, and W. Edwin Saunders
Forming Al₂O₃-Al Composites with Controlled Compositions by Reactive Metal Penetration of Dense Aluminosilicate Preforms, Donald T. Ellerby, Kevin G. Ewsuk, Ronald E. Loehman, and William Fahrenholtz
Al₂O₃-Ni Composites with High Strength and Fracture Toughness, Donald T. Ellerby, Ronald E. Loehman, and William Fahrenholtz
Al2O3-Ni Composites with High Strength and Fracture Toughness, William Fahrenholtz, Donald T. Ellerby, and Ronald E. Loehman
Forming Al2O3-Al Composites with Controlled Compositions by Reactive Metal Penetration of Dense Aluminosilicate Preforms, William G. Fahrenholtz, Donald T. Ellerby, Kevin G. Ewsuk, and Ronald E. Loehman
An Alternative Metallic Seeding Technique for Subsequent Electrochemical Deposition of Copper Onto Barrier Metals, R. Fang, H. Gu, Thomas J. O'Keefe, Matthew O'Keefe, W. S. Shih, K. D. Leedy, and R. Cortez
Properties of Mixed Na₂O and K₂O Iron Phosphate Glasses, Xiangyu Fang, C. S. Ray, G. K. Marasinghe, and D. E. Day
Aqueous Processing and Mechanical Properties of PLZT Green Tapes, Jian-Huei Feng and Fatih Dogan
A Systems Engineering Model to Management and Abatement of Nonpoint Source Pollution, Bahador Ghahramani and Douglas M. Mattox
Artificial Eyelid for Protection of Optical Sensors, Scott H. Goodwin-Johansson, Paul H. Holloway, Gary McGuire, Leonard J. Buckley, Robert F. Cozzens, Robert W. Schwartz, and Gregory J. Exarhos
Linear Viscoelasticity of an Ultraphosphate Glass, Peter F. Green, Eric F. Brown, and Richard K. Brow
Preliminary Design of a Solvent Extraction Process for the Galvanic Stripping of Iron from D2EHPA, H. Gu, C. M. Chang, J. A. Barrera-Godínez, and Thomas J. O'Keefe
Organic Solution Deposition of Copper Seed Layers Onto Barrier Metals, H. Gu, R. Fang, Thomas J. O'Keefe, Matthew O'Keefe, W. S. Shih, J. A.M. Snook, K. D. Leedy, and R. Cortez
Xafs Study of the Low-Temperature Tetragonal Phase of La₂₋ₓBaₓCuO₄: Disorder, Stripes, and Tc Suppression at X=0.125, Daniel Haskel, Edward A. Stern, Fatih Dogan, and Arnie R. Moodenbaugh
The Anomalous Behavior of Al³⁺ in Nickel Electrowinning from Sulfate Electrolytes, Michael Holm and Thomas J. O'Keefe
Electrolyte Parameter Effects in the Electrowinning of Nickel from Sulfate Electrolytes, M. Holm and Thomas J. O'Keefe
Evaluation of Nickel Deposition by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, M. Holm and Thomas J. O'Keefe
Anisotropic Grain Growth and Microstructural Evolution of Dense Mullite Above 1550°C, Tieshu Huang, M. N. Rahaman, TaiIl Mah, and Triplicane A. Parthasarathay