"Low-temperature Reduction of Ferric Iron in Red Mud" by Qinfang Xiang, Xiaohong Liang et al.

Low-temperature Reduction of Ferric Iron in Red Mud


Anjier, J.


Previous proposed methods for removing the iron from red mud have focused on either DRI-type processing or blast furnace smelting. A new iron-removal process features low-temperature reduction of ferric iron content to magnetite, followed by magnetic separation. The results of reduction experiments using coal, charcoal, sawdust and bagasse as solid-state reducing agents are described. Other variables included the type of mud used (three U.S. producers), reduction time and temperature, and the mud/reductant mass ratio. Sawdust and bagasse are the better reductants, and complete reduction to magnetite can be achieved at temperatures as low as 350°C. Conversion of the ferric iron to magnetite is strongly dependent on the mud/reductant ratio, suggesting that pyrolysis of the reductant is the controlling factor in the reduction process. Initial experiments on recovery of the magnetite generated by the reduction process will be described.

Meeting Name

Light Metals: Proceedings of Sessions, TMS Annual Meeting (Warrendale, Pennsylvania) (2001, New Orleans, LA)


Materials Science and Engineering

Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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© 2001 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 2001

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