Our Digital Showcase
Providing digital global access to scholarly and cultural resources created by our campus community.
Scholars’ Mine is the institutional repository for the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Scholars' Mine provides digital access to the scholarly and cultural resources created by the university community.
Our Resources
PUBLISHED RESEARCH - Missouri S&T faculty are researchers, teachers and leaders in their field and they work in a world where scholarship is increasingly digital. Scholars’ Mine both shares and increases the impact of the full range of faculty scholarship, from primary materials and research datasets to teaching tools and working papers. Faculty and the institution benefit when research gets noticed.
LIBRARY-CURATED FACULTY PROFILES - In a digital world, an online scholarly presence is crucial. With Scholars’ Mine the library supports faculty in building professional online reputations with library-curated, institutional-branded profiles. Faculty can share anything from published articles to videos—and see the impact of their work using readership metrics and who is following their work using the Author Dashboard.
RESEARCH DATA - Scholars’ Mine is a comprehensive hosted solution for storing, managing and sharing data. Scholars’ Mine provides unlimited storage, authorization and access-control tools, and supports all file types and formats. Multiple display options and persistent URLs ensure discoverability and data curation now and into the future.
SCHOLARLY JOURNALS, BOOKS AND CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - Commercial publishers are reluctant to launch journals and publish books or conference proceedings in new or emerging fields. Scholars’ Mine enables faculty to spearhead new online open-access journals in their disciplines by providing a complete publication platform including submission, peer-review and editorial management.
STUDENT RESEARCH & CREATIVE WORKS - Student research is discovered, disseminated, and cited around the world, increasing the impact of the research for both the student and campus.
TEACHING & LEARNING RESOURCES - Teaching materials are an important, and often overlooked, component of faculty’s academic legacy. Scholars’ Mine ensures that legacy is preserved in an attractive, discoverable place.
CAMPUS CULTURAL MATERIALS - Scholars' Mine enhances the discovery, display and access to materials relating to campus culture such as yearbooks, events, art exhibits and much more.
Our Services
INSTITUTIONAL REPOSITORY - Scholars' Mine provides digital global access to the scholarly and cultural resources created by our campus community. Our staff regularly monitor the most popular publication resources for new research and creative work by our own faculty. When a work is located, it is added to the repository along with descriptive information which will enable it to be easily located by internet users. Our staff also ensures that all copyright and publishers' licensing agreements are followed. Faculty may also submit their own work to scholarsmine@mst.edu and our staff will review it and add descriptive information if needed.
FACULTY PROFILES - An online presence is crucial for our faculty and researchers. Scholars' Mine Staff create an online profile for each faculty author featuring their body of work along with a brief bio, their research interests and other information. Faculty have the option to monitor readership of their work, communicate with their readers and update their profiles.
ePUBLISHING - Scholars’ Mine enables faculty, students and others to create and manage online journals, books and conference proceedings. Complete publication services are available including online submission, peer-review and editorial management. Scholars' Mine is an excellent alternative to expensive commercial publishers and our staff is available to assist you.
RESEARCH DATA HOSTING AND CURATION - Providing access to research data is increasingly important. Scholars' Mine supports all file types and formats and has unlimited storage capacity. Our staff is available to help you define you research data needs and ensure that you data is secured for the future.