Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 2002


Hydrothermal Deposition and Characterization of Heteroepitaxial BaTiO₃ Films on SrTiO₃ and LaAlO₃ Single Crystals, Emin Ciftci, M. N. Rahaman, and Frank D. Blum


Hydrothermal Synthesis of Heteroepitaxial Barium Titanate Thin Films, Emin Ciftci, Mark G. Shumsky, Frank D. Blum, and M. N. Rahaman


Properties and Structure of Cesium Phosphate Glasses, Carol A. Click, Richard K. Brow, and Todd M. Alam


In Vitro and in Vivo Dissolution Behavior of a Dysprosium Lithium Borate Glass Designed for the Radiation Synovectomy Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Samuel D. Conzone, Roger F. Brown, D. E. Day, and Gary J. Ehrhardt


Magnetism and Superconductivity in YBa₂Cu₃O₆₊ₓ Superconductors, Pengcheng Dai, Herbert A. Mook, Stephen M. Hayden, Arno Hiess, Seunghun Lee, and Fatih Dogan

Reactions of Bioactive Borate Glasses with Physiological Liquids, D. E. Day


Method for Preparing Porous Shells or Gels from Glass Particles, D. E. Day and Samuel D. Conzone


Biodegradable Glass Compositions and Methods for Radiation Therapy, D. E. Day and James E. White


Observation of Changes in the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Single-Crystal YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₆ Accompanying Bromination, Lamine M. Dieng, Yasuhiro Inamura, Trevor A. Tyson, Mark C. Croft, Fatih Dogan, C. Y. Kim, Joseph C. Woicik, and James M. Grow

Microstructural Control of Complex-Shaped Ceramics Processed by Freeze Casting, Fatih Dogan and Stephen W. Sofie


Electron-Phonon Interactions in HTSC Cuprates, Takeshi Egami, Jaeho Chung, R. J. McQueeney, Mohana Yethiraj, Herbert A. Mook, Christopher D. Frost, Yu Nikolaijevitsch Petrov, Fatih Dogan, Yasuhiro Inamura, Masatoshi Arai, Setsuko Tajima, and Yasuo Endoh


Lattice and Charge Effects in High-Temperature Superconductors, Takeshi Egami, R. J. McQueeney, Jaeho Chung, Mohana Yethiraj, Herbert A. Mook, Masatoshi Arai, Yasuhiro Inamura, Yasuo Endoh, Setsuko Tajima, Christopher D. Frost, and Fatih Dogan

Laboratory Experiences in Glasses and Traditional Ceramics, William Fahrenholtz, Carol A. Click, and Richard K. Brow


Reactive Hot Pressing of Alumina-Molybdenum Disilicide Composites, William Fahrenholtz, Ronald E. Loehman, and Kevin G. Ewsuk


Characterization of Spontaneously Formed Cerium-Based Conversion Coatings on Aluminum, William Fahrenholtz, Haifeng Zhou, and Matthew O'Keefe


Preparation and Microstructure Evolution of Both Freestanding and Supported TiO₂ Thin Films, Chenlung Fan, Daniel Ciardullo, Jay D. Paladino, and Wayne Huebner


Spectral Analysis of Transition Metal-Doped MgO "Matched Emitters" for Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion, Lucian G. Ferguson and Fatih Dogan


Short Residence Time Graphitization of Mesophase Pitch-based Carbon Fibers, M. L. Greene, Robert W. Schwartz, and J. W. Treleaven


High-energy X-ray Diffraction Study of La Co-ordination in Lanthanum Phosphate Glasses, Uwe Hoppe, EzzEldin Metwalli, Richard K. Brow, and Jörg Neuefeind


Surface Switching Characteristics of Variable Permittivity Dielectrics, Wayne Huebner and Eric J. Carleton


XAFS Investigation of Platinum Impurities in Phosphate Glasses, Mevlüt Karabulut, G. K. Marasinghe, Carol A. Click, Ezz Metwalli, Richard K. Brow, D. K. Shuh, Tayyab I. Suratwala, C. H. Booth, J. J. Bucher, and J. H. Campbell


Neodymium and Erbium Coordination Environments in Phosphate Glasses, Mevlüt Karabulut, G. K. Marasinghe, EzzEldin Metwalli, Andrew K. Wittenauer, Richard K. Brow, C. H. Booth, and D. K. Shuh


An Investigation of the Local Iron Environment in Iron Phosphate Glasses Having Different Fe(II) Concentrations, Mevlüt Karabulut, G. K. Marasinghe, C. S. Ray, C. H. Booth, P. G. Allen, J. J. Bucher, D. L. Caulder, D. K. Shuh, George Daniel Waddill, and D. E. Day


Dopant Effect on Local Dielectric Properties in Barium Titanate Based Electroceramics Determined by Transmission EELS, Kalpana S. Katti, Mao-Xu Qian, Fatih Dogan, and Mehmet Sarikaya


Nonstoichiometry and Electrical Transport in Sc-doped Zirconia, Igor Kosacki, Harlan U. Anderson, Yasunobu Mizutani, and Kenji Ukai


Raman Spectroscopy of Nanocrystalline Ceria and Zirconia Thin Films, Igor Kosacki, Vladimir Petrovsky, Harlan U. Anderson, and Philippe Colomban


Raman Scattering and Lattice Defects in Nanocrystalline CeO2 Thin Films, Igor Kosacki, Toshio Suzuki, Harlan U. Anderson, and Philippe Colomban


Evaluating and Monitoring Nucleation and Growth in Copper Foil, Ye Kun Lee and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Misinformation [1], Hollis P. Leighly

A Product Focused Manufacturing Curriculum, Frank W. Liou, Rajiv S. Mishra, Ashok Agrawal, Venkat Allada, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor


Corrosion Resistance of MgO-C Refractory to Smelting Reduction Slag Containing Titania, Qingcai Liu, Dengfu Chen, Yuan Xu, and Joseph William Newkirk

Microstructures and Corrosion Resistance of Al₂O₃-C Based Refractories To the Melts Containing Titania, Qingcai Liu, Yuan Xu, Dengfu Chen, Yangqi Ou, and Joseph William Newkirk

Reactive Hot Pressing of Alumina-molybdenum Disilicide Composites, Ronald E. Loehman, Kevin G. Ewsuk, and William Fahrenholtz


Superplastic Deformation Behavior of Friction Stir Processed 7075Al Alloy, Z. Y. Ma, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Murray W. Mahoney


High-temperature Creep Behavior of TiC Particulate Reinforced Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Composite, Z. Y. Ma, Rajiv S. Mishra, and S. C. Tjong


Multi-sheet Structures in 7475 Aluminum by Friction Stir Welding in Concert with Post-weld Superplastic Forming, Rajiv S. Mishra, Murray W. Mahoney, and Indrajit Charit


Charge and Spin Structure in YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₃₅, Herbert A. Mook, Pengcheng Dai, and Fatih Dogan


Magnetic Order in YBa₂Cu₃O₆₊ₓ Superconductors, Herbert A. Mook, Pengcheng Dai, Stephen M. Hayden, Arno Hiess, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Seunghun Lee, and Fatih Dogan


Phase Diagram for Stripes in YBa₂Cu₃O₆₊ₓ Superconductors, Herbert A. Mook and Fatih Dogan

Effects of Process Parameters on Impact Toughness of Injection Moulded Parts, Joseph William Newkirk

Optimizing the Aging Heat Treatment of Cast Aluminum Alloys, Joseph William Newkirk, Qingcai Liu, and Alidad Mohammadi


Mechanical Properties Distributions of PM Parts, Joseph William Newkirk and Sanjay N. Thakur

Mechanical Properties of P/M Parts, Joseph William Newkirk and Sanjay N. Thakur


Corrosion Resistant Nickel-Based Alloy, Joseph William Newkirk and Sanhong Zhang


Age Strengthening of Gray Cast Iron: Nitrogen Effects and Machinability, Wayne M. Nicola, Von Richards, and Joe Edington


Characterization of Cerium-Based Conversion Coatings for Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloys, Matthew O'Keefe, Haifeng Zhou, J. T. Grant, and William Fahrenholtz


A Generalized Method for Determining the Crystal Nucleation and Growth Rates in Glasses by Differential Thermal Analysis, K. S. Ranisinghe, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day

Progress and Perspective of Processing Glass Forming Melts in Low Gravity, Chandra S. Ray and Delbert E. Day


Agglomerated Lubricant, Mary R. Reidmeyer


Structural Features of Lead Iron Phosphate Glasses, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, D. L. A. Faria, J. R. Martinelli, W. M. Pontuschka, C. S. M. Partiti, and D. E. Day


Structural Features and Properties of Lead-iron-phosphate Nuclear Wasteforms, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Mevlüt Karabulut, and D. E. Day


Segmented Roll for Casting Metal Strip, James R. Sauer, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Robert S. Williams


The Thermodynamic Properties of Phosphorus and Solid Binary Phosphides, Mark E. Schlesinger

Modeling the Nucleation and Growth Behavior of Solution Derived Thin Films, Robert W. Schwartz and H. D. Dobberstein


Development of High Performance Stress-biased Actuators through the Incorporation of Mechanical Pre-loads, Robert W. Schwartz and Manoj Narayanan


Effect of Carbon on the Microstructure and Superconducting Properties of YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Melt-Textured Crystals, Stephen W. Sofie and Fatih Dogan

On Microscale Heat Transfer in Thin Film Pyroelectric Sensors, S. Srinivasai, E. Marotta, Robert W. Schwartz, J. M. Ochterbeck, and R. S. Miller


An Evaluation of Steel Scrap as a Reducing Agent in the Galvanic Stripping of Iron from D2EHPA, J. Sun and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Defect and Mixed Conductivity in Nanocrystalline Doped Cerium Oxide, Toshio Suzuki, Igor Kosacki, and Harlan U. Anderson


Microstructure-electrical Conductivity Relationships in Nanocrystalline Ceria Thin Films, Toshio Suzuki, Igor Kosacki, and Harlan U. Anderson


Optical Properties of Undoped and Gd-doped CeO2 Nanocrystalline Thin Films, Toshio Suzuki, Igor Kosacki, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Harlan U. Anderson

New Dithioesters for the Raft Polymerization of Acrylamido Monomers, David B. Thomas, P. Hennaux, M. Donavan, B. Sumerlin, A. Convertine, and Charles L. McCormick


Corrosion Testing of a Simulated Five-Metal Epsilon Particle in Spent Nuclear Fuel, David J. Wronkiewicz, C. S. Watkins, A. C. Baughman, F. Scott Miller, and Stephen F. Wolf


Magnetic and Mössbauer Studies on Oxygen Deficient Perovskite, La₀.₆Sr₀.₄FeO3-δ, Jinbo Yang, William B. Yelon, William Joseph James, X.-D. Zhou, Yixiang Xie, Harlan U. Anderson, and Zili Chu


Evaluation of Lead Anode Reactions in Acid Sulfate Electrolytes: II. Manganese Reactions, Pu Yu and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Grain Size and Chemical Composition Effects on the Grain Boundary Resistance of Ceria, X.-D. Zhou, Harlan U. Anderson, and Wayne Huebner


Intermediate Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Challenges and Opportunities for the Materials Scientist, X.-D. Zhou, Fatih Dogan, and Harlan U. Anderson


Synthesis of PMMA-ceramics Nanocomposites by Spray Process, X.-D. Zhou and H. C. Gu


Room-Temperature Homogeneous Nucleation Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Nanometer Single Crystal CeO₂, X.-D. Zhou, Wayne Huebner, and Harlan U. Anderson


Processing Sodium Tellurite Melts in Low Gravity Drop Shaft. Part II. Melt Solidification and Glass Formation, Dongmei Zhu, C. S. Ray, Masaki Makihara, Wancheng Zhou, and D. E. Day


Processing Sodium Tellurite Melts in Low Gravity Drop Shaft. Part I. Melt Evaporation and Formation of Solid Particles from Vapor, Dongmei Zhu, C. S. Ray, Masaki Makihara, Wancheng Zhou, and D. E. Day

Crystalline Phase (Na₂O · 8TeO₂) Formed During Heat-Treatment of Na₂O-TeO₂ System, Dongmei Zhu, Wancheng Zhou, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day


Preface, Yuntian T. Zhu, Terence G. Langdon, Rajiv S. Mishra, S. Lee Semiatin, Michael J. Saran, and Terry C. Lowe

Submissions from 2001

Preliminary Results of the Detection and Identification of Glass Microsphere Taggants, E. Achelpohl, D. E. Day, and Paul Nicholas Worsey


Friction Stir Processing: a Tool to Homogenize Nanocomposite Aluminum Alloys, Patrick B. Berbon, William H. Bingel, Rajiv S. Mishra, Clifford C. Bampton, and Murray W. Mahoney

In Vitro Elution Trauma of Tobramycin from Bioabsorbable Polycaprolactone Beads, Timothy A. Burd, Jeffrey O. Anglen, Kent J. Lowry, Kelly J. Hendricks, and D. E. Day

Superplastic Behavior of Friction Stir Processed Aluminum-lithium Alloy, Indrajit Charit, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Kumar V. Jata

Electrical Property and Redox State in Iron Phosphate Melts, Fuyi Chen, Wanqi Jie, and D. E. Day

Development of Ultrafine Grained Materials using the MAXStrain® Technology, W. C. Chen, D. E. Ferguson, H. S. Ferguson, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Z. Jin


Colloidal Processing of Lead Lanthanum Zirconate Titanate Ceramics, JeongMin Cho and Fatih Dogan


Hydrothermal Precipitation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline BaTiO₃ Particles, Emin Ciftci, M. N. Rahaman, and Mark G. Shumsky


Laboratory Experiences in Glasses and Traditional Ceramics, Carol A. Click, Richard K. Brow, and William Fahrenholtz

Metal Deposition from Organic Solutions for Microelectronic Applications, E. Dahlgren, J. Sun, R. Fang, Thomas J. O'Keefe, Matthew O'Keefe, and R. Cortez


Evolution of the Resonance and Incommensurate Spin Fluctuations in Superconducting YBa₂Cu₃O₆₊ₓ, Pengcheng Dai, Herbert A. Mook, Rodney Dale Hunt, and Fatih Dogan


High-contrast Artificial Eyelid for Protection of Optical Sensors, Mark Davidson, Gregory J. Exarhos, Paul H. Holloway, Gary McGuire, Robert F. Cozzens, Robert W. Schwartz, and Scott H. Goodwin-Johansson

Tutorial Modules for the Study of Phase Equilibrium Diagrams, William Fahrenholtz, Holly R. Bentley, and Roger Malcolm Harris Smith


Spontaneous, Non-aqueous Electrochemical Deposition of Copper and Palladium on Al and Al(Cu) Thin Films, R. Fang, H. Gu, Matthew O'Keefe, Thomas J. O'Keefe, W. S. Shih, K. D. Leedy, and R. Cortez


Characterization and Soldering of Organic Modified Aluminum Thin Films and Bond Pads, Rui Fang, Eric Dahlgren, Matthew O'Keefe, Thomas J. O'Keefe, Wu Sheng Shih, Daniel R. Gamota, and Jie Zhang


Iron Redox Equilibrium, Structure, and Properties of Iron Phosphate Glasses, Xiangyu Fang, C. S. Ray, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, and D. E. Day


Chipping Resistant Polycrystalline Diamond and Carbide Composite Materials for Roller Cone Bits, Zhigangzak Fang, Anthony Griffo, Brian D. White, Dan Belnap, Robert W. Hamilton, Gary R. Portwood, Paul C. Cox, Greg Hilmas, and Jonathan W. Bitler


Fracture Resistant Super Hard Materials and Hardmetals Composite with Functionally Designed Microstructure, Z. Za. Fang, Anthony Griffo, Brian White, Greg Lockwood, Dan Belnap, Greg Hilmas, and Jonathan Bitler


Processing of Buffer Sheets for Sintering of PLZT Tapes, Jian-Huei Feng, Lucian G. Ferguson, and Fatih Dogan


A Highly Efficient NiO-Doped MgO Matched Emitter for Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion, Lucian G. Ferguson and Fatih Dogan


Spectrally Selective, Matched Emitters for Thermophotovoltaic Energy Conversion Processed by Tape Casting, Lucian G. Ferguson and Fatih Dogan


Highly Plasma Etch-Resistant Photoresist Composition Containing a Photosensitive Polymeric Titania Precursor, Tony D. Flaim, Douglas J. Guerrero, Michelle R. Fowler, William Joseph James, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Harlan U. Anderson

Abrasive Cutting Comparisons, R. D. Fossey, David A. Summers, Joseph William Newkirk, and Greg Galecki


Ultrasonic Characterization of Poling in Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics, James R. Friend, Eric Jamieson, Marvin Pennell, and Wayne Huebner


In Situ Microscopic Observation of the Formation Process of Pinning Centers in Nd-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor, Yoshinobu Fujishiro, Masanobu Awano, and Fatih Dogan


Experimental Characterization of Piezoelectric Friction Dampers, Gabriel T. Garrett, Genda Chen, Franklin Y. Cheng, and Wayne Huebner


Dopant Structural Distortions in High-temperature Superconductors: An Active or a Passive Role?, Daniel Haskel, Edward A. Stern, Fatih Dogan, and Arnie R. Moodenbaugh