Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 2006


Processing and Indentation Behavior of Functionally Designed Cellular Cemented Carbides Produced by Coextrusion, Jeremy Lee Watts and Greg Hilmas

Alloy Dissolution in Argon Stirred Steel, Darryl S. Webber, Kent D. Peaslee, and Von Richards


Magnetic Energy Change Available to Superconducting Condensation in Optimally Doped Yba₂Cu₃O₆.₉₅, Hyungje Woo, Pengcheng Dai, Stephen M. Hayden, Herbert A. Mook, Thomas Dahm, Douglas J. Scalapino, Toby G. Perring, and Fatih Dogan


Effects of Ba₆Ti₁₇O₄₀ on the Dielectric Properties of Nb-doped BaTiO₃ Ceramics, X. Xu and Greg Hilmas


Large Scale Growth and Magnetic Properties of Fe and Fe₃O₄ Nanowires, Jinbo Yang, H. Xu, Shaoxin You, X.-D. Zhou, C. S. Wang, William B. Yelon, and William Joseph James


Crystal and Electronic Structures of LiNH₂, Jinbo Yang, X.-D. Zhou, Qingsheng Cai, William Joseph James, and William B. Yelon


Comparison of Thermal Properties of Laser Deposition and Traditional Welding Process Via Thermal Diffusivity Measurement, Yu Yang, Omoghene Osaze Obahor, Yaxin Bao, Todd E. Sparks, Jianzhong Ruan, Jacquelyn K. Stroble, Robert G. Landers, Joseph William Newkirk, and Frank W. Liou


Prediction of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion in Welding of a Thin Wall Aluminum Butt Joint, Sanaz Yazdan Parast, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, and Iraj Rajabi

Characterization of Reactively Sputtered Ti-Si-N Films, Shaxin You, Benedict Johnson, Jinghua Sun, and Matthew O'Keefe


The Phase Stability of Cerium Species in Aqueous Systems: II. the Ce(III/IV)-H₂O-H₂O₂/O₂ Systems. Equilibrium Considerations and Pourbaix Diagram Calculations, Pu Yu, Scott A. Hayes, Matthew O'Keefe, James O. Stoffer, and Thomas J. O'Keefe


The Phase Stability of Cerium Species in Aqueous Systems III. the Ce(III/IV)-H2O-H2O2/O2 System Dimeric Ce(IV) Species, Pu Yu and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Pressureless Densification of Zirconium Diboride with Boron Carbide Additions, Shi C. Zhang, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz


Effect of Kissing Bond on Fatigue Behavior of Friction Stir Welds on Al 5083 Alloy, Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, and Guohong Luan


Effect of Oxide Array on the Fatigue Property of Friction Stir Welds, Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, and Guohong Luan


Effect of Root Flaws on the Fatigue Property of Friction Stir Welds in 2024-T3 Aluminum Alloys, Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, and Guohong Luan


Investigation of Microstructures and Fatigue Properties of Friction Stir Welded Al-Mg Alloy, Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, and Guohong Luan

Research Progress on the Fatigue Behavior of Friction Stir Welded Joints, Caizhi Zhou, Xinqi Yang, and Guohong Luan


Method for Preparation of Nanometer Cerium-Based Oxide Particles, X.-D. Zhou, Wayne Huebner, and Harlan U. Anderson


Structural and Magnetic Properties of La Mn₁₋ₓFeₓO₃ (0 < x < 1.0), X.-D. Zhou, L. R. Pederson, Qingsheng Cai, Jinbo Yang, B. J. Scarfino, M. Kim, William B. Yelon, William Joseph James, Harlan U. Anderson, and C. Wang


Electrical, Thermoelectric, and Structural Properties of La(MₓFe₁₋ₓ)O₃ (M=Mn, Ni, Cu), X.-D. Zhou, Jinbo Yang, E. C. Thomsen, Qingsheng Cai, B. J. Scarfino, Z. Nie, G. W. Coffey, William Joseph James, William B. Yelon, Harlan U. Anderson, and L. R. Pederson

Study on the Corrosion of Electrode Materials in Iron Phosphate Glass Melts, Dongmei Zhu, Cheol-Woon Kim, and D. E. Day


Preparation and Elements Analysis of Porous Fluorescent Glasses, Dongmei Zhu, Fa Luo, Wan-cheng Zhou, D. E. Day, and C. S. Ray

Effects of Gravity Level on Phase Separation of PbO-B₂O₂ Glasses, Dongmei Zhu, Fa Luo, Wancheng Zhou, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day

Method for Estimating Continuous Cooling Transformation Curves of Glasses, Dongmei Zhu, Wancheng Zhou, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day

Submissions from 2005

Processing and Characterization of Dense Thin Sheets of Gamma Titanium Aluminide, Alicia G. Adams, M. N. Rahaman, and Rollie E. Dutton


Three Dimentional Finite Element Simulation of Welding of a Thick Plate Flange by Using Anand Viscoplastic Model, Mohsen Asle Zaeem and Mohammad Rahim Nami

The Forge Welded Iron Cannon at Bada Burj of Golconda Fort Rampart, R. Balasubramaniam, Surender Maddela, and J. Shankar

Hematite Production from a Zinc Electrolyte by Galvanic Stripping and Pyroconversion, J. A. Barrera G, A. Ortega R, J. B. Hernández M, A. Ingalls C, and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Reactive Wetting of Mullite Al₂[Al₂₊₂ₓ + Si₂-₂ₓ ]O₁₀-ₓ Single Crystals by Yttrium-aluminosilicate and Borosilicate Glasses, W. Braue, P. D. Ownby, Benjamin T. Eldred, B. Hildmann, and B. Schneider


Structure of Rare-Earth Phosphate Glasses by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction, Richard K. Brow, Uwe Hoppe, D. Illeva, P. Jovari, and A. C. Hannon


TPB Test Provides New Insight to Fiber Strength, Quality, Richard K. Brow, Nathan P. Lower, and Charles R. Kurkjian


High Speed 1H MAS NMR Investigations of the Corrosion Surface in Phosphate Glass, Richard K. Brow, Brad C. Tischendorf, and Todd M. Alam


Deep Cup Forming by Superplastic Punch Stretching of Friction Stir Processed 7075 Al Alloy, Indrajit Charit, L. B. Johannes, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Amitabha Dutta


Low Temperature Superplasticity in a Friction-stir-processed Ultrafine Grained Al-Zn-Mg-Sc Alloy, Indrajit Charit and Rajiv S. Mishra

Enthalpies of Formation of LaMO3 Perovskites (M = Cr, Fe, Co, and Ni), Jihong Cheng, Alexandra Navrotsky, Xiao Dong Zhou, and Harlan U. Anderson


Thermochemistry of La 1-Sr xFeO 3-Δ Solid Solutions (0.0 ≤ X ≤ 1.0, 0.0 ≤ Δ ≤ 0.5), Jihong Cheng, Alexandra Navrotsky, Xiao Dong Zhou, and Harlan U. Anderson


Erratum: Combined Ab Initio Computational and Solid-State ¹⁷O MAS NMR Studies of Crystalline P₂O₅, Brian R. Cherry, Todd M. Alam, Carol A. Click, Richard K. Brow, and Zhehong Gan

Perspectives on Repaired Lead-Free Solder Joints, Richard Colfax, Matthew O'Keefe, Patricia Amick, David Kleine, Steve Vetter, and Dale Murry


Aqueous RAFT Polymerization of Acrylamide and N,N-Dimethylacrylamide At Room Temperature, Anthony J. Convertine, Brad S. Lokitz, Andrew B. Lowe, Charles W. Scales, Leslie J. Myrick, and Charles L. McCormick

Spontaneous Electrochemical Deposition of Gold Coatings from Organic Solutions, Eric Dahlgren, Jinghua Sun, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Matthew O'Keefe

Silicon Carbide Ceramics for Aerospace Applications- Processing, Microstructure, and Property Assessments, D. M. Deason, Greg Hilmas, A. Buchheit, and William Fahrenholtz

Effect of Stress State on Primary Creep Behavior of PM Al-Mg-Sc-Zr-SiC p Composite, S. P. Deshmukh and Rajiv S. Mishra

Effect of Stress State on Primary Creep Behavior of PM Al-Mg-Sc-Zr-SiC p Composite, S. P. Deshmukh and Rajiv S. Mishra


Continuous Solidification of YBa₂Cu₃O₇-x by Isothermal Undercooling, Fatih Dogan

Effect of Cathode Materials on the Performance of Single Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Module, Fatih Dogan, Toshio Suzuki, Piotr Z. Jasinski, and Harlan U. Anderson


Metal Surface Preparation Tips: a Study on the Effect of an Atmospheric Cold Plasma Pre- Treatment on the Surface of Aircraft Aluminum Alloys and in Cerium Conversion Coating Deposition Processes, Joe Edington, Ajay Padwal, Alexander Williams, Matthew O'Keefe, and Thomas J. O'Keefe

The ZrB₂ Volatility Diagram, William Fahrenholtz


Kinetics of Ceramic-metal Composite Formation by Reactive Metal Penetration, William Fahrenholtz, Kevin G. Ewsuk, Ronald E. Loehman, and Ping Lu


Thermodynamics of Refractories for Black Liquor Gasification, William Fahrenholtz, Alireza Rezaie, and William Lloyd Headrick

Advanced Tactical and Boost Nozzle Materials, M. Fulcher, Greg Hilmas, Sean E. Landwehr, William Fahrenholtz, and M. C. L. Patterson


Dielectric Powder/polymer Composites for High Energy Density Capacitors, Lynell J. Gilbert, Thomas P. Schuman, and Fatih Dogan


Processing of Composite Thin Film Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Structures, Brian P. Gorman and Harlan U. Anderson

Sintering, Phase Stability, and Thermal Conductivity of Plasma Sprayed Gd₂O₃-stabilized ZrO₂, Jacob R. Gross, Rollie E. Dutton, Hsin Wang, and M. N. Rahaman


Tellurium Thermodynamics in Austenitic Iron, Govind Sharan Gupta, D. G. C. Robertson, and Mark E. Schlesinger


Use of DSC to Distinguish Grades of Mozzarella Cheese, Jason B. Harris and Mark E. Schlesinger


Report on the "NSF-AFOSR Joint Workshop on Future Ultra-high Temperature Materials", Greg Hilmas and William Fahrenholtz

Silicon Carbide Ceramics for Aerospace Applications- Processing, Microstructure, and Property Assessments, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, Andrew A. Buchheit, and Douglas M. Deason

Oxidation of ZrB₂-SiC Ceramics under Atmospheric and Reentry Conditions, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, Adam L. Chamberlain, and Donald T. Ellerby


Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication of Ceramics, Tieshu Huang, Michael S. Mason, Greg Hilmas, and Ming-Chuan Leu


High Temperature Properties of an Iron Phosphate Melt Containing High Chrome Nuclear Waste, Wen-Hai Huang, C. S. Ray, Cheol-Woon Kim, and D. E. Day

Effect of Cr2O3 on the HLW Iron Phosphate Glass Wasteforms, Wen Hai Huang, Nai Zhou, Delbert E. Day, and Chandra S. Ray

Effect of Cr₂O₃ on the HLW Iron Phosphate Glass Wasteforms, Wenhai Huang, Nai Zhou, D. E. Day, and C. S. Ray

Glass Structure and Chemical Durability of Phosphate Glass Wasteforms Containing High Level Radioactive Nuclear Waste, Wenhai Huang, Nai Zhou, D. E. Day, and C. S. Ray


Impedance Studies of Diffusion Phenomena and Ionic and Electronic Conductivity of Cerium Oxide, Piotr Z. Jasinski, Vladimir Petrovsky, Toshio Suzuki, and Harlan U. Anderson


Electrical Properties of YSZ Films Prepared by Net Shape Technology, Piotr Z. Jasinski, Vladimir Petrovsky, Toshio Suzuki, Tatiana Petrovsky, and Harlan U. Anderson


Nanocomposite Nickel Ceria Cermet with Low Nickel Content for Anode-Supported SOFCs, Piotr Z. Jasinski, Toshio Suzuki, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Harlan U. Anderson

High Strain Rate Superplastic Properties of 7075 Aluminum via Friction Stir Processing, L. B. Johannes, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Indrajit Charit


Microstructural Characteristics of Cerium Oxide Conversion Coatings Obtained by Various Aqueous Deposition Methods, Benedict Y. Johnson, A. Williams, Matthew O'Keefe, and Joe Edington

Coarsening of BaCeO3 and Y2BaCuO5 Particles in YBa2Cu3O7-X Semisolid Melt, Oratai Jongprateep and Fatih Dogan

Coarsening of BaCeO₃ and Y₂BaCuO₅ Particles in YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Semisolid Melt, Oratai Jongprateep and Fatih Dogan


Effect of BaCeO₃ and BaSnO₃ Additives on Microstructural Development and Critical Current Density of Melt Textured YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ, Oratai Jongprateep, Fatih Dogan, Michael Strasik, and Kevin E. McCrary

Laser Metal Deposition of Functionally Graded Copper and Steel, Vinay Kadekar, Frank W. Liou, and Joseph William Newkirk


An EXAFS Investigation of Rare-Earth Local Environment in Ultraphosphate Glasses, M. Karabulut, E. Metwalli, A. K. Wittenauer, Richard K. Brow, G. K. Marasinghe, C. H. Booth, J. J. Bucher, and D. K. Shuh

Corrosion Resistance of Metal Electrodes in an Iron Phosphate Melt, Chang-Soo Kim, D. Zhu, and D. E. Day


Corrosion Resistance of Metal Electrodes in an Iron Phosphate Melt, Cheol-Woon Kim, Dongmei Zhu, and D. E. Day


Structure, Magnetic, and Transport Properties of Ti-substituted La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃, M. S. Kim, Jinbo Yang, Qingsheng Cai, X.-D. Zhou, William Joseph James, William B. Yelon, D. Buddhikot, Satish K. Malik, and Paul Ernest Parris


The Effect of Cu-Doping on the Magnetic and Transport Properties of La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃, M. S. Kim, Jinbo Yang, Qingsheng Cai, X.-D. Zhou, William B. Yelon, Paul Ernest Parris, and William Joseph James


The Wettability of Titanium Diboride by Molten Aluminum Drops, W. J. Krafick, P. D. Ownby, G. Ackart, and D. A. Weirauch Jr.


Positron Annihilation of Defects in Metals and Alloys, Hollis P. Leighly

Research on a Hybrid Manufacturing Process for Aerospace Structures, Frank W. Liou, Kevin P. Slattery, J. Choi, Hsin-Nan Chou, Mary Kinsella, Joseph William Newkirk, and K. Young


Synthesis and Characterization of Aluminum-polyaniline Thin Films and Membranes, Yan Liu, Matthew O'Keefe, Ayse Beyaz, and Thomas P. Schuman

The Forge Welded Iron Cannon Near Fateh Burj of Golconda Fort Rampart, Surender Maddela, J. Shankar, and R. Balasubramaniam


Stem Cell-based Composite Tissue Constructs for Regenerative Medicine, Jeremy J. Mao and M. N. Rahaman


Borate Glass Supports the in Vitro Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Cells, Nicholas W. Marion, Wen Liang, Gwendolen C. Reilly, D. E. Day, M. N. Rahaman, and Jeremy J. Mao


Borate Glass Supports the In Vitro Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Nicholas W. Marion, Wen Liang, Gwendolen C. Reilly, D. E. Day, M. N. Rahaman, and Jeremy J. Mao


Development of Ultrafine-grained Microstructure and Low Temperature (0.48 Tm) Superplasticity in Friction Stir Processed Al-Mg-Zr, Z. Y. Ma and Rajiv S. Mishra

Anomolus Shrinkage of Lanthanum Strontium Manganite, Benjamin McCarthy, Harlan Andersen, Xaio Dong Zhou, Larry Pederson, Gregory Coffey, and Prabhakar Singh


Investigation of Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Thin Cross-sections and Compliant Mechanisms, F. Scott Miller, Chen-Chun Kao, Albert Shih, and Jun Qu


Approaches toward Integrating Functionality into Structural Materials, Rajiv S. Mishra


Integral Channels in Metal Components and Fabrication Thereof, Rajiv S. Mishra


Creep Behavior of Extruded Al-6Mg-1Sc-1Zr-10 Vol.% SiCp Composite, Rajiv S. Mishra, S. P. Deshmukh, and K. L. Kendig


Laminated Metal Composites—high Temperature Deformation Behavior, Rajiv S. Mishra, R. B. Grishaber, A. V. Sergueeva, and A. K. Mukherjee


Friction Stir Welding and Processing, Rajiv S. Mishra and Z. Y. Ma

Embedding a Wrought Microstructure in a Cast Component: A Novel Application of Friction Stir Processing, Rajiv S. Mishra, M. R. Sharma, and Murray W. Mahoney


Studies of Lead-iron-phosphate Glasses by Raman, Mössbauer and Impedance Spectroscopy, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, A. Šantić, D. E. Day, and Kresimir Furic


Dielectric Behavior and Impedance Spectroscopy of Bismuth Iron Phosphate Glasses, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, A. Šantić, V. Licina, and D. E. Day


Friction Stir Microforming of Superplastic Alloys, Saurav Mohan and Rajiv S. Mishra

Effects of Processing on Sinter Hardened Steel Parts, Joseph William Newkirk, G. B. Fillari, Sanjay N. Thakur, T. F. Murphy, and K. S. Narasimhan

Local Modification of P/M Parts to Fully Densify and Enhance Properties, Joseph William Newkirk, Anand Jambunathan, Julie Ply, and Rajiv S. Mishra


Stressed-Biased Actuators: Fatigue and Lifetime, W. D. Nothwang, M. W. Cole, and Robert W. Schwartz