"Three Dimentional Finite Element Simulation of Welding of a Thick Plat" by Mohsen Asle Zaeem and Mohammad Rahim Nami

Three Dimentional Finite Element Simulation of Welding of a Thick Plate Flange by Using Anand Viscoplastic Model


Common and important problems associated with the welding of large structures are induced distortion and residual stresses, both difficult to simulate accurately given the intensive computational demands of such severely nonlinear processes. In this paper, temperature distribution and variation of stresses and deformations in welding of a thick plate flange have been evaluated by using a three dimensional (3D) model. For modeling of molten puddle motion (speed of welding) in numerical model, birth and dead element method have been employed. By using 3D nonlinear-transient-heat flow finite element analysis, temperature distribution versus time, during welding and after cooling, is obtained. Then by applying these results and viscoplastic condition (Anand viscoplastic model), stress distribution during welding and residual stresses and final deformations are determined.

Meeting Name

ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (2005, Sep. 24-28, Long Beach, CA)


Materials Science and Engineering


ASME Design Engineering Division
ASME Computers and Information in Engineering Division

Keywords and Phrases

Computer simulation; Finite element method; Mathematical models; Plates (structural components); Temperature distribution; Viscoplasticity; Computational demands; Nonlinear-transient-heat flow; Viscoplastic condition; Flanges

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2005 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Sep 2005

