"Prediction of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion in Welding of " by Sanaz Yazdan Parast, Mohsen Asle Zaeem et al.

Prediction of Residual Stresses and Buckling Distortion in Welding of a Thin Wall Aluminum Butt Joint


In this paper, global welding buckling distortion of a thin wall aluminum butt joint is investigated. To determine longitudinal residual stresses, a thermo-elastoplastic model is employed; analysis of thermal model and elastic-viscoplastic (Anand) model are decoupled. By using birth and death element method and time dependent model, molten puddle motion (speed of welding) is modeled. Three dimensional nonlinear-transient heat flow analysis has been used to obtain temperature distribution. By applying thermal results and using three dimensional Anand elastic-viscoplastic model, stress and deformation distributions are obtained. Residual stresses are applied on a structural model and by using eigenvalue methods, global buckling instability of butt welded joint is determined. The result of buckling investigation in the numerical model is compared with the result of an experiment.

Meeting Name

ASME 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (2006: Jul. 4-7, Torino, Italy)


Materials Science and Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Deformation distributions; Eigenvalue methods; Heat flow; Puddle motion; Aluminum; Buckling; Elastoplasticity; Heat transfer; Mathematical models; Residual stresses; Butt welding

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2006 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jul 2006

