Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 2024


Distributed sapphire fiber sensors for steel-making industrial applications, Farhan Mumtaz, Hanok Tekle, Bohong Zhang, Jeffrey D. Smith, Ronald J. O'Malley, Rex Gerald, and Jie Huang


Highly cascaded first-order fiber Bragg gratings in highly multimode optical fibers for distributed temperature sensing under harsh environment conditions, Farhan Mumtaz, Hanok Tekle, Bohong Zhang, Jeffrey D. Smith, Ronald J. O'Malley, Rex Gerald, and Jie Huang


Ultra-Fast Annealing Improves SNR and Long-term stability of a Highly Multiplexed Line-by-Line FBG Array Inscribed by Femtosecond Laser in a Coreless Fiber for Extreme-Temperature Applications, Farhan Mumtaz, Bohong Zhang, Jeffrey D. Smith, Ronald J. O'Malley, Rex E. Gerald, and Jie Huang


Phosphate-Based Dechlorination of Electrorefiner Salt Waste using a Phosphoric Acid Precursor, Paige Murray, Harmony Werth, Sean Sullivan, Brian J. Riley, Michael Simpson, Charmayne E. Lonergan, and Krista Carlson


A Lab-Scale Mold Simulator Employing an Optical-Fiber-Instrumented Mold to Characterize Initial Steel Shell Growth Phenomena, Muhammad A. Nazim, Rony K. Saha, Mario F. Buchely, Ronald J. O'Malley, Jie Huang, and Arezoo Emdadi


Hierarchical Microstructure Enables High Strength And Good Ductility In As-cast Fe27Ni35Cr18.25Al13.75Co2Ti2Mo2 High-entropy Alloy, Jiacheng Niu, Zhiqiang Fu, Weiping Chen, Tiwen Lu, Liangyan Hao, Wei Xiong, and Haiming Wen


Exceptional Combination of Mechanical Properties and Cavitation Erosion-corrosion Resistance in a Fe23.7Co23.8Ni23.8Cr23.7Mo5 Multi-principal Element Alloy, Jiacheng Niu, Zhiqiang Fu, Guoliang Hou, Qiang Chen, Ning Yao, Weiping Chen, Tiwen Lu, Chenliang Chu, and Haiming Wen


T.Effect of Atmosphere on Scale Evolution in Continuous Casting Process, T. P. Ojaiko, J. Hatcher Jr., R. Brost, R. Barrette, R. Osei, T. Bader, Mario F. Buchely, Simon Naumovich Lekakh, and Ronald J. O'Malley


Progress of LISAP-MSE: A Concept of Producing Aluminum In-Situ on the Moon through Molten Salt Electrolysis, Jacob N. Ortega, David Bayless, Daniel Stutts, Daoru Han, Todd P. Sander, Jeffrey Smith, Fateme Rezaei, and William Schonberg


A Concept of Producing Aluminum In-Situ on the Moon through Molten Salt Electrolysis, Jacob N. Ortega, Jeffrey Smith, Fateme Rezaei, David Bayless, William Schonberg, Daniel Stutts, and Daoru Han


A Concept of Producing Aluminum In-Situ on the Moon through Molten Salt Electrolysis, Jacob N. Ortega, Jeffrey Smith, Fateme Rezaei, David Bayless, William Schonberg, Daniel Stutts, and Daoru Han


Cf/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites With Extraordinary Thermomechanical Properties Up To 2000 °C, Min Sung Park, Jian Gu, Heesoo Lee, Sea Hoon Lee, Lun Feng, and William Fahrenholtz


Understanding Roles And Evaluating Reactivity Of Fly Ashes In Calcium Aluminate Binders, Sai Akshay Ponduru, Taihao Han, Jie Huang, Narayanan Neithalath, Gaurav Sant, and Aditya Kumar


Ring Opening Functionalization of Thiolactone Homopolymers for ROS Scavenging, Aaron Priester, Forrest Kievit, and Anthony J. Convertine


PISA Printing Microneedles With Controllable Aqueous Dissolution Kinetics, Aaron Priester, Jimmy Yeng, Yuwei Zhang, Krista Hilmas, Risheng Wang, and Anthony J. Convertine


Multiphysics Modeling and Experimental Validation of High-Strength Steel in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process, M. Rangapuram, S. Babalola, J. W. Newkirk, L. N. Bartlett, F. W. Liou, K. Chandrashekhara, and Stephen R. Cluff


Effect Of Grain Refinement On High Temperature Steam Oxidation Of An FeCrAl Alloy, Joshua Rittenhouse, Matthew Luebbe, Andrew Hoffman, Yuzi Liu, Raul B. Rebak, Rinat K. Islamgaliev, Ruslan Z. Valiev, Visharad Jalan, and Haiming Wen


Machine Learned Interatomic Potentials for Ternary Carbides Trained on the AFLOW Database, Josiah Roberts, Biswas Rijal, Simon Divilov, Jon Paul Maria, William G. Fahrenholtz, Douglas E. Wolfe, Donald W. Brenner, Stefano Curtarolo, and Eva Zurek


Development of a Highly Loaded Zirconium Carbide Paste for Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing, Clare Sabata, Austin J. Martin, Jeremy L. Watts, and Gregory E. Hilmas


Effect of Ti on Phase Transformation and Grain Evolution in Nb/V Microalloyed Steel, Barshan Saha, henry Haffner, Mario F. Buchely, Simon Naumovich Lekakh, K. Chandrashekhara, and Ronald J. O'Malley


Effect of Hot Rolling on Bainite Phase Transformation in High-Strength, Low-Alloy Steel, Barshan Saha, Henry Haffner, Mario Buchely, Simon Lekakh, K. Chandrashekhara, and R. O'Malley


Effect of Hot Rolling on Bainite Phase Transformation in High-Strength, Low-Alloy Steel, Barshan Saha, Henry Haffner, Mario Buchely, Simon Lekakh, K. Chandrashekhara, and R. O'Malley


Effect of Ti on Phase Transformation and Grain Evolution in Nb/v Microalloyed Steel, Barshan Saha, Henry Haffner, Mario Buchely, Simon Lekakh, K. Chandrashekhara, and R. O'Malley


IJMC/FEF Student Research Competition: Understanding the Effect of Boron on Graphite Nodularity and Distribution in Ductile Iron Castings, Chase Schroeder, Colleen Lehrer, Simon Lekakh, and Laura Bartlett


High Temperature Oxidation Regime Transitions in Hafnium Carbide, Jonathan A. Scott, Xiaoqing He, and David W. Lipke


Thermodynamic Analysis Of Metal Segregation In Dual Phase High Entropy Ceramics, Steven M. Smith, William G. Fahrenholtz, Gregory E. Hilmas, and Stefano Curtarolo


Impact of TiB2 Source on the Microstructure and Properties of TiB2–SiC–B4C Ceramics, Steven M. Smith, Suzana Filipovic, William G. Fahrenholtz, Gregory E. Hilmas, Carlo Baldisserri, and Laura Silvestroni


On The Use Of Machine Learning And Data-Transformation Methods To Predict Hydration Kinetics And Strength Of Alkali-Activated Mine Tailings-Based Binders, Sahil Surehali, Taihao Han, Jie Huang, Aditya Kumar, and Narayanan Neithalath


New Generation Graphenes in Cement-Based Materials: Production, Property Enhancement, and Life Cycle Analysis, Sahil Surehali, Sayee Srikarah Volaity, Aswathy Simon, Ranjith Divigalpitiya, Aditya Kumar, and Narayanan Neithalath


Modeling Powder Spreadability in Powder-Based Processes using the Discrete Element Method, Austin T. Sutton, M. Hossein Sehhat, Ming C. Leu, and Joseph W. Newkirk


Zeolite 13X Particles with Porous TiO2 Coating and Ag2O Nanoparticles as Multi-functional Filler Materials for Face Masks, Wei Su, Kaiying Wang, Han Yu, Fateme Fayyazbakhsh, Jeremy Watts, Yue-Wern Huang, Jee-Ching Wang, and Xinhua Liang

In-situ analysis of steelmaking slags and mold fluxes at elevated temperatures using a remote fiber-optic Raman probe, Hanok Tekle, Bohong Zhang, T. Sander, Jeffrey D. Smith, Rex Gerald, Jie Huang, and Ronald J. O'Malley


Experimental Investigation of a Viscoelastic Liner to Reduce under Helmet overpressures and Shock Wave Reflections, Cody J.H. Thomas, Fatih Dogan, and Catherine E. Johnson


Dielectric Properties Of Polycrystalline And Single Crystal (100) Strontium Titanate From 4 To 295 K, Hung Trinh, Alan Devoe, and Fatih Dogan


Influence of Nanofiller Surface Treatment on Mechanical Properties of Pyrolyzed Ceramic Nanocomposites, Laxmi Sai Viswanadha, Chenglin Wu, Jeremy Watts, and Mohammad Naraghi


Phenolic Polymer Infiltration and Pyrolysis Process for Additively Manufactured Carbon/PEEK Composites to Produce Carbon–carbon Composites, S. Weiler, H. A. Haffner, K. Chandrashekhara, J. Watts, G. E. Hilmas, J. Bayldon, and L. M. Rueschhoff


Ultra-high Temperature Ceramics for Extreme Environments, Brian C. Wyatt, Srinivasa Kartik Nemani, Gregory E. Hilmas, Elizabeth J. Opila, and Babak Anasori


Suppressing Aluminum/Silica Exchange Reaction Between High Aluminum Steel and Mold Flux Using Dopant Additions, K. Yermukhanbetov, Ronald J. O'Malley, Yijia Gu, T. Sander, K. Phillips, M. Nosbush, C. Rakers, and N. Gillespie


Development of an immersion fiber optic Raman probe for real-time analysis of molten materials, Bohang Zhang, Hanok Tekle, Bohong J. Zhang, Jeffrey D. Smith, Farhan J. Mumtaz, Rex Gerald, and Jie Huang


Enhancing aluminum casting efficiency through real-time optical fiber sensor monitoring at the metal-mold interface, Bohong Zhang, Abhishek Prakash Hungund, Bohong J. Zhang, Jeffrey D. Smith, Farhan J. Mumtaz, Rex Gerald, and Jie Huang


Fiber-Optic Raman Probe for On-line EAF Slag Analysis, Bohong Zhang, Hanok Tekle, Jeffrey D. Smith, Todd Sander, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Jie Huang


Decoding Crystallization Behavior Of Aluminoborosilicate Glasses: From Structural Descriptors To Quantitative Structure – Property Relationship (QSPR) Based Predictive Models, Yingcheng Zhang, Marco Bertani, Alfonso Pedone, Randall E. Youngman, Gregory Tricot, Aditya Kumar, and Ashutosh Goel


The Thermophysical Properties Of TcO2, Hong Zhong, Jason Lonergan, John S. McCloy, and Scott P. Beckman


Enhanced Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Electro-Deposited NiCoP Composite Coatings with ZrB2 Particle Addition, Ning Zhong, Jean Baptiste Maniriho, Qianlin Wu, Xiaodong Wang, Yijia Gu, Wenge Li, and Yuantao Zhao


Quasi-Static And Dynamic Deformation Of Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced By Core-Shell Al35Ti15Cu10Mn20Cr20 High-Entropy Alloy Particulates, Dezhi Zhu, Tingting Chen, Xiaoqiang Jin, Haiming Wen, Zhiqiang Fu, and Shengguan Qu

Submissions from 2023


Mechanism Underlying Effect Of Expansive Agent And Shrinkage Reducing Admixture On Mechanical Properties And Fiber-matrix Bonding Of Fiber-reinforced Mortar, Kamran Aghaee, Taihao Han, Aditya Kumar, and Kamal Khayat


Modeling Phase Selection And Extended Solubility In Rapid Solidified Alloys, Azeez Akinbo and Yijia Gu


Cascaded Sapphire Fiber Bragg Gratings Inscribed By Femtosecond Laser For Molten Steel Studies, Dinesh Reddy Alla, Deva Prasad Neelakandan, Farhan Mumtaz, Rex E. Gerald, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, Jeffrey D. Smith, and Jie Huang


Residual Stress Distribution, Distortion, And Crack Initiation In Conventional And Intensive Quench Practices, Kingsley Tochukwu Amatanweze, Mario F. Buchely, Viraj Ashok Athavale, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Toshi Suzuki

Effect of Intensive Quenching on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cr-Ni-Mo Steel, Kingsly T. Amatanweze, Mario F. Buchely, Viraj A. Athavale, Laura Bartlett, and Ronald J. O'Malley


Comparison of the Thermal Stability in Equal-Channel-Angular-Pressed and High-Pressure-Torsion-Processed Fe–21Cr–5Al Alloy, Maalavan Arivu, Andrew Hoffman, Jiaqi Duan, Jonathan Poplawsky, Xinchang Zhang, Frank Liou, Rinat Islamgaliev, Ruslan Valiev, and Haiming Wen


Comparison of the Thermal Stability in Equal-Channel-Angular-Pressed and High-Pressure-Torsion-Processed Fe–21Cr–5Al Alloy, Maalavan Arivu, Andrew Hoffman, Jiaqi Duan, Jonathan Poplawsky, Xinchang Zhang, Frank W. Liou, Rinat Islamgaliev, Ruslan Valiev, and Haiming Wen


A Study on the Impact of Silicon and Manganese on Peritectic Behavior in Low Alloy Steels Assisted by Mold Thermal Mapping Technology and Shell Growth Measurements, Damilola Balogun, Muhammad Roman, Rex E. Gerald, Laura Bartlett, Jie Huang, and Ronald J. O'Malley


Electrosteric Control Of The Aggregation And Yielding Behavior Of Concentrated Portlandite Suspensions, Sharu Bhagavathi Kandy, Narayanan Neithalath, Mathieu Bauchy, Aditya Kumar, Edward Garboczi, Torben Gaedt, Samanvaya Srivastava, and Gaurav Sant


A Hyperbaric Aerodynamic Levitator For Containerless Materials Research, Sydney E. Boland, Stephen K. Wilke, Jonathan A. Scott, Sarah M. Schlossberg, Alex Ivaschenko, Richard J.K. Weber, and David W. Lipke


High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of the SiC Layer of TRISO Particles in Low-Pressure Oxygen, Adam Bratten, Visharad Jalan, Meng Shi, Tyler Gerczak, Haiming Wen, Peter Doyle, Haiyan Zhao, and Xiaoqing He


The Angiogenic Potential Of PH-neutral Borophosphate Bioactive Glasses, Bradley A. Bromet, Nathaniel P. Blackwell, Nada Abokefa, Parker Freudenberger, Rebekah L. Blatt, Richard K. Brow, and Julie A. Semon


Optical Characterization of Boron Carbide Powders Synthesized with Varying B-To-C Ratios, Harlan J. Brown-Shaklee, Eric W. Neuman, William Fahrenholtz, and Gregory E. Hilmas


Optical Characterization of Boron Carbide Powders Synthesized with Varying B-To-C Ratios, Harlan J. Brown-Shaklee, Eric W. Neuman, William Fahrenholtz, and Gregory E. Hilmas


Optical Characterization of Boron Carbide Powders Synthesized with Varying B-To-C Ratios, Harlan J. Brown-Shaklee, Eric W. Neuman, William Fahrenholtz, and Gregory E. Hilmas


Calibration Of The Johnson–Cook Model At High Temperatures For An Ultra-High Strength CrNiMoV Steel, Mario F. Buchely, S. Chakraborty, V. Athavale, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, D. Field, K. Limmer, and K. Sebeck

Strain Rate and Temperature Dependence of Dynamic Recrystallization in a Lightweight Fe-Mn-Al Steel with Nickel Additions, Rogerio Cardoso, Michael Piston, Mario F. Buchely, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, Krista Limmer, Daniel Field, and Katherine Sebeck


Dynamic Recrystallization Behavior Of Ni-Containing Austenite-Based Fe-Mn-Al-C Steels, R. Cardoso, M. D. Piston, Mario F. Buchely, and Laura Bartlett


Additive Manufacturing of High Mechanical Strength Continuous Cf/SiC Composites using a 3D Extrusion Technique and Polycarbosilane-Coated Carbon Fibers, Ruoyu Chen, Adam Bratten, Joshua Rittenhouse, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Haiming Wen


Additive Manufacturing Of SiC-Sialon Refractory With Excellent Properties By Direct Ink Writing, Ruoyu Chen, Saisai Li, Xinxin Jin, and Haiming Wen


Additive Manufacturing Of (MgCoNiCuZn)O High-entropy Oxide Using A 3D Extrusion Technique And Oxide Precursors, Ruoyu Chen, Saisai Li, Qingfeng Yan, and Haiming Wen


Improving Strength and Microstructure of SiC Reticulated Porous Ceramic through In-Situ Generation of SiC Whiskers within Hollow Voids, Ruoyu Chen, Kunshi Xie, Haipeng Zhu, Qun He, Saisai Li, and Haiming Wen


Designing Shell-layer-core Architecture In Ti-based Composites To Achieve Enhanced Strength And Plasticity, T. Chen, Y. G. Yao, W. S. Cai, L. M. Kang, H. B. Ke, Haiming Wen, W. H. Wang, and C. Yang


Synthesizing Ti–Ni Alloy Composite Coating on Ti–6Al–4V Surface from Laser Surface Modification, Yitao Chen, Joseph William Newkirk, and Frank W. Liou


Synthesis, Densification, And Cation Inversion In High Entropy (Co,Cu,Mg,Ni,Zn)Al2O4 Spinel, Cole A. Corlett, Nina Obradovic, Jeremy Lee Watts, Eric W. Bohannan, and William Fahrenholtz


The Effect Of Crystal Anisotropy On Fracture Toughness And Strength Of ZrB2 Microcantilevers, Tamás Csanádi, Ahmad Azizpour, Marek Vojtko, and William Fahrenholtz


Implementation of Experimental Static Recrystallization of High Strength Steel into Computational Simulation of Multi-Pass Slab Hot Rolling, S. K. Dasari, S. Ganguly, A. Abutunis, K. Chandrashekhara, Mario F. Buchely, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, R. J. O'Malley, and T. Natarajan


Implementation of Experimental Static Recrystallization of High Strength Steel into Computational Simulation of Multi-Pass Slab Hot Rolling, S. K. Dasari, S. Ganguly, A. Abutunis, K. Chandrashekhara, M. F. Buchely, S. N. Lekakh, R. J. O'Malley, and T. Natarajan


Intragranular Nanocomposite Powders As Building Blocks For Ceramic Nanocomposites, Ryan D. Dempsey, Xiaoqing He, Jonathan A. Scott, and David W. Lipke


High Temperature Dielectric Properties Of Calcium Zirconate, Alan Devoe, Hung Trinh, and Fatih Dogan


Review Of Magnetic Properties And Texture Evolution In Non-Oriented Electrical Steels, Yizhou Du, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Mario F. Buchely


Effect of Annealing Time on Texture Evolution of Fe–3.4 Wt% Si Nonoriented Electrical Steel, Yizhou Du, Ronald J. O'Malley, Mario F. Buchely, and Paul Kelly


Boro/carbothermal Reduction Co-Synthesis of Dual-Phase High-Entropy Boride-Carbide Ceramics, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, Gregory E. Hilmas, and Stefano Curtarolo


Strength Retention Of Single-phase High-entropy Diboride Ceramics Up To 2000°C, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, Gregory E. Hilmas, Yue Zhou, and Jincheng Bai


Ultrafine-Grained Fe-TiB2 High-Modulus Nanocomposite Steel with High Strength and Isotropic Mechanical Properties by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Shuai Feng, Shuai Guan, Shengbiao Zhang, Shahryar Mooraj, Matthew Luebbe, Xuesong Fan, Kevin A. Beyer, Tianyi Li, Jian Liu, Jian Kong, Peter K. Liaw, Haiming Wen, Simos Gerasimidis, and Wen Chen


Oxidation Behavior of Nb-Coated Zirconium Diboride, Jan E. Förster, William Fahrenholtz, Gregory E. Hilmas, and Ravisankar Naraparaju


Dissolution Rates of Borophosphate Glasses in Deionized Water and in Simulated Body Fluid, Parker T. Freudenberger, Rebekah L. Blatt, and Richard K. Brow


Network Structures and the Properties of Na-Ca-Sr-Borophosphate Glasses, Parker T. Freudenberger, Rebekah L. Blatt, Randall E. Youngman, and Richard K. Brow


Network Structures and the Properties of Na-Ca-Sr-Borophosphate Glasses, Parker T. Freudenberger, Rebekah L. Blatt, Randall E. Youngman, and Richard K. Brow


Network Structures and the Properties of Na-Ca-Sr-Borophosphate Glasses, Parker T. Freudenberger, Rebekah L. Blatt, Randall E. Youngman, and Richard K. Brow


Switching of Control Mechanisms during the Rapid Solidification of a Melt Pool, Yijia Gu, Jiandong Yuan, and Lianyi Chen


On The Prediction Of The Mechanical Properties Of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement: A Random Forest Approach Tailored To Cement Chemistry, Taihao Han, Bryan K. Aylas-Paredes, Jie Huang, Ashutosh Goel, Narayanan Neithalath, and Aditya Kumar


Deep Learning to Predict the Hydration and Performance of Fly Ash-Containing Cementitious Binders, Taihao Han, Rohan Bhat, Sai Akshay Ponduru, Amit Sarkar, Jie Huang, Gaurav Sant, Hongyan Ma, Narayanan Neithalath, and Aditya Kumar


Deep Learning to Predict the Hydration and Performance of Fly Ash-Containing Cementitious Binders, Taihao Han, Rohan Bhat, Sai Akshay Ponduru, Amit Sarkar, Jie Huang, Gaurav Sant, Hongyan Ma, Narayanan Neithalath, and Aditya Kumar


Modeling Hydration Kinetics Of Sustainable Cementitious Binders Using An Advanced Nucleation And Growth Approach, Taihao Han, Jie Huang, Gaurav Sant, Narayanan Neithalath, Ashutosh Goel, and Aditya Kumar


Predicting Dissolution Kinetics of Tricalcium Silicate using Deep Learning and Analytical Models, Taihao Han, Sai Akshay Ponduru, Arianit Reka, Jie Huang, Gaurav Sant, and Aditya Kumar

Extraction of Critical Elements from Sulfuric Acid Solutions, Weston C. Hartzell and Michael S. Moats


Extraction Of Critical Electronic Materials From Steelmaking Wastes, Weston Hartzell and Michael S. Moats


Behavior Of Oil-based Modeling Clay At Medium Strain Rates, Camilo Hernandez, Mario F. Buchely, Juan P. Casas-Rodriguez, and Alejandro Maranon


Novel Effects of Grain Size and Ion Implantation on Grain Boundary Segregation in Ion Irradiated Austenitic Steel, Andrew K. Hoffman, Yongfeng Zhang, Maalavan Arivu, Li He, Kumar Sridharan, Yaqiao Wu, Rinat K. Islamgaliev, Ruslan Z. Valiev, and Haiming Wen


Erratum To “Structure Of Tin Phosphate Glasses By Neutron And X-ray Diffraction” [Journal Of Non Crystalline Solids:X 2C (2019) 100017] (Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids: X (2019) 2, (S2590159119300305), (10.1016/j.nocx.2019.100017)), U. Hoppe, Richard K. Brow, A. C. Hannon, and M. V. Zimmermann


Characterization of Virgin, Re-Used, and Oxygen-Reduced Copper Powders Processed by the Plasma Spheroidization Process, M. Hossein Sehhat, David Perez-Palomino, Connor Wiedemeier, Tristan Cullom, and Joseph William Newkirk


Characterization of Virgin, Re-Used, and Oxygen-Reduced Copper Powders Processed by the Plasma Spheroidization Process, M. Hossein Sehhat, David Perez-Palomino, Connor Wiedemeier, Tristan Cullom, and Joseph William Newkirk


Characterization of Virgin, Re-Used, and Oxygen-Reduced Copper Powders Processed by the Plasma Spheroidization Process, M. Hossein Sehhat, David Perez-Palomino, Connor Wiedemeier, Tristan Cullom, and Joseph William Newkirk


Real-Time Air Gap And Thickness Measurement Of Continuous Caster Mold Flux By Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometer, Abhishek Prakash Hungund, Hanok Tekle, Bohong Zhang, Ronald J. O'Malley, Jeffrey D. Smith, Rex E. Gerald, and Jie Huang