Submissions from 2020
A Simple Route to Fabricate Strong Boride Hierarchical Composites for Use at Ultra-High Temperature, Laura Silvestroni, Nicola Gilli, Andrea Migliori, Diletta Sciti, Jeremy Lee Watts, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Binderless WC with High Strength and Toughness Up to 1500 °C, Laura Silvestroni, Nicola Gilli, Andrea Migliori, Diletta Sciti, Jeremy Lee Watts, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Build Accuracy and Compression Properties of Additively Manufactured 304L Honeycombs, Myranda Spratt, Sudharshan Anandan, Rafid Hussein, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, Mishak Heath, and Michael Walker
Optimization and Characterization of Novel Injection Molding Process for Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams, Myranda Spratt and Joseph William Newkirk
Design and Fabrication of Metal Matrix Syntactic Foams by Low-Pressure Injection Molding, Myranda Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, and K. Chandrashekhara
Effects of Ti, Y, and Hf Additions on the Thermal Properties of ZrB₂, A. D. Stanfield, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Characterization of AISI 304L Stainless Steel Powder Recycled in the Laser Powder-Bed Fusion Process, Austin T. Sutton, Caitlin S. Kriewall, Sreekar Karnati, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Joseph William Newkirk
Evolution of AISI 304L Stainless Steel Part Properties Due to Powder Recycling in Laser Powder-Bed Fusion, Austin T. Sutton, Caitlin S. Kriewall, Sreekar Karnati, Ming-Chuan Leu, Joseph William Newkirk, Wes Everhart, and Ben Brown
Characterization of Laser Spatter and Condensate Generated during the Selective Laser Melting of 304L Stainless Steel Powder, Austin T. Sutton, Caitlin S. Kriewall, Ming-Chuan Leu, Joseph William Newkirk, and Ben Brown
Durability of Calcium Sulfoaluminate Cement Concrete, Bowen Tan, Monday Uchenna Okoronkwo, Aditya Kumar, and Hongyan Ma
Resistive switching in atomic layer deposited HfO2/ZrO2 nanolayer stacks, Lin Tang, Hiraku Maruyama, Taihao Han, Juan C. Nino, Yonghong Chen, and Dou Zhang
Atomic Dislocations and Bond Rupture Govern Dissolution Enhancement under Acoustic Stimulation, Longwen Tang; Shiqi Dong; Ross Arnold; Erika Callagon La Plante; Juan Carlos Vega-Vila; Dale Prentice; Kirk Ellison; Aditya Kumar; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
A Computationally Efficient Approach for Predicting Toughness Enhancement in Ceramic Composites with Tailored Inclusion Arrangements, Aditya R. Thakur, Congjie Wei, Chenglin Wu, Jeremy Lee Watts, and Charles S. Wojnar
Bioactive Borate Glass Triggers Phenotypic Changes in Adipose Stem Cells, Nathan J. Thyparambil, Lisa C. Gutgesell, Bradley A. Bromet, Lauren E. Flowers, Samantha Greaney, D. E. Day, and Julie A. Semon
Adult Stem Cell Response to Doped Bioactive Borate Glass, Nathan J. Thyparambil, Lisa C. Gutgesell, Cassandra C. Hurley, Lauren E. Flowers, D. E. Day, and Julie A. Semon
AFS/FEF Student Technology Contest: Effect of Carbon and Aluminum on Hardness and Notch Toughness in Lightweight, Advanced High-Strength Steels, R. Van Dyke and Laura Bartlett
The Influence of Ti, Nb and V on the Hot Ductility of As-Cast Microalloyed Steels, Madhuri Varadarajan, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Semen Naumovich Lekakh
Experiment and Simulation of Static Softening Behavior of Alloyed Steel during Round Bar Hot Rolling, X. Wang, K. Chandrashekhara, Mario F. Buchely, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, David C. Van Aken, Ronald J. O'Malley, G. W. Ridenour, and E. Scheid
Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment-Induced Dissolution of Cu4Ti Precipitates in Cu—4wt-%Ti Alloy, Huan Wei, Xinyu Dai, Pengju Han, Caizhi Zhou, Yinghui Wei, and Lifeng Hou
Characterization of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash as a Potential Supplementary Cementitious Material: Comparison with Coal Combustion Fly Ash, Ping Zhang, Wenyu Liao, Aditya Kumar, Qian Zhang, and Hongyan Ma
Effect of Selenium on the Machinability of As-Hot Rolled and Heat Treated 4140 Steel, Xueliang Zhang, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Eduardo Scheid
Improvement of Flexural and Tensile Strength of Layered-Casting UHPC with Aligned Steel Fibers, Yang Zhang, Yanping Zhu, Shaoqin Qu, Aditya Kumar, and Xudong Shao
Carbon Vacancy Ordering in Zirconium Carbide Powder, Yue Zhou, Thomas W. Heitmann, Eric W. Bohannan, Joseph C. Schaeperkoetter, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Flexural and Tensile Strength of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete with ZnPh-Treated Steel Fibers, Yanping Zhu, Yang Zhang, Shaoqin Qu, and Aditya Kumar
Submissions from 2019
Electronic Structure and Mechanical Properties of Crystalline Precipitate Phases M₂₃C₆ (M=Cr, W, Mo, Fe) in Ni-Based Superalloys, Puja Adhikari, Saro San, Caizhi Zhou, Ridwan Sakidja, and Wai-Yim Ching
Severe Plastic Deformation Assisted Carbide Precipitation in Fe-21Cr-5Al Alloy, Maalavan Arivu, Andrew Hoffman, Jiaqi Duan, Haiming Wen, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Ruslan Valiev
Thermal Stability of Ultrafine-Grained FeCrAl Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing or High-Pressure Torsion, M. Arivu, A. K. Hoffman, J. Q. Duan, and Haiming Wen
Effect of Grain Refining on Properties of Super Austenitic Stainless Steel, Dustin A. Arvola, Mark C. Emmendorfer, Ronald J. O'Malley, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Laura Bartlett
Structure and Properties of Mo-Fe-Phosphate Glasses, Jincheng Bai, Jenhsien Hsu, Richard K. Brow, Cheol-Woon Kim, Joe Szabo, and Adam Zervos
The Structure and Properties of Cesium Loaded Mo-Fe-Phosphate Glasses, Jincheng Bai, Jen Hsien Hsu, Prashanth Sandineni, Cheol-Woon Kim, and Richard K. Brow
Filtration Efficiency of Inclusions in FeMnAl Steels, Koushik K. Balasubramanian, Soumava Chakraborty, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Mingzhi Xu
Influence of Particulate Geometry on Permeability of Porous Materials, Ajaybabu Banala, Hongyan Ma, and Aditya Kumar
Nano-Scale Microstructure Damage by Neutron Irradiations in a Novel Boron-11 Enriched TiB₂ Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic, A. Bhattacharya, C. M. Parish, T. Koyanagi, C. M. Petrie, D. King, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, S. J. Zinkle, and Y. Katoh
Analysis of Hot- and Cold-Rolled Loads in Medium-Mn TRIP Steels, Mario F. Buchely, D. M. Field, and David C. Van Aken
The Use of Genetic Algorithms to Calibrate Johnson-Cook Strength and Failure Parameters of AISI/SAE 1018 Steel, Mario F. Buchely, X. Wang, David C. Van Aken, Ronald J. O'Malley, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and K. Chandrashekhara
Micro-Slotting Residual Stress Measurement Technique for Understanding Fatigue Performance of Open-Hole Ti-6Al-4V Samples, Elizabeth Burns, Joseph William Newkirk, James Castle, and Jennifer Creamer
Ceria-Based Coatings and Pigments, Carlos E. Castano, William Fahrenholtz, and Matthew J. O'Keefe
Effect of Physical State of Non-Metallic Inclusions on the Accumulation Within Magnesia-Stabilized Zirconia Foam Filters, Soumava Chakraborty, Ronald J. O'Malley, Laura Bartlett, and Logan Huddleston
Self-Cleaning, Stain-Resistant and Anti-Bacterial Superhydrophobic Cotton Fabric Prepared by Simple Immersion Technique, Poonam Chauhan, Aditya Kumar, and Bharat Bhushan
Glycan Targeted Polymeric Antibiotic Prodrugs for Alveolar Macrophage Infections, Jasmin Chen; Fang-Yi Su; Debobrato Das; Anthony J. Convertine; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Void Growth on Grain Boundaries in Ni-Based Superalloys, Tianju Chen, Ridwan Sakidja, Wai-Yim Ching, and C. Zhou
Crystal Plasticity Modeling the Deformation in Nanodomained Heterogenous Structures, Tianju Chen and Caizhi Zhou
Effect of the Grain Size and Distribution of Nanograins on the Deformation of Nanodomained Heterogeneous Nickel, Tianju Chen and Caizhi Zhou
AFS/FEF Student Technology Contest: Understanding the Role of Mo on К-Carbide Precipitation and Fracture of Lightweight Advanced High-Strength Steels, Trevor Constance, Laura Bartlett, and Rairu Vaz Penna
Prediction of Compressive Strength of Concrete: Critical Comparison of Performance of a Hybrid Machine Learning Model with Standalone Models, Rachel Cook, Jonathan Lapeyre, Hongyan Ma, and Aditya Kumar
Mechanism of Tricalcium Silicate Hydration in the Presence of Polycarboxylate Polymers, Rachel Cook, Hongyan Ma, and Aditya Kumar
Ionic Conductivity Behavior by Activated Hopping Conductivity (Ahc) of Barium Aluminoborosilicate Glass–ceramic System Designed for Sofc Sealing, M. J. Da Silva, W. M. Pontuschka, J. F. Bartolomé, P. Jasinski, J. Karczewski, and Signo Tadeu Dos Reis
Biodegradable Composite Scaffold for Repairing Defects in Load-Bearing Bones, D. E. Day and Ali Mohammadkhah
The Synthesis, Characterization and Effect of Molar Mass Distribution on Solid-State Degradation Kinetics of Oligo(Orcinol), Fatih Dogan, Naciye Özdek, Nursel Acar Selçuki, and İsmet Kaya
Evolution of Microstructure and Texture during Annealing in a High-Pressure Torsion Processed Fe-9Cr Alloy, Jiaqi Duan, Haiming Wen, Caizhi Zhou, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Xianchao Li
Grain Size Effects in Selective Laser Melted Fe-Co-2V, Wesley Everhart and Joseph William Newkirk
Mechanical Properties of Heusler Alloys, Wesley Everhart and Joseph William Newkirk
Effect of SLM Build Parameters on the Compressive Properties of 304L Stainless Steel, Okanmisope Fashanu, Mario F. Buchely, Myranda Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, Heath Misak, and Michael Walker
Effective Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Metallic Lattice Structures: Unit-Cell Modeling, Okanmisope Fashanu, David Murphy, Myranda Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, Ben Brown, and John Porter
Effective Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Metallic Lattice Structures: Unit-Cell Modeling, O. Fashanu, D. Murphy, M. Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, B. Brown, and J. Porter
Low-Temperature Sintering of Single-Phase, High-Entropy Carbide Ceramics, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Synthesis, Densification, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of Samarium Hexaboride Ceramic, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, and Yew San Hor
Densification, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of ZrC-SiC Ceramics, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, Jeremy Lee Watts, and Yue Zhou
Synthesis of Single-Phase High-Entropy Carbide Powders, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, and Yue Zhou
Characterization of 20Na₂O·30((1−x)CaO·xSrO)·50P₂O₅ Glasses for a Resorbable Optical Fiber Application, Parker T. Freudenberger, Akira Saitoh, Hikaru Ikeda, Md Shibab Adnan, Hiromichi Takebe, Shingo Nakane, Chang-Soo Kim, and Richard K. Brow
Atom Probe Tomography Study of an Fe₂₅Ni₂₅Co₂₅Ti₁₅Al₁₀ High-Entropy Alloy Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy, Zhiqiang Fu, Andrew Hoffman, Benjamin E. MacDonald, Zhenfei Jiang, Weiping Chen, Maalavan Arivu, Haiming Wen, and Enrique J. Lavernia
ZrB2 -MoSi₂ Ceramics: A Comprehensive overview of Microstructure and Properties Relationships. Part II: Mechanical Properties, Ryan J. Grohsmeyer, Laura Silvestroni, Greg Hilmas, Frederic Monteverde, William Fahrenholtz, Andrea D'Angio, and Diletta Sciti
ZrB2 -MoSi₂ Ceramics: A Comprehensive overview of Microstructure and Properties Relationships. Part I: Processing and Microstructure, Ryan J. Grohsmeyer, Laura Silvestroni, Greg Hilmas, Frederic Monteverde, William Fahrenholtz, Andrea D'Angio, and Diletta Sciti
Prediction of Compressive Strength and Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete using Machine Learning Models, Taihao Han, Kamal Khayat, Hongyan Ma, Jie Huang, and Aditya Kumar
Elevated Temperature Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of SLM SS304L, G. R. Hecht, Sriram Praneeth Isanaka, and Joseph William Newkirk
Effects of Severe Plastic Deformation and Irradiation on Segregation and Precipitation in Ultrafine-Grained Steels Studied using Atom-Probe Tomography, A. K. Hoffman and Haiming Wen
High-Pressure Torsion Assisted Segregation and Precipitation in a Fe-18Cr-8Ni Austenitic Stainless Steel, Andrew Hoffman, Haiming Wen, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Ruslan Valiev
Publisher Correction: Pore Elimination Mechanisms during 3D Printing of Metals (Nature Communications, (2019), 10, 1, (3088), 10.1038/S41467-019-10973-9), S. Mohammad H. Hojjatzadeh, Niranjan D. Parab, Wentao Yan, Qilin Guo, Lianghua Xiong, Cang Zhao, Mimglei Qu, Luis I. Escano, Xianghui Xiao, Kamel Fezzaa, Wes Everhart, Tao Sun, and Lianyi Chen
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of (Mg,Co,Ni,Cu,Zn)O High-Entropy Ceramics, Weichen Hong, Fei Chen, Qiang Shen, Young-Hwan Han, William Fahrenholtz, and Lianmeng Zhang
Structure of Tin Phosphate Glasses by Neutron and X-Ray Diffraction, U. Hoppe, Richard K. Brow, A. C. Hannon, and M. V. Zimmermann
Effect of {10−12} Twinning on the Deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, Dewen Hou, Yuzhi Zhu, Qizhen Li, Tianmo Liu, and Haiming Wen
Unusual Size Effects from Tilted Twin Boundaries in Nano-Twinned Metals, Sixie Huang, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Caizhi Zhou
Fracture Resistance of Cu/Nb Metallic Nanolayered Composite, Sixie Huang and Caizhi Zhou
Relaxin as an Enhancer of BMP-2 Loaded Hydroxyapatite Microspheres in Bone Regeneration, S. Injamuri, M. N. Rahaman, Y. Shen, and Yue-Wern Huang
Direct Write of Photonics using a Filament-Fed Laser-Heated Process, Jason E. Johnson, Nicholas Capps, Chen Zhu, Jen Hsien Hsu, Jonathan Goldstein, Richard K. Brow, Jie Huang, Douglas A. Bristow, Robert G. Landers, and Edward C. Kinzel
Characterization of Copper-Nickel Alloys Fabricated using Laser Metal Deposition and Blended Powder Feedstocks, Sreekar Karnati, Frank W. Liou, and Joseph William Newkirk
On the Feasibility of Tailoring Copper-Nickel Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated through Laser Metal Deposition, Sreekar Karnati, Yunlu Zhang, Frank W. Liou, and Joseph William Newkirk
Methods of Use and Manufacture of Silver-Doped, Nano-Porous Hydroxyapatite, Cheol-Woon Kim and Richard K. Brow
Near-Field Electrospinning of a Polymer/Bioactive Glass Composite to Fabricate 3D Biomimetic Structures, Krishna C. R. Kolan, Jie Li, Sonya Roberts, Julie A. Semon, Jonghyun Park, D. E. Day, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Bioprinting with Human Stem Cell-Laden Alginate-Gelatin Bioink and Bioactive Glass for Tissue Engineering, Krishna C. R. Kolan, Julie A. Semon, Bradley Bromet, D. E. Day, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Plasma Spheroidization of Vitreloy 106A Bulk Metallic Glass Powder, Caitlin S. Kriewall and Joseph William Newkirk
Thin-Film Capacitor Technology for Improving Broadband Power Integrity, William B. Kuhn, Andrew D. Fund, J. Anbrose Wolf, Robert W. Schwartz, James Claypool, Matthew O'Keefe, and Wayne Huebner
Braze for ceramic and ceramic matrix composite components, Sean E. Landwehr, Scott Nelson, Jeremy Lee Watts, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, and Derek Scott King
Effect of Particle Size Distribution of Metakaolin on Hydration Kinetics of Tricalcium Silicate, Jonathan Lapeyre, Hongyan Ma, and Aditya Kumar
Distinct Effects of Irradiation on the Structure and Chemical Reactivity of Silicates and Carbonates, E. C. la Plante; Y.-H. Hsiao; I. Pignatelli; Aditya Kumar; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
Effect of Nonmetallic Inclusions on Solidification of Inoculated Spheroidal Graphite Iron, Semen Naumovich Lekakh
Engineering Nucleation Kinetics of Graphite Nodules in Inoculated Cast Iron for Reducing Porosity, Semen Naumovich Lekakh
3D Characterization of Structure and Micro-Porosity in Two Cast Irons with Spheroidal Graphite, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Xueliang Zhang, Wesley Tucker, Hyoung-Koo Lee, Tara Selly, and James D. Schiffbauer
Grain Refinement in Iron-Based Materials, Simon Naumovich Lekakh, Von Richards, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Jun Ge
Method and Apparatus for Fabricating Ceramic and Metal Components via Additive Manufacturing with Uniform Layered Radiation Drying, Ming-Chuan Leu, Amir Ghazanfari, Wenbin Li, Greg Hilmas, and Robert G. Landers
Multifunctional Lightweight Aggregate Containing Phase Change Material and Water for Damage Mitigation of Concrete, Wenyu Liao, Aditya Kumar, Kamal Khayat, and Hongyan Ma
Hydration of Binary Portland Cement Blends Containing Silica Fume: A Decoupling Method to Estimate Degrees of Hydration and Pozzolanic Reaction, Wenyu Liao, Xiao Sun, Aditya Kumar, Hongfang Sun, and Hongyan Ma
Dynamical Control over Terahertz Electromagnetic Interference Shielding with 2D Ti₃C₂Ty MXene by Ultrafast Optical Pulses, Guangjiang Li, Naaman Amer, Hassan A. Hafez, Shuohan Huang, Dmitry Turchinovich, Vadym Mochalin, Frank A. Hegmann, and Lyubov V. Titova
Micron-sized Spinel Crystals In High Level Waste Glass Compositions: Determination Of Crystal Size And Crystal Fraction, C. (Charmayne) E. Lonergan, K. Akinloye-Brown, J. Rice, V. Gervasio, N. Canfield, M. J. Schweiger, and J. D. Vienna
Modeling And Experimental Determination Of Physical Properties Of Ge x Ga y Se 1-x-y Chalcogenide Glasses II: Optical And Thermal Properties, Jason Lonergan, Charmayne Lonergan, John McCloy, and Kathleen A. Richardson
Modeling And Experimental Determination Of Physical Properties Of Ge x -Ga y -Se 1-x-y Chalcogenide Glasses I: Structure And Mechanical Properties, Jason Lonergan, Charmayne Lonergan, John McCloy, and Kathleen A. Richardson
Effects of Solidification Defects on Nanoscale Mechanical Properties of Rapid Directionally Solidified Al-Cu Alloy: A Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Study, Avik Mahata and Mohsen Asle Zaeem
Erratum: Size Effect in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nucleation Process during Solidification of Pure Metals: Investigating Modified Embedded Atom Method Interatomic Potentials (Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. (2019) 27 (085015) Doi: 10.1088/1361-651x/ab4b36/meta), Avik Mahata and Mohsen Asle Zaeem
Evolution of Solidification Defects in Deformation of Nano-Polycrystalline Aluminum, Avik Mahata and Mohsen Asle Zaeem
Effect of Silica Fume and Slump-Retaining Polycarboxylate-Based Dispersant on the Development of Properties of Portland Cement Paste, Weina Meng, Aditya Kumar, and Kamal Khayat