Submissions from 2021
A Review On Alpha Case Formation And Modeling Of Mass Transfer During Investment Casting Of Titanium Alloys, R. Sharon Uwanyuze, Janos E. Kanyo, Sarah F. Myrick, and Stefan Schafföner
Mechanical Properties, Translucency, And Low Temperature Degradation (LTD) Of Yttria (3–6 Mol%) Stabilized Zirconia, R. Sharon Uwanyuze, Sulekha Ramesh, Mark K. King, Nathaniel Lawson, and Manoj K. Mahapatra
Hot Ductility Behavior of V-N Microalloyed Steels, Madhuri Varadarajan, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Mario F. Buchely
Stainless Steel Substrate Pretreatment Effects on Copper Nucleation and Stripping during Copper Electrowinning, Florian Verbruggen, Erika Fiset, Luiza Bonin, Antonin Prévoteau, Michael S. Moats, Tom Hennebel, and Korneel Rabaey
Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Fretting Fatigue Behavior of an Aluminum Alloy, Jian Wang, Tianju Chen, and Caizhi Zhou
Predicting the Energetics and Kinetics of Cr Atoms in Fe-Ni-Cr Alloys Via Physics-Based Machine Learning, Yuchu Wang, Bita Ghaffari, Christopher Taylor, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Mei Li, and Yue Fan
A Comparison of Adhesive Wear with Three-Body Abrasive Wear Characteristics of Graphitic White Irons Designed for Metal-To-Metal Wear Systems, Jie Wan, David C. Van Aken, Jingjing Qing, and Mingzhi Xu
Machine Learning Enabled Models to Predict Sulfur Solubility in Nuclear Waste Glasses, Xinyi Xu, Taihao Han, Jie Huang, Albert A. Kruger, Aditya Kumar, and Ashutosh Goel
Helium Effects and Bubbles Formation in Irradiated Ti₃SiC₂, Hongliang Zhang, Ranran Su, Izabela Szlufarska, Liqun Shi, and Haiming Wen
Electronic Structure and Thermal Conductivity of Zirconium Carbide with Hafnium Additions, Yue Zhou, William Fahrenholtz, Joseph T. Graham, and Greg Hilmas
From Thermal Conductive to Thermal Insulating: Effect of Carbon Vacancy Content on Lattice Thermal Conductivity of ZrCₓ, Yue Zhou, William Fahrenholtz, Joseph T. Graham, and Greg Hilmas
Fiber Optic Sensor Embedded Smart Helmet for Real-Time Impact Sensing and Analysis through Machine Learning, Yiyang Zhuang, Qingbo Yang, Taihao Han, Ryan O'Malley, Aditya Kumar, Rex E. Gerald II, and Jie Huang
A Review: Material and Structural Properties of UHPC at Elevated Temperatures or Fire Conditions, Yanping Zhu, Husam Hussein, Aditya Kumar, and Genda Chen
Submissions from 2020
Effect of Preexisting Inclusions on the Size and Morphology of Al₂O₃: Results from Two-Stage and Fixed Supersaturation Deoxidation, Obinna Adaba, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Laura Bartlett
Effect of Pre-existing Inclusions on the Size and Morphology of Al₂O₃: Single Stage Deoxidation with Varying Levels of Supersaturation, Obinna Adaba, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Laura Bartlett
Aging Response on the Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior of Wrought Precipitation-hardened Magnesium Alloy, G. R. Argade, S. K. Panigrahi, and R. S. Mishra
Filtration Efficiency of Inclusions in Lightweight FeMnAl Steels, Koushik Balasubramanian, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, Soumava Chakraborty, and Mingzhi Xu
Effective Copper Diffusion Coefficients in CuSO₄—H₂SO₄ Electrowinning Electrolytes, Joseph Bauer and Michael S. Moats
Iron Polyphosphate Glasses for Waste Immobilization, Richard K. Brow, Cheol-Woon Kim, and Signo Tadeu Dos Reis
Experimental Development of Johnson-Cook Strength Model for Different Carbon Steel Grades and Application for Single-Pass Hot Rolling, Mario F. Buchely, Shouviik Ganguly, David C. Van Aken, Ronald J. O'Malley, Simon Naumovich Lekakh, and K. Chandrashekhara
Spherical Cavity Expansion Approach for the Study of Rigid-Penetrator’s Impact Problems, Mario Buchely and Alejandro Marañon
Prediction of Surface Chloride Concentration of Marine Concrete using Ensemble Machine Learning, Rong Cai, Taihao Han, Wenyu Liao, Jie Huang, Dwnag Li, Aditya Kumar, and Hongyan Ma
Skin Effect of Chloride Ingress in Marine Concrete: A Review on the Convection Zone, Rong Cai, Yingshuang Hu, Miao Yu, Wenyu Liao, Lufeng Yang, Aditya Kumar, and Hongyan Ma
Removal of Alumina Inclusions from Molten Steel by Ceramic Foam Filtration, Soumava Chakraborty, Ronald J. O'Malley, Laura Bartlett, and Mingzhi Xu
Predicting the Size Scaling in Strength of Nanolayered Materials by a Discrete Slip Crystal Plasticity Model, Tianju Chen, Rui Yuan, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Caizhi Zhou
Characterization of the Conversion of Bone Cement and Borate Bioactive Glass Composites, Kimberly A. Cole, Grahmm A. Funk, M. N. Rahaman, and Terence E. McIff
Influence of Size-Classified and Slightly Soluble Mineral Additives on Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate, Rachel Cook, Hongyan Ma, and Aditya Kumar
Prediction of Flotation Efficiency of Metal Sulfides using an Original Hybrid Machine Learning Model, Rachel Cook, Keitumetse Cathrine Monyake, Muhammad Badar Hayat, Aditya Kumar, and Lana Alagha
Effect of Zinc Ions on Copper Electrodeposition in the Context of Metal Recovery from Waste Printed Circuit Boards, T. R. Da Silva, D. Majuste, J. Bauer, and Michael S. Moats
Gas-Solid Displacement Reactions in the Ti-W-C System, Ryan D. Dempsey and David W. Lipke
Cyclic Regeneration of Nanostructured Composites for Catalytic Applications, Fatih Dogan
Thickness-Dependent Shear Localization in Cu/Nb Metallic Nanolayered Composites, Shujing Dong, Tianju Chen, Sixie Huang, Nan Li, and Caizhi Zhou
Solute Distributions in Tantalum-Containing Zirconium Diboride Ceramics, Anna N. Dorner, Dallin J. Barton, Yue Zhou, Gregory B. Thompson, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Annealing Behavior in a High-Pressure Torsion-Processed Fe—9Cr Steel, Jiaqi Duan, Haiming Wen, Caizhi Zhou, Xiaoqing He, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Ruslan Valiev
Discontinuous Grain Growth in an Equal-Channel Angular Pressing Processed Fe-9Cr Steel with a Heterogeneous Microstructure, Jiaqi Duan, Haiming Wen, Caizhi Zhou, Xiaoqing He, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Ruslan Valiev
Predicting Effective Fracture Toughness of ZrB₂-Based Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics by Phase-Field Modeling, Arezoo Emdadi, Jeremy Lee Watts, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, and Mohsen Asle Zaeem
International Year of Glass, Bill Fahrenholtz
Thank You Lisa Klein, William Fahrenholtz
Densification of Ultra-Refractory Transition Metal Diboride Ceramics, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, and Ruixing Li
Corrosion Behavior of 304L Stainless Steel Produced by Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Christopher Faraj, Ho Lun Chan, Jacob Benoun, Shahan Kasnakjian, Zachary Hilton, Joseph William Newkirk, and Vilupanur Ravi
The Influence of Build Parameters on the Compressive Properties of Selective Laser Melted 304L Stainless Steel, O. Fashanu, Mario F. Buchely, R. Hussein, S. Anandan, M. Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, H. Misak, and M. A. Walker
Effective Elastic Properties of Additively Manufactured Metallic Cellular Structures using Numerical Unit-Cell Homogenization, Okanmisope Fashanu, David Murphy, Myranda Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, Ben Brown, and John Porter
Effect of ZrB₂ Content on the Densification, Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties of ZrC-SiC Ceramics, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Processing of Dense High-Entropy Boride Ceramics, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Two-Step Synthesis Process for High-Entropy Diboride Powders, Lun Feng, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Processing and Properties of Medium-Mn TRIP Steel to Obtain a Two-Stage TRIP Behavior, D. M. Field, L. G. Garza-Martinez, and D. C. Van Aken
Early Stage Oxidation of ZrC under 10 MeV Au³⁺ Ion-Irradiation at 800 °C, Raul Florez, Miguel L. Crespillo, Xiaoqing He, Tommi A. White, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, and Joseph T. Graham
The Irradiation Response of ZrC Ceramics under 10 MeV Au³⁺ Ion Irradiation at 800 ºC, Raul Florez, Miguel L. Crespillo, Xiaoqing He, Tommi A. White, Greg Hilmas, William Fahrenholtz, and Joseph T. Graham
A Modified Johnson-Cook Model Incorporating the Effect of Grain Size on Flow Stress, S. Ganguly, Mario F. Buchely, K. Chandrashekhara, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Ronald J. O'Malley
Arsenic and Antimony Speciation Analysis in Copper Electrolyte by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (HPLC-HG-AFS), Ana Isabel Gonzalez De Las Torres, Michael S. Moats, Guillermo Rios, Ana Rodriguez Almansa, and Daniel Sanchez-Rodas
An Ensemble Machine Learning Approach for Prediction and Optimization of Modulus of Elasticity of Recycled Aggregate Concrete, Taihao Han, Ashfia Siddique, Kamal Khayat, Jie Huang, and Aditya Kumar
Machine Learning as a Tool to Design Glasses with Controlled Dissolution for Healthcare Applications, Taihao Han, Nicholas Stone-Weiss, Jie Huang, Ashutosh Goel, and Aditya Kumar
Effect of Pouring Temperature during a Novel Solid-Liquid Compound Casting Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy Parts with Arc-Sprayed Aluminum Coatings, Ke He, Jianhua Zhao, Jun Cheng, JingJing Shangguan, Fulin Wen, Jiaqi Duan, Ranran Su, Biao Yuan, and Haiming Wen
Enhanced Resistance to Irradiation Induced Ferritic Transformation in Nanostructured Austenitic Steels, Andrew Hoffman, Maalavan Arivu, Haiming Wen, Li He, Kumar Sridharan, Xin Wang, Wei Xiong, Xiang Liu, Lingfeng He, and Yaqiao Wu
Effects of Al and Ti Additions on Irradiation Behavior of FeMnNiCr Multi-Principal-Element Alloy, Andrew Hoffman, Li He, Matthew Luebbe, Hans Pommerenke, Jiaqi Duan, Peipei Cao, Kumar Sridharan, Zhaoping Lu, and Haiming Wen
Effect of Cyclic Intercritical Tempering on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Low-Carbon Cu-Bearing 7Ni Steel, Wei Hou, Qingdong Liu, Haiming Wen, and Jianfeng Gu
Mineral Dissolution under Electric Stimulation, Yi Hsuan Hsiao, Xin Chen, Erika Callagon La Plante, Aditya Kumar, Mathieu Bauchy, Dante Simonetti, David Jassby, Jacob Israelachvili, and Gaurav Sant
Effective Elastic Moduli of Metal Honeycombs Manufactured using Selective Laser Melting, Rafid Hussein, Sudharshan Anandan, Myranda Spratt, Joseph William Newkirk, K. Chandrashekhara, Misak Heath, and Michael Walker
Relaxin Enhances Bone Regeneration with BMP-2-Loaded Hydroxyapatite Microspheres, Sahitya Injamuri, M. N. Rahaman, Youqu Shen, and Yue-Wern Huang
Monolithic Chalcogenide Optical Nanocomposites Enable Infrared System Innovation: Gradient Refractive Index Optics, Myungkoo Kang, Laura Sisken, Charmayne Lonergan, Andrew Buff, Anupama Yadav, Claudia Goncalves, Cesar Blanco, Peter Wachtel, J. David Musgraves, Alexej V. Pogrebnyakov, Erwan Baleine, Clara Rivero-Baleine, Theresa S. Mayer, Carlo G. Pantano, and Kathleen A. Richardson
An overview of ceramic molds for investment casting of nickel superalloys, Janos E. Kanyo, Stefan Schafföner, R. Sharon Uwanyuze, and Kaitlynn S. Leary
Bioprinting with Bioactive Glass Loaded Polylactic Acid Composite and Human Adipose Stem Cells, Krishna C. R. Kolan, Julie A. Semon, August T. Bindbeutel, D. E. Day, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Voltammetric Characteristics of Smooth Lead Electrodes in Sulfuric Acid and Tydrolyte™ Solutions Part 1. The PbSO₄/PbO₂potential Region, Julian Kosacki and Fatih Dogan
Response of Isotopically Tailored Titanium Diboride to Neutron Irradiation, Takaaki Koyanagi, Yutai Katoh, Caen Ang, Derek King, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Sonication-Assisted Hydrolysis of Ozone Oxidized Detonation Nanodiamond, Atsushi Kume and Vadym Mochalin
Effects of Inert Additives on Cyclotrimethylene-Trinitramine (RDX)/Trinitrotoluene (TNT) Detonation Parameters to Predict Detonation Synthesis Phase Production, Martin Langenderfer, William Fahrenholtz, and Catherine E. Johnson
Detonation Synthesis of Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles, Martin J. Langenderfer, William Fahrenholtz, Sergii Chertopalov, Yue Zhou, Vadym Mochalin, and Catherine E. Johnson
Influence of Water Activity on Hydration of Tricalcium Aluminate-Calcium Sulfate Systems, Jonathan Lapeyre, Hongyan Ma, Monday Uchenna Okoronkwo, Gaurav Sant, and Aditya Kumar
Reviewing the Material and Metal Security of Low-Carbon Energy Transitions, J. Lee; Kwame Awuah-Offei; Michael S. Moats; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
Searching for Graphite Nodule Nuclei using Automated SEM/EDX Analysis, Semen Naumovich Lekakh
Prevention of High-Temperature Surface Degradation in SiMo Cast Irons by Cr and Al Alloying, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Asebi Bofah, Wei Ting Chen, Larry Godlewski, and Mei Li
Correction To: Improving High-Temperature Performance of High Si-Alloyed Ductile Iron by Altering Additions (International Journal of Metalcasting, (2020), 10.1007/S40962-020-00524-0), Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Caelen Johnson, Asebi Bofah, Larry Godlewski, and Mei Li
Improving High-Temperature Performance of High Si-Alloyed Ductile Iron by Altering Additions, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Caelen Johnson, Asebi Bofah, Larry Godlewski, and Mei Li
Quantitative µ-CT Analysis of Scale Topology Formed during Oxidation of High SiMo Cast Iron, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Wesley Tucker, Asebi Bofah, Tara Selly, Tara Godlewski, and Mei Li
Micro-CT Quantitative Evaluation of Graphite Nodules in SGI, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Xueliang Zhang, Wesley Tucker, Hyoung-Koo Lee, Tara Selly, and James D. Schiffbauer
How Do Different Testing Procedures Affect the Rheological Properties of Cement Paste?, Aida Margarita Ley-Hernández, Dimitri Feys, and Aditya Kumar
Mannose Conjugated Polymer Targeting P. Aeruginosa Biofilms, Elaine Limqueco; Daniel Passos Da Silva; Courtney Reichhardt; Fang Yi Su; Debobrato Das; Jasmin Chen; Selvi Srinivasan; Anthony J. Convertine; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
Manipulating Air-gap Electrospinning to Create Aligned Polymer Nanofiber-wrapped Glass Microfibers for Cortical Bone Tissue Engineering, Houston R. Linder, Austin A. Glass, Delbert E. Day, and Scott A. Sell
Additive Manufacturing of Zirconia Parts with Organic Sacrificial Supports, Wenbin Li, Amir Armani, Devin McMillen, Ming-Chuan Leu, Greg Hilmas, and Jeremy Lee Watts
In-situ SEM Compression of Accordion-Like Multilayer MXenes, Yanxiao Li, Congjie Wei, Shuohan Huang, Chenglin Wu, and Vadym N. Mochalin
Thermal Properties Of Sodium Borosilicate Glasses As A Function Of Sulfur Content, Jason M. Lonergan, Charmayne Lonergan, Joshua Silverstein, Pornsinee Cholsaipant, and John McCloy
New Experimental Apparatus to Investigate Hot Tearing Behavior in Steel, Yanru Lu, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Mario F. Buchely
Framing Energy and Minerals for Future Pathways, Michelle Michot Foss, Michael S. Moats, and Kwame Awuah-Offei
To Polarize or Not to Polarize: Practical Advice on How to Control Zinc Electrodeposition, Michael S. Moats and Timothy Hymer
2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes): Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, Vadym Mochalin
Nanodiamond: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, Vadym Mochalin
Structure-Property Relationship of Geopolymers for Aqueous Pb Removal, Sukanta K. Mondal, Adam Welz, Fateme Rezaei, Aditya Kumar, and Monday Uchenna Okoronkwo
Formation Kinetics and Cation Inversion in Mechanically Activated MgAl₂O₄ Spinel Ceramics, Nina Obradovic, William Fahrenholtz, Suzana Filipovic, Smilja Markovic, Vladimir Blagojevic, Steva Levic, Slobodan Savic, Antonije Dordevic, and Vladimir Pavlovic
Starting the New Year Off on a High Note, Ronald J. O'Malley
Scale Formation on 430 Stainless Steel in a Simulated Slab Combustion Reheat Furnace Atmosphere, Richard Osei, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Ronald J. O'Malley
High Cycle Fatigue Performance of LPBF 304L Stainless Steel at Nominal and Optimized Parameters, Mohammad Masud Parvez, Tan Pan, Yitao Chen, Sreekar Karnati, Joseph William Newkirk, and Frank W. Liou
Microstructural Influence on Mechanical Properties of a Lightweight Ultrahigh Strength Fe-18Mn-10Al-0.9C-5Ni (wt%) Steel, Michael Piston, Laura Bartlett, Krista R. Limmer, and Daniel M. Field
Interactions between Dry Vibratable Tundish Linings and Steel Melts, Tyler M. Richards, Ronald J. O'Malley, Jeffrey D. Smith, and Todd P. Sander
Geochemical Narrowing Of Cement Fracture Aperture During Multiphase Flow Of Supercritical CO2 And Brine, Kenton A. Rod, Jaisree Iyer, Charmayne Lonergan, Tamas Varga, Kirk Cantrell, and Loren R. Reno
Peritectic Behavior Detection in the Fe-C-Mn-Al-Si Steel System using Fiber Optic Temperature Mapping, Muhammad Roman, Damilola Balogun, Rex E. Gerald II, Laura Bartlett, Jie Huang, and Ronald J. O'Malley
A Spatially Distributed Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor for Applications in the Steel Industry, Muhammad Roman, Damilola Balogun, Yiyang Zuang, Rex E. Gerald II, Laura Bartlett, Ronald J. O'Malley, and Jie Huang
A Data-driven Approach For Predicting Nepheline Crystallization In High-level Waste Glasses, Irmak Sargin, Charmayne E. Lonergan, John D. Vienna, John S. McCloy, and Scott P. Beckman
Thermal Properties and Elastic Constants of ζ-Ta₄C₃₋ₓ, Evan C. Schwind, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Optimizing Additive Ratios in Alkaline Zincate Electrodeposition, Margaret Scott and Michael S. Moats
Modeling of Scrap Dissolution in Molten Iron for the Case of Heat Transfer-controlled Process by Different Approaches and Comparison of their Accuracies, Ajay Kumar Shukla, Brahma Deo, and D. G.C. Robertson