Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 1981

Oxygen Partial Pressure in the Environment of Molten Silicon, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero


The Removal of Surface Silica and Its Effect Upon Silicon Nitridation Kinetics, M. N. Rahaman and A. J. Moulson


Reaction Sintering and the Α-Si₃N₄/β′-sialon Transformation for Compositions in the System Si-Al-O-N, M. N. Rahaman, Frank L. Riley, and Richard J. Brook


Model For Evaporation Of A Grain‐Boundary Phase, Manfred Wuttig and Harlan U. Anderson


Autooscillations In Zinc, Manfred Wuttig, Alex Aning, and Tetsuro Suzuki

Submissions from 1980


Thermally Stimulated Polarization Current in Sodium Germanate Glass, A. Doi and D. E. Day


Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases III, A. Fakhr and D. E. Day


Evaluation Of Zinc Sulphate Electrolytes Containing Certain Impurities And Additives By Cyclic Voltammetry, D. R. Fosnacht and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Discussion Of "gas Composition, Temperature, And Pressure Measurements In A Lead Blast Furnace", Arthur E. Morris and John R. Knoepke

Model Studies of Gas Injection at High Flow Rates by Use of Water and Mercury, Madhu Nilmani and D. G. C. Robertson

Importance of Pre-melt Hold Times in Very Low Oxygen Partial Pressure Silicon Sessile Drop Equilibrium Contact Angle Measurements, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero

Precautions to Be Observed During Sessile Drop Experiments with Molten Silicon, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero


Effects of Varying Oxygen Partial Pressure on Molten Silicon: Ceramic Substrate Interactions, P. D. Ownby, Harold V. Romero, and M. W. Barsoum


Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases II, S. F. Rahman and D. E. Day

Comparison of Oxygen Partial Pressure Measurements Over Molten Silicon Between Equilibrated Sessile Crop and Non-equilibrated EFG Ribbon Atmospheres, Harold V. Romero and P. D. Ownby

Boehmite-Bonded High Alumina Refractories, Gerhard H. Schiroky and D. E. Day


Phase Relations In Magnesium Oxysulfate Cements, LADAWAN URWONGSE and Charles A. Sorrell


The System MgO‐MgCl2‐H2O At 23°C, LADAWAN URWONGSE and Charles A. Sorrell


Voltammetric Evaluation of Zinc Electrowinning Solution Containing Nickel, Yar-Ming Wang, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and William Joseph James


The Inert Gas Effect On The Rate Of Evaporation Of Zinc And Cadmium, P. C.S. Wu, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Fred Kisslinger


Autooscillations And Nonlinear Anelasticity, Manfred Wuttig and Tetsuro Suzuki

Submissions from 1979

A Ternary Interfacial Energy Diagram, David S. Conochie and D. G. C. Robertson

The Behaviour of the Third Phase Produced in Gas Bubble--Liquid Reactions, David S. Conochie and D. G. C. Robertson

Quantitative Thermogravimetry of Calcium Aluminate Compounds and Cements After Hydrothermal Treatment, D. E. Day and Gordon Lewis


Alkali Diffusion and Electrical Conductivity in Sodium Borate Glasses, Y. H. Han, N. J. Kreidl, and D. E. Day


Thermally Stimulated Polarization and Depolarization Current (TSPC/TSDC) Techniques for Studying Ion Motion in Glass, Chi-Ming Hong and D. E. Day


Thermally Stimulated Polarization Current Technique for Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of Vitreous Solids, Chi-Ming Hong and D. E. Day


Study Program to Develop and Evaluate Die and Container Materials for the Growth of Silicon Ribbons, P. D. Ownby, Larry A. Addington, B. B. Yu, M. W. Barsoum, and Harold V. Romero

The Influence of Extremely Low Oxygen Partial Pressures on the Sessile Drop Contact Angles and the Interfacial Energies and Reactions of Molten Silicon on Silicon Carbide, Silicon Nitride, and Aluminum Nitride, P. D. Ownby, M. W. Barsoum, B. F. Yu, and Harold V. Romero

Materials for the Growth of Silicon Ribbons, P. D. Ownby, Holzl, Larry A. Addington, B. F. Yu, and M. W. Barsoum

Oxygen Partial Pressure Based on Equilibria in the Oxygen-carbon System, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero


Phase Equilibria For Iron-rich Fe-Cu-C Alloys: 1500 To 950°C, Krishna Parameswaran, Kenneth Metz, and Arthur E. Morris


Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases I, S. F. Rahman and D. E. Day


An Experimental Study Of The Reactions Of Excited Neon Atoms In Pure Afterglow Plasmas Using Resonance Absorption Spectrometry, R. A. Sierra, J. Beverley Clark, and A. J. Cunningham

Influence of Calcium Migration on the Strength Reduction of Dense Alumina Exposed to Steam, Samar Sinharoy, L. L. Levenson, and D. E. Day


Nonlinear Anelasticity And The Martensitic Transformation, Manfred Wuttig and Tetsuro Suzuki


The Internal Friction of Glasses, Wieslaw A. Zdaniewski, Guy E. Rindone, and D. E. Day

Submissions from 1978


Disk and Strip Forging for the Determination of Friction and Flow Strength Values, Betzalel Avitzur and Ronald A. Kohser

Disk and Strip Forging with Side-surface Foldover 1, Betzalel Avitzur and Ronald A. Kohser

Corrosion Resistance of Refractory Bond Phases to Steam-CO at 199 Degree C, William V. Ballard and D. E. Day

Stability of the Refractory-Bond Phases in High Alumina Refractories in Steam-CO Atmospheres, William V. Ballard and D. E. Day


The Kinetics of Gas-Liquid Metal Reactions Involving Levitated Drops. Carburization and Decarburization of Molten Iron in CO-CO₂ Gas Mixtures at High Pressures, Nagy Hamed El-Kaddah and D. G. C. Robertson


Anodic Dissolution Of Galena Concentrate In Perchloric Acid, James W. Johnson, J. Chang, R. A. Narasagoudar, and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Discussion, Ronald A. Kohser


Disk And Strip Forging With Side Surface Foldower: Part 2: Evaluation Of The Upper-bound Solutions, Ronald A. Kohser and B. Avitzur

Disk and Strip Forging with Side Surface Foldover 2, Ronald A. Kohser and Betzalel Avitzur

Melting of Metallized Iron-ore Pellets in Cupola, V. M. Korolev, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, O. A. Belyĭ, V. F. Bernado, and I. F. Dvornichenko


Estimating the Correlation Factor for Interstitialcy Diffusion in Solids, Chung Lim and D. E. Day


Sodium Diffusion in Glass: III, Sodium Metaphosphate Glass, Chung Lim and D. E. Day


Sodium Diffusion in High-Silica Glass, Chung Lim and D. E. Day


Effect Of Collagen And Chloride Additions On Electrolytic Copper Deposits, William P. Lorenz, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Carlo B. Sonnino


The Effect Of Antimony, Chloride Ion, And Glue On Copper Electrorefining, Thomas J. O'Keefe and L. R. Hurst

Preparation of Boron 11 Enriched Boron Carbide and Boron Phosphide for Neutron Diffraction Structural Analyses, P. D. Ownby

Sessile Drop Evaluation of Advanced Containment Materials for Molten Silicon, P. D. Ownby, Larry A. Addington, B. F. Yu, M. W. Barsoum, and J. J. Stiglich

Fuming of Stannous Oxide from Slags, Thomas Deb Roy, S. R. Chandrashekar, and D. G. C. Robertson

Surface Segregation of Calcium in Dense Alumina Exposed to Steam and Steam-CO, Samar Sinharoy, L. L. Levenson, William V. Ballard, and D. E. Day

Chemical Reactivity of Calcium Aluminate Cement Bond Phases in a Steam-CO Atmosphere at 199 Degree C, Kenneth W. Wistrom and D. E. Day

Submissions from 1977


Thermal Expansion And Phase Transformations Of The U3O8-z Phase In Air, R. J. Ackermann, A. T. Chang, and Charles A. Sorrell

Stability of Refractory Castables in Steam-N₂ and Steam-CO Atmospheres at 199 Degree C, D. E. Day and Frank D. Gac


Mixed Transport Control in Gas-liquid Metal Reactions, Tarasankar Debroy, Nagy Hamed El-Kaddah, and D. G. C. Robertson


Equilibria in Reactions of CO and CO₂ with Dissolved Oxygen and Carbon in Liquid Iron, Nagy Hamed El-Kaddah and D. G. C. Robertson


Homogeneous Nucleation of Carbon Monoxide Bubbles in Iron Drops, Nagy Hamed El-Kaddah and D. G. C. Robertson


Evaluation Of Organic Additives For Use In Zinc Electrowinning, R. C. Kerby, H. E. Jackson, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Yar Ming Wang


Evaluation Of Organic Additives For Use In Zinc Electrowinning, R. C. Kerby, H. E. Jackson, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Yar Ming Wang


Glass In The Year 2000, Norbert J. Kreidl


Positron Lifetime As A Function Of Grain Size, Hollis P. Leighly


Sodium Diffusion in Glass: II, Mixed Na-K Silicate Glasses, Chung Lim and D. E. Day


Sodium Diffusion in Glass: I, Single-Alkali Silicate, Chung Lim and D. E. Day


Surface Electromagnetic Wave Coupling Efficiency Dependence On Prism Gap Height, Richard W. Miller, D. L. Begley, and Robert John Bell

Bubble Growth During Stream Degassing, Shozo Mizoguchi, D. G. C. Robertson, and A. V. Bradshaw


Electroless And Chemical Metal Deposition On Human Tooth Enamel, Thomas J. O'Keefe and Richard D. Christie


Dense Chromium Sesquioxide, P. D. Ownby


Low Order Correction For Subsurface Contributions In Diffusion Experiments, D. Powers and Manfred Wuttig


Subsolidus Equilibria And Stabilization Of Tetragonal ZrO2 In The System ZrO2‐Al2O3‐SiO2, Charles A. Sorrell


Suggested Chemistry Of Zinc Oxychloride Cements, Charles A. Sorrell


The Al2O3‐SiO2‐ZrO2 Liquidus Surface: A Discussion, Charles A. Sorrell

Submissions from 1976


Mixed Alkali Glasses -- Their Properties and Uses, D. E. Day


The Effect Of Receiver Pressure On The Observed Flow Pattern In The Hydrostatic Extrusion Of Bimetal Rods, Ronald A. Kohser


A Suboptimal Control Law To Improve The Transient Stability Of Power Systems, Aditya Kumar and Earl F. Richards


Evaluation Of Zinc Sulfate Electrolytes By Cyclic Voltammetry And Electron Microscopy, Bruce A. Lamping and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Void-strengthening In Aluminum And Its Nature, P. G. Manusmare and Hollis P. Leighly


Interpretation of Some of the Basic Features of Field-Ion Image Projections from a Hemispherical to a Planar Surface using Moire Patterns, P. D. Ownby, Robert M. Doerr, and Walter Bollmann

Field-emission Studies of Boron on Molybdenum, P. D. Ownby and Robert E. Moore


On The Effects Of Antimony And Glue On Zinc Electrocrystallization Behaviour, D. J. Robinson and Thomas J. O'Keefe


The Martensite Transformation, Manfred Wuttig and Tetsuro Suzuki


Intermetallic Reactions In Vacuum-deposited Nickel And Gold Films On (111) Silicon Single Crystals, K. H. Yoon, Gordon Lewis, and L. L. Levenson

Submissions from 1975


Crystallization Of A Tetrasilicic Fluormica Glass, W. H. DANIELS and Robert E. Moore

Influence of Modification on the Form of Fe-rich Inclusions in Al Alloys, I. A. Khramchenkov, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, I. V. Khoroshko, and S. V. Kiselev


Mechanism Of UAI3 To UAI4 Transformation, Ling Ping Lee and Hollis P. Leighly


Propensity: Popper Or Peirce?, Richard W. Miller


Order-disorder of Boron Phosphide, P. D. Ownby

Ordered Boron Arsenide, P. D. Ownby


Moiré Simulation of Field-Ion Micrographs, P. D. Ownby and Robert M. Doerr

Influence of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Physical Properties of Chromium Alumina Cermets, P. D. Ownby and C. P. Lahmann


Anion Grain-boundary Diffusion In Soidum Chloride, K. S. Sabharwal, J. Mimkes, and Manfred Wuttig


Determination Of Oxygen Chemical Diffusion Coefficients In Single Crystal SrTiO By Capacitance Manometry, D. B. Schwarz and Harlan U. Anderson


Analogy Between Spinodal Decomposition And Martensitic Transformation, Tetsuro Suzuki and Manfred Wuttig

Submissions from 1974


A Mass Spectrometric Study Of Positive Ions Produced In An Experimental Diode, L. A. Addington and Gordon Lewis


Mechanical Damping of Silver-Containing Si-As-Chalcogenide Glasses, Eva Maria Amrhein, D. E. Day, and N. J. Kreidl

Thermally Resistant Chalcogenide Transparencies, Eva Maria Amrhein, D. E. Day, and N. J. Kreidl