Submissions from 1992
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study of Anion Bonding in Tin(II) Fluorophosphate Glass, Richard K. Brow, Carol C. Phifer, X. J. Xu, and D. E. Day
A Study Of The Recrystallization Of Cold-worked Copper By Doppler Broadening Of Annihilation Radiation, P. G. Coleman, L. Head, R. M. Hudson, and Hollis P. Leighly
Sintering, Creep, and Electrical Conductivity of Model Glass-Matrix Composites, Rollie E. Dutton and M. N. Rahaman
The Response of Dispersion-Strengthened Copper Alloys to High Fluence Neutron Irradiation at 415⁰C, Danny J. Edwards, Joseph William Newkirk, Frank A. Garner, Margaret L. Hamilton, A. Nadkarny, and P. K. Samal
Formation of Microporous Silica Gels from a Modified Silicon Alkoxide I, William Fahrenholtz, Douglas M. Smith, and Duen-Wu Hua
Factors Controlling the Sintering of Ceramic Particulate Composites: I, Conventional Processing, Chenlung Fan and M. N. Rahaman
Response of Solute and Precipitation Strengthened Copper Alloys at High Neutron Exposure, Frank A. Garner, Margaret L. Hamilton, Tatsuo Shikama, Danny J. Edwards, and Joseph William Newkirk
Mechanical Behavior and Interface Design of MoSi₂-based Alloys and Composites, Ronald Gibala, A. K. Ghosh, David C. Van Aken, David J. Srolovitz, Amar S. Basu, H. Chang, D. P. Mason, and W. Yang
Electrochemical Evaluation Of The Adherence Of Zinc To Aluminum Cathodes, Jang Sop Han and Thomas J. O'Keefe
The Degradation Of Aluminium Cathodes By Fluoride Ion During Zinc Electrowinning, J. S. Han and Thomas J. O'Keefe
Effect of Gas Sparging on Mass Transfer in Zinc Electrolytes, Ashraf Youssef Ezz-Eldin Hosny, Thomas J. O'Keefe, James W. Johnson, and William Joseph James
X‐ray Powder Diffraction Structural Phase‐Transition Study Of La(Cr1‐xMnx)O3 (x = 0 To 0.25) Using The Rietveld Method Of Analysis, Scott A. Howard, Jen‐Kuan ‐K Yau, and Harlan U. Anderson
Factors Controlling the Sintering of Ceramic Particulate Composites, II. Coated Inclusion Particles, Ching-Li Hu and M. N. Rahaman
Mössbauer Effect Study of Reduction of Ilmenite, R. Immele-Meziou, Oran Allan Pringle, D. G. C. Robertson, and Gary J. Long
Reactive Laser Ablation Synthesis of Nanosize Alumina Powder, Gregory P. Johnston, Ross Muenchausen, Douglas M. Smith, William Fahrenholtz, and Steve Foltyn
Model Epoxy/metal-oxide Chemical Interactions: Diethanolamine on Oxidized Copper and Aluminum, Jeffry A. Kelber and Richard K. Brow
The Program 'high-strength Cast Iron' for the Design of Casting Production Technology, I. A. Khramchenkov, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, I. V. Khoroshko, and S. V. Kiselev
Effect Of Cation Substitution On The Thermal Expansion Coefficient Of LaCrO3, R. Koc and Harlan U. Anderson
Electrical Conductivity And Seebeck Coefficient Of (La, Ca) (Cr, Co)O3, R. Koc and Harlan U. Anderson
Investigation Of Strontium-doped La(Cr, Mn)O3 For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Rasit Koc and Harlan U. Anderson
Grain Size Effect on the Induced Piezoelectric Properties of 0.9PMN-0.1PT Ceramic, U. Kumar, Wayne Huebner, P. Marsh, H. Kankul, S. F. Wang, and Clyde G. Oakley
Iron Nitride Films Formed in a R. F. Glow Discharge, J. L. Li, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and William Joseph James
Optical and Mechanical Properties of Optically Transparent Poly(methyl Methacrylate) Composites, Hongy Lin, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer
Densification and Fracture Toughness Enhancement of Pressureless Sintered Aluminum Oxide-titanium Diboride Composites, T. V. Lin and P. D. Ownby
Boron Carbide Whisker and Platelet Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites, J. Liu and P. D. Ownby
Quantitative Analysis of the Crystalline Phases in Β-alumina-based Solid Electrolytes Using X-ray Powder Diffraction, J. Liu, P. D. Ownby, J. L. Shen, and S. A. Howard
Internal Friction Study of Melting in Aluminum-indium and Aluminum-lead Alloys, Ashwani K. Malhotra and David C. Van Aken
Solvent Extraction Reagent Entrainment Effects On Zinc Electrowinning From Waste Oxide Leach Solutions, M. Neira, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Johh L. Watson
Interaction of Tantalum with Reinforcements in γ TiAl, Joseph William Newkirk and Darrell C. Dixon
Electrodeposition In Extractive Metallurgy: An Emerging Technology?, Thomas J. O'Keefe
Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of an Optically Transparent Glass Fiber/polymer Matrix Composite, James R. Olson, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer
Structural Defect Characterization of Shock Wave Formed Diamond, P. D. Ownby and Ludwig J. Gauckler
Diamond Reinforced Ceramic Oxide Matrix Composites, P. D. Ownby and J. Liu
Structural Ceramic Incorporating Boron Carbide Whiskers for the Strengthening Thereof, P. D. Ownby and J. Liu
Tensile Fatigue Behaviour Of Tightly Woven Carbon/carbon Composites, A. Ozturk and Robert E. Moore
Electrostatic Dispersion of Zirconia-Doped La₀.₉Sr₀.₁MnO₃ in Aqueous Systems, Von Richards and Subhash C. Singhal
Method of Making Highly Sinterable Lanthanum Chromite Powder, Von Richards and Subhash C. Singhal
SMAK: Kinetics of Slag-Metal-Gas Reaction in Smelting and Refining, D. G. C. Robertson and Lloyd Robert Nelson
Structure of Li,Na Metaphosphate Glasses by ³¹P and ²³Na MAS-NMR Correlated with the Mixed Alkali Effect, R. K. Sato, R. James Kirkpatrick, and Richard K. Brow
The Rh-Si (Rhodium-Silicon) System, Mark E. Schlesinger
Silicon's Role in Determining Swelling in Neutron-Irradiated Fe-Ni-Cr-Si Alloys, Naoto Sekimura, Frank A. Garner, and Joseph William Newkirk
Fluid Flow and Mixing in Two-phase Channel Reactors with Bottom Gas Injection, Hong Yong Sohn, D. G. C. Robertson, A. K. Agrawal, and K. M. Iyer
The Effect Of Additives On The Nucleation And Growth Of Copper Onto Stainless Steel Cathodes, M. Sun and Thomas J. O'Keefe
Mixed‐Cation Oxide Powders Via Resin Intermediates Derived From A Water‐Soluble Polymer, Lone‐Wen ‐W Tai, Harlan U. Anderson, and Paul A. Lessing
Effect of Cold Work on the Recrystallized Grain Size in a Particle-reinforced Aluminum Alloy, G. M. Vyletel, P. E. Krajewski, David C. Van Aken, J. W. Jones, and J. E. Allison
Interaction of Ag/Pd Metallization with Lead and Bismuth Oxide-based Fluxes in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors, Sea-Fue Wang and Wayne Huebner
Correlation of Subsolidus Phase Relations in the AgPdO System to Oxidation Reduction Kinetics and Dilametric Behavior, Sea-Fue Wang, Wayne Huebner, and Chi-Yen Huang
SME Annual Meeting. Phoenix, USA. February 22-27, 1992, Johh L. Watson
Calculated X-ray Diffraction Data for Diamond Polytypes, Xi Yang, Jenq Liu, and P. D. Ownby
Submissions from 1991
Effects Of Sample Orientation On The Corrosion Of Zinc In Ammonium Sulfate And Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, D. Abayarathna, Edward Boyd Hale, Thomas J. O'Keefe, Y. M. Wang, and D. Radovic
Modeling of a Counter-current Reactor for Metal Refining, Ajay Kumar Agrawal and D. G. C. Robertson
Polymeric Synthesis of Perovskite Powders and Films, Harlan U. Anderson, Magdi M. Nasrallah, Frank D. Blum, and M. S. Smith
Positron Study Of Defects And Diffusion Induced Grain Boundary Migration In A Pb-Sn System, A. Belaidi, Hollis P. Leighly, H. Aourag, B. Khelifa, M. Oubadi, and A. Elias
Phase Change Materials for Thermal Stabilization of Composite Thermistors, Sheri A. Brodeur, Wayne Huebner, James P. Runt, and Robert E. Newnham
¹⁶⁶Holmium-Containing Glass for Internal Radiotherapy of Tumors, Roger F. Brown, Lisa C. Lindesmith, and D. E. Day
Reactive Metal Brazing of Aluminum Nitride, Richard K. Brow, Ronald E. Loehman, and Antoni P. Tomsia
Effect of Fluorine on the Structure of Phosphate Glass, Richard K. Brow, David R. Tallant, Z. A. Osborne, Y. Yang, and D. E. Day
Defect Structure, Nonstoichiometry, And Phase Stability Of Ca-doped YCrO3, G. F. Carini, Harlan U. Anderson, M. M. Nasrallah, and Don M. Sparlin
Electrical Conductivity, Seebeck Coefficient And Defect Chemistry Of Ca-doped YCrO3, G. F. Carini, Harlan U. Anderson, Don M. Sparlin, and M. M. Nasrallah
Investigating Phase Transitions in ABO₃ Perovskites Using Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy, Gary L. Catchen, Stephen J. Wukitch, Ellen M. Saylor, Wayne Huebner, and Michael Blaszkiewicz
Effect of Heating Rate on Sintering and Coarsening, Mayying Chu, M. N. Rahaman, Lutgard C. De Jonghe, and Richard J. Brook
Composition and Method for Radiation Synovectomy of Arthritic Joints, D. E. Day and Gary J. Ehrhardt
Composition and Method for Radiation Synovectomy of Arthritic Joints, D. E. Day and Gary J. Ehrhardt
Radioactive Glass Microspheres, D. E. Day and Gary J. Ehrhardt
Interfacial Shear Stress in SiC Fibre-Reinforced Cordierite, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, M. N. Rahaman, and S. H. Wang
Effect of Physical Structure on the Phase Development of Aluminosilicate Gels, William Fahrenholtz, Susan L. Hietala, Paula Newcomer, Neal R. Dando, Douglas M. Smith, and C. Jeffrey Brinker
Synthesis And Characterization Of Barium Lanthanum Titanates, Jyoti P. Guha
Correlation Between Mass Transfer and Operating Parameters in Zinc Electrowinning, Ashraf Youssef Ezz-Eldin Hosny, Thomas J. O'Keefe, James W. Johnson, and William Joseph James
The Co-Si (Cobalt-Silicon) System, K. Ishida, T. Nishizawa, and Mark E. Schlesinger
Interfacial Debonding in Stainless Steel/glass-ceramic Seals, G. A. Knorovsky, Richard K. Brow, R. D. Watkins, and Ronald E. Loehman
Phase Separation In Glasses, N. J. Kreidl
Damping in Incramute Materials, Shashi Laddha, B. A. Ross, and David C. Van Aken
Use of MIG Inoculant in Metal Mould Iron Casting, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, A. G. Slutskij, and V. A. Shejnert
High-temperature Wetting of Sapphire by Aluminum, Ke Wen K. Li, P. D. Ownby, and D. A. Weirauch
Physical Properties of Alumina-Boron Carbide Whisker/Particle Composites, Jeng Liu and P. D. Ownby
Boron Carbide Reinforced Alumina Composites, Jenq Liu and P. D. Ownby
Boron Carbide Reinforced Alumina Composites, Jenq Liu and P. D. Ownby
Enhanced Mechanical Properties of Alumina by Dispersed Titanium Diboride Particulate Inclusions, Jenq Liu and P. D. Ownby
Boron Containing Ceramic Particulate and Whisker Enhancement of the Fracture Toughness of Ceramic Matrix Composites, J. Liu and P. D. Ownby
Normal-pressure Hot-pressing of Α-alumina-diamond Composites, J. Liu and P. D. Ownby
Sol-gel Derived, Air-baked Indium And Tin Oxide Films, Douglas M. Mattox
Compensation Modes In Counterdoped Rutile, M. M. Nasrallah and Harlan U. Anderson
Experimental Study of the Thermal Expansion of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Ceramics, P. D. Ownby, D. D. Burt, and D. V. Stewart
Nano Diamond Enhanced Silicon Carbide Matrix Composites, P. D. Ownby and Jenq Liu
Engineering Properties of Diamond and Graphite, P. D. Ownby and R. W. Stewart
High Thermal Expansion Phosphate Glasses. Part 1, Yongren B. Peng and D. E. Day
High Thermal Expansion Phosphate Glasses. Part 2, Yongren B. Peng and D. E. Day
Computer programme for optimising batch calculations, Yongren B. Peng, Xingye Lei, and D. E. Day
Transport Anomalies in the High-Temperature Hopping Conductivity and Thermopower of Sr-doped La(Cr,Mn)O,₃, Ryne P. Raffaelle, Harlan U. Anderson, Don M. Sparlin, and Paul Ernest Parris
Sintering of Ceramic Particulate Composites: Effect of Matrix Density, M. N. Rahaman and L. C. De Jonghe
Effect of Green Density on Densification and Creep During Sintering, M. N. Rahaman, L. C. De Jonghe, and MayYing Chu
Crystallization Kinetics of a Lithia-silica Glass, C. S. Ray, Wen-Hai Huang, and D. E. Day
Structural Model for Nitrogen Incorporation in Phosphate Hglasses, Mary R. Reidmeyer and D. E. Day
Wear Improvements Induced by Thermally Grown Oxide Layers and by Nitrogen Ion Implantation, Rolland A. Reinbold, Ronald A. Kohser, and Edward Boyd Hale
Composite PTCR Thermistors Utilizing Conducting Borides, Silicides, and Carbide Powders, Thomas Richard Shrout, Dawne M. Moffatt, and Wayne Huebner
Effect of Microstructure on the Cyclic Response and Fatigue Behavior of an XDTM Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite, G. M. Vyletel, David C. Van Aken, and J. E. Allison
Thermodynamic Modeling of Equilibrium Subsolidus Phase Relations in the Ag-Pd-O₂ System, Sea-Fue Wang and Wayne Huebner
Liquid Phase Sintering of LiF-Fluxed BaTiO₃, Seafue Wang, Wayne Huebner, and Clive A. Randall
Nucleation and Crystallization of Na₂O . 2CaO . 3SiO₂ Glass by Differential Thermal Analysis, Xiaojie J. Xu, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day
Yba₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Superconductor Powder Synthesis by Spray Pyrolysis of Organic Acid Solutions, Shi C. Zhang, Gary L. Messing, and Wayne Huebner