Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 1985

Deoxidation of High Carbon Ferrous Alloys Using Aluminium, Magnesium, and Cerium, D. N. Khudokormov, A. F. Vishkarev, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, V. A. Rozum, I. V. Zinkovskii, and Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Bestuzhev


The Bi-Mg (Bismuth-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The In-Mg (Indium-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Mn (Magnesium-Manganese) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Ni (Magnesium-Nickel) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Pb (Magnesium-Lead) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Pd (magnesium-palladium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-P (Magnesium-Phosphorus) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Pt (Magnesium-Platinum) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Zr (Magnesium-Zirconium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Fe-Mg (Iron-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi, J. Beverley Clark, and L. J. Swartzendruber

Removal of Tramp Elements: Mathematical Modeling, Takashi Okazaki and D. G. C. Robertson


Feasibility Study of Fabricating Composite Ceramic Chamber Liners for Small Caliber Automatic Weapons, P. D. Ownby and D. V. Stewart


Sodium Diffusion in Sodium Aluminophosphate Glasses, Mohan Rajaram and D. E. Day


Preparation and Properties of Nitrogen-doped Phosphate Glasses, Mary R. Reidmeyer and D. E. Day


Screening Design Test For Cyclic Voltammetric Evaluation Of Zinc Sulfate Electrolyte, R. K. Singh and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Characterization of Wear Modes in Ion-Implanted Steel from Auger Measurements, Timothy J. Sommerer, Edward Boyd Hale, Kenneth W. Burris, and Ronald A. Kohser


The Microstructures of Rapidly Solidified Hyper-eutectic AlBe Alloys, David C. Van Aken and H. L. Fraser


An Analysis Of Mill Grinding Noise, Johh L. Watson


Indications Of Grinding Mill Operations By Mill Noise Parameters, John L. Watson and Scott D. Morrison


Subeutectic Densification and Second-phase Formation in Al₂O₃CaO, Shun Jackson Wu, L. C. De Jonghe, and M. N. Rahaman

Submissions from 1984


SINTERING OF LiF FLUXED SrTiO3., Harlan U. Anderson and Marie C. Proudian


Dynamics Of Twinning In Natural Α-quartz, Alexander Aning and Manfred Wuttig


Dynamics Of Stress Induced Hydride Formation In Vanadium, Alex Aning and Manfred Wuttig


Loading Dilatometer, L. C. De Jonghe and M. N. Rahaman


Oxidation-reduction Behaviour Of La-doped SrTiO3, B. F. Flandermeyer, A. K. Agarwal, Harlan U. Anderson, and M. M. Nasrallah


Defect Structure Of Mg‐Doped LaCrO3 Model And Thermogravimetric Measurements, B. K. FLANDERMEYER, M. M. NASRALLAH, A. K. AGARWAL, and Harlan U. Anderson


Parameter Induced Changes in the Wear Behavior of Ion Implanted Steel under Heavy Loading, Edward Boyd Hale, Michael M. Muehlemann, Wilfred E. Baker, and Ronald A. Kohser


Oxygen Activity Dependence Of The Electrical Conductivity Of Li‐Doped Cr2O3, R. F. HUANG, A. K. AGARWAL, and Harlan U. Anderson

American Felt: Process Control by the Numbers, Wayne Huebner

Effect of Rare Earth Metals on Spheroidizing Modification of Cast Iron with Magnesium in the Casting Mold, D. N. Khudokormov, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Yu V. Mishchenko


The Oxidation Of Dilute Alloys Of Magnesium In Aluminium, Hollis P. Leighly and A. Alam


Sodium Diffusion and Leaching of Simulated Nuclear Waste Glass, B. P. McGrail, Arvind S. Kumar, and D. E. Day


Oxygen Activity Dependence Of The Defect Structure Of La-doped BaTiO3, M. M. Nasrallah, Harlan U. Anderson, A. K. Agarwal, and B. F. Flandermeyer


The Ag-Mg (Silver-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Cu-Mg (Copper-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Sb (Magnesium-Antimony) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Si (Magnesium-Silicon) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Sn (Magnesium-Tin) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Mg-Th (Magnesium-Thorium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi and J. Beverley Clark


The Ge-Mg (Germanium-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi, J. Beverley Clark, R. W. Olesinski, and G. J. Abbaschian


The Li-Mg (Lithium-Magnesium) System, A. A. Nayeb-Hashemi, J. Beverley Clark, and A. D. Pelton

The Stability of Calcium Oxalate during Electron Irradiation in an AEM, Joseph William Newkirk and Saeed R. Khan

Double-Tilt FIM Specimen Holder for JEOL 200 CX, Joseph William Newkirk, S. D. Walck, R. H. Jones, and J. J. Hren

Simultaneous Dephosphorization And Desulphurization Of Molten Pig Iron, S. Ohguchi, D. G. C. Robertson, Brahma Deo, Paul Grieveson, and James H E Jeffes


Techniques For Evaluating Electrolytes For Metal Recovery, Thomas J. O'Keefe


The Removal of Surface Silica and Its Effect on the Nitridation of High-purity Silicon, M. N. Rahaman and A. J. Moulson


Crystallization of Calcia-Gallia-Silica Glasses, C. S. Ray and D. E. Day

Multicomponent Mixed-Transport-Control Theory for Kinetics of Coupled Slag/Metal and Slag/Metal/Gas Reactions: Application to Desulphurization of Molten Iron, D. G. C. Robertson, Brahma Deo, and S. Ohguchi


Non-linear Oscillation, Automodulation And Anelasticity, Tetsuro Suzuki and Manfred Wuttig


Glass Formation and Properties in the Gallia-Calcia System, Glenn Whichard and D. E. Day

Submissions from 1983


Screening Design Test For Cobalt Cementation From Zinc Electrolyte, Mark S. Blaser and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Fluorine Treatments of Soda-Lime Silicate Glass Surfaces, Richard K. Brow and William C. LaCourse


Mechanisms for Alkali Leaching in Mixed-Na-K Silicate Glasses, Bruce C. Bunker, George W. Arnold, Edwin K. Beauchamp, and D. E. Day


Preface, Delbert E. Day and Günther H. Frischat


In Vivo and in Vitro Aging of Orthopedic Aluminas, A. Fahr, Roger F. Brown, and D. E. Day


The Effects Of Certain Impurities And Their Interactions On Zinc Electrowinning, Donald R. Fosnacht and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Critical Experiments on the Role of Surface Tension Driven Flow in the Kinetics of Oxygen Transfer between Gases and Liquid Silver, Joe G. Herbertson, D. G. C. Robertson, and A. V. Bradshaw


Comments On A Paper By Baik And Raj, Hollis P. Leighly

Characterization of Precipitate Morphology and Composition in a Nb/V Microalloyed Steel, Joseph William Newkirk and S. S. Hansen

Importance of Precise Oxygen-partial-pressure Control and Measurement in Sessile Drop Experiments, P. D. Ownby


Control of Oxygen and Carbon Related Crystal Defects in Silicon Processing, P. D. Ownby and P. E. Grayson

Description of the Containerless Melting of Glass in Low Gravity, C. S. Ray and D. E. Day


Twinning Pseudoelasticity In InTl, Manfred Wuttig and Lin Chun-Hung

Submissions from 1982


Polarization and Conduction Mechanism in Mixed-Alkali Glasses, Anil K. Agarwal and D. E. Day


Thermally Stimulated Currents and Alkali-Ion Motion in Silicate Glasses, Anil K. Agarwal and D. E. Day


Nonlinear Anelasticity Of Magnesium, Alexander Aning, Tetsuro Suzuki, and Manfred Wuttig


Phaseautomodulation In Magnesium, Alexander Aning, Tetsuro Suzuki, and Manfred Wuttig


Anomalous Diffusion Of Carbon In A 70/30 Iron-nickel Alloy, L. R. Chapman, D. A. Powers, and Manfred Wuttig

Reaction of Alumina Ceramics with Saturated Steam, D. E. Day


Electronic and Ionic Conduction in Sodium Borosilicate Glasses, Biprodas Dutta and D. E. Day


Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases VI, A. Fahr, S. F. Rahman, and D. E. Day

Analysis of Pressure Traces in Submerged Injection Systems, L. Farias and D. G. C. Robertson

Application of Mathematical and Physical Models in the Iron and Steel Industry, L. Farias and D. G. C. Robertson

Physical Modelling of Gas-Powder Injection into Liquid Metals, L. Farias and D. G. C. Robertson


Measurement of the Wear Properties of Metallic Solids with a Falex Lubricant Testing Machine, Edward Boyd Hale, Chun-Ping John Meng, and Ronald A. Kohser


Factors Influencing The Production Rate And Quality Of Lead Sinter, John R. Knoepke, Hung Yang Tsai, and Arthur E. Morris


Glass Surfaces Then And Now, Norbert J. Kreidl

Properties of High Alumina Refractories After Exposure to Steam/H₂ Atmospheres, David W. Lang and D. E. Day


The Effect Of PH2O In The Annealing Atmosphere On The Defect Structure In A Quenched Aluminium–9·87 At.% Zinc Alloy, Hollis P. Leighly


The Vacancy Migration Energy In Aluminium-copper Alloys, Hollis P. Leighly


The Iron-iron Carbide Phase Diagram: A Practical Guide to Some Descriptive Solid State Chemistry, Gary J. Long and Hollis P. Leighly


The Anodic Dissolution Of ZnS Electrodes In Sulfuric Acid Solutions, Ram A. Narasagoudar, James W. Johnson, and Thomas J. O'Keefe

Heat Transfer Calculations for Accretion Formation Around a Tuyere During Submerged Gas Injection into Molten Steel, S. Ohguchi and D. G. C. Robertson


Materials Science Deposition Rate Of Metallic Ag On Ivory And Enamel, Thomas J. O'Keefe, R. A. Narasagoudar, and L. A. Anderson


Effects of Varying Oxygen Partial Pressure on Molten Silicon-Ceramic Substrate Interactions, and Oxygen Partial Pressure Measurements of Silicon Sheet Production Facilities, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero


Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases V, S. F. Rahman and D. E. Day

Steam-Enhanced Impurity Segregation in Dense Alumina, Mark A. Smith, D. E. Day, and L. L. Levenson

Submissions from 1981


The Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Wetting of SiC, AlN, and Si₃N₄ by Si and a Method for Calculating the Surface Energies Involved, Michael W. Barsoum and P. D. Ownby


Conduction Polarization in Sodium Germanate Glasses, Akira Doi and D. E. Day


Properties of Refractories after Exposure to High Pressure Gases IV, A. Fakhr, S. F. Rahman, and D. E. Day

Oxygen Mass Transfer in Pachuca Tanks, C. J. Hallett, A. J. Monhemius, and D. G. C. Robertson


Thermally Stimulated Currents in Sodium Silicate Glasses, Chiming Hong and D. E. Day


Charge Trapping and Release in Electron and Gamma Irradiated Lead Silicate Glasses, Chiming Hong, D. E. Day, Robert A. Weeks, and Donald L. Kinser


Sodium Motion in Phase-Separated Sodium Silicate Glasses, Horst Dieter Jannek and D. E. Day


Prediction of Initial Motion of a Gas Bubble in Liquids, Madhukar Nilmani, Timothy T. Maxwell, D. G. C. Robertson, and Dudley Brian Spalding

Calcium Migration in Dense Alumina Aged in Water and Physiological Media, Heidi H. Osterholm and D. E. Day


Dense Alumina Aged in Vivo, Heidi H. Osterholm and D. E. Day

Oxygen Activity in Silicon Crystal Growth Chambers, P. D. Ownby

Oxygen Analysis, P. D. Ownby and Harold V. Romero