Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 1996

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe₂O₅-P₂O₅Na₂O Glasses. Part 1: Oxygen Heat Treatment, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, D. E. Day, Gary J. Long, and G. K. Marasinghe


Incommensurate One-Dimensional Fluctuations in YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₉₃, Herbert A. Mook, Pengcheng Dai, Kamel Salama, Dominic Lee, Fatih Dogan, Gabriel Aeppli, Andrew T. Boothroyd, and Mark E. Mostoller


Effect of Pt Doping on Nucleation and Crystallization in Li2O · 2SiO2 Glass: Experimental Measurements and Computer Modeling, K. Lakshmi Narayan, K. F. Kelton, and C. S. Ray

Physical Modeling of Slag Splashing in the BOF, Kent D. Peaslee


Identifying Internal and Surface Crystallization by Differential Thermal Analysis for the Glass-to-crystal Transformations, C. S. Ray and D. E. Day


Non-isothermal Calorimetric Studies of the Crystallization of Lithium Disilicate Glass, C. S. Ray, D. E. Day, Wen-Hai Huang, K. Lakshmi Narayan, T. S. Cull, and Kenneth F. Kelton


Surface and Internal Crystallization in Glasses as Determined by Differential Thermal Analysis, C. S. Ray, Quanzu Yang, Wen-Hai Huang, and D. E. Day


Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by use of an Internal Pt Voltage Probe, David M. Reed, Harlan U. Anderson, and Wayne Huebner

Evaluation of Recyclability of Used Automotive Oil Filters as Ferrous Scrap, Darrell E. Roberts and Kent D. Peaslee


XPS Characterization of in Situ Prepared Ti/glass Interfaces, Sagnik Saha, H. Jain, A. C. Miller, and Richard K. Brow


A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1996, Mark E. Schlesinger


Refractories for Copper Production, Mark E. Schlesinger


Scaling Behavior in the Conductivity of Alkali Oxide Glasses, Polymers, and Doped Crystals, David L. Sidebottom, Peter F. Green, and Richard K. Brow


Microstructure and Physical Properties of Iron Carbide Films Formed by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, Harshini P. Siriwardane, Oran Allan Pringle, Joseph William Newkirk, and William Joseph James


Microstructure of Thin Iron Carbide Films Prepared in a Glow Discharge, Harshini P. Siriwardane, Oran Allan Pringle, Joseph William Newkirk, and William Joseph James

The Effect of High Gas Flowrates on the Performance of a Counter-Current Reaction Launder (CCRL) Process for Metal Refining, K. Narayana Swamy, D. G. C. Robertson, and Kent D. Peaslee

Sol-Gel Processing and Sintering of Aluminum Titanate, C. S. Tseng and M. N. Rahaman

Modification of Anomalous Deposition in Zn-Ni Alloys using Antimony Additives, H. M. Wang and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Sintering of Nanophase Γ-Al₂O₃ Powder, Shun Jackson Wu, L. C. De Jonghe, and M. N. Rahaman


SiC Platelet-reinforced Al₂O₃ Composites by Free Sintering of Coated Inclusions, Xi Yang and M. N. Rahaman

Preparation and Mechanism of Ultrafine ZnO Particles by Spray Pyrolysis, Xinyu Zhao, Baicun Zheng, Chunzhong Li, Liming Hu, Hongchen Gu, and Shi-Chang Zhang

Submissions from 1995

Enviroplas Technology for the Recovery of Lead and Zinc from Lead Blast Furnace Slags, Nie A. Barcza, D. G. C. Robertson, Albert F. S. Schoukens, Frank Shaw, Glen M. Denton, A. W. Worcester, and David J. Bailey


The Short-range Structure of Zinc Polyphosphate Glass, Richard K. Brow, David R. Tallant, Sharon T. Myers, and Carol C. Phifer


Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis of a Chelated Precursor into Spherical YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ High-Temperature Superconductor Powders, Chih-hsiang Chao and P. D. Ownby


Immittance Response of La0.6Sr0.4CO0.2Fe0.8O3 based Electrochemical Cells, C. C. Chen, M. M. Nasrallah, and Harlan U. Anderson

Using Glass in the Body, D. E. Day


Radiolabeled Protein Composition and Method for Radiation Synovectomy, D. E. Day, Gary J. Ehrhardt, and Kurt R. Zinn

Using Glass in the Body, Delbert E. Day


Phonon and Magnetic Neutron Scattering at 41 Mev in YBa₂Cu₃O₇, Hungfai Fong, Bernhard Keimer, Philip Warren Anderson, Dmitry V. Reznik, Fatih Dogan, and Ilhan A. Aksay


Fibrous Monoliths: Non-Brittle Fracture from Powder-Processed Ceramics, Greg Hilmas, AdrianJ B. Brady, U. Abdali, G. Zywicki, and John W. Halloran


A Positron Annihilation Study of Rotating Beam Fatigue Damage in the Superalloy Haynes 188, D. Hoeckelman and Hollis P. Leighly


Reaction Sintering of ZnO-Al₂O₃, Wan-Shick Hong, L. C. De Jonghe, Xi Yang, and M. N. Rahaman


Resonant Neutron Scattering from YBa₂Cu₃O₇, Bernhard Keimer, Hungfai Fong, Dmitry V. Reznik, Fatih Dogan, and Ilhan A. Aksay


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of the Structures of Phosphate and Phosphate-containing Glasses: A Review, R. James Kirkpatrick and Richard K. Brow


Electrical and Thermal Transport Properties of (La,Ca)(Cr,Co)O3, Rasit Koc and Harlan U. Anderson


On the Application of Magnetomechanical Models to Explain Damping in an Antiferromagnetic Copper-manganese Alloy, Shashi Laddha and David C. Van Aken

Pressureless Sintering of Boron Carbide Whisker Reinforced Alumina Matrix Composites, Xuan Lin and P. D. Ownby

The Design of a Small Endothermic Generator for Laboratory Use, D. S. MacKenzie and Joseph William Newkirk


On the Effect of Matrix Relaxation during the Melting of Embedded Indium Particles, A. K. Malhotra and David C. Van Aken


On the Creep of Directionally Solidified MoSi₂-Mo₅Si₃ Eutectics, D. P. Mason and David C. Van Aken


On the Microstructure and Crystallography of Directionally Solidified MoSi₂-Mo₅Si₃ Eutectics, D. P. Mason, David C. Van Aken, and J. F. Mansfield

Recovery of Zinc from Residues by SX-Galvanic Stripping Process, Michael S. Moats, C. M. Chang, and Thomas J. O'Keefe

Physical Modeling of Three-phase Mixing in a Counter-current Reaction Launder(CCRL) Process for Metal Refining, Lloyd Robert Nelson, D. G. C. Robertson, and K. Narayana Swamy

Properties of Hot-Pressed Cr-Cr3Si, Joseph William Newkirk and Joseph E. Price


Wetting in an Electronic Packaging Ceramic System: 1, Wetting of Tungsten by Glass in Controlled Oxygen Partial Pressure Atmospheres, P. D. Ownby, J. E. Lazaroff, and D. A. Weirauch


Thermodynamics of Hot Corrosion of SiC Fiber/CAS Matrix Composites, P. D. Ownby, S.-W. Wang, R. Sands, R. Kowalik, W. Thompson, and D. Thompson


High Temperature Interfacial Phenomena in Processing Cofired Ceramics for Electronic Packaging of Semiconductor Devices, P. D. Ownby, D. A. Weirauch Jr., and J. E. Lazaroff


Wetting in an Electronic Packaging Ceramic System: II, Wetting of Alumina by a Silicate Glass Melt under Controlled P₀₂ Conditions, P. D. Ownby, D. A. Weirauch Jr., and J. E. Lazaroff

The Application of Computers to Study the Effects of Jetting during Steelmaking, Kent D. Peaslee and D. G. C. Robertson

Nitrogen Dissolution in Phosphate Glasses Containing M2O, MO and M2O3, Y. B. Peng, X. Lei, and D. E. Day

Nitrogen Dissolution in Phosphate Glasses Containing M₂O, MO and M₂O₃, Yongren B. Peng, Xingye Lei, and D. E. Day


Effect of Solid Solution Additives on the Sintering of Ultra-fine CeO₂ Powders, M. N. Rahaman and Yanchun Zhou


Order-Disorder Behavior in the Phase Transition of PbTiO₃, Bruce D. Ravel, Noam Sicron, Yitzhak Yacobi, Edward A. Stern, Fatih Dogan, and John J. Rehr


Phosphorus Oxynitride Glasses, Mary R. Reidmeyer and D. E. Day


q Dependence of Self-Energy Effects of the Plane Oxygen Vibration in YBa₂Cu₃O₇, Dmitry V. Reznik, Bernhard Keimer, Fatih Dogan, and Ilhan A. Aksay

The Computation of the Kinetics of Reactions Between Multiple Phases, D. G. C. Robertson


A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1995, Mark E. Schlesinger


Electrical Characterization of the (La,Ca) (Cr,Co)O3 System, S. R. Sehlin, Harlan U. Anderson, and Don M. Sparlin


Semiempirical Model for the Electrical Properties of La1-XCaxCoO3, S. R. Sehlin, Harlan U. Anderson, and Don M. Sparlin


The Ferroelectric Phase Transition in PbTiO₃ from a Local Perspective, Noam Sicron, Bruce D. Ravel, Yitzhak Yacobi, Edward A. Stern, Fatih Dogan, and John J. Rehr


Anomalous-diffusion Model of Ionic Transport in Oxide Glasses, David L. Sidebottom, Peter F. Green, and Richard K. Brow


Comparison of KWW and Power Law Analyses of an Ion-Conducting Glass, David L. Sidebottom, Peter F. Green, and Richard K. Brow


Two Contributions to the Ac Conductivity of Alkali Oxide Glasses, David L. Sidebottom, Peter F. Green, and Richard K. Brow

Microstructure of Plasma-Deposited Fe₃N Films, H. Siriwardane, C. Polly, James Alan Sago, Phil Fraundorf, Oran Allan Pringle, Joseph William Newkirk, and William Joseph James


Method of Forming a Plasma Sprayed Interconnection Layer on an Electrode of an Electrochemical Cell, Charles J. Spengler, George R. Folser, Shailesh D. Vora, Lewis Kuo, and Von Richards

Mathematical Modelling of the Kinetics of Reactions Between Multiple Phases: Applied to the De-S and De-P of Molten Pig Iron, K. Narayana Swamy and D. G. C. Robertson


Thermochemical Stability, Electrical Conductivity, and Seebeck Coefficient of Sr-Doped LaCo0.2Fe0.8O3-Δ, L. W. Tai, M. M. Nasrallah, and Harlan U. Anderson


Structure and Electrical Properties of La1-XSrxCo1-YFeyO3. Part 1. the System La0.8Sr0.2Co1-YFeyO3, L. W. Tai, M. M. Nasrallah, Harlan U. Anderson, Don M. Sparlin, and S. R. Sehlin


Structure and Electrical Properties of La1 - XSrxCo1 - YFeyO3. Part 2. the System La1 - XSrxCo0.2Fe0.8O3, L. W. Tai, M. M. Nasrallah, Harlan U. Anderson, Don M. Sparlin, and S. R. Sehlin


Recrystallization and Grain Growth Phenomena in a Particle-reinforced Aluminum Composite, David C. Van Aken, P. E. Krajewski, G. M. Vyletel, J. E. Allison, and J. W. Jones


The Effect of Matrix Microstructure on Cyclic Response and Fatigue Behavior of Particle-reinforced 2219 Aluminum Part I, G. M. Vyletel, J. E. Allison, and David C. Van Aken


The Effect of Matrix Microstructure on Cyclic Response and Fatigue Behavior of Particle-reinforced 2219 Aluminum Part II, G. M. Vyletel, David C. Van Aken, and J. E. Allison


Solubility of Red Phosphorus in Molten Lead, Sean E. Walker and Mark E. Schlesinger


A Process Engineering Approach to Remedy an Environmental Problem of Fugitive Lead Emissions during Lead Refining, Liming Wang and Arthur E. Morris


Multi-Force Dewatering for Magnetic Waste Materials, Johh L. Watson and P. L. Gardner


Interfacial Bonding and Optical Transmission for Transparent Fiberglass/Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Composites, Kevin D. Weaver, James O. Stoffer, and D. E. Day

Submissions from 1994


Electron Beam Reduction of Sodium-containing Glass Surfaces, Richard K. Brow

XPS Study of Iron Phosphate Glasses, Richard K. Brow, C. M. Arens, X. Yu, and D. E. Day


New Glasses for Hermetic Aluminum Seals, Richard K. Brow and L. Kovaic


Phosphorus Oxynitride Glasses of Variable Sodium Content, Richard K. Brow, Mary R. Reidmeyer, and D. E. Day


The Short-range Structure of Sodium Ultraphosphate Glasses, Richard K. Brow, David R. Tallant, James J. Hudgens, Steve W. Martin, and Alan D. Irwin


Method of Manufacture of Multiple-Element Piezoelectric Transducer, Lawrence J. Busse, Jeffry W. Stevenson, and Wayne Huebner


Synthesis and Characterization of YSZ Thin Film Electrolytes, C. C. Chen, M. M. Nasrallah, and Harlan U. Anderson


Characterization of Phase Transformation Behavior in Electrolytically Produced Indium-Thallium Shape Memory Alloy Films, Chong Ho Sonu and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Interaction of CaO-FeO-SiO₂ Slags with Partially Stabilized Zirconia, Yau-Don Chung and Mark E. Schlesinger


Microspheres for Radiation Therapy, D. E. Day and Gary J. Ehrhardt


Creep-sintering of Polycrystalline Ceramic Particulate Composites, Rollie E. Dutton and M. N. Rahaman


Neutron-Induced Microstructural Alteration of GlidCop™ Alloys at ∼415°C and High Neutron Exposure, Danny J. Edwards, F.A. Garner, Joseph William Newkirk, and Anil V. Nadkarni


The Response of Dispersion-Strengthened Copper Alloys to High Fluence Neutron Irradiation at 415⁰C, Danny J. Edwards, Joseph William Newkirk, Frank A. Garner, Margaret L. Hamilton, A. Nadkarni, and P. Samal

The Response of Dispersion-Hardened Copper Alloys to High Fluence Neutron Irradiation at 400C, Danny J. Edwards, Joseph William Newkirk, Frank A. Garner, Margaret L. Hamilton, A. V. Nadkarni, and P. K. Samal

Application of Copper Alloys to Fusion Reactor Service, Danny J. Edwards, Joseph William Newkirk, Arvind S. Kumar, J. F. Stubbins, and M. A. Mitchell


Densification and Microstructure of Sodium-doped Colloidal Mullite, William Fahrenholtz and Douglas M. Smith


Processing and Characterization of Samarium and Manganese Modified Lead Titanate Thin Film, Chen-Lung Fan and Wayne Huebner


Synthesis and Properties of Strontium-Doped Yttrium Manganite, Bo Fu, Wayne Huebner, Mladen F. Trubelia, and Vladimir S. Stubican


Relaxations in Mixed Alkali Metaphosphate Glass, Peter F. Green, David L. Sidebottom, and Richard K. Brow


Thermal Conductivity of a Particulate Diamond-Reinforced Cordierite Matrix Composite, D. P. H. Hasselman, Kimberly Y. Donaldson, Jenq Liu, Ludwig J. Gauckler, and P. D. Ownby


Positron Annihilation Determination of Damage Caused by Fatigue Cycling in the Superalloy Haynes 188, D. Hoeckelman and Hollis P. Leighly


Color and Selected Properties of PbO-BiO₁.₅-GaO₁.₅ Glasses, Wen-Hai Huang, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day


Dense Al₂O₃/ZrO₂ Particulate Composites by Free Sintering of Coated Powders, Ching-Li Hu and M. N. Rahaman


A Study of the Sintering Mechanism of PZT-Based Piezoceramics, Wayne Huebner, Pei Wen Lu, and WanRong Xue