"Evaluation of Recyclability of Used Automotive Oil Filters as Ferrous " by Darrell E. Roberts and Kent D. Peaslee

Evaluation of Recyclability of Used Automotive Oil Filters as Ferrous Scrap


Over 425 million used automotive oil filters are discarded in the United States each year. Estimates prior to this research claim that 10% are recycled with the remainder typically being landfilled. Surveys conducted with ferrous scrape users and oil filter processors as part of this research reveal that at least 15% are currently being recycled as ferrous scrap. Oil filter scrap is not being used by many operations because of concerns with scrap consistency and quality. These concerns stem from trials conducted in the infancy of the oil filter recycling movement. Consistent scrap quality depends both on the content of the used oil filters and the processing technique used to produce the scrap. Technology has advanced since the first recycling trials were conducted by steelmakers. Several different types of scrap are available, including pucks, bricks, cubes, and shred. This research conducted at the University of Missouri-Rolla investigated the content of used oil filters and compares the recyclability of different oil filter sizes and designs. Filters vary by application and vary between manufacturers for a particular application. An understanding of the scrap itself as well as the concerns and problems of both oil filter recyclers and oil filter processors is necessary to increase the number of used oil filters being recycled.


Materials Science and Engineering

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

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© 2024 The Authors, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Jan 1996

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