Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 1994


Fabrication of 2-2 Connectivity PZT/Thermoplastic Composites for High Frequency Linear Arrays, Wayne Huebner, Mary R. Reidmeyer, L. Busse, and Jeffry W. Stevenson


Microstructural Effects on the Electromechanical Properties of PZT-BFCeramics, Wayne Huebner, WanRong R. Xue, and Peiwen Lu


Vortex Structures in YBa₂Cu₃O₇ (Invited), Bernhard Keimer, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Ross W. Erwin, Fatih Dogan, Wan Y. Shih, and Ilhan A. Aksay


Vortex Lattice Symmetry and Electronic Structure in YBa₂Cu₃O₇, Bernhard Keimer, Wan Y. Shih, Ross W. Erwin, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Fatih Dogan, and Ilhan A. Aksay


Density Changes during Isothermal Annealing of a Quenched Pb–7.45 At% Sn Alloy, Hollis P. Leighly and A. Belaidi


Temperature and Wavelength Dependent Transmission of Optically Transparent Glass Fibre Poly (methyl Methacrylate) Composites, Hongy Lin, D. E. Day, Kevin D. Weaver, and James O. Stoffer


IR Transmission and Corrosion of Lead-bismuth Gallate Glasses, Hongy Lin, William L. Dechent, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer


The Effect of Fiber Annealing on the Properties of an Optically Transparent PMMA Composite, Hongy Lin, Seung-Gu Kang, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer


Thermodynamics of the Iron-Carbon-Zinc System, Wenzhong Luo and Mark E. Schlesinger


Investigations of the Phase Diagram of the PbTiO₃-BiFeO₃ System, Peiwen Lu, W. M. Zhang, WanRong R. Xue, X. F. Wang, and Wayne Huebner


Spray Pyrolysis Synthesis of Lead Magnesium Niobate Relaxor Ferroelectric Powders, J. G. Marx and Wayne Huebner

Modeling of a Counter-current Reaction Launder(CCRL) Process for Metal Refining, Lee R. Nelson and D. G. C. Robertson


Properties of Hot-Pressed Cr-Cr₃Si, Joseph William Newkirk and Joseph E. Price

Model Studies of Drop Reactions with Gas Evolution, Dhiren Panda and D. G. C. Robertson

Physical Modeling of Metal Drop-slag Reactions with Gas Evolution, Dhiren Panda and D. G. C. Robertson


Simple Apparatus for Producing Single Liquid Drops, Dhiren Panda and D. G. C. Robertson


Microstructural Analysis and High-temperature Strength of a Directionally Solidified Er₂Mo₃Si₄-MoSi₂ Eutectic, D. Keith Patrick and David C. Van Aken


Processing, Microstructure, and Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of MoSi₂ Containing Er₂Mo₃Si4 and Er₂O₃ Particles, D. Keith Patrick and David C. Van Aken


Recycling Used Automotive Oil Filters, Kent D. Peaslee

Fluid Dynamics of Inclined Jetting on a Slag-Metal Bath, Kent D. Peaslee and D. G. C. Robertson

Modelling of Fluid and Particle Flow to Study Metal Powder Production Through Atomization, Kent D. Peaslee and D. G. C. Robertson

Model Studies of Splash, Waves, and Recirculating Flows within Steelmaking Furnaces, Kent D. Peaslee and D. G. C. Robertson


Processing Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide Superconductor in Near-Zero Gravity, Donald R. Pettit, Dean E. Peterson, Kimberly A. Kubat-Martin, John J. Petrovic, Haskell Sheinberg, J. Yates Coulter, and D. E. Day


High Resolution Inelastic Neutron Scattering Study of Phonon Self-Energy Effects in YBCO, Dmitry V. Reznik, Bernhard Keimer, Fatih Dogan, and Ilhan A. Aksay


Addenda, Mark E. Schlesinger


A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1994, Mark E. Schlesinger


Phase Diagram Prediction of ΔfG0 for Inter Metallic Compounds: A “sensitivity” Analysis, Mark E. Schlesinger


The Si-Ta (silicon-tantalum) System, Mark E. Schlesinger


Nature of the Ferroelectric Phase Transition in PbTiO₃, Noam Sicron, Bruce D. Ravel, Yitzhak Yacobi, Edward A. Stern, Fatih Dogan, and John J. Rehr

Diffraction Analysis of HREM Images from a Plasma-Deposited Iron Carbide Film, Harshini Siriwardane, Phil Fraundorf, Oran Allan Pringle, William Joseph James, and Joseph William Newkirk


Fabrication and Characterization of PZT/Thermoplastic Polymer Composites for High-frequency Phased Linear Arrays, Jeffry W. Stevenson, Mary R. Reidmeyer, and Wayne Huebner


Liquid-Mix Synthesis of Oxide Powders and Thin Films using a Starch-Based Polymer, Lone Wen F. Tai and Harlan U. Anderson

Mathematical Modelling of Refining of Stainless Steel in MRPA Converter, C. Vercruyssen, Patrick Wollants, Jef R. Roos, D. G. C. Robertson, and L. Bertels


Effect of Additives on Anomalous Deposition in Zinc-Cobalt Alloy Electrogalvanizing, H. M. Wang and Thomas J. O'Keefe


Silver-palladium Thick-film Conductors, Sea-Fue Wang, Joseph P. Dougherty, Wayne Huebner, and John G. Pepin


Correlation of Wettability and Interfacial Reaction to the Densification and Dielectric Properties of Fluxed-BaTiO₃, Sea-Fue Wang, Wayne Huebner, and Joseph P. Dougherty


Determination of the Kinetics of TiAl₃ Formation from Fine Ti and Al Particles Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, X. Wang, Hong Yong Sohn, and Mark E. Schlesinger


Rare Earth Aluminosilicate Glasses for in Vivo Radiation Delivery, James E. White and D. E. Day


Effect of Calcia Additions on the Electromechanical Properties of Samarium-Modified Lead Titanate Ceramics, WanRong R. Xue, Peiwen Lu, and Wayne Huebner


SiC Platelet Reinforced Al₂O₃ Composites by Free Sintering of Coated Powders, Xi Yang and M. N. Rahaman


Oxidation Behaviour of Reaction-bonded Alumina Compacts Using an Al₈₈Si₁₂ Alloy Precursor, S. H. Yokota, L. C. De Jonghe, and M. N. Rahaman

On Exergy Losses in AMR Hydrogen Liquefiers, Lifeng Zhang, John W. Sheffield, S. A. Sherif, and T. N. Veziroglu

Performance Analysis of Reciprocating Magnetic Liquefiers, Lifeng Zhang, John W. Sheffield, S. A. Sherif, and T. N. Veziroglu

Submissions from 1993


The Role Of Cathode Macromorphology In Zinc Electrowinning Current Efficiency, H. M. Aros and T. J. O'Keefe

Interfacial Reactions Between Titanium and Borate Glass, Richard K. Brow, Sagnik Saha, and J. I. Goldstein


Solid-state Science And Technology: Synthesis And Characterization Of (CeO2)0.8(SmO1.5)0.2 Thin Films From Polymeric Precursors, C. C. Chen, Harlan U. Anderson, and M. M. Nasrallah


Thermal Contact Conductance Of A Phase-mixed Coating Layer By Transitional Buffering Interface, K. C. Chung, John W. Sheffield, Harry J. Sauer, T. (Thomas) J. O'Keefe, and A. Williams

Transparent Composites of Poly(chlorotrifluoroethylene) Reinforced with Fluorophosphate Glass Fibers, William L. Dechent, Hongy Lin, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer


Gamma-Titanium Aluminide Reinforced with A1₂O₃ and TiB₂ Fibers, Darrell C. Dixon and Joseph William Newkirk


Chemical Durability of Y₂O₃-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ Glasses for the in Vivo Delivery of Beta Radiation, Erik M. Erbe and D. E. Day


Effect of Precursor Particle Size on the Densification and Crystallization Behavior of Mullite, William Fahrenholtz, Douglas M. Smith, and Joseph Cesarano


Influence of Cold-Work and Phosphorus Content on Neutron-Induced Swelling of Ternary Fe-Cr-Ni alloys, F.A. Garner, Kazuya Miyahara, Joseph William Newkirk, and Hiroshi Kinoshita


Influence of Details of Reactor History on Microstructural Development during Neutron Irradiation, F.A. Garner, Naoto Sekimura, Martin L. Grossbeck, August M. Ermi, Joseph William Newkirk, Hideo Watanabe, and Michio Kiritani


A Study Of Fatigue Failure In Superalloys Using Positron Annihilation, D. Hoeckelman and Hollis P. Leighly


SiC-whisker-reinforced Al₂O₃ Composites by Free Sintering of Coated Powders, Ching-Li Hu and M. N. Rahaman


Effect of Rigid Inclusions on the Sintering of Mullite Synthesized by Sol-gel Processing, De-Yin Jeng and M. N. Rahaman


Sintering and Crystallization of Mullite Powder Prepared by Sol-gel Processing, De-Yin Jeng and M. N. Rahaman

Inclined-Field Structure, Morphology, and Pinning of the Vortex Lattice in Microtwinned YBa₂Cu₃O₇, Bernhard Keimer, Fatih Dogan, Ilhan A. Aksay, Ross W. Erwin, Jeffrey W. Lynn, and Ayhan Sarikaya

Technology of Iron-carbon Alloys Production with the Use of Production Wastes, Semen Naumovich Lekakh

Analysis of Properties of Iron Castings Produced in Lined Metal Mould, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, A. E. Shishkin, and A. G. Slutskij


Aging Behavior of Optically Transparent Poly (methyl Methacrylate) Composites, Hongy Lin, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer


Model for the Temperature Dependent Transmission of Optically Transparent Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Composites, Hongy Lin, D. E. Day, and James O. Stoffer


Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Internal Friction Associated with the Melting of Embedded Particles, Ashwani K. Malhotra and David C. Van Aken


Creep Deformation Studies in Directionally Solidified MoSi₂-Mo₅Si₃ Eutectics, D. P. Mason and David C. Van Aken


The Effect of Microstructural Scale on Hardness of MoSi₂-Mo₅Si₃ Eutectics, D. P. Mason and David C. Van Aken


Thermally Stimulated Polarization and DC Conduction in Iron Phosphate Glasses, Andrea Mogus-Milankovic and D. E. Day


Computer Software For Chemical And Extractive Metallurgy Calculations, Arthur E. Morris and James B. Stephenson


Method for Stripping Metals in Solvent Extraction, Thomas J. O'Keefe


Physical and Mechanical Properties of MoSi₂-Er₂Mo₃Si₄ Composites, D. Keith Patrick and David C. Van Aken

Physical Modeling of Interactions between a Top Blown Jet and the Slag/Metal Bath in Steelmaking, Kent D. Peaslee

Physical Modeling of Metal/Slag/Gas Interactions and Reactions in Steelmaking, Kent D. Peaslee, Dhiren Panda, and D. G. C. Robertson


Reaction Sintering of Zinc Ferrite During Constant Rates of Heating, M. N. Rahaman and L. C. De Jonghe


Solid Solution Approach for the Fabrication of Ceramics with High Density and Controlled Microstructure, M. N. Rahaman and Ching-Li Hu


Structure Property Relationships in Core-Shell BaTiO₃-LiF Ceramics, Clive A. Randall, Seafue Wang, D. K. Laubscher, Joseph P. Dougherty, and Wayne Huebner


Lead Titanate Is Not a Classic Case of a Displacive Ferroelectric Phase Transition, Bruce D. Ravel, Edward A. Stern, Yitzhak Yacobi, and Fatih Dogan


A Sampling of Highlights from the EPD Congress 1993, Mark E. Schlesinger


Design Education in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Mark E. Schlesinger and Donald E. Mikkola


The Influence of Solution-Model Complexity on Phase Diagram Prediction, Mark E. Schlesinger and Joseph William Newkirk


Errata: The Nb-Si (Niobium-Silicon) System, Mark E. Schlesinger, H. Okamoto, A. B. Gokhale, and R. Abbaschian


The Nb-Si (Niobium-Silicon) System, Mark E. Schlesinger, H. Okamoto, A. B. Gokhale, and R. Abbaschian

Finding Noise-Related Artifacts in Scanned-Probe Microscope Images, Harshini P. Siriwardane, Phil Fraundorf, Lu Fei, William Joseph James, Joseph William Newkirk, and Oran Allan Pringle


Microstructure of Fe₇C₃ Formed at 3000°C by Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD), Harshini P. Siriwardane, Phil Fraundorf, Joseph William Newkirk, Oran Allan Pringle, and William Joseph James


A Microstructural Study of Iron Carbides Formed by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (50-800nm Thick), Harshini P. Siriwardane, William Joseph James, Oran Allan Pringle, and Joseph William Newkirk


Defect Structure Of Y1-ycaymno3 And La1-ycaymno3. I. Electrical Properties, J. W. Stevenson, M. M. Nasrallah, Harlan U. Anderson, and Don M. Sparlin


Defect Structure Of Y1-ycaymno3 And La1-ycaymno3. II. Oxidation-reduction Behavior, J. W. Stevenson, M. M. Nasrallah, Harlan U. Anderson, and Don M. Sparlin


Evaluation of YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Bulk Superconductors for High Field Magnet Applications, Michael Strasik, Fatih Dogan, J. Liu, Mehmet Sarikaya, K. Y. Blohowiak, D. F. Garrigus, T. S. Luhman, Kevin E. McCrary, I. A. Aksay, and W. B. Hicks


Phase Identification in Rapidly Solidified Al-In Alloys Using High Resolution Synchrotron Radiation Diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy, J. Tao, David C. Van Aken, and J. C. Bilello

Decoppering of Liquid Lead Bullion by Elemental Sulphur Additions -- Part 1: Sulphidation of Lead by Elemental Sulphur, Brian S. Terry, Charles L. Harris, and D. G. C. Robertson

Decoppering of Liquid Lead Bullion by Elemental Sulphur Additions -- Part 2: Mechanism and Model for Decoppering, Brian S. Terry, Charles L. Harris, and D. G. C. Robertson


Electron Microscopy Study of the Precipitation of Rhenium in the B₂ Nickel Aluminide, David C. Van Aken, D. P. Mason, S. G. Malhotra, and J. G. Webber


The Influence Of Matrix Microstructure, G. M. Vyletel, J. E. Allison, and David C. Van Aken


Interaction of Silver/palladium Electrodes with Lead-and Bismuth-based Electroceramics, Sea-Fue Wang and Wayne Huebner


Preparation and Properties of Optically Transparent, Pressure-cured Poly (methyl Methacrylate) Composites, Kevin D. Weaver, James O. Stoffer, and D. E. Day


Enhanced Formation of Calcia-Gallia Glass by Containerless Processing, J. K. Richard Weber, Dennis R. Merkley, Collin D. Anderson, Paul C. Nordine, C. S. Ray, and D. E. Day

Metastable Microstructures in CVD Alpha-Iron, H. G. F. Wilsdorf and Joseph William Newkirk


The Effect of Li-Salt Additions on the Densification of Tin Oxide, Dahwei Yuan, Seafue Wang, Wayne Huebner, and George Simkovich

Second Law Analysis of Active Magnetic Regenerative Hydrogen Liquefiers, Lifeng Zhang, S. A. Sherif, T. N. Veziroglu, and John W. Sheffield

Submissions from 1992


Review Of P-type Doped Perovskite Materials For SOFC And Other Applications, Harlan U. Anderson


Effect Of Ultrasound On Acidified Brine Leaching Of Double-kiln Treated EAF Dust, J. A. Barrera-Godinez, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and Johh L. Watson


Multinuclear MAS NMR Study of the Short-Range Structure of Fluorophosphate Glass, Richard K. Brow, Z. A. Osborne, and R. James Kirkpatrick