Electrical and Computer Engineering Masters Theses
Theses from 2004
Study of hostile applets as a threat to internet users, Ganesh Sridharan
Investigations of vulnerabilities of select directories of the Linux kernel 2.6.6, Jonathan Roger Syler Van Houten
Performance improvement of power system stabilizers using Prony analysis, Srinivas Vemuri
Detection and evaluation of disbonds between CFRP laminates and concrete members, Stephen Thangaraj Vivian Richards
Temperature consideration in solar arrays, Min-Jung Wu
Mobile robot navigation using RAM-based neural network and fuzzy logic methods, Qiang Yao
A page counter using non-invasive optical techniques, Jason Michael Young
Theses from 2003
Logic devices using forward propagating quantum resistor network - 8X8 network, Rajesh Alla
Ray-tracing simulations for development of 5.7 GHz indoor positioning system, Venu Madhav Annamraju
Performance evaluation of optimized link state routing protocol, Karthik Balasubramanian
Insider attack scenarios and black box testing in support of insider threat detection, Krishna Prasad Balasubramanian
Design and characterization of asynchronous delay-insensitive arithmetic components using NULL conventional logic, Satish K. Bandapati
Hardware implementation of a closed-loop controller for torque ripple sensing and vibration mitigation, Philip Beccue
Implementation of adaptive noise canceller using field programmable gate arrays, Bonita Bhaskaran
Utilizing channel characteristics to improve inverse multiplexing efficiency over time division multiplexed communication links, Jason David Bridges
An intermediate model of electrostatic discharage generator for susceptibility study and a numerical modeling comparison, Federico Centola
Image analysis techniques for characterizing disc space narrowing in cervical vertebra interfaces, Pavan Kumar Chamarthy
Decision level and feature level sensor fusion for hand held mine detection, Venkat Sai Chander
Anterior osteophyte detection in lumbar vertebrae using size-invariant features, Maruthi Cherukuri
Schematic capture design & power calculation for NULL convention delay - insensitive digital circuits using Mentor Graphics design tool suite, Sareen K. Devireddy
Power sensitive algorithms and protocols for wireless cellular and Ad Hoc networks, Sarat Dontula
Measurement of particle velocities in high speed abrasive waterjet use, Anuja S. Dorle
Lightweight end-to-end security in a local area network, Jimish Bhupendra Doshi
Automatic tumor border detection in dermoscopy images using gradient vector flow snakes, Bulent Erkol
Real-time people detection on the smart composite bridge, Anand Gopal
Quantum transport in irreducible three-terminal networks with fractional charge, Shankaranarayanan Gurumurthy
Development of the embedded modulated scattering technique for dielectric material characterization, Dana Hughes
FDTD modeling incorporating two-port networks and planewave sources in a three dimensional space, Kuifeng Hu
Indirect adaptive neurocontrol of a unified power flow controller, Radha P. Kalyani
Selection of the pole geometry of a claw-pole alternator using evolutionary computing, Andreas Christopher Koenig
Joint demodulation and decoding for full-surface data, Shivaprasad Kotagiri
Dual EFPI sensors to extend absolute measurable strain range, William F. Krekeler
Rapid electric field measurement system for microwave imaging, Jesse Bogart Lai
Hierarchical group digital signatures, Natraj Lakshminarasimhan
The multi-rate method simulation for DCZEDS, Wenbin Li
Common- and differential-mode signaling and filtering, Zhe Li
Realtime autonomous mobile robot navigation, Dale Humbert Lord
Waterjet based demining using acoustics with maximum-likelihood and distance-based detection techniques, Bhargav Mantha
Distributed sensor network for civil infrastructure health monitoring, Jose Humberto Mata Hernandez
Estimating the capacity of two-dimensional channels, Asif Iqbal Mohammad
Adaptive force balancing control of MEMS gyroscope system with magnitude constraints, Hameed Abdul Mohammed
Microwave reflection properties of mortar exposed to chloride solutions: measurements and modeling, Kristen M. Muñoz
DSP processor based vision processing and system integration for control of laser aided manufacturing process (LAMP), Srinivas Musti
A cascaded multilevel converter-based SSSC/BESS, Penglin Niu
GPR data analysis for hand held landmine detection, Partha Pratim Palit
Capacity and other characteristics of a standard MIMO channel, Adam Panagos
Wrappers to enhance security of web applications, Siddharth Rohit Panchal
An integrated pattern recognition approach for anomaly detection in a distributed system, Amod Pandit
Damage detection in structural systems using 3-D wavelet transforms, Vamsi Krishna Pegatraju
Application of fault trees to subsea wells, Jason Arthur Pinto
A system-level automotive EMC expert system, Sreeniwas Ranganathan
Novel muteness based embedding technique for robust and imperceptible audio watermarking, Venkatachalam Ranganathan
Configurable digital controllers for smart structural systems using field programmable gate arrays, Venkat Satagopan
Time domain extrapolation and evaluation of surface-mount component parasitic inductance, Giuseppe Selli
False alarm mitigation using grayscale moment invariants for airborne mine detection, Pradeep Sriram
Engineering on the playground : K-4 science resources, Theresa M. Swift
Automatic detection of regression and granularity in dermatoscopy images of skin cancer, Sreenu Tatikonda
Detecton of pseudopods in melanoma, Rajesh Singh Thakur
A genetic approach for the optimal placement of FACTS devices, Kiran Thammineni
Analysis of magnetic loop probes for near magnetic field measurement, Annalisa Tharakan
Tresholding and active contour techniques for image segmentation, Spandan Tiwari
Microwave techniques for refractory wall thickness measurements, Bivin Varghese
Faraday effect optical temperature sensors, Benxin Wu
FDTD modeling of dispersive composite magnetic material, Jing Wu
Theses from 2002
A fuzzy-based histogram analysis technique for skin lesion classification in dermatology clinical images, Chetna Vidyasagar Aggarwal
Two-dimensional wavelet mapping techniques for damage detection in structural systems, Bruno Amizic
A study of insulation parameters of PVC insulated cable before and after accelerated aging, Shalini Kamblimoole Bhat
Recurrent neural networks: Architecture, algorithms and applications, Xindi Cai
Parallelizing a finite-difference time-domain code using the message-passing interface, Michael A. Cracraft
Web-based circuit board trace impedance parameter calculator and IBIS extensions required for expert system modeling of PCBS, Shaowei Deng
Intrusion detection and public-key cryptography for the Kerberos Authentication System, Ian Trevor Downard
Vibration analysis using Extrinsic Fabry-Perot Interferometric sensors and neural networks, Rohit Dua
Analysis, simulation, and design of a regulated AC/DC converter for evaluation of shipboard distribution system architectures, Bundit Dusadeesopaporn
A new approach to secondary voltage control, Chengyue Guo
Differential signal characterization, VNA calibration and loss extraction of transmission lines, Xiaoxiong Gu
Estimating power bus noise in low-cost printed circuits boards, Huihui Hu
Design & analysis of 2 X 2 quantum resistor networks for parallel electron wave computing, Nallu Madhu Kiran
Spatial point processes for airborne minefield detection, Sitaramaraju Kummamuru
Implementation of low-complexity suboptimal turbo decoders using greedy algorithms, Venkat Mandagulathur Pattabhiraman
Hair detection in clinical and dermatoscopy images, Mohammed Raffi
Texture analysis of skin tumor images, Saravanan Ranganathan
The application of weighted density distribution functions to landmine detection using hand-held units, Satish Somanchi
Optical time of flight magnetic field sensor with high-V sensing layer, Thomas Eugene Stalcup Jr.
Design of an 8051 compatible processor and simulator for use in undergraduate coursework, David J. Sullins
Network performance comparison: Simulated and actual results, Eyad Taqieddin
Bluetooth based structural health monitoring telemetry system, Vilas Ramappa Uchil
Analysis of the optimized link state routing protocol for mobile wireless ad hoc networks, Jason Robert White
Studies of a skin impedance model for cancer detection, Xiangyang Zhou
Theses from 2001
Representation of uncertainty with quantum logic formulations, Amit Agarwal
Component library development tool for EMC expert system, Ravikant Atreya
Improvement of power quality in VSI drives, Ravi Bantu
A system-on-chip hardware testbench, Christopher Michael Brueggen
Reliability analysis of SCADA systems used in the offshore oil and gas industry, Egemen K. Çetinkaya
Color analysis in boundary areas of skin tumor images for melanoma diagnosis, Jixiang Chen