Electrical and Computer Engineering Masters Theses
Theses from 1966
Space-charge effects as determined by initial-field conditions, Tsing-Yih Wang
Theses from 1965
Circular polarization from a corner reflector antenna with tilted dipole of arbitrary length, Ruben A. Carrizo M.
Linvill's model as applied to P-N junction photo-diodes, Rudy Michael Chittenden
Analog computer study of unequally spaced antenna arrays, Fred M. Dickey
The design and construction of a medium power, synchronous, electronic switch, Floyd S. Hall
Thin film resistor deposition, Rollie R. Herzog
A computer approach to transistor circuit design, Kwok Chee Hong
A circularly polarized corner reflector antenna, Walter Ronald Koenig
Stability determination by Liapunov's method in nonlinear control systems, Neng-Chung Liao
On time-optimal second order discrete control systems, Chao-Tai Li
A feedback compensator design for linear control systems, Thsai-ten Lin
Analog simulation of a synchronous machine, J. Derald Morgan
Design of non-uniform linear antenna arrays with digitized spacing and amplitude levels, Jack F. Morris
Design of a photoelectric transient torque and speed meter, Raojibhai A. Patel
Matching of a horn antenna to its dense surrounding media by the use of artificial dielectric methods, Paul Arthur Ray
Measurement of stray load loss of d.c. machines, Kanaiyalal Ramanlal Shah
A study of the effect of surface beveling on silicon rectifiers, Gary L. Voorhis
Active band-pass filters using twin-tee networks, Terry B. Watson
Equivalent circuit of unsymmetrical inductance diode using Linvill lumped model, Donald Lawrence Willyard
Optimum finite memory nonlinear filter, Ching-Chyoun Yang
Theses from 1964
Real time testing with a time scaled analog computer., Wayne F. Balsman
Radiation characteristics of a U-slot antenna., Richard Paul Brueggemann
Time optimum switching zones in multiple-valued control systems, Jack Leroy Crawford
Optimalization by peak-holding, Curtis W. Dodd
Synthesis of unity-gain RC networks from second degree transfer functions., Ronald L. McNally
High order bang bang control system., Shing-Chou Pi
An investigation of the adaptability of the Linvill Model for Transistor synthesis, John A. Reagan
Artifact filter., Kent William Swearingen
On optimum receiver using decision theory, Philip T. Tai
An analysis of the simulated inductande obtained from forward biased semiconductor diodes., Everett Harold Vannoy
Optimum zero-memory nonlinear filter, Benjamin Shaw-Hu Wang
The resolution of two known signals in white Gaussian noise., Peter Cheng-Fang Wang
Compensator design for unity feedback systems using an analytical method, Chang-Yu Wu
Theses from 1963
Digital computer design of compensation for linear control systems, Larry C. Amsler
Pattern calculations on a loaded spiral antenna., Jose Briceno
Determining design freedom of linear feedback control systems, Harley D. Brixey
Infrared modulation using the field-effect properties of germanium., Lloyd E. Brunkhorst
A time optimum bang bang control system under specified inputs., John F. Curtin
A RC active delay time network., Robert Sun-Wu Han
Small signal gain analysis for a seven cavity klystron amplifier., William E. Hord
Determining stability of nonlinear control systems via Lyapunov's method., John Joseph Komo
Linear system transfer function identification, Tuh-Kai Koo
Compensator design for unity feedback systems on the digital computer., Ping Liang
A graphical solution method for the Tchebychev elliptic function filter, Gene S. Luckfield
Missouri School of Mines antenna range design., Russell Melvin Ousley
The justification for and design of a lunar radio observatory., Thomas Van Doren
Theses from 1962
Linear feedback control system compensator design under specified constraints, Keikhosrow Irani
A tunnel diode parametric down converter, Leland Lovell Long
A comparison of A-C and D-C lead compensation from D-C prototype networks, Piyush Parikh
Predicted transient response of complex poles by means of a residue ratio, Rameshchandra Shankerbhai Patel
A study of a second-order predictive control system, Tarkeshwar Singh
Theses from 1961
Scatter matrix analysis of plane waves in a layered media, Bill W. Ashworth
Design of a square loop magnetic integrating device, Fred Leland Grismore Jr.
A study of viscous frictional effects and relay characteristics on the operation of a positional relay servomechanism, Earl F. Richards
Theses from 1960
A method for the prediction of detection ranges for pulsed doppler radar, Phillip Orlan Brown
Analysis and simulation of a cross-correlation communication system, Dennis Jay Gooding
An experimental investigation of receiver system sensitivity, James Henry Johnson
Design of an intermediate frequency amplifier and variable frequency oscillator, Robert Charles McIntyre
The equalization and optimization of a third-order type-1 position control system, Viswanatha Seshadri
Automatic tuning of A.C. compensating networks, Giles C. Sinkewiz
Theses from 1959
Frequency response of rotating servo components, Yehuda Rachovitsky
An experimental investigation of a small volume sandwich antenna in the 400 megacycle frequency range, James Gilbert Smith
Design and construction of an automatic antenna pattern plotter and design of a microwave absorbent material, Norval D. Wallace
Theses from 1958
Transients and saturation in synchronous machines, Sabi J. Asseo
Theses from 1957
Servomechanism compensation with an active phase-lead network, Robert T. DeWoody
Temperature stabilized transistor direct current amplifier, William Lewis Metcalf Jr.
Theses from 1956
Investigation of the current distribution on an antenna in a waveguide, David J. Freeman
Theses from 1955
Mechanical vibration of vacuum tubes, Jerry Dale Swearingen
Theses from 1954
The design and construction of an electronic D-C analog computer, Frederick R. Wagner and William A. Paar
Theses from 1953
A.C. circuit interruption, Palmer L. Anthony Jr.
Theses from 1952
Transfer function of the modified Kramer system, David L. Hillhouse
The design of a closed-loop voltage regulator for a D-C generator, Ernest P. Longerich
Design of a galvanometer to be placed within a tubular antenna for the purpose of measuring antenna current distribution, Ferdinand Henry Mullersman
Clipper amplitude modulator, Durmuş Öcal
Analysis of magnetic amplifiers based on assumed analytical expressions of B-H characteristics, Wiley Talley Ruhl
An experimental study of the effect upon the current distribution and radiation pattern of crossbars on Yagi receiving antennas, Gerald F. Sinnamon
Theses from 1951
Problems in theatre lighting and pre-selective elctronic lighting control, Hasan Orhan Aker
Series capacitors, Emcet Bilgeer
Economic analysis of secondary distribution networks, Charles F. Cromer
A survey of single ended tuned grid tuned plate class C power amplifiers, Chandrakant D. Gandhi
Study of relay behaviour under system oscillations and out of step conditions, Emil D. Grigoriadis
Design of a steam power plant to be erected in Mudanya, Turkey, Vahram Ogretmenoglu
A study of radio frequency converters and mixers, James J. Skiles
Investigation of vacuum tubes as four terminal networks, Vasil Uzunoglu
Theses from 1950
Calculations of maximum sag of a transmission line with an ice load on one span, Rodney A. Schaefer
Theses from 1949
A study of cathode drift compensation in D-C amplifiers, Joseph W. Rittenhouse
Analysis of cascade of four-terminal networks, Ernest Randolph Roehl
Design and construction of an electronic gain-phase meter, Gabriel G. Skitek
An investigation of an electronic ignition system for internal combustion engines, Richard David Wheat
Theses from 1948
Design of a radio broadcasting station, John William Hamman
Analysis of simultaneous faults by the method of symmetrical components, Robert Marshall Montgomery
Theses from 1947
Study of the method of geometric mean distances used in inductance calculations, Harold Lockwood Seneff
Theses from 1935
An acoustical investigation of Parker Hall auditorium at the School of Mines and Metallurgy of the University of Missouri, John Douglas Martin