
Submissions from 2007


Marketing and Eye-tracking Machines: Research Opportunities for an Affordable Tool, Lance Gentry


The Impact of Cultural and Religious Values on Adoption of Innovation, Angela Hausman and Morris Kalliny


Does Ownership affect the Variability of the Production Process? Evidence from International Courier Services, Chihmao Hsieh, Sergio G. Lazzarini, Jackson A. Nickerson, and Marcio Laurini


Opportunity Discovery, Problem Solving and a Theory of the Entrepreneurial Firm, Chihmao Hsieh, Jackson A. Nickerson, and Todd R. Zenger


Cultural Values Reflected in Arab and American Television Advertising, Morris Kalliny and Lance Gentry

Cultural and Informational Differences in Television Commercials in the Arab World and the United States, Morris Kalliny and Anshu Saran

Cosmopolitanism: Concept and Measurement, Morris Kalliny, Laura Serviere, and Anshu Saran

Social Network Enhanced Digital City Management and Innovation Success: a Prototype Design, Prashanth Kannan, Bih-Ru Lea, and Vincent Wen-Bin Yu

Management Accounting in ERP Integrated MRP and TOC Environments, Bih-Ru Lea


Proposing the Interactivity-Stimulus-Attention Model (ISAM) to Explain and Predict Enjoyment, Immersion, and Adoption of Purely Hedonic Systems, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Nathan W. Twyman, James Eric Gaskin, Bryan I. Hammer, Aaron Bailey, and Tom L. Roberts


Loan Loss Provisions by Banks in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, Sandeep Nabar and LiLi Eng

Virtual Reality Simulator for Training Miners to Install Rock Bolts Using Jackleg Drill, David Nutakor, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, John Warmbrodt, Derek Apel, and R. Larry Grayson


A study of intention on continuous use of online financial services: The mediated effects of website trust, Shih Ming Pi, Shih Hua Lit, Tsang Yao Chen, and Hui Min Chen


A Supply Chain Design Model with Unreliable Supply, Lian Qi and Zuo-Jun Max Shen


Incorporating Inventory and Routing Costs in Strategic Location Models, Zuo-Jun Max Shen and Lian Qi


Important Characteristics of Software Development Team Members: An Empirical Investigation Using Repertory Grid, Keng Siau, Xin Tan, and Hong Sheng

Usability in Multiple Monitor Displays, Jacob M. Truemper, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, Morris Kalliny, and Hong Sheng

A research on the factors influencing the intention of use of elementary school students in a one-one-one English network instructional system, C. M. Wu, Tsang Yao Chen, and Yu Liang Hung

Demand Forecasting Using Intelligent Agents with Application to a Call Processing Center, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu and James H. Graham

A Theoretic Framework Integrating Text Mining and Energy Demand Forecasting, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Bih-Ru Lea, and Balasubramanian Guruswamy

Submissions from 2006

Why Do People Pay for Information Goods? A Study of the Online Porn Industry, E. X. Y. Ang, J. W. Y. Kwan, J. Teo, and Cecil Eng Huang Chua


An Investigation of Acculturation and the Dining-Out Behavior of Chinese Living in the United States, David Bojanic and Yueying Xu

The Forecasting Classification Grid: a Typology for Method Selection, Roger Calantone, Lance Gentry, and Shaojie Cui


Developing Maintainable Software: The Readable Approach, Cecil Eng Huang Chua, Sandeep Purao, and Veda C. Storey


The Effects of the Asian Crisis, Corporate Governance and Accounting System on the Valuation of Book Value and Earnings, P. Davis-Friday, LiLi Eng, and Chao-Shin Liu

Perceptions of Engineering Disciplines Among High School Students, Cassandra C. Elrod and Leroy Cox

Introducing Engineering Management to High School Students, Cassandra C. Elrod and William Daughton

The Impact of Firm Disclosure Quality on Cross-Listing Choices, LiLi Eng and Q. Ling


Response to Discussion of the Effects of the Asian Crisis, Corporate Governance and Accounting System on the Valuation of Book Value and Earnings, LiLi Eng, Chao-Shin Liu, and P. Davis-Friday

The Informativeness of Earnings after Financial Statement Restatements, LiLi Eng, R. Rao, and Shakrokh Saudagaran

Comprehensive Assessment of a Software Development Project for Engineering Instruction, Richard H. Hall, Timothy A. Philpot, and Nancy Hubing


Differences between American, Egyptian and Lebanese Humor Styles: Implications for International Management, Morris Kalliny, Kevin W. Cruthirds, and Michael S. Minor

Religious and Cultural Animosity Model Extension: Implications for Purchase Intentions, Morris Kalliny, Angela Hausman, and Anshu Saran


The Antecedents of M-Commerce Adoption, Morris Kalliny and Michael S. Minor


Enhancing Business Networks using Social Network Based Virtual Communities, Bih-Ru Lea, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Nisha Maguluru, and Michael F. Nichols

A Multi-Method Evaluation of the Implementation of a Student Response System, Joshua Maib, Richard H. Hall, Harvest L. Collier, and Marcie L. Thomas

Animated Instructional Software for Mechanics of Materials: Implementation and Assessment, Timothy A. Philpot and Richard H. Hall

Desire for Visual Aesthetics (DVA) in the Store Environment: Concept and Measurement, Anshu Saran, Laura Serviere, and Morris Kalliny

A Qualitative Exploration of Engineering Students' 3d Visualization Processing, Erik Schwartz, Timothy A. Philpot, and Richard H. Hall


An Exploration of Engineering Students' 3D Visualization Processing, Erik Scwartz, Timothy A. Philpot, and Richard H. Hall

An Experimental Study on U-commerce Adoption: Impact of Personalization and Privacy Concerns, Hong Sheng, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, and Keng Siau

Using Mobile Technology in Education: Perspectives from Students and Instructors, Hong Sheng, Keng Siau, and Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah


Towards a Framework to Understand M-Government, Hong Sheng and Silvana Trimi


Use of a Classroom Response System to Enhance Classroom Interactivity, Keng Siau, Hong Sheng, and Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah

Sentiment Analysis: Retrieving Positive Or Negative Polarities in News Articles Using Information Agents, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Bih-Ru Lea, and Balasubramanian Guruswamy


Application of Text Mining in Developing Standardized Descriptions of Taxa in Paleontology: A Framework, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe, and Bih-Ru Lea

Submissions from 2005

Determining the Demographic and Psychographic Variables Associated with Hispanics Who Intend to Pursue Graduate Studies, Russell Adams, Morris Kalliny, Saran Anshu, and Gilberto De Los Santos


Evaluating Operator Performance in Aided Airborne Mine Detection, Sanjeev Agarwal, Madhu Reddy, Richard H. Hall, Thomas Woodward, John Brown, and Anh Trang


Retesting a Model of the Deming Management Method, Jesse Barfield, Caroline Fisher, Jing Li, and Rajiv Mehta


Linear Correlation Discovery in Databases: A Data Mining Approach, Roger H. L. Chiang, Cecil Eng Huang Chua, and Ee-Peng Lim

An Extended Model of is Project Control, Cecil Eng Huang Chua, Christina Soh, and Harminder Singh

Training for New Underground Rock Bolters Using Virtual Reality, V. Dezelic, Derek Apel, D. B. Denney, A. J. Schneider, Michael Gene Hilgers, and R. Larry Grayson

Recognized Intangible Assets and Analyst Coverage: The Role of Recognition Criteria, LiLi Eng and P. S. Koh


The Predictive Value of Earnings, Cash Flows and Accruals in the Period Surrounding the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, LiLi Eng, Sandeep Nabar, and Chee Kiong Chng


Perceived Impacts of Government Regulations on Technolgoy Transfers, Caroline Fisher, Jing Li, and Marina Onken


Marketing Military Service Benefits Segmentation Based on Generalized and Restricted Exchange, Caroline Fisher and Kimball P. Marshall

Using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards Program Criteria to Determine Business Practices That Differentiate Successful and Unsuccessful Bands, Caroline Fisher, Marina Onken, Michael M. Pearson, and Jerry R. Goolsby

Smit's Company, Caroline Fisher and Ram Subramanian

A Student Response System for Increasing Engagement, Motivation, and Learning in High Enrollment Chemistry Lectures, Richard H. Hall, Harvest L. Collier, Marcie L. Thomas, and Michael Gene Hilgers


Evaluation of a Prototype GIS Learning System to Teach Civil Engineering Concepts, Richard H. Hall, Ronaldo Luna, Michael Gene Hilgers, John McKenna Sullivan, William T. Lawrence, and Matt Buechler


Establishing Learning Objectives via Use Case Analysis for a Homeland Security Training System, Michael Gene Hilgers and Richard H. Hall

Design and Development Considerations of a Learning Object Repository, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, and Matt Buechler

The Impact of the Islamic Law (Shari'a) on the Economic Development of Islamic Countries: the Case of the Arab Countries, Morris Kalliny

Leveraging Information Technology to Gain Competitive Advantage: a Case Study on General Electric Consumer Products, Bih-Ru Lea

Conceptual Framework of Using Collaborative Filtering Algorithms to Enhance Keyword Search, Bih-Ru Lea, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, and Shreyas S. Deokule

Social Networks in the Technology Era: Roles of Digital Cities in Enhancing Business Networks, Bih-Ru Lea, Vincent Wen-Bin Yu, Nisha Maguluru, and Michael F. Nichols


Learning System to Introduce GIS to Civil Engineers, Ronaldo Luna, William T. Lawrence, John McKenna Sullivan, Richard H. Hall, Michael Gene Hilgers, and Matt Buechler


The Value of Mobile Applications: A Utility Company Study, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Keng Siau, and Hong Sheng

Perceived Impacts of Government Regulations on Technology Transfers, Marina Onken, Caroline Fisher, and Jing Li


The Role of MDSolids in International Mechanics of Materials Education, Timothy A. Philpot and Richard H. Hall


Assessment of Interactive Courseware for Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams, Timothy A. Philpot, Richard H. Hall, Nancy Hubing, and Carla A. Campbell


Using Games to Teach Statics Calculation Procedures: Application and Assessment, Timothy A. Philpot, Richard Hall, Nancy Hubing, and Ralph E. Flori


Betrayal and Healing: The aftermath of Judas' Kiss., Canon Nancy Van Dyke Platt and Richard H. Hall


Warfighter-in-the-loop: Mental Models in Airborne Minefield Detection, Madhu Reddy, Sanjeev Agarwal, Richard H. Hall, John Brown, Thomas Woodard, and Anh Trang


Strategic Implications of Mobile Technology: a Case Study Using Value-focused Thinking, Hong Sheng, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, and Keng Siau


A Survey of Collaborative Information Seeking Practices of Academic Researchers, Patricia Ruma Spence, Madhu Reddy, and Richard H. Hall


Iterative Usability Evaluation Methods Applied to Learning Technology Development, John McKenna Sullivan, Richard H. Hall, Michael Gene Hilgers, Ronaldo Luna, William T. Lawrence, and Matt Buechler


Surface Reconstruction using Shadow Profilometry, Christopher P. Walker, Norbert H. Maerz, and Michael Gene Hilgers

Submissions from 2004


Interdisciplinary Learning Through a Connected Classroom, Julie M. Baker, K. Chandrashekhara, Richard H. Hall, and Steve Eugene Watkins

Improving Competitiveness through Non-value-added Activity Analysis, Jesse Barfield, Caroline Fisher, and Jerry R. Goolsby

Modeling First-Responder Emergency Sensors for Virtual Training, Alex J. Berry and Michael Gene Hilgers

Evolving Intelligent Agents for First Responder Training Simulation, Alex J. Berry, Daniel R. Tauritz, and Michael Gene Hilgers


Fighting Internet Auction Fraud: An Assessment and Proposal, Cecil Eng Huang Chua and Jonathan Wareham

Loan Loss Provisions by Banks in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore, LiLi Eng and Sandeep Nabar

An Empirical Examination of Mark-to-Market Accounting for Energy Contracts under EITF Issue No. 98-10, LiLi Eng and S. Saudagara

The Impact of Web Page Text-background Colour Combinations on Readability, Retention, Aesthetics, and Behavioural Intentions, Richard H. Hall and Patrick Hanna


Training in Affectively Intense Virtual Environments, Richard H. Hall, Michael Gene Hilgers, Madhu Reddy, Lawrence M. Wilfred, Ming-Chuan Leu, John M. Hortenstine, and Christopher P. Walker


Assessment of Engineering Mechanics Instructional Multimedia in a Variety of Instructional Settings, Richard H. Hall, Nancy Hubing, Timothy A. Philpot, Ralph E. Flori, and Vikas Yellamraju


Degree of Scaffolding: Learning Objective Metadata: A Prototype Leaning System Design for Integrating GIS into a Civil Engineering Curriculum, Richard H. Hall, Ronaldo Luna, Michael Gene Hilgers, Aaron Joseph Taylor, John McKenna Sullivan, and Matt Buechler

A Comparison of Scaffolding Media in a Learning System for Teaching Web Development., Richard H. Hall, Sarah Stark, Michael Gene Hilgers, and Paul Chang

Virtual Terrorist Attack on the Computer Science Building: Design and Evaluation of a Research Methodology, Richard H. Hall, Michael Lawrence Wilfred, Michael Gene Hilgers, Christopher P. Walker, John M. Hortenstine, and Ming-Chuan Leu


A Model-Driven Multi-Year Assessment of a Software Development Project for Engineering Instruction, Richard Hall, Timothy A. Philpot, Nancy E. Hubing, Ralph E. Flori, and Vikas Yellamraju

Virtual Environments for Training First Responders - FiRSTE, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, Sanjeev Agarwal, Terry Lambert, Robert Albright, Kyle Nebel, and Ming-Chuan Leu

The Impact of Cultural Differences and Religion on Television Advertising: A Content Analysis of the United States and the Arab World, Morris Kalliny, Grace Dagher, and Michael S. Minor

Modeling Chemical Events within Complex Buildings for First Responder Virtual Training, Abhishek Misra, Alex Decker, Brett Barker, and Michael G. Hilgers


An Examination of the Differences in Restaurant Brand Personality Across Cultures, Hanako Murase and David Bojanic


Comprehensive Evaluation of Animated Instructional Software for Mechanics of Materials, Timothy A. Philpot and Richard H. Hall


Teaching the Superposition Method with Internet-Based Instructional Software, Timothy A. Philpot, Richard H. Hall, Ralph E. Flori, Nancy E. Hubing, and Vikas Yellamraju


A Qualitative Investigation on Consumer Trust in Mobile Commerce, Keng Siau, Hong Sheng, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, and Sid Davis

Interdisciplinary Learning through a Connected Classroom, Steve Eugene Watkins, Richard H. Hall, K. Chandrashekhara, and Julie M. Baker