
Submissions from 2011


Managing Diverse Stakeholders in Enterprise Systems Projects: A Control Portfolio Approach, Christina Soh, Cecil Eng Huang Chua, and Harminder Singh


The Effect of On-Line Videos on Learner Outcomes in a Mechanics of Materials Course, Jeffery S. Thomas, Richard H. Hall, Timothy A. Philpot, and Douglas R. Carroll

A Framework for Non-Invasive Screening for Concealed Knowledge, Nathan W. Twyman

Non-Invasive Screening to Discover Concealed Knowledge: A System and Protocol for Automated Human Security Screening, Nathan W. Twyman

Non-Invasive Screening for Concealed Information, Nathan W. Twyman, Judee K. Burgoon, and Jay F. Nunamaker

A Rigidity Detection System for the Guilty Knowledge Test, Nathan W. Twyman, Aaron C. Elkins, and Judee K. Burgoon


Knowledge Sourcing and Knowledge Consumption in Computer-Mediated Complex Decision Making, Nathan W. Twyman, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, Jay F. Nunamaker, and Katherine Carl


Segmenting Event Attendees based on Travel Distance, Frequency of Attendance, and Involvement Measures: A Cluster Segmentation Technique, Rodney B. Warnick, David C. Bojanic, Apurv Mathur, and Deepak Ninan

Submissions from 2010

Effects of Multitasking on Human Performance, Pranav R. Akolkar, Susan L. Murray, Hong Sheng, and Muhammet Servet Gulum


Evaluation of a Web-Based Learning Tool for Teaching GIS within the Context of Transportation Engineering, Ashley Banaszek, Hong Sheng, Richard H. Hall, Ronaldo Luna, and Ghulam Bham

Automated Kinesic Analysis for Deception Detection, Judee K. Burgoon, Matthew L. Jensen, Nathan W. Twyman, Thomas O. Meservy, Dmitris N. Metaxas, Nicholas Michael, Koren Elder, and Jay F. Nunamaker

Evaluation criteria of government e-learning management systems, Tsangyao Chen

Cross-cultural transfer of management knowledge: A conceptualization in the East and Southeastern Asia region, Tsangyao Chen and S. M. Pi

Evaluation of Rapid Development System using Eye Tracker, Arun Chintalapati, Hong Sheng, Richard H. Hall, and Robert G. Landers


Artifacts, Actors, and Interactions in the Cross-Project Coordination Practices of Open-Source Communities, Cecil Eng Huang Chua and Adrian Yong Kwang Yeow


Incorporating Lean Concepts into Supply Chain Management, Elizabeth A. Cudney and Cassandra C. Elrod


An Empirical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Continuous Improvement Techniques, Elizabeth A. Cudney, Cassandra C. Elrod, and Jamison Kovach


Evaluating the Engineering Management Brand Meaning, Cassandra C. Elrod, William Daughton, Susan L. Murray, and Barry B. Flachsbart


Utilizing Multimedia Case Studies to Teach the Professional Side of Project Management, Cassandra C. Elrod, Susan L. Murray, Barry B. Flachsbart, Karl E. Burgher, and Drew M. Foth

Financial Reporting Quality and Cross-listing: An Examination of Cross-Listings in Germany and the United Kingdom, LiLi Eng and Jing Lin


Developing Measurements of Success for Performing Musical Groups, Caroline Fisher, Michael M. Pearson, Jerry R. Goolsby, and Marina Onken

GIS Learning Tool for Civil Engineers, Ronaldo Luna, Richard H. Hall, Michael Gene Hilgers, and G. E. Louis


A Method for Matching Fractured Surfaces using Shadow Profilometry, Norbert H. Maerz and Michael Gene Hilgers


Development of a Systematic Approach to Project Selection for Rural Economic Development, Susan L. Murray, Amanda Alpaugh, Karl Burgher, Barry B. Flachsbart, and Cassandra C. Elrod

Modeling Human Performance in Chemical Protective Suits, Susan L. Murray, Yvette L. Simon, and Hong Sheng


Home Automation Proposal, Paul Parham, Nathan James, and Bonnie Bachman


Understanding the Values of Mobile Technology in Education: A Value-Focused Thinking Approach, Hong Sheng, Keng Siau, and Fiona Nah Fui-Hoon

Longitudinal Evaluation of a Learning System for Teaching GIS within the Context of a Geotechnical Problem, Aparna Sukhavasi, Richard H. Hall, Hong Sheng, and Ronaldo Luna

Development and Initial Analysis of a Mini CNC Rapid Development System, Lie Tang, Robert G. Landers, Hong Sheng, and Richard H. Hall

Using Eye Tracking Technology as a Concealed Information Test, Nathan W. Twyman, Kevin Moffitt, Judee K. Burgoon, and Frank Marchak


The Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis on Conservatism and Timeliness of Earnings: Evidence from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand, Thanyaluk Vichitsarawong, LiLi Eng, and Gary K. Meek

Submissions from 2009

Evaluating the Use of 3-D Visualization Technology in Geology Education, Michelle J. Boese, Hong Sheng, and Mohammed Abdel Salam


Hospitality Marketing Mix and Service Marketing Principles, David Bojanic


A Conceptual Framework For Instructional Design In Blended Learning Environment, Tsang Yao Chen, Yueh Hsia Chang, and Chihli Hung


Why Do Virtual Communities Regulate Speech?, Cecil Eng Huang Chua

Building Customized Search Engines: An Interoperability Architecture, Cecil Eng Huang Chua, Roger H. L. Chiang, and Veda C. Storey

The Role of is Project Critical Success Factors: A Relevatory Case, Cecil Eng Huang Chua and Wee-Kiat Lim


Measuring Severity of Internet Abuse in the Workplace: Creation of a Thurstone Scale, Craig C. Claybaugh and Derek L. Nazareth


Assessing the Viability of an Interdisciplinary Design Engineering Program Via a Branding Method, Cassandra C. Elrod, Katie Grantham, and Kevin Adams


A Note on Value Relevance of Mark-to-market Values of Energy Contracts under EITF Issue No. 98-10, LiLi Eng, Shakrokh Saudagaran, and Sora Yoon

An Examination of the Valuation Properties of Earnings and Book Values Reported under IAS, Tax-based Accounting and U.S. GAAP, LiLi Eng, L. Sun, and Thanyaluk Vichitsarawong

Implementation and Evaluation of a Linear Axis Rapid Development System, Michael Anthony Fleming, Vedant Jain, Robert G. Landers, Hong Sheng, and Richard H. Hall


Designing Motorcycles Via the Web: Improved Aesthetics and Consumer Preference, Michael Gene Hilgers, Hong Sheng, and Richard H. Hall


An Attentive Self-organizing Neural Model For Text Mining, Chihli Hung, Yu Liang Chi, and Tsang Yao Chen


Developing an Assessment Model for Evaluating Software Tools in Education, Vedant Jain, Hong Sheng, Richard H. Hall, and Mike (Michael) Gene Hilgers


The Role of the Advertising Agency in the Cultural Message Content of Advertisements: A Comparison of the Middle East and the United States, Morris Kalliny and Salma Ghanem


Price Bundling and Travel Product Pricing Practices Used by Online Channels of Distribution, Jinhoo Kim, David C. Bojanic, and Rodney B. Warnick


A Cooperative Lecture Style and Student Learning in an Introductory Computer Programming Course, Bih-Ru Lea and Christopher Brown

Strategic Innovation: Driver Perceptions and the Impact of Change Resistance on the Implementation of Variable Speed Limit Systems, Suzanna Long, Lance Gentry, Khushboo Lall, and Ghulam Bham


Academic Papers: An Evaluation of Hotel Website Attribute Utilization and Effectiveness by Hotel Class, Michael D. Musante, David C. Bojanic, and Jian Zhang

Using Human Performance Models for Emergency Planning, Yvette L. Simon, Susan L. Murray, and Hong Sheng


Subpixel Detection of Circular Objects using Geometric Property, Wen-Yen Wu and Vincent Wen-Bin Yu

Submissions from 2008


A Review of the IPR System in India and Its Impact on International Business, Saran Anshu, Morris Kalliny, and Laura Serviere


Envisioning the Future of Advertising Creativity Research: Alternative Perspectives, Thomas Bernardin, Paul Kemp-Robertson, David W. Stewart, Yan Cheng, Heather Wan, John R. Rossiter, Sunil Erevelles, Robert Roundtree, George M. Zinkhan, and Nobuyuki Fukawa


Developing a Grounded Theory Model on Collaboration in Learning, Michelle J. Boese, Hong Sheng, and Richard H. Hall

An investigation on e-learning policy and implementation strategies in the higher education of Taiwan, Tsangyao Chen and H. W. Ho

Higher education e-learning policy and implementation strategies in Taiwan, Tsangyao Chen and H. W. Ho

Higher education e-learning policy and implementation strategies in Taiwan, Tsangyao Chen and H. W. Ho

A collaboration project on teaching Chinese language online, Tsangyao Chen, M. T. Lai, and H. J. Cheng

Market Survey & Analysis of Teaching Chinese in U.S. K-12 Schools and Market Positioning & Strategic Business Development Recommendations, Tsangyao Chen, M. T. Lai, and H. J. Cheng

Standards Based K-12 Chinese Curriculum in the United States, Tsangyao Chen, M. T. Lai, and H. J. Cheng

Standards for K-12 Chinese Education in U.S., Tsangyao Chen, M. T. Lai, and H. J. Cheng


Parasitism and Internet Auction Fraud: An Exploration, Cecil Eng Huang Chua and Jonathan Wareham


Cross-listing, Information Environment, and Market Value: Evidence from U.S. Firms That List on Foreign Stock Exchanges, LiLi Eng, Sandeep Nabar, and G. Mujtaba Mian


An Analysis of B2B Ingredient Co-Branding Relationships, Sunil Erevelles, Thomas H. Stevenson, Shuba Srinivasan, and Nobuyuki Fukawa

Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulator Developed for Training Miners to Install Rock Bolts Using a Jackleg Drill, Richard H. Hall, David Nutakor, Michael Gene Hilgers, John Warmbrodt, Derek Apel, and R. Larry Grayson

An attentive text mining model, C. L. Hung and Tsang Yao Chen

Television Advertising in the Arab World: a Status Report, Morris Kalliny, Grace Dagher, Michael S. Minor, and Gilberto do lo Santos


A Balanced Scorecard Prototype in a State Department of Transportation, Bih-Ru Lea and David C. Hall


Information the transformation of public administrations: The case of e-Housekeeper in Taiwan, Su Houn Liu, Tsang Yao Chen, and Hsiu Li Liao

Proposing the Hedonic Affect Model (HAM) to Explain how Stimuli and Performance Expectations Predict Affect in Individual and Group Hedonic Systems Use, Paul Benjamin Lowry, Jeffrey L. Jenkins, James Eric Gaskin, Bryan I. Hammer, Nathan W. Twyman, and Martin Hassell


Introduction of GIS into Civil Engineering Curricula, Ronaldo Luna, Richard H. Hall, Michael Gene Hilgers, Ghulam Bham, Richard Lewis Elgin, Charles Darwin Morris, and Glenn Morrison


Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment: Demand Planning in Supply Chain Management, Hokey Min and Vincent Wen-Bin Yu


Reengineering Call Center Operations Using Simulation, Hokey Min and Vincent Wen-Bin Yu


A Modified Brand Personality Scale for the Restaurant Industry, Michael D. Musante, David C. Bojanic, and Jian (Jane) Zhang

Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulator Developed for Training New Miners to Install Rock Bolts using a Jackleg Drill, D. Nutakor, Derek Apel, L. Grayson, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, and J. Warmbrodt


The Influence Of Instant Messaging Usage Behavior On Organizational Communication Satisfaction, Shih Ming Pi, Yi Chih Liu, Tsang Yao Chen, and Shih Hua Li


Cell Phone Advertising Delivery Acceptance: Development, Purification and Validation of the Advertising Delivery Acceptance Scale, Anshu Saran, Kevin W. Cruthirds, Morris Kalliny, and Michael Minor

Corporate Culture, Organizational Dynamics, and Implementation of Innovations: a Conceptual Framework, Anshu Saran, Laura Serviere, and Morris Kalliny

Developing a Grounded Theory Model on Collaboration in Learning, Hong Sheng, Richard H. Hall, and Michelle J. Boese


M-government: Technologies, Applications and Challenges, Hong Sheng and Silvana Trimi


Emerging Trends in M-government, Silvana Trimi and Hong Sheng

The Effect of Multiple Monitor Display on User Performance and Multi-tasking, Jacob M. Truemper, Hong Sheng, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, and Morris Kalliny


Usability in Multiple Monitor Displays, Jacob M. Truemper, Hong Sheng, Michael Gene Hilgers, Richard H. Hall, Morris Kalliny, and Basanta Tandon


Social Network Analysis of Video Bloggers' Community, John Warmbrodt, Hong Sheng, and Richard H. Hall

Submissions from 2007

Collaborative Learning in Engineering Education: A Grounded Theory Analysis of a CSCL Application, Michelle J. Boese, Hong Sheng, and Richard H. Hall


Customer Profile of the "Carryout" Segment for Restaurants, David C. Bojanic


An Extension of Burgernomics: using a Full-Service Restaurant Product to Measure Purchasing Power Parity, David Bojanic, Rod Warnick, and Michael Musante


Forecasting Consumer Adoption of Technological Innovation: Choosing the Appropriate Diffusion Models for New Products and Services before Launch, Roger Calantone and Lance Gentry

Incorporating Technology into the Traditional Engineering Mechanics Lecture, Douglas R. Carroll and Hong Sheng


Using Technology to Enhance the Traditional Lecture, Douglas R. Carroll and Hong Sheng

Higher education e-Learning policy and implementation strategies in Taiwan, Tsangyao Chen

A case study of online English e-learning tutoring for remote elementary school students, Tsangyao Chen and H. W. Ho

Grounded theory for research synthesis, Tsangyao Chen and S. Turner


The Role of Online Trading Communities in Managing Internet Auction Fraud, Cecil Eng Huang Chua, Jonathan Wareham, and Daniel Robey


A Comparison of Print Advertisements from Egypt, Lebanon, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and the United States, Gilberto De Los Santos, Caroline Fisher, Salma Ghanem, Morris Kalliny, and Anshu Saran

Does Understanding of Engineering Change Significantly with Class Standing?, Cassandra C. Elrod, William Daughton, and Susan L. Murray


Engineering Management and Industrial Engineering: Similarities and Differences, Cassandra C. Elrod, Ashley Rasnic, and William Daughton

The Effects of Advertising and Brand Value on Future Operating and Market Performance, LiLi Eng and Hean Tat Keh

Cross-listing, Information Environment and Market Value: Evidence from U.S. Firms That List on Foreign Stock Exchanges, LiLi Eng, Sandeep Nabar, and G. Mujtaba Mian