
Submissions from 2006


Revisiting the Within-Person Self-Efficacy and Performance Relation, Erin M. Richard, James M. Diefendorff, and James H. Martin


Comparing the Efficacy of Policy-Capturing Weights and Direct Estimates for Predicting Job Choice, Jerel E. Slaughter, Erin M. Richard, and James H. Martin


Recommendations for Teaching Team Behavior to Human Factors/Ergonomics Students, Nancy J. Stone, William F. Moroney, and Tracey B. Wortham

Submissions from 2005


Cognitive Motivation and Religious Orientation, Daniel W. Barrett, Julie Patock-Peckham, Geoffrey T. Hutchinson, and Craig T. Nagoshi


Effect of Creatine Phosphate Supplementation on Anaerobic Working Capacity and Body Weight After Two and Six Days of Loading in Men and Women, Joan M. Eckerson, Jeffrey R. Stout, Geri A. Moore, Nancy J. Stone, Kate A. Iwan, Amy N. Gebauer, and Rachelle Ginsberg


The Best Test Preparation for the CLEP College-Level Examination Program: Introductory Psychology, Don Sharpsteen


Teaching Team Behavior to Human Factors/Ergonomics Students, Part II: Specifics for Forming and Developing Teams, and Using Peer Ratings, Nancy J. Stone, William F. Moroney, C. Shawn Burke, Barrett S. Caldwell, and Don Brian Chaffin

Submissions from 2004


Effect of Two and Five Days of Creatine Loading on Anaerobic Working Capacity in Women, Joan M. Eckerson, Jeffrey R. Stout, Geri A. Moore, Nancy J. Stone, Kami Nishimura, and Kristie Tamura

Submissions from 2003

Mini-Lab Projects in the Undergraduate Classical Controls Course, Jeffrey S. Dalton, Daniel S. Stutts, and Robert Montgomery

The Psychology Problem Solver: A Complete Solution Guide to Any Textbook, M. Fogiel and Don Sharpsteen


Psychological Correlates of Optimism in College Students, Robert Montgomery, Frances H. Montgomery, and Deepshikha M. Ray


Semantic Role Parsing: Adding Semantic Structure to Unstructured Text, Sameer Pradhan, K. Hacioglu, W. Ward, James H. Martin, and D. Jurafsky


Environmental View and Color for a Stimulated Telemarketing Task, Nancy J. Stone

Submissions from 2002


Learning Disabilities within Postsecondary Education: Suggestions for Administrators and Faculty Members, Steve C. Capps, Amber M. Henslee, and Douglas R. Gere


Estimates of Ten Multiple Intelligences: Sex and National Differences in the Perception of Oneself and Famous People, Adrian Furnham, Thomas Li-Pang Tang, David Lester, Rory O'Connor, and Robert Montgomery


Concurrent Activation of High- and Low-level Production Processes in Written Composition, Thierry Olive and Ronald Thomas Kellogg

Submissions from 2001


Identification and Meta-analytic Assessment of Psychological Constructs Measured in Employment Interviews, Allen I. Huffcutt, Philip L. Roth, James M. Conway, and Nancy J. Stone


Competition for Working Memory among Writing Processes, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Long-term Working Memory in Text Production, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Presentation Modality and Mode of Recall in Verbal False Memory, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Silencing the Self in College Settings and Adjustment, Frances H. Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, A. Williams, and K. A. Winborn


Retention of Female Faculty Members, Susan L. Murray, Mariesa Crow, and Suzanna M. Rose


Designing Effective Study Environments, Nancy J. Stone

Submissions from 2000


Effectiveness of an Internet-Based Graduate Engineering Management Course, Rosemarie Maffei Evans, Susan L. Murray, Madison Daily, and Richard H. Hall


Using Groupware Software to Support Collaborative Learning in Economics, Linda M. Manning and Catherine A. Riordan


Environmental View and Color for a Simulated Telemarketing Task, Nancy J. Stone


Exploring the Relationship between Calibration and Self-Regulated Learning, Nancy J. Stone

Submissions from 1999


The Effectiveness of an On-Line Graduate Engineering Management Course, Rosemarie Maffei Evans, Madison Daily, and Susan L. Murray


Comparison of Intelligent CSCW Architectures for the Evaluation of Agile Manufacturing Systems Designs, Leslie F. Monplaisir, Catherine A. Riordan, and Colin O. Benjamin


Alcohol Abuse by University Students and its Relationship to Sociomoral Reasoning, Frances H. Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, and Sheri L. Cowell

SURE: A Research-oriented Program to Increase the Number of Minority Engineering Students in Graduate Schools, Daopu Thompson Numbere and Catherine A. Riordan

Submissions from 1998


A Technology Assessment Survey for Web Based Higher Education Programs, Earl A. Evans and Susan L. Murray


Effectiveness of an On-Line Graduate Engineering Management Course: A Preliminary Study, Rosemarie Maffei Evans, Madison Daily, and Susan L. Murray


A Mentoring Guide for Female Faculty in Engineering, Susan L. Murray, Linda M. Manning, Catherine A. Riordan, Elizabeth Cummins, and Philip B. Thompson


Productivity Improvement at a High-tech State-owned Industry--An Indonesian Case Study of Employee Motivation, Adik A. Soedarsono, Susan L. Murray, and Yildirim Omurtag


Windows and Environmental Cues on Performance and Mood, Nancy J. Stone


Task Type, Poster, and Workspace Color on Mood, Satisfaction, and Performance, Nancy J. Stone and Anthony J. English


Teaching Undergraduate Human Factors: The Need, Activities, and Benefits, Nancy J. Stone and William F. Moroney

Submissions from 1997


Integrating Core Industrial Engineering Courses through a Manufacturing Case Study, Susan L. Murray


Engineering Management and Industrial Engineering: Six One Way, a Half Dozen the Other, Susan L. Murray and Stephen A. Raper


Romantic Jealousy and Adult Romantic Attachment, Don Sharpsteen and Lee A. Kirkpatrick

Submissions from 1996


Occupational Stressors, Social Support, and Perceived Stress among Shrimp Fishermen of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast, G. David Johnson, Catherine A. Riordan, J. Stephen Thomas, and Cecelia Formichella


Attention in Direct and Indirect Memory Tasks with Short- and Long-Term Probes, Ronald Thomas Kellogg, Christopher Newcombe, Darren Kammer, and Katherine Schmitt


The "Imaginary Audience," Self-handicapping, and Drinking Patterns among College Students, Robert Montgomery, Frances H. Montgomery, and Shannon Zoellner


Applying Informal Cooperative Learning Groups Techniques in the Classroom, Susan L. Murray

Using Work Measurement Techniques for Space Shuttle Ground Processing, Susan L. Murray, Amanda M. Mitskevich, and Robert R. Safford


Applying in the Classroom What We Know about Groups and Teams, Nancy J. Stone

Submissions from 1995


Comparing BP and ARt II Neural Network Classifiers for Facility Location, Colin Othniel Benjamin, Sheng Chai Chi, Tarek Gaber, and Catherine A. Riordan

Credibility in Engineering Education, Susan L. Murray and AnneMarie A. Daniel

Time Standards -- Good Enough for Government Work?, Susan L. Murray, Robert R. Safford, and Amanda M. Mitskevich


The Effects of Relationship and Self-Esteem Threats on the Likelihood of Romantic Jealousy, Don Sharpsteen

Submissions from 1994


Job Stress, Social Support and Health amongst Shrimp Fishermen, G. David Johnson, J. Stephen Thomas, and Catherine A. Riordan


Age of First Use and Present Use of Alcohol by Undergraduates, Frances H. Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, and Cara B. Saling


Undergraduates' Conflictual Independence, Adjustment, and Alcohol Use: The Importance of the Mother-Student Relationship, Frances H. Montgomery, Shawn C. Steen, and Juanita A. Benedicto


A Review of Neuromotor Tests and the Construction of a Scored Neuromotor Examination for Four‐Year‐Olds, M. Bloch Petersen, P. Ellison, and Don Sharpsteen


Sentence Context and Meaning Frequency Effects in Children's Processing of Ambiguous Words, Greg B. Simpson, Merilee A. Krueger, Hyewon Kang, and Amy C. Elofson


Direct or Indirect Window Access, Task Type, and Performance, Nancy J. Stone and Joanne M. Irvine

Submissions from 1993


Performance Amplification And Process Restructuring In Computer-based Writing, Ronald Thomas Kellogg and Suzanne Mueller


Personal vs. Social Motivations of Undergraduates for Using Alcohol, Frances H. Montgomery, Juanita A. Benedicto, and Frances H. Montgomery


Undergraduate Adjustment to College, Drinking Behavior, and Fraternity Membership, Robert Montgomery and Frances H. Montgomery


Women Engineers: A Study Of Educational Preparation And Professional Success, Debra A.G. Robinson and Barbara Ann Reilly


Romantic Jealousy as an Emotion Concept: A Prototype Analysis, Don Sharpsteen


Performance, Mood, Satisfaction, and Task Type in Various Work Environments: A Preliminary Study, Nancy J. Stone and Joanne M. Irvine

Submissions from 1992


College vs. Junior High School Students' Knowledge of Alcohol as a Teratogen, Frances H. Montgomery, Carla J. Merz, and Susan B. Nelson

Submissions from 1991


Bias by Male Engineering Undergraduates in Their Evaluation of Teaching, Frances H. Montgomery and Lois A. Highfill


Concurrent Validity between the California Psychological Inventory-Revised and the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire, Frances H. Montgomery and Carla J. Merz


Selective Access of Homograph Meanings in Sentence Context, Greg B. Simpson and Merilee A. Krueger

Submissions from 1990


Effect Of Self-presentation On Perceptions And Recognition In An Organization, Robert A. Giacalone and Catherine A. Riordan


The Jenkins Activity Survey and the CPI-revised: Further Evidence of Adaptive and Maladaptive Type a Traits, Frances H. Montgomery and P. Beamish

Submissions from 1989


Bicultural Preparation And National Identity: A Study Of Medical Students At A Mexican University, Erwin H. Epstein and Catherine A. Riordan


Explicit Memory For Unattended Information, Ronald Thomas Kellogg and Ruth S. Dare


Explaining Failures At Work: An Accounter’s Dilemma, Catherine A. Riordan, Marsha K. James, and Michael J. Runzi

Submissions from 1988


Attentional Overload And Writing Performance: Effects Of Rough Draft And Outline Strategies, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Social Support, Perceptions of Attractiveness, Weight, and the CPI in Socially Anxious Males and Females, Frances H. Montgomery, Robert Montgomery, and Joyce Melchers


Preparing Undergraduates for Paraprofessional Positions: What, Where, When, and How are Ethical Issues Taught?, Robert Montgomery and Janet R. Matthews


Self‐Serving Attributions For Performance In Naturalistic Settings: A Meta‐Analytic Review, Brian Mullen and Catherine A. Riordan


Accounts Offered For Unethical Research Practices: Effects On The Evaluations Of Acts And Actors, Catherine A. Riordan, Nancy A. Marlin, and Catherine Gidwani

Submissions from 1987


Use Of The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory With A College Population, Stewart E. Cooper and Debra A.G. Robinson


Perceptions of Danger in Achievement and Affiliation Situations: An Extension of the Pollak and Gilligan vs. Benton et al. Debate, Vicki S. Helgeson and Don Sharpsteen


Effects Of Topic Knowledge On The Allocation Of Processing Time And Cognitive Effort To Writing Processes, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Writing Performance: Effects Of Cognitive Strategies, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Some Good News About Some Bad Practices, Catherine A. Riordan and Nancy A. Marlin

Submissions from 1986


Designing Idea Processors For Document Composition, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Writing Method And Productivity Of Science And Engineering Faculty, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Newscasters' Facial Expressions And Voting Behavior Of Viewers. Can A Smile Elect A President?, Brian Mullen, David Futrell, Debbie Stairs, Dianne M. Tice, Roy F. Baumeister, Kathryn E. Dawson, Catherine A. Riordan, Christine E. Radloff, George R. Goethals, John G. Kennedy, and Paul Rosenfeld

Submissions from 1985


Computer Aids That Writers Need, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Male Sex Bias against Men and Women in Various Professions, Frances H. Montgomery, Amira Abdul-Wakeel, and Maureen Pomeroy


Interpersonal Determinants Of Helping And The Transgression-compliance Relationship, Catherine A. Riordan, Marsha K. James, and Frances A. Dunaway

Submissions from 1984


Purposefully Biased Interactions: Reducing Heterosocial Anxiety through Self-Perception Theory, Frances H. Montgomery and Robert Montgomery


The Homemaker Needs of the Rural Frail Elderly from a Client vs. Agency Perspective, Frances H. Montgomery and Robert Montgomery


Prosocial Behavior Following Transgression: Evidence For Intrapsychic And Interpersonal Motives, Catherine A. Riordan, Frances A. Dunaway, Patricia Haa, Marsha K. James, and Douglas Kruge

Submissions from 1983


Age Differences In Hypothesis Testing And Frequency Processing In Concept Learning, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Heterosocial Anxiety in College Females: A Biased Interactions Treatment, Frances H. Montgomery

Psychology Interns' View of the Psychiatric Consult, Frances H. Montgomery, Carroll W. Hughes, and Sheldon H. Preskorn


Verbal Accounts And Attributions Of Social Motives, James T. Tedeschi, Catherine A. Riordan, Gerald G. Gaes, and Thomas Kane

Submissions from 1982


Electron Drift Velocities In Xenon, H. L. Brooks, M. C. Cornell, John L. Fletcher, Ian M. Littlewood, and Kaare J. Nygaard


Hypothesis Recognition Failure In Conjunctive And Disjunctive Concept-identification Tasks, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


When Can We Introspect Accurately About Mental Processes?, Ronald Thomas Kellogg


Role Conflict for Aides in a Homemaker Aide Program for Frail Elderly Persons, Frances H. Montgomery and Robert Montgomery


Self-Perception Theory and Unobtrusively Biased Interactions: A Treatment for Heterosocial Anxiety, Frances H. Montgomery and Robert Montgomery