Management Strategy for the Indian Market: A U.S. Perspective


With globalization spreading its roots into every country, people from various countries are working together, and trying to understand cultural differences between organizations in different nations. This research deals with the concepts of cultural diversity, economic, intercultural, and organizational differences between the U.S. and India which will help assist American companies wishing to operate in India. In order to understand these cultural differences in a practical manner, this research analyzes a case study of the McDonald's food chain launch in India; its progress over the last few years, and its adaptation to a new society by being culturally sensitive. Finally, a roadmap and suggested improvements that McDonald's should consider if it is to continue its success in India will be outlined based on survey results from 459 Indian customers.

Meeting Name

30th Annual National Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management (2009: Oct. 14-17, Springfield, MO)


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Second Department

Psychological Science

Keywords and Phrases

American companies; Cultural difference; Cultural diversity; Fast food; India; Management strategies; McDonald's; Organizational differences; Cell culture; Engineering; Industrial engineering; Research; India

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 2009 American Society for Engineering Management, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

17 Oct 2009

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