Using Work Measurement Techniques for Space Shuttle Ground Processing


Time standards are usually developed for highly repetitive tasks of short duration. Therefore, most of the work measurement techniques available for producing standards are formulated for this level of activity. There is an increasing need for standards on tasks that are less repetitive and of longer duration. It is also necessary to continue to ensure that the development of the standards is cost effective. One way to assist in minimizing cost is to select the appropriate technique for the application by considering development and implementation costs, feasibility, and consistency of the techniques. This paper presents a study of work measurement techniques as applied to space shuttle processing at the Kennedy Space Center with respect to these factors.

Meeting Name

47th International Industrial Engineering Conference and Exposition (1996: May 19-22, Minneapolis, MN)


Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

Second Department

Psychological Science

Keywords and Phrases

Cost effectiveness; Space shuttles; Standards; Time and motion study; Space shuttle ground processing; Work measurement techniques; Industrial engineering

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 1996 Institue of Industrial and Systems Engineers, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

22 May 1996

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