2006 UGRC - Full Schedule | 2006 UGRC

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Wednesday, April 12th
9:00 AM

Collective Robotic Search with Obstacle Avoidance Using Swarm Intelligence

Lisa Smith

9:00 AM

Compressibility of viscoelastic fluid-filled membranes

Wyatt Davenport

9:00 AM

Decreasing Porosity

Mark Jones

9:00 AM

Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental and Structural Monitoring

John Koch

9:00 AM

Dependable Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental and Structural Monitoring

William Stallard

9:00 AM

Development of Portable Biosensor for Quantitative analysis of Tumor-Liberated Proteins in Human Serum

Chrstopher Campbell

9:00 AM

Effects of Microgravity on Bone Tissue Scaffolds for In Vitro Tissue Growth

Darla L. Ellis

9:00 AM

From Plants to Moldable Plastics

Tamala Morris

9:00 AM

Improving Molds for Rapid Freeze Prototyping

Brandon Adams

9:00 AM

Improving Molds for Rapid Freeze Prototyping

Daniel Gill

9:00 AM

Investigating the Role of Microtubules in Budding Yeast Cytokinesis

Merkeb Teame

9:00 AM

Learning in Groups in the Workplace

Ashlee Bowdry

9:00 AM

Synthesizing a Property-Specific Polymer as the Crux of a Pond Liner Repair Method

Lucas McIntosh

9:00 AM

The Establishment of the Mississippi Valley Branch of the U. S. Bureau of Mines

Konya Lafferty

9:00 AM

The Spatial Distribution of Indoor Mass Transfer

Anthony Chiles

9:00 AM

9:30 AM

Analysis of Phenocryst Textures and Crystal Size Distribution, Carlton Rhyolite, Wichita Mountains, Southwestern Oklahoma

Ryan Davidson

9:30 AM

DAPHNE: A Development Environment for Autonomous Robotics Systems

Ryanne Thomas Dolan

9:30 AM

Integrating Design, Verification, and Implementation of a Communication Protocol

Jimmy Townsend

9:30 AM

The effects of task difficulty and distractor congruency on visual attention

Philip A. Norfolk

9:30 AM

10:00 AM

Analysis and Optimization of Partial Power Flow Calculations for the Power Grid

Josh M. Eads

10:00 AM

Change Detection for Implanted IED Region of Interest Identification

Thomas James Woodard

10:00 AM

Formation of Iron-Rimmed Sandstone Nodules; Terrestrial Analogue for Martian Blueberries?

Katherine Downs

10:00 AM

The Millerite Movement: A Sign of the Times

Mary Peaslee

10:00 AM

10:30 AM

A Neural Network Based Approach to Elephant Migration Prediction in a South African Game Reserve

Parviz Palangpour

10:30 AM

An Examination of the Missouri Coalition for Lifesaving Cures

Aimee Rea

10:30 AM

Domain Knowledge Enhanced Maximum Flow Algorithms for FACTS Device Control

Evan Wright

10:30 AM

Quantum Dot Photolithography

Lane A. Martin

10:30 AM

11:00 AM

No Laughing Matter: The Usefulness of Editorial Cartoons and Caricatures in the University Classroom

Nicholas Villanueva Jr.

11:00 AM

Skeletal Morphology of Blanchard’s Cricket Frog, Acris crepitans blanchardi

Jessica Mueller

11:00 AM

1:00 PM

A Comparison of Sieve Analysis Techniques in the St. Peter Sandstone

Clinton Roberts

1:00 PM

A Comparison of Sieve Analysis Techniques in the St. Peter Sandstone

Bryce H. Wagner III

1:00 PM

A Wireless Sensor Network Test-bed for Secure Communication Using Dynamic Keys

David Mullen

1:00 PM

Ascorbic Acid and Nitrite Influx Detection using Carbon Fiber Microelectrodes

Libby Cooley

1:00 PM

Attention with Spatial Distractors

Tawnia Misak

1:00 PM

Chemical modeling of Alcohol Metabolism, a field of major (and Miner) importance

Tara Banaszek

1:00 PM

Comparison of Traditional and Molecular Techniques for Describing Fungi in Streams

Cory Cheatham

1:00 PM

Design and Optimization of Wireless Networks Using Radioplan Software

Daniel Riley

1:00 PM

Directly vitrifiable nanosize hydroxyapatite for removal of hazardous substances from aqueous wastes

Stephanie Fesenmeyer

1:00 PM

Directly vitrifiable nanosize hydroxyapatite for removal of hazardous substances from aqueous wastes

Leia Ponder

1:00 PM

Directly vitrifiable nanosize hydroxyapatite for removal of hazardous substances from aqueous wastes

Alicia Canelos

1:00 PM

Effect of Thermal Cycling on Repaired Lead and Lead-Free Solder Joints

Kenneth Doering

1:00 PM

Effect of Thermal Cycling on Repaired Lead and Lead-Free Solder Joints

Vanessa Eckhoff

1:00 PM

Effects of Focused Energy Deposition on the Performance of Hypersonic Nozzle Flow

Natalie Frenz

1:00 PM

Effects of Focused Energy Deposition on the Performance of Hypersonic Nozzle Flow

John Gantt

1:00 PM

Fabrication of Novel Fibrous Monolithic Architectures through Coextrusion

Sheena Foster

1:00 PM

Generating a Finite Subset of a Lattice of Convex Sets

Michael Nolte

1:00 PM

Hyperrealism vs. Traditional Artforms: Does realism impact audience response to paleontology illustrations?

Chrstopher Chandler

1:00 PM

In Vitro Study of the Effect of Nanoparticles on DNA deletion/mutations

Julie Breckenridge

1:00 PM

Interactive User-Interface for Protein Contact Map Predication

Quinton Langford

1:00 PM

Investigation of Sedimentary Structures in the Lucerne Granite, ME, using Feldspar Crystals

Cecily J. Sharko

1:00 PM

Investment Casting with Ice Patterns

Stephanie Schondelmeyer

1:00 PM

Light Propagation through a Dual-Periodic One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal

Mark Herrera

1:00 PM

Microfinance and the Impact on Mexico

Young Suk Cho

1:00 PM

Modification of a Vector to Improve Screening Efficiency During Gene Cloning

Jennifer Jacobi

1:00 PM

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Smeared Phase Transition in a 3-Dimensional Ising Model with Planar Defects

Shellie Huether

1:00 PM

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Smeared Phase Transition in a 3-Dimensional Ising Model with Planar Defects

Ryan Kinney

1:00 PM

More than just intelligence: The role personality plays in student success

Emiliy Gill

1:00 PM

Nanoparticles for Enhanced Delivery of Chemotherapeutics

Emily Bahram-Ahi

1:00 PM

Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation through Quasi-1D Random Scattering Medium

Jeffrey Jau

1:00 PM

Parental rejection as a pathway to depression: Why fathers are important to the understanding of drinking behaviors

Natalie Shanklin

1:00 PM

Pegmatites of the Mount Sheridan Gabbro

Andrew McEllen

1:00 PM

pH Dependent Antibiotic Resistance in Alkaliphilic Halotolerant Bacteria

Audrey Oakley

1:00 PM

Rapid Freeze Spraying of Graded Laminar Composites

Ashlee Abbott

1:00 PM

Republic of the Marshall Islands: How Environmental Concerns Impact Daily Life

Catherine Kuzmeski

1:00 PM

Republic of the Marshall Islands: How Environmental Concerns Impact Daily Life

Colin Moore

1:00 PM

Robotic Prosthetic Arm

Robert Duke Adams

1:00 PM

The Effects of Composition on Aqueous Dissolution of Phosphate Glasses

Melissa Malone

1:00 PM

The Effects of Religiosity on Preconceived Value Judgments

Daniel Lee Wilson Pope

1:00 PM

The FACTS System Security Policy

Michelle Swenty

1:00 PM

The friends of Barbados; an analysis of Quakers living on the island of Barbados in the late 17th Century

James Ney McDonald

1:00 PM

The Growth of MC3T3-E1 Pre-Osteoblasts on Borate Containing Glasses

Agatja Agatha Dwilewicz

1:00 PM

The Role of Nitric Oxide and cGMP in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth

Jacob Elmer

1:00 PM

The Role of Nitric Oxide and cGMP in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth

Kristin Russell

1:00 PM

Tourism and the Impact of Western Explorers in Guam

Jennifer Fizer

1:00 PM

Tourism and the Impact of Western Explorers in Guam

Brittany Parker

1:00 PM

Tourism and the Impact of Western Explorers in Guam

Savannah Saunders

1:00 PM

Tourism and the Impact of Western Explorers in Guam

Hope Von Ahsen

1:00 PM

Tourism and the Impact of Western Explorers in Guam

Elizabeth Wiese

1:00 PM

Use of DSC to Distinguish Grades of Mozzarella Cheese

Jason Harris

1:00 PM

Use of smart material for seismic retrofit of masonry walls

Kerrie Barnes

1:00 PM