Scholars' Mine - Undergraduate Research Conference at Missouri S&T: The Role of Nitric Oxide and cGMP in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth

The Role of Nitric Oxide and cGMP in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth

Presenter Information

Kristin Russell


Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences

Research Advisor

Aronstam, Robert

Advisor's Department

Biological Sciences

Funding Source

UMR Opportunities for Undergraduate Research Experiences (OURE) Program


Nitric oxide (NO), a known signal molecule in animal cells, is thought to act as a signaling molecule in plants. Within the plant cell, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) produces NO, which then activates guanylate cyclase to give cyclic guanylate monophosphate (cGMP) and a growth response. A. thaliana plants were grown initially on agar/MS media and then transferred to media containing experimental drugs. Root lengths were measured from digital images using Scion Image software. NO donor drugs, Spermine and DEA, enhanced root growth at low concentrations and inhibited growth at high concentrations. An NO scavenger, PTIO, and NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, decreased root growth. Pharmacological accumulation of cGMP by adding dibutryl cGMP, a guanylate cyclase inhibitory drug, or by blocking cGMP specific phosphodiesterase activity with IBMX enhanced root elongation. ODQ, a guanylate cyclase inhibitor and Carboxyl- PTIO, a scavenger of NO and NOS inhibitor, also affected root elongation.


Kristin is a junior attending the University of Missouri-Rolla majoring in Biological Sciences with minors in Psychology and Chemistry. She is the daughter of Bill and Karla Russell of Benton, MO. She is involved on campus in many organizations including Phi Sigma Rho, Habitat for Humanity, Phi Sigma, and the Helix Biological Society. Kristin plans to pursue a career and an advanced degree in the genetics of human diseases.

Research Category

Natural Sciences

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Document Type


Presentation Date

12 Apr 2006, 1:00 pm


Joint project with Jacob Elmer

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Apr 12th, 1:00 PM

The Role of Nitric Oxide and cGMP in Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth

Nitric oxide (NO), a known signal molecule in animal cells, is thought to act as a signaling molecule in plants. Within the plant cell, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) produces NO, which then activates guanylate cyclase to give cyclic guanylate monophosphate (cGMP) and a growth response. A. thaliana plants were grown initially on agar/MS media and then transferred to media containing experimental drugs. Root lengths were measured from digital images using Scion Image software. NO donor drugs, Spermine and DEA, enhanced root growth at low concentrations and inhibited growth at high concentrations. An NO scavenger, PTIO, and NOS inhibitor, L-NAME, decreased root growth. Pharmacological accumulation of cGMP by adding dibutryl cGMP, a guanylate cyclase inhibitory drug, or by blocking cGMP specific phosphodiesterase activity with IBMX enhanced root elongation. ODQ, a guanylate cyclase inhibitor and Carboxyl- PTIO, a scavenger of NO and NOS inhibitor, also affected root elongation.