Scholars' Mine - Undergraduate Research Conference at Missouri S&T: Interactive User-Interface for Protein Contact Map Predication

Interactive User-Interface for Protein Contact Map Predication

Presenter Information

Quinton Langford


Computer Science


Computer Science

Research Advisor

Zhao, Ying

Advisor's Department

Computer Science


The study of molecular structures plays an important role in understanding biological processes. Contact map prediction is an interesting study for its applications in fold recognition and protein 3-D structure determination. This goal of this project is to implement an interactive user-interface for our existing prediction models, which allows users view maps not only in matrix form but also in a 3-D graphical representation. A total of seven protein structure visualization programs were researched and tested that offered this main service along with addition features. The requirements were that the program be free, had 3-D viewing, and the ability to receive instructions by mouse and/or command prompt. After selecting a program, it will be integrated into our existing prediction software. The program of choice could be sent a script of commands that would highlight an amino acid structure in the 3-D viewing of the protein.


Quinton is a senior of the Computer Engineering and Computer Science programs of the University of Missouri--Rolla. He transferred to UMR from Kettering University in Fall 2003. While at Kettering University, he was in the Computer Engineering program and an alumnus member of the Theta Xi fraternity. It was when he came to UMR that Quinton decided to go dual major. Quinton plans to graduate in May 06 and pursue a career in networking/software engineering.

Research Category


Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Document Type


Presentation Date

12 Apr 2006, 1:00 pm

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Apr 12th, 1:00 PM

Interactive User-Interface for Protein Contact Map Predication

The study of molecular structures plays an important role in understanding biological processes. Contact map prediction is an interesting study for its applications in fold recognition and protein 3-D structure determination. This goal of this project is to implement an interactive user-interface for our existing prediction models, which allows users view maps not only in matrix form but also in a 3-D graphical representation. A total of seven protein structure visualization programs were researched and tested that offered this main service along with addition features. The requirements were that the program be free, had 3-D viewing, and the ability to receive instructions by mouse and/or command prompt. After selecting a program, it will be integrated into our existing prediction software. The program of choice could be sent a script of commands that would highlight an amino acid structure in the 3-D viewing of the protein.