Scholars' Mine - Undergraduate Research Conference at Missouri S&T: Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation through Quasi-1D Random Scattering Medium

Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation through Quasi-1D Random Scattering Medium

Presenter Information

Jeffrey Jau





Research Advisor

Yamilov, Alexey

Advisor's Department


Funding Source

Jeffrey Jau came to University of Missouri--Rolla in fall of 2003. The intended major field of studying was physics, and remained to be physics throughout the college career. A senior who will complete the requirements for B.S. in physics by May of 2006, and hoping to be able to pursue a career in photonic devices.


Mesoscopic metal wire and disordered optical waveguide are two examples of quasi-1D random scattering media. The goal of this project is to develop a flexible numerical code for examining wave transport through the random media. Evolution of electric field from the beginning to the end of the system is described with a set of transfer matrices in terms of open and closed channels of the waveguide. To achieve numerical stability we also implement self-embedding procedure. The simulation will run under various regimes of wave transport: from diffusion to Anderson localization. Consistent account of closed channels in our approach will allow to determine the importance of evanescent fields on the statistics of mesoscopic transport.

Research Category

Natural Sciences

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Document Type


Presentation Date

12 Apr 2006, 1:00 pm

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Apr 12th, 1:00 PM

Numerical Simulation of Wave Propagation through Quasi-1D Random Scattering Medium

Mesoscopic metal wire and disordered optical waveguide are two examples of quasi-1D random scattering media. The goal of this project is to develop a flexible numerical code for examining wave transport through the random media. Evolution of electric field from the beginning to the end of the system is described with a set of transfer matrices in terms of open and closed channels of the waveguide. To achieve numerical stability we also implement self-embedding procedure. The simulation will run under various regimes of wave transport: from diffusion to Anderson localization. Consistent account of closed channels in our approach will allow to determine the importance of evanescent fields on the statistics of mesoscopic transport.