Scholars' Mine - Undergraduate Research Conference at Missouri S&T: Monte Carlo Simulation of the Smeared Phase Transition in a 3-Dimensional Ising Model with Planar Defects

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Smeared Phase Transition in a 3-Dimensional Ising Model with Planar Defects

Presenter Information

Shellie Huether





Research Advisor

Vojta, Thomas

Advisor's Department


Funding Source

National Science Foundation, UM Research Board, Research Corporation


We investigate the effects of rare regions on the dynamics of Ising magnets with planar defects, i.e., disorder perfectly correlated in two dimensions. In these systems, the magnetic phase transition is smeared because static, long range order can develop on isolated rare regions. We perform large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for a three- dimensional Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions and planar defects. To increase the efficiency of the calculations, we have developed parallel simulation algorithms and implemented them on the Pegasus Cluster. We find that in the tail region of the smeared transition, the dynamics is extremely slow, even slower than in a conventional Griffiths phase. The spin autocorrelation function decays like a stretched exponential at intermediate times before approaching the exponentially small equilibrium value following a power law at late times.


Shellie is a sophomore attending the University of Missouri--Rolla, majoring in Physics. She is currently a student researcher for Dr. Thomas Vojta, and is actively involved in Phi Sigma Rho and the Society of Physics Students. In the upcoming summer of 2006, she will participate in her first National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates at the University of Toledo.

Research Category

Natural Sciences

Presentation Type

Poster Presentation

Document Type


Presentation Date

12 Apr 2006, 1:00 pm


Joint project with Ryan Kinney

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Apr 12th, 1:00 PM

Monte Carlo Simulation of the Smeared Phase Transition in a 3-Dimensional Ising Model with Planar Defects

We investigate the effects of rare regions on the dynamics of Ising magnets with planar defects, i.e., disorder perfectly correlated in two dimensions. In these systems, the magnetic phase transition is smeared because static, long range order can develop on isolated rare regions. We perform large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for a three- dimensional Ising model with nearest neighbor interactions and planar defects. To increase the efficiency of the calculations, we have developed parallel simulation algorithms and implemented them on the Pegasus Cluster. We find that in the tail region of the smeared transition, the dynamics is extremely slow, even slower than in a conventional Griffiths phase. The spin autocorrelation function decays like a stretched exponential at intermediate times before approaching the exponentially small equilibrium value following a power law at late times.