
Submissions from 1996

Instructional Fluid Dynamics in Viscous Flow Part I, Finite-Difference Solution for Stagnation Flow Near a Rotating Disc, S. C. Lee, Qizhong Diao, and B. Green

Instructional Fluid Dynamics in Viscous Flow Part II, Visualization of Flow Patterns Downstream of a Backward Facing Step and Around an Elliptical Cylinder, S. C. Lee, B. Green, and Qizhong Diao

Computer Simulation of Turbulent Mixing Between Outdoor Air and Return Air in Hvac Systems, S. C. Lee, Harry J. Sauer Jr., and Fathi Finaish


Nonlinear Effects on the Stiffness of Bolted Joints, T. F. Lehnhoff and William Eugene Wistehuff


Nonlinear Effects on the Stresses and Deformations of Bolted Joints, T. F. Lehnhoff and William Eugene Wistehuff


Enabling Technologies for Virtual Parts Handling Environment - an overview, Frank W. Liou


Novel Stokesmeter, Dwight C. Look

Cleaning with High-Pressure Directed Waterjets, P. Meng, Ming-Chuan Leu, E. S. Geskin, and l. Tismenetskiy


Compliant Pliers, Ashok Midha and S. C. Visser


The Topological Synthesis of Compliant Mechanisms, M. D. Murphy, Ashok Midha, and Larry L. Howell

Nonholonomic Vehicle Motion Planning by Generating a Mapping from Configuration to Control Output with Reinforcement Learning, K. Naruse and Ming-Chuan Leu


Extended Characterization of Combustion-Generated Aggregates: Self-Affinity and Lacunarities, Alexander V. Neimark, Ümit Özgür Köylü, and Daniel E. Rosner


Self-Affinity of Combustion-Generated Aggregates, Alexander V. Neimark, Ümit Özgür Köylü, and Daniel E. Rosner


Radiative Heating in Scramjet Combustors, Harlan F. Nelson


Heat Transfer in Two-Phase Solid-Rocket Plumes, Harlan F. Nelson and John C. Fields


Kinematically Intelligent Blackboard for Computer-Aided Instruction, J. Keith Nisbett and Clark R. Barker


Delamination Prediction in Composite Beams with Built-In Piezoelectric Devices Using Modal Analysis and Neural Network, Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor, K. Chandrashekhara, and Yuping Jiang


Location of Impact in Composite Plates Using Waveform-Based Acoustic Emission and Gaussian Cross-Correlation Techniques, Anthony Chukwujekwu Okafor, K. Chandrashekhara, and Yuping Jiang

Transition from Turbulent Natural to Turbulent Forced Convection Adjacent to an Isothermal Vertical Plate, Kalpesh Patel, Bassem F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen

Transition from Turbulent Natural to Turbulent Forced Convection Adjacent to an Isothermal Vertical Plate, K. Patel, B. F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen

Adaptive Control Using Multiple Models and Model Weighting, Abhilash Rajagopal and K. Krishnamurthy

Brayton Cycle Engine/component Performance Assessment using Energy and Thrust-Based Methods, David W. Riggins


Optimization for Maximum Performance High-Speed Engines, David W. Riggins

Optimization for Maximum Performance High-Speed Engines, David W. Riggins

The Evaluation of Performance Losses in Multi-Dimensional Propulsive Flows, David W. Riggins


Adaptive Flutter Suppression of an Unswept Wing, Indranil Danda Roy and Walter Eversman

Computational Procedure for Durability Prediction of Polymers and their Composites, Samit Roy and S. Denduluri

Building Loads Program for HVAC System Simulation, Harry J. Sauer, Surya Anantapantula, and Ronald Hunter Howell

Low Delta-V Earth-To-Moon Trajectories, D. P. Scarberry and Henry J. Pernicka

Reduced Order H∞ Missile Controller Synthesis using Critical Characteristic Capture, Michael K. Sharp and S. N. Balakrishnan


A Class of Modified Hopfield Networks for Aircraft Identification and Control, Jie Shen and S. N. Balakrishnan


Cone-Derived Waverider Flowfield Simulation Including Turbulence and Off-Design Conditions, Yijian Shi, Bor-Jang Tsai, John B. Miles, and Kakkattukuzhy M. Isaac

Robust Vibration Control of Composite Beams using Piezoelectric Devices and Neural Networks, C. P. Smyser, S. Varadarajan, and K. Chandrashekhara


A Neural Network Thrust Force Controller to Minimize Delamination during Drilling of Graphite-Epoxy Laminates, Robert S. Stone and K. Krishnamurthy


Aerodynamic Investigation of Joined Wing Configurations for Transport Aircraft, I. Tracy and B. P. Selberg


Effects of the Rate of Latent Heat Release on Fluid Flow and Solidification Patterns During Alloy Solidification, M. J. Voss and Hai-Lung Tsai


A Closed Form Method for Backtracking from a Modified Burmester Curve to a Set of Precision Positions, Derek Watkins and J. Keith Nisbett


Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoils with Backward-Facing Step Configurations, Stephen Daniel Witherspoon and Fathi Finaish

Experimental and Computational Studies of Flow Developments Around an Airfoil with Backward-Facing Steps, Stephen Daniel Witherspoon and Fathi Finaish

Effect of Link Length, Population Size, and Mutation Rate on the Convergence of an Order-Based Genetic Algorithm, Hei Wong and Ming-Chuan Leu


Synthesis and Restructuring of Inorganic Nano-Particles in Counterflow Diffusion Flames, Yangchuan Xing, Ümit Özgür Köylü, and Daniel E. Rosner


Case Adaptation in PROCASE: A Case-Based Process Planning System for Machining of Rotational Parts, Hao Yang and Wen F. Lu

Analytical Study of Investment Casting with Webbed Epoxy Patterns, W. L. Yao, Ming-Chuan Leu, H. Wong, and D. H. Sebastian

Turbulent Natural Convection Along a Vertical Backward-Facing Step, X. Yuan, T. S. Chen, and Bassem F. Armaly


Global Characteristics and Structure of Hydrogen-Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames, J. Zhao, Kakkattukuzhy M. Isaac, and G. L. Pellett

Submissions from 1995


On a Method for Obtaining Approximate Solutions to Sturm-Liouville Problems, Serge Abrate


Vibration of Point-Supported Rectangular Composite Plates, Serge Abrate


Finite Element Analysis of Triangular Fins Attached to a Thick Wall, Serge Abrate and P. Newnham


Effects of Upstream Wall Heating on Mixed Convection in Separated Flows, H. I. Abu-Mulaweh, Bassem F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen


Laminar Natural Convection Flow Over a Vertical Backward-Facing Step, H. I. Abu-Mulaweh, Bassem F. Armaly, and T. S. Chen


Hybrid Sensors for Impact-induced Strain in Smart Composite Plates, Farhad Akhavan, Steve Eugene Watkins, and K. Chandrashekhara


Intercomparison Between Commercial Condensation Nucleus Counters and an Alternating Temperature Gradient Cloud Chamber, Darryl J. Alofs, Chen Kwee Lutrus, Donald E. Hagen, Gilmore J. Sem, and J. L. Blesener


Intercomparison between Commercial Condensation Nucleus Counters and an Alternating Temperature Gradient Cloud Chamber, Darryl J. Alofs, C. K. Lutrus, and Donald E. Hagen


Optimum Angles for a Polarimeter: Part II, Amrit Ambirajan and Dwight C. Look

Adaptive Critic Based Neural Networks for Control, S. N. Balakrishnan and Victor Biega


Adaptive Critic Based Neural Networks for Control (Low Order System Applications), S. N. Balakrishnan and Victor Biega


A New Neural Architecture for Homing Missile Guidance, S. N. Balakrishnan and Victor Biega


Fuzzy Logic in Restructurable Flight Control Systems, S. N. Balakrishnan and H. S. Ho


Hamiltonian Based Adaptive Critics for Aircraft Control, S. N. Balakrishnan and Jie Shen

Recent Developments and Issues in Bio-absorbable and Bio-incorporative Internal Orthopedic Fixation, P. Beccue, J. Neely, Steven Pekarek, and Daniel S. Stutts


Parametric Excitation of Tire-wheel Assemblies by a Stiffness Non-uniformity, P. Beccue, Steven Pekarek, J. Neely, and Daniel S. Stutts


Analytical Solutions for Bending of Clamped Layered Composite Plates Using a Higher-Order Theory, K. Bhatia and K. Chandrashekhara


On The Use Of Students For Developing Engineering Laboratories, Bopaya Bidanda and Richard E. Billo


Representing Group Technology Classification And Coding Techniques With Object Oriented Modeling Principles, Richard E. Billo and Bopaya Bidanda

Buckling of Functionally Graded Hybrid Composite Plates, Victor Birman

Effect of Temperature on Accurate Interpretation of Data from Piezoelectric Sensors, Victor Birman


On Three-Dimensional State of Thermal Stresses in a Transversely Isotropic Plate with a Circular Hole, Victor Birman


Stability of Functionally Graded Hybrid Composite Plates, Victor Birman


Creep Buckling and Rupture of Columns with Arbitrary Symmetric Cross Section, Victor Birman and Mark G. Magid

Optimum Design of Sandwich Panels with Piezoelectric and Shape Memory Alloy Actuators, Victor Birman and Arthur Simonyan


Damage Evolution in Hybrid Ceramic Matrix Composites, Douglas R. Carroll, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, John E. Goethe, Stephen B. Haug, Weiping Cai, and Mark A. Hall


Thermally Induced Vibration of Adaptive Doubly Curved Composite Shells with Piezoelectric Devices, K. Chandrashekhara and Mahesh Kolli


Assessment of Shell Theories for the Static Analysis of Cross-Ply Laminated Circular Cylindrical Shells, K. Chandrashekhara and D. V. T. G. Pavan Kumar


Static Analysis of a Long and Thick Orthotropic Circular Cylindrical Shell of Revolution, K. Chandrashekhara and K. S. Nanjunda Rao


Thermally Induced Vibration Suppression of Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators, K. Chandrashekhara and Ram Tenneti


Characteristics of Abrasive Waterjet Generated Surfaces and Effects of Cutting Parameters and Structure Vibration, J. Chao, G. Zhou, Ming-Chuan Leu, and E. Geskin


Deep Penetration of Thick Thermoviscoplastic Targets by Long Rigid Rods, Xingju Chen and R. C. Batra


Thermal Contact Conductance of Ceramic Substrate Junctions, K. C. Chung, H. K. Benson, and John W. Sheffield

Enhancement of Thermal Contact Conductance of Coated Junctions, Kee-Chiang Chung and John W. Sheffield

Controller/Critic Neurocontrol Design Method Based on Neighboring Optimal Control, J. S. Dalton and S. N. Balakrishnan


Simpler Test Method for Measuring the Interfacial Strength of Fiber Tows in Polymer and Ceramic Matrix Composites, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani and Frank D. Blum

3-D Shear Lag Model for the Analysis of Interface Damage in Ceramic Matrix Composites, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani and Fangsheng Ji

3-D Shear Lag Model for the Analysis of Interface Damage in Ceramic Matrix Composites, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani and Fangsheng Ji


Effect of Transverse Cracking on Stiffness Reduction of Cross-Ply Laminates, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani and Fangsheng Ji


Modeling of Pressureless Constant Heating Rate Sintering of Ceramic Matrix Composites, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, Y. Zhao, and Wei Hong


Fin Dihedral Effects on Wing-Body Carryover for Supersonic Noncircular Missiles, Brian E. Est and Harlan F. Nelson


Wing-Body Carryover for Noncircular Missiles, Brian E. Est and Harlan F. Nelson


Acoustic Modeling and Optimization of Induction System Components, Walter Eversman and John A. White Jr.


Soot Morphology and Optical Properties in Nonpremixed Turbulent Flame Environments, G. M. Faeth and Ümit Özgür Köylü


Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Multi-Body Systems with Elastic Components, Yong Fang and Frank W. Liou


Steady-State Response of Periodically Time-Varying Linear Systems, with Application to an Elastic Mechanism, K. Farhang and Ashok Midha


Total Scattering and Absorption Cross Sections of Carbonaceous Soot Particles, Tiago L. Farias, Maria da Gracia Carvalho, Ümit Özgür Köylü, and G. M. Faeth


Unsteady Pressure Distributions Around an Aeroelastic NACA 0012 Wing in Transonic Flows, Fathi Finaish, Jacopo Frigerio, and Robert M. Bennett

Experimental Study of Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, And/Or Density Effects on Vane Anemometers, Fathi Finaish, Roger George, Harry J. Sauer Jr., and Ronald Hunter Howell


Design and Hands-On Experiences for Undergraduates: Case Study on Design, Construction, and Testing of Small Aircraft Models, Fathi Finaish and James Schneider

Axisymmetric Penetration of Ceramic Plates by Tungsten Rods, F. W. Flocker and R. C. Batra

Development of a Test Facility for Airflow Measurements in Variable-Density Environments, J. Frigerio, Harry J. Sauer Jr., Fathi Finaish, and Ronald Hunter Howell


Load, Speed and Temperature Sensitivities of a Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Phenolic Friction Material, P. Gopal, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, and Frank D. Blum


Control of Sound Transmission into a Closed Cavity Using Smart Structures, Michael L. Hill, Phil Chrissos, Leslie Robert Koval, Vittal S. Rao, and Frank J. Kern

A Hierarchical Fuzzy Logic Controller with a Velocity Modifier for Restructurable Flight Control Systems, Howard S. Ho and S. N. Balakrishnan