"Microstructural Effects on the Electromechanical Properties of PZT-BFC" by Wayne Huebner, WanRong R. Xue et al.

Microstructural Effects on the Electromechanical Properties of PZT-BFCeramics


In this study microstructure↔property relationships were explored for piezoelectric ceramics with a composition of 0.97[(Pb0.95Sr0.05) (Zr0.514Ti0.484)O3] - 0.03BiFeO3. Very minor changes in the sintering temperature (1290 - 1310°C) or soak time (1.5 - 3.5 h) resulted in large differences in the electromechanical properties. Specifically, higher sintering temperatures resulted in no residual grain boundary phases, but larger grain sizes and/or variations in the defect structure resulted in lower permittivities, piezoelectric coefficients, and lower mechanical Q's. The sintering time exhibited an optimal value; too short or too long resulted in poor performance. This study points clearly illustrates the difficulty in performing systematic compositional studies when the role of the microstructure can be dominant.

Meeting Name

9th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (1994: Aug. 7-10, University Park, PA)


Materials Science and Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Bismuth compounds; Ceramic materials; Composition; Defects; Grain size and shape; Lead compounds; Microstructure; Oxides; Permittivity; Piezoelectricity; Sintering; Thermal effects; Electromechanical properties; Lead zirconate titanate - bismuth ferrous trioxide ceramics; Morphotropic phase boundary; Optimal sintering time

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


File Type





© 1994 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE), All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Aug 1994

