Chemical Durability of Y₂O₃-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ Glasses for the in Vivo Delivery of Beta Radiation
Microspheres made from Y2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 (YAS) glasses, which contain radioactive Y-90, are currently being used to treat liver cancer in humans, where their chemical durability is of prime importance. in deionized water or saline at 37 degrees C, the weight percent Yttrium (Y) dissolved from eight different YAS glasses ranged from only 0.02-0.13% of the total Y present and their dissolution rate was barely measurable, < or = 1.0 x 10(-9) g/cm2-min. the most chemically durable YAS glass was 17Y2O3-19Al2O3-64SiO2, mol%. the small amount of Y released from microspheres, 25-35 microns diameter, of this glass after corrosion in saline or deionized water at 37 degrees C was essentially the same as for bulk glass samples. Based on their excellent chemical durability, it is concluded that YAS glass microspheres are suitable for in vivo use.
Recommended Citation
E. M. Erbe and D. E. Day, "Chemical Durability of Y₂O₃-Al₂O₃-SiO₂ Glasses for the in Vivo Delivery of Beta Radiation," Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Wiley-Blackwell, Oct 1993.
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Materials Science and Engineering
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
0021-9304; 1097-4636
Document Type
Article - Journal
Document Version
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© 1993 Wiley-Blackwell, All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Oct 1993