Submissions from 2012
Evaluation of Bioactive Glass (13-93) Scaffolds with an Oriented Microstructure for Regenerating Load-Bearing Bones, Xin Liu and M. N. Rahaman
Porous and Strong Bioactive Glass (13-93) Scaffolds Prepared by Unidirectional Freezing of Camphene-Based Suspensions, Xin Liu, M. N. Rahaman, Qiang Fu, and Antoni P. Tomsia
Recovery of Metallic Materials from Printed Wiring Boards by Green Pyrolysis Process, Alex Luyima, Lifeng Zhang, Jaan Kers, and Viktor Laurmaa
Control of Gas Emission During Pyrolysis of Waste Printed Wiring Boards, Alex Luyima, Lifeng Zhang, Jaan Kers, and Thomas P. Schuman
The Influence of Galvanic Current on Cerium-Based Conversion Coatings on Mg, Al, and Galvanized Steel Couples, Surender Maddela, Matthew J. O'Keefe, and Yar Ming Wang
Diblock Copolymers with Tunable PH Transitions for Gene Delivery, Matthew J. Manganiello, Connie Cheng, Anthony J. Convertine, James D. Bryers, and Patrick S. Stayton
Temperature Jump Phenomenon During Plasmatron Testing of ZrB₂-SiC Ultrahigh-temperature Ceramics, Jochen Marschall, Dušan A. Pejaković, William Fahrenholtz, Greg Hilmas, Francesco Panerai, and Olivier Chazot
On the Crystallography of Peritectic Austenite and the Role of Primary Ferrite in High Manganese and Aluminum Steels, Meghan C. McGrath and David C. Van Aken
Estimation of Properties of a Photoinitiated Silorane-Based Composite with Potential for Orthopaedic Applications, Jennifer Rae Melander, Rachel A. Weiler, Bradley D. Miller, Thomas P. Schuman, Kathleen V. Kilway, D. E. Day, Mariano Velez, and John David Eick
Investigation of Nucleation and Plating Overpotentials During Copper Electrowinning Using the Galvanostatic Staircase Method, Michael S. Moats and Alexander Derrick
In Vitro Performance of 13-93 Bioactive Glass Fiber and Trabecular Scaffolds with MLO-A5 Osteogenic Cells, Vernon C. Modglin, Roger F. Brown, Qiang Fu, M. N. Rahaman, Steven B. Jung, and D. E. Day
Influence of Nanocrystallization on the Electronic Conductivity of Zinc Iron Phosphate Glass, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, Kristina Sklepić, Željko Skoko, Lara Mikac, Svetozar Musić, and D. E. Day
Electron Beam Induced Crystallization of Sputter Deposited Amorphous Alumina Thin Films, Jack Murray, Kai Song, Wayne Huebner, and Matthew O'Keefe
Copper Precipitation in Cobalt-Alloyed Precipitation-Hardened Stainless Steel, Arpana S. Murthy, Julia E. Medvedeva, Dieter Isheim, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Von Richards, and David C. Van Aken
CFD Modeling and Simulation in Materials Processing, Laurentiu Nastac, Lifeng Zhang, Brian G. Thomas, Adrian Sabau, Nagy El-Kaddah, Adam C. Powell, and Hervé Combeau
Preface, Laurentiu Nastac, Lifeng Zhang, Brian G. Thomas, Adrian Sabau, Nagy El-Kaddah, Adam C. Powell, and Hervé Combeau
Effect of Post-Processing on the Properties of MIM8740, Joseph William Newkirk, Matthew Chott, Phil McCalla, and Bruce G. Dionne
Transition of Deformation Behavior in an Ultrafine Grained Magnesium Alloy, S. K. Panigrahi, K. Kumar, N. Kumar, W. Yuan, R. S. Mishra, R. DeLorme, B. Davis, R. A. Howell, and K. Cho
Leading Engineering Engagement in Carbon Management: Role of the AIST, Kent D. Peaslee
Effective Dielectric Constant of Two Phase Dielectric Systems, Vladimir Petrovsky, Piotr Z. Jasinski, and Fatih Dogan
Effective Dielectric Constant of Two Phase Systems, Vladimir Petrovsky, Piotr Z. Jasinski, and Fatih Dogan
Flowsheet Development, Process Simulation and Economic Feasibility Analysis for Novel Suspension Ironmaking Technology Based on Natural Gas: Part 1 - Flowsheet and Simulation for Ironmaking with Reformerless Natural Gas, H. K. Pinegar, Michael S. Moats, and H. Y. Sohn
Chemical and Microstructural Characterization of Rf-sputtered BaTiO₃ Nano-capacitors with Ni Electrodes, James N. Reck, Rebecca Cortez, S. Xie, Ming Zhang, Matthew O'Keefe, and Fatih Dogan
The Flow and Fracture of Advanced Glasses - an overview, Tanguy Rouxel and Richard K. Brow
The Stability of Selected Sulfide Minerals in Sulfuric Acid and Acidic Thiocyanate Solutions, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Jinshan Li, Michael S. Moats, and Jan D. Miller
Acid Bake-Leach Process for the Treatment of Enargite Concentrates, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Michael S. Moats, and Jan D. Miller
The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Hydroxide on Volume Changes in Cementitious Materials, Gaurav Sant, Aditya Kumar, Cedric Patapy, Gwenn Le Saout, and Karen L. Scrivener
Development of a Silver Based Stable Current Collector for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathodes, Ayhan Sarikaya, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan
Effect of Microstructural Evolution on the Electrochemical Properties of High Performance SOFCs, Ayhan Sarikaya, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan
Effect of the Anode Microstructure on the Enhanced Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Ayhan Sarikaya, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan
Electrochemical Properties of Silver Based Composite Electrodes for SOFC Cathodes and Current Collectors, Ayhan Sarikaya, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan
Silver Based Perovskite Nanocomposites as Combined Cathode and Current Collector Layers for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Ayhan Sarikaya, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan
Silver Composites As Highly Stable Cathode Current Collectors for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Ayhan Sarikaya, Vladimir I. Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan
In Vivo Targeting of Alveolar Macrophages Via RAFT-Based Glycopolymers, Eun-Ho Song, Matthew J. Manganiello, Yu-Hua Chow, Bilal Ghosn, Anthony J. Convertine, Patrick S. Stayton, Lynn M. Schnapp, and Daniel M. Ratner
Corrosion Resistance and Mechanism of Steel Rebar Coated with Three Types of Enamel, Fujian Tang, Genda Chen, Richard K. Brow, Jeffery S. Volz, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Deterioration of Enamel and Epoxy Coated Steel Rebar in 3.5 Wt.% NaCl Solution, Fu Jian Tang, Xiao Ming Cheng, Genda Chen, Richard K. Brow, Jeffery S. Volz, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Novel Modeling Concept for Vacuum Tank Degassing, Vivek Thapliyal, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Kent D. Peaslee, and D. G. C. Robertson
Elevated Temperature Thermal Properties of ZrB₂ with Carbon Additions, Matthew J. Thompson, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Structural Modification in Er-Yb Doped Zinc Phosphate Glasses with Megahertz Repetition Rate Femtosecond Pulses, Neil Troy, Luke B. Fletcher, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Richard K. Brow, Huan Huang, Lihmei Yang, Jian Liu, and Denise M. Krol
Electrical and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Characterization of Mn-doped Nanostructured TiO₂ For Capacitor Applications, Rafael Vazquez-Reina, Sheng Chao, Vladimir Petrovsky, Fatih Dogan, and Steven Greenbaum
Impact Strength of Optically Transparent Glass Ribbon Composites, Mariano Garcia Velez, William R. Braisted, Geoffrey J. Frank, Peter L. Phillips, D. E. Day, and M. D. McLaughlin
In Vivo Evaluation of 13-93 Bioactive Glass Scaffolds Made by Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Mariano Garcia Velez, Steve Jung, Krishna C. R. Kolan, Ming-Chuan Leu, D. E. Day, and Tienmin Chu
Coextrusion of Zirconia-iron Oxide Honeycomb Substrates for Solar-Based Thermochemical Generation of Carbon Monoxide for Renewable Fuels, Luke S. Walker, James E. Miller, Greg Hilmas, Lindsey R. Evans, and Erica L. Corral
Investigating Thermal Effects on Morphological Evolution during Crystallisation of hcp Metals: Three-dimensional Phase Field Study, Shi Jian Wang, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, and Paul T. Wang
Anti-infective and Osteointegration Properties of Silicon Nitride, Poly(Ether Ether Ketone), and Titanium Implants, Thomas J. Webster, Alpesh A. Patel, M. N. Rahaman, and B. Sonny Bal
Modeling of Oxidation Effects on Heat Transfer Behavior of ZrB₂ and ZrB₂-SiC Ceramics at High Temperature, Jun Wei, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, K. Chandrashekhara, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Twins in Cryomilled and Spark Plasma Sintered Cu-Zn-Al, Haiming Wen and Enrique J. Lavernia
High-Pressure Torsion-Induced Grain Refinement/Growth in Coarse-Grained/Nanocrystalline Cu Powders, Haiming Wen, Troy D. Topping, Enrique J. Lavernia, Rinat Islamgaliev, and Ruslan Valiev
Influence of Pressing Temperature on Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of Ultrafine-Grained Cu Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing, Haiming Wen, Yonghao Zhao, Troy D. Topping, Dustin Ashford, Roberto Braga Figueiredo, Cheng Xu, Terence G. Langdon, and Enrique J. Lavernia
Corrosion Performance of Reactive-Enamel Coated Reinforcing Steel, Charles R. Werner, Jeffery S. Volz, Genda Chen, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Fully Integrated Applications of Thin Films on Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic (LTCC), Ambrose Wolf, Kenneth A. Peterson, Matthew O'Keefe, Wayne Huebner, and Bill Kuhn
The Atomic and Magnetic Structure and Dynamics of Iron Phosphate Glasses, Adrian C. Wright, Roger N. Sinclair, Joanna L. Shaw, Richard Haworth, Gaya Kanishka Marasinghe, D. E. Day, Paul A. Bingham, Susan D. Forder, Gabriel Julio Cuello, Henry E. Fischer, and Jon W. Taylor
Bond Strength of Vitreous Enamel Coated Rebar to Concrete, Chenglin Wu, Genda Chen, Jeffery S. Volz, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Development and Characterization of Reactive Enamel-Coated Steel Rebar for Improved Concrete-Steel Bonding, Chenglin Wu, Genda Chen, Jeffery S. Volz, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Local Bond Strength of Vitreous Enamel Coated Rebar to Concrete, Chenglin Wu, Genda Chen, Jeffery S. Volz, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Evaluation of Ti Implants Coated with Ag-containing Borate Bioactive Glass for Simultaneous Eradication of Infection and Fracture Fixation in a Rabbit Tibial Model, Wei Xiao, Shi-Hua Luo, Xiao-Jjuan Wei, Chang-Qing Zhang, Wen-Hai Huang, J. Chen, Y. Cai, Y. Rui, and M. N. Rahaman
Inverse Modeling for Determination of Thermal Properties of the Investment Casting Ceramic Mold, Mingzhi Xu, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Von Richards, and Shelly A. Dutler
Inverse Modeling for Determination of Thermal Properties of the Investment Casting Ceramic Mold, M. Xu, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Von Richards, and S. A. Dutler
Effect of Chemically Reactive Enamel Coating on Bonding Strength at Steel/Mortar Interface, Dongming Yan, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Xing Tao, Genda Chen, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein
Clean Steel Technologies for the Production of 316L Stainless Steel Ultrafine Wires, Shufeng Yang, Jingshe Li, Lifeng Zhang, Kent D. Peaslee, and Gang Li
Formation and Modification of MgO·AI₂O₃-Based Inclusions in Alloy Steels, Shufeng Yang, Qiangqiang Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Jing-she Li, and Kent D. Peaslee
Inclusion Characteristics in Stainless Steel Ingots, Shufeng Yang, Lifeng Zhang, Yongfeng Chen, Jun Ge, Greg Dowling, and George Shannon
Investigation on MgO·AI₂O₃-Based Inclusions in Steels, Shu-feng Yang, Lifeng Zhang, Liyuan Sun, Jing-she Li, and Kent D. Peaslee
Material Flow and Microstructural Evolution during Friction Stir Spot Welding of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, W. Yuan, Rajiv S. Mishra, B. Carlson, R. Verma, and R. K. Mishra
Grain Size and Texture Effects on Deformation Behavior of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy, W. Yuan and R. S. Mishra
Removal of Iron from Aluminum: A Review, Lifeng Zhang, Jianwei Gao, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah, and D. G. C. Robertson
Mathematical Modeling on the Removal of Impurity Elements from Molten Aluminum, Lifeng Zhang, Xuewei Lv, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah, and Chenguang Bai
Fluid Flow, Solidification and Inclusion Entrapment during Steel Centrifugal Casting Process, Lifeng Zhang, Yufeng Wang, Edith Martinez, and Kent D. Peaslee
High-Density Pressurelessly Sintered Zirconium Diboride/Silicon Carbide Composite Bodies and a Method for Producing the Same, Shi C. Zhang, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Method for Producing Pressurelessly Sintered Zirconium Diboride/Silicon Carbide Composite Bodies, Shi C. Zhang, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Chromate Formation at the Interface between a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Sealing Glass and Interconnect Alloy, Teng Zhang, Richard K. Brow, William Fahrenholtz, and Signo Tadeu Dos Reis
Preparation and Characterization of Composite Microspheres For Brachytherapy and Hyperthermia Treatment of Cancer, Di Zhao, Wen-Hai Huang, M. N. Rahaman, D. E. Day, Deping Wang, and Yifei Gu
Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of Plasticity in Polycrystalline Thin Films, Caizhi Zhou and Richard A. LeSar
Dislocation Dynamics Simulations of the Bauschinger Effect in Metallic Thin Films, Caizhi Zhou and Richard A. LeSar
Dislocation-Induced Anomalous Softening of Solid Helium, Caizhi Zhou, Jungjung Su, Matthias J. Graf, Charles J. Olson Reichhardt, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Irene J. Beyerlein
Submissions from 2011
Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Corrosion Behavior of AA5083 Aluminum Alloy, G. R. Argade, Rajiv S. Mishra, C. B. Smith, and M. W. Mahoney
The Roles of Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy and Second-Phase Particles on Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, and Paul T. Wang
The Role of Compositional Strain in the Instability of Solid-Fluid Thin Film Interfaces, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, Paul T. Wang, and Mohammed Zoubaïr Cherkaoui
Effect of the Compositional Strain on the Diffusive Interface Thickness and on the Phase Transformation in a Phase-Field Model for Binary Alloys, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, Sinisa DJ Mesarovic, Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, and Paul T. Wang
A Finite Element-Phase Field Study of Solid State Phase Transformation: Coarsening of Coherent Precipitates and Instability of Multilayer Thin Films, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, Sinisa DJ Mesarovic, Paul T. Wang, and Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer
Investigating the Effects of Grain Boundary Energy Anisotropy and Second-Phase Particles on Grain Growth using a Phase-Field Model, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, Paul T. Wang, and Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer
Morphological Instabilities in Thin Films: Evolution Maps, Mohsen Asle Zaeem and Sinisa DJ Mesarovic
A Phase-Field - Finite Element Model for Instabilities in Multilayer Thin Films, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Sinisa DJ Mesarovic, Haitham El Kadiri, and Paul T. Wang
Comparison of Cellular Automaton and Phase-Field Models to Simulate Dendritic Solidification, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Hebi Yin, and Sergio D. Felicelli
Process Forces during Friction Stir Channeling in an Aluminum Alloy, Nagarajan Balasubramanian, Rajiv S. Mishra, and K. Krishnamurthy
Alumina Ceramic Bearings in Total Hip Arthroplasty: the Rationale for Patient Selection, B. Sonny Bal and M. N. Rahaman
Spin Relaxation in InGaN Quantum Disks in GaN Nanowires, Animesh Banerjee, Fatih Dogan, Junseok Heo, Aurelien Manchon, Wei Guo, and Pallab Bhattacharya
Facile and Regioselective Synthesis of Poly(5-hydroxyquinoline), Ali̇ Bi̇li̇ci̇, Fatih Dogan, Mehmet Yıldırım, and İsmet Kaya
Densification Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Hot-pressed HfB2, Harlan J. Brown-Shaklee, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas
Corrosion-Resistant Glasses for Steel Enamels, Richard K. Brow, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Michael L. Koenigstein, and Genda Chen
BaTiO₃-SrTiO₃ Layered Dielectrics For Energy Storage, Sheng Chao and Fatih Dogan
Effects of Manganese Doping on the Dielectric Properties of Titanium Dioxide Ceramics, Sheng Chao and Fatih Dogan
Processing and Dielectric Properties of TiO₂ Thick Films for High-energy Density Capacitor Applications, Sheng Chao and Fatih Dogan
Development and Characterization of Reactive Enamel-Coated Steel Rebar for Improved Concrete-Steel Bonding and Enhanced Corrosion Resistance, Genda Chen, Richard K. Brow, Jeffery S. Volz, Fujian Tang, and Xiaoming Cheng
Corrosion of Phosphate-Doped Alkali Borosilicate Glasses in Alkaline Solutions, Xiaoming Cheng, Richard K. Brow, and Genda Chen
Production of High-strength Low-alloy Bridge Steels, Yongfeng Chen, Jing She Li, Liyuan Sun, Shufeng Yang, Anping Dong, and Lifeng Zhang
Self-Energy of Elliptical Dislocation Loops in Anisotropic Crystals and its Application for Defect-Free Core/Shell Nanowires, Haijian Chu, Jian Wang, Caizhi Zhou, and Irene J. Beyerlein
PH-Responsive Polymer-Antigen Vaccine Bioconjugates, Emily F. Crownover, Anthony J. Convertine, and Patrick S. Stayton
RAFT-Synthesized Graft Copolymers That Enhance PH-Dependent Membrane Destabilization and Protein Circulation Times, Emily F. Crownover, Craig L. Duvall, Anthony J. Convertine, Allan S. Hoffman, and Patrick S. Stayton
AlF₃ Reactive Al₂O₃ Foam Filter for the Removal of Dissolved Impurities from Molten Aluminum: Preliminary Results, Lucas Nana Wiredu Damoah and Lifeng Zhang