"In Vivo Evaluation of 13-93 Bioactive Glass Scaffolds Made by Selectiv" by Mariano Garcia Velez, Steve Jung et al.

In Vivo Evaluation of 13-93 Bioactive Glass Scaffolds Made by Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)


Bioactive glass is a synthetic material that reacts in vivo and forms an inorganic hydroxyapatite-like (HA) phase that mimics the HA found in human bone and can stimulate osteoconduction. Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) was used to fabricate "green" bone scaffolds from 13-93 bioactive glass particles (<75 urn) mixed with stearic acid. After heat treatment, the scaffolds had a hollow cylindrical shape that was intended to mimic the structure and mechanical properties of human trabecular bone. In vitro, the compressive strength of the SLS scaffolds was measured as a function of time for up to two months when immersed in Dulbecco's Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) at 38°C. In vivo, the cylindrical scaffolds with and without bone morphogenic protein-2 (BMP-2), were implanted in rat femurs for up to three months. The data from the in vivo study is compared to similar biodegradable polymer scaffolds treated with BMP-2 in critical sized defects in rats.

Meeting Name

Next Generation Biomaterials and Surface Properties of Biomaterials Symposia -- Materials Science and Technology (2011: Oct. 16-20, Columbus, OH)


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Second Department

Materials Science and Engineering

Keywords and Phrases

Bioactive glass; Biological materials; Bone; Hydroxyapatite; Laser heating; Mechanical properties; Stearic acid; Surface properties; After-heat treatment; Biodegradable polymer scaffolds; Bone scaffolds; Critical sized defects; Cylindrical shapes; Function of time; orphogenic; Osteoconduction; Rat femur; Selective laser sintering; Synthetic materials

International Standard Book Number (ISBN)


International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)


Document Type

Article - Conference proceedings

Document Version


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© 2012 American Ceramic Society, All rights reserved.

Publication Date

01 Oct 2012

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