Materials Science and Engineering Faculty Research & Creative Works | Materials Science and Engineering | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 2013


Evaluation of Liquid Retention Capacity Measurements as a Tool For Estimating Optimal Ore Agglomeration Moisture Content, Thien Vethosodsakda, Michael L. Free, Adirek Janwong, and Michael S. Moats


Characterizing Interface Dislocations by Atomically Informed Frank-Bilby Theory, Jian Wang, Ruifeng Zhang, Caizhi Zhou, Irene J. Beyerlein, and Amit Misra


Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded ODS Alloy MA754, Jiye Wang, Wei Yuan, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Indrajit Charit


Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloy, Jiye Wang, Wei Yuan, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Indrajit Charit


Mechanical Characterization of Annealed ZrB2-SiC Composites, Jeremy Lee Watts, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz


Effect of Small Intestinal Submucosa on the Protection and Repair of MC₃T₃-E1 Cells Damaged by Dexamethasone-induced Stress, Xiao-Juan Wei, Tingfei Xi, Chang-Qing Zhang, Wen-Hai Huang, M. N. Rahaman, and Lingnan Lu


Dynamic Balance between Grain Refinement and Grain Growth During High-Pressure Torsion of Cu Powders, Haiming Wen, Rinat K. Islamgaliev, Konstantin M. Nesterov, Ruslan Z. Valiev, and Enrique J. Lavernia


Atom-Probe Tomographic Study of Precipitation in an Ultrafine-Grained Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy (Al 7075), Haiming Wen, Kaka Ma, Dieter Isheim, David N. Seidman, Julie M. Schoenung, and Enrique J. Lavernia


Strengthening Mechanisms in a High-Strength Bulk Nanostructured Cu-Zn-Al Alloy Processed Via Cryomilling and Spark Plasma Sintering, Haiming Wen, Troy D. Topping, Dieter Isheim, David N. Seidman, and Enrique J. Lavernia


Solid Solution Effects on the Thermal Properties in the MgAl₂O₄-MgGa₂O₄ System, Kelley R. Wilkerson, Jeffrey D. Smith, Todd P. Sander, and James Gordon Hemrick


PH-Responsive Nanoparticle Vaccines for Dual-Delivery of Antigens and Immunostimulatory Oligonucleotides, John T. Wilson, Salka Keller, Matthew J. Manganiello, Connie Cheng, Chen-Chang Lee, Chinonso Opara, Anthony J. Convertine, and Patrick S. Stayton


Microstructural Evolution in a Cu-Zr Alloy Processed by a Combination of ECAP and HPT, Jittraporn Wongsa-Ngam, Haiming Wen, and Terence G. Langdon


Global Bond Behavior of Enamel-Coated Rebar in Concrete Beams with Spliced Reinforcement, Chenglin Wu, Genda Chen, Jeffery S. Volz, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein


Twin Intersection Mechanisms in Nanocrystalline Fcc Metals, Fan Wu, Haiming Wen, Enrique J. Lavernia, Jagdish A. Narayan, and Yuntian Zhu


Hollow Hydroxyapatite Microspheres: A Novel Bioactive and Osteoconductive Carrier for Controlled Release of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 in Bone Regeneration, Wei Xiao, Hailuo Fu, M. N. Rahaman, Yongxing Liu, and B. Sonny Bal

Clean Steel Technologies for the Production of 316L Stainless Steel Ultrafine Wires, Shufeng Yang, Jingshe Li, Lifeng Zhang, Kent D. Peaslee, and Gang Li


Influence of Extrusion on the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Mg-9Li-3Al-xSr Alloys, Yan Yang, Xiaodong Peng, Haiming Wen, Baolong Zheng, Yizhang Zhou, Weidong Xie, and Enrique J. Lavernia


Achieving High Strength and High Ductility in Friction Stir-processed Cast Magnesium Alloy, Wei Yuan, Sushanta K. Panigrahi, and Rajiv S. Mishra


Probabilistic Simulation of Solidification Microstructure Evolution during Laser-Based Metal Deposition, Jingwei Zhang, Frank W. Liou, William Seufzer, Joseph William Newkirk, Zhiqiang Fan, Heng Liu, and Todd E. Sparks


Current Technologies for the Removal of Iron from Aluminum Alloys, Lifeng Zhang and Lucas N. Damoah


Comment on "Giant Plasticity of a Quantum Crystal", Caizhi Zhou, Charles J. Olson Reichhardt, Matthias J. Graf, Jungjung Su, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Irene J. Beyerlein


Plastic Response of Dislocation Glide in Solid Helium under DC Strain-Rate Loading, Caizhi Zhou, Jungjung Su, Matthias J. Graf, Charles J. Olson Reichhardt, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Irene J. Beyerlein

Submissions from 2012

Biosorption of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Nonliving Scenedesmus Quadricauda Biomass, Riza Akgul, Bayram Kizilkaya, Fusun Akgul, and Fatih Dogan

A Cyclic Forward-Backward Extrusion Process for Production of Nano-grains Materials, Hamid Alihosseini and Mohsen Asle Zaeem


A Cyclic Forward-Backward Extrusion Process as a Novel Severe Plastic Deformation for Production of Ultrafine Grains Materials, Hamid Alihosseini, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, and Kamran Dehghani


Producing Ultrafine-grained Aluminum Rods by Cyclic Forward-Backward Extrusion: Study the Microstructures and Mechanical Properties, Hamid Alihosseini, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Kamran Dehghani, and Hossein Asghari Shivaee


Effects of Grain Size on the Corrosion Resistance of Wrought Magnesium Alloys Containing Neodymium, G. R. Argade, S. K. Panigrahi, and R. S. Mishra


Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of Ultrafine Grained AZ31, G. R. Argade, W. Yuan, K. Kandasamy, and R. S. Mishra


Effects of Internal Stresses and Intermediate Phases on the Coarsening of Coherent Precipitates: A Phase-Field Study, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer, Marat Khafizov, and Zhandos N. Utegulov

Simulation of Polymer Crystal Growth with Various Morphologies Using a Phase-Field Model, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Sasan Nouranian, and Mark Fredrick Horstemeyer


Comparison of Cellular Automaton and Phase Field Models to Simulate Dendrite Growth in Hexagonal Crystals, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Hebi Yin, and Sergio D. Felicelli


Orthopedic Applications of Silicon Nitride Ceramics, B. Sonny Bal and M. N. Rahaman


Intracellular Delivery and Trafficking Dynamics of a Lymphoma-Targeting Antibody-Polymer Conjugate, Geoffrey Y. Berguig, Anthony J. Convertine, Julie Shi, Maria C. Palanca-Wessels, Craig L. Duvall, Suzie H. Pun, Oliver W. Press, and Patrick S. Stayton

Importance of Advanced High-Strength Steels and Electronic Units on the Recycling of Automobiles: A Review, Kyle Bevans, Matthew Chott, Brandon Ensor, Jamie Fitzgerald, Stephanie Martin, Kent D. Peaslee, Scott Pisarik, Luke S. Walker, Matthew Wilson, and Lifeng Zhang


Three-Dimensional Micromechanical Modeling of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Ceramic Composites with Interfaces, Venkata Bheemreddy, Lokeswarappa R. Dharani, K. Chandrashekhara, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz


Evaluation of Bone Regeneration, Angiogenesis, and Hydroxyapatite Conversion in Critical-sized Rat Calvarial Defects Implanted with Bioactive Glass Scaffolds, Lianxiang Bi, Steven B. Jung, D. E. Day, Katie Neidig, Vladimir M. Dusevich, John David Eick, and Lynda F. Bonewald


Tunable Multicolor Emission in Oligo(4-hydroxyquinoline), Ali̇ Bi̇li̇ci̇, Fatih Dogan, Mehmet Yıldırım, and İsmet Kaya


Densification Behavior and Thermal Properties of Hafnium Diboride with the Addition of Boron Carbides, Harlan J. Brown-Shaklee, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas


Efficient Cathodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Prepared by Polymeric Precursor Infiltration, Aligul Buyukaksoy, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan


Optimization of Redox Stable Ni-YSZ Anodes for SOFCs by Two-step Infiltration, Aligul Buyukaksoy, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan


Redox Stability of Ni-YSZ Cermets Prepared by Polymeric Precursor Infiltration, Aligul Buyukaksoy, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan


Redox Stable Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Ni-YSZ Cermet Anodes Prepared by Polymeric Precursor Infiltration, Aligul Buyukaksoy, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan


Stability and Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Nanocomposite Electrodes, Aligul Buyukaksoy, Vladimir Petrovsky, and Fatih Dogan


Effect of Thickness on the Morphology and Corrosion Behavior of Cerium-Based Conversion Coatings on AZ31B Magnesium Alloy, Carlos E. Castano, Surender Maddela, Matthew J. O'Keefe, and Yar Ming Wang


A Comparative Study on the Corrosion Resistance of Cerium-Based Conversion Coatings on AZ91D and AZ31B Magnesium Alloys, C. E. Castano, Surender Maddela, Matthew J. O'Keefe, and Y. M. Wang


Multifunctional Triblock Copolymers for Intracellular Messenger RNA Delivery, Connie Cheng, Anthony J. Convertine, Patrick S. Stayton, and James D. Bryers

Chemically Reactive Enamel: A Steel Rebar Coating for Enhanced Durability of Concrete Structures, Genda Chen, Fujian Tang, Jeffery S. Volz, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein

Enamel Coating: Chemically Bonded to Steel for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance, Genda Chen, Fujian Tang, Jeffery S. Volz, Richard K. Brow, and Michael L. Koenigstein


Water Modeling of Self-braking Submerged Entry Nozzle Used for Steel Continuous Casting Mold, Yongfeng Chen, Lifeng Zhang, Shufeng Yang, and Jingshe Li


Application of Living Free Radical Polymerization for Nucleic Acid Delivery, David S. H. Chu, Joan G. Schellinger, Julie Shi, Anthony J. Convertine, Patrick S. Stayton, and Suzie H. Pun


Misfit Strain Relaxation Mechanisms in Core/Shell Nanowires, Haijian Chu, Caizhi Zhou, Jian Wang, and Irene J. Beyerlein


Glasses for Radiotherapy, Delbert E. Day


Direct-write Assembly of Silicate and Borate Bioactive Glass Scaffolds For Bone Repair, Aylin M. Deliormanli and M. N. Rahaman


Extraction & Processing Division: Activities and Updates, Adrian C. Deneys, Mark E. Schlesinger, Tom Battle, Boyd Davis, and Mike Free


A Comprehensive Structural Analysis Process for Failure Assessment in Aircraft Lap-Joint Mimics using Intramodal Fusion of Eddy Current Data, Soumya De, Kapil Gupta, R. Joe Stanley, R. Zoughi, Kenneth Doering, David C. Van Aken, Gary Steffes, Matthew O'Keefe, and Donald D. Palmer


Recent Advances in the Application of X-ray Computed Tomography in the Analysis of Heap Leaching Systems, Nikhil Dhawan, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Jan D. Miller, Michael S. Moats, Raj K. Rajamani, and Chen-Luh Lin


Experimental Studies on Conducting Polyaniline, Fatih Dogan, Stephen J. Barton, Homayoun Hadavinia, Peter J. Mason, and Peter J. S. Foot


The Effect of the Oxidant Used During Polymerization on the Solid-state Decomposition Kinetics of Poly(4-methyl Catechol), Fatih Dogan, Harika Topallar, İsmet Kaya, and Mehmet Yürekli


Solid Dielectric Transmission Lines for Pulsed Power, Matthew T. Domonkos, Susan L. Heidger, Daniel J. Brown, Thomas C. Cavazos, Alan D. Devoe, Fatih Dogan, Donald G. Gale, James P. O'Loughlin, Jerald V. Parker, Diego R. Sandoval, Kirk M. Slenes, Wayne E. Sommars, and Jack J. Watrous


On Laser Welding of Thin Steel Sheets, Emad M. El-Giar, Mohsen Asle Zaeem, Haitham El Kadiri, R. S. Florea, Hongjoo Rhee, Yves Bienvenu, Martin Dahmen, Thierry Malot, and Mohammed Zoubaïr Cherkaoui


Conductivity of Twin-Domain-Wall/Surface Junctions in Ferroelastics: Interplay of Deformation Potential, Octahedral Rotations, Improper Ferroelectricity, and Flexoelectric Coupling, Eugene A. Eliseev; Anna N. Morozovska; Yijia Gu; Albina Borisevich; Long-Qing Chen; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Oxidation of Ultra-High Temperature Transition Metal Diboride Ceramics, William Fahrenholtz and Greg Hilmas


Single-pass Waveguide Amplifiers in Er-Yb Doped Zinc Polyphosphate Glass Fabricated with Femtosecond Laser Pulses, Luke B. Fletcher, Jon J. Witcher, Neil Troy, Richard K. Brow, and Denise M. Krol


Effects of Rare-Earth Doping on Femtosecond Laser Waveguide Writing in Zinc Polyphosphate Glass, Luke B. Fletcher, Jon J. Witcher, Neil Troy, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Richard K. Brow, and Denise M. Krol


Electric Field-Induced Tetragonal to Orthorhombic Phase Transitions in [110]c-Oriented BaTiO₃ Single Crystals, D. J. Franzbach, Yijia Gu, Long-Qing Chen, and K. G. Webber


Long-term Conversion of 45S5 Bioactive Glass-ceramic Microspheres in Aqueous Phosphate Solution, Hailuo Fu, M. N. Rahaman, D. E. Day, and Wen-Hai Huang


Preparation and in Vitro Characterization of Electrospun PVA Scaffolds Coated with Bioactive Glass for Bone Regeneration, ChunXia Gao, Qiang Gao, Y. Li, M. N. Rahaman, Akira Teramoto, and Koji Abe


Hot Deformation Behavior of Friction-stir Processed Strip-cast 5083 Aluminum Alloys with Different Mn Contents, M. A. García-Bernal, Rajiv S. Mishra, R. Verma, and D. Hernández-Silva


Process Optimization for Friction-stir-welded Martensitic Steel, M. Ghosh, K. Kumar, and R. S. Mishra


Decreased Bacteria Activity on Si3N4 Surfaces Compared with PEEK Or Titanium, Deborah J. Gorth, Sabrina D. Puckett, Batur Ercan, Thomas J. Webster, M. N. Rahaman, and B. Sonny Bal


Phenomenological Thermodynamic Potential for CaTiO₃ Single Crystals, Yijia Gu, Karin Rabe, Eric Bousquet, Venkatraman Gopalan, and Long-Qing Chen


Ultrasonic Underwater Transmission of Composite Turbine Blade Structural Health, A. Heckman, Joshua L. Rovey, K. Chandrashekhara, Steve Eugene Watkins, Rajiv S. Mishra, and Daniel S. Stutts


Structure of V₂O₅-P₂O₅ Glasses by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction, Uwe Hoppe, N. P. Wyckoff, Melodie L. Schmitt, Richard K. Brow, A. Schöps, and A. C. Hannon


Synthesis and Characterization of an Acrylate Polymer Containing Chlorine-1,3-dioxalane Groups in Side Chains, Zulfiye İlter, Ferhat Alhanlı, Fatih Dogan, and İsmet Kaya


Spin Diffusion in Bulk GaN Measured with MnAs Spin Injector, Shafat Jahangir, Fatih Dogan, Hyun Kum, Aurelien Manchon, and Pallab Bhattacharya


Directional Anisotropy in the Mechanical Behavior of Friction Stir Processed and Aged AZ91 Alloy, Vipin Jain, Wei Yuan, R. S. Mishra, Gouthama, and Anil K. Gupta


Indirect Electrochemical Cr(III) Oxidation in Koh Solutions at an Au Electrode, Wei Jin, Michael S. Moats, Shili Zheng, Hao Du, Yi Zhang, and Jan D. Miller


Effect of Y₂BacuO₅ Morphology and Size in Semisolid Melt on Growth Rate of Yba₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Single Crystals, Oratai Jongprateep and Fatih Dogan


Dissolution of Cerium from Cerium-Based Conversion Coatings on Al 7075-T6 in 0.1M NaCl Solutions, Simon Joshi, Elizabeth A. Kulp, William Fahrenholtz, and Matthew O'Keefe


Effect of Mixing on the Early Hydration of Alite and OPC Systems, Patrick Juilland, Aditya Kumar, Emmanuel Gallucci, Robert J. Flatt, and Karen L. Scrivener


Microstructural Effects on the Mechanical Properties of SiC-15 Vol% TiB₂ Particulate-reinforced Ceramic Composites, Derek S. King, William Fahrenholtz, and Greg Hilmas


Biosorption of Co(II), Cr(III), Cd(II), and Pb(II) Ions from Aqueous Solution Using Nonliving Neochloris Pseudoalveolaris Deason Equilibrium, Thermodynamic, and Kinetic Study, Bayram Kızılkaya, Fatih Dogan, Rıza Akgül, and Gülen Türker


Comparative Study of Biosorption of Heavy Metals Using Living Green Algae Scenedesmus Quadricauda and Neochloris Pseudoalveolaris : Equilibrium and Kinetics, Bayram Kızılkaya, Gülen Türker, Rıza Akgül, and Fatih Dogan


Effect of Material, Process Parameters, and Simulated Body Fluids on Mechanical Properties of 13-93 Bioactive Glass Porous Constructs Made by Selective Laser Sintering, Krishna C. R. Kolan, Ming-Chuan Leu, Greg Hilmas, and Mariano Velez


Plastic Strain Accommodation and Acoustic Emission During Melting of Embedded Particles, Michael M. Kuba and David C. Van Aken


Modelling Early Age Hydration Kinetics of Alite, Aditya Kumar, Shashank Bishnoi, and Karen L. Scrivener


The Influence of Sodium and Potassium Hydroxide on Alite Hydration: Experiments and Simulations, Aditya Kumar, Gaurav Sant, Cedric Patapy, Caterina Gianocca, and Karen L. Scrivener


Thermal Stability of Friction Stir Processed Ultrafine Grained AlMgSc Alloy, N. Kumar and R. S. Mishra


Modeling of Melt Mixing Phenomena in Cast Iron with Dual Graphite Structure, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, Jingjing Qing, and Von Richards


Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Materials, Ming-Chuan Leu, Bradley K. Deuser, Lie Tang, Robert G. Landers, Greg Hilmas, and Jeremy Lee Watts


Investigation of Laser Sintering for Freeform Fabrication of Zirconium Diboride Parts, Ming-Chuan Leu, Shashwatashish Pattnaik, and Greg Hilmas


Freeze-Form Extrusion Fabrication of Functionally Graded Material Composites using Zirconium Carbide and Tungsten, Ang Li, Aaron S. Thornton, Bradley K. Deuser, Jeremy Lee Watts, Ming-Chuan Leu, Greg Hilmas, and Robert G. Landers


Thiocyanate Hydrometallurgy For the Recovery of Gold Part I: Chemical and Thermodynamic Considerations, Jinshan Li, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Michael S. Moats, Jan D. Miller, K. Marc LeVier, Meg Dietrich, and Rong Yu Wan


Thiocyanate Hydrometallurgy For the Recovery of Gold Part III: Thiocyanate Stability, Jinshan Li, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Michael S. Moats, Jan D. Miller, K. Marc LeVier, Meg Dietrich, and Rong Yu Wan


Thiocyanate Hydrometallurgy For the Recovery of Gold Part II: The Leaching Kinetics, Jinshan Li, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Michael S. Moats, Jan D. Miller, K. Marc LeVier, Meg Dietrich, and Rong Yu Wan


Thiocyanate Hydrometallurgy For the Recovery of Gold Part IV: Solvent Extraction of Gold with Alamine 336, Jinshan Li, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Michael S. Moats, Jan D. Miller, K. Marc LeVier, Meg Dietrich, and Rong Yu Wan


Thiocyanate Hydrometallurgy For the Recovery of Gold Part V: Process Alternatives For Solution Concentration and Purification, Jinshan Li, M. Sadegh Safarzadeh, Michael S. Moats, Jan D. Miller, K. Marc LeVier, Meg Dietrich, and Rong Yu Wan


Deposition of Cerium-based Conversion Coatings on Aluminum Alloy 380, Ci Lin, Surender Maddela, William Fahrenholtz, and Matthew O'Keefe


Intragranular Nanocomposites via Internal Reduction of Carbide Solid Solutions, David W. Lipke and Kenneth H. Sandhage


Intragranular Tungsten/Zirconium Carbide Nanocomposites via a Selective Liquid/Solid Displacement Reaction, David W. Lipke, Yunshu Zhang, Ye Cai, and Kenneth H. Sandhage