Electrical and Computer Engineering Masters Theses
Theses from 1988
Computer aided design of microstrip antennas, Joseph William Martinosky
Computer-aided design of coupled-line microwave bandpass filters, John Leo Meier
The design of a controller for the intelledex model 605T robot, Dennis Todd Mell
Robust controller design for gas turbine engines, David Eugene Moellenhoff
Computer-aided design of an active mixer at X-band, Yisok Oh
A study of various autoregressive spectral estimators and the effects of varying the data block length, Alexander G. Perakis
A hardware compiler for Erasable Programmable Logic Devices, Ranjumani Sarma
DLTS measurements of interface states in SOS devices and thermal annealing effect after gamma and neutron irradiations, Jenn-Mou Sun
Expert systems and transmission system coordination, Manuel Antonio Torres
Control of a hydraulic system with a personal computer, Donald Eugene Underwood
An application of least squares curve fitting for digital filtering, Todd E. Vanhoogstrate
Testing of integrated circuit chips with an IBM PC/XT interface, Narayan Vishwanathan
The center-of-inertia transform, with application to electric power systems, David Raymond Waggoner
The implementation of the Forth language on a RISC-type machine : the IMS T212 transputer, Feng-Gi Yang
Maximum log-likelihood estimation of discrete-time delay function, Jan-Ti Yang
Bit-slice based microprogramming development system design, Wen-His Yeh
Stochastic process analysis of pulse position modulation and pulse width modulation, Mark Kai-Ping Yu
Theses from 1987
A structured approach to Ada flight control system design, David Mitchell Anderson
Porting of XINU operating system to INTEL 86/12A single board computer using IBM PC as host development system, Jaydutt Bhatt
Improving medical ultrasound images using real-time image processing techniques, Timothy Lee Blankenship
An IEEE-488 interface for the CRL-32A microcomputer, Simon Jyh-Wen Chen
Software and hardware for microcomputer based control of a hydraulic buffing machine, Mauro Sergio Figueiredo Costa
Design, simulation, and construction of an X-band oscillator using microstrip techniques, Morgan Keith Ercanbrack
An enhancement of the TMS32010 DSP processor in a NS32016 microcomputer system, Peen-Hone Giang
Computer recognition of objects based on shape analysis, Anurag Goel
Electrical model for the monopole/slot antenna, Edward Allen Hall
Model reduction and sub-optimal control of multivariable systems using balanced representations, Steven Craig Hanmann
Photo-reduced potential barrier variations in platinum cadmium sulfide Schottky barrier diodes, Le Charlotte Jia
Hardware design of a data acquisition card and software routines for stepper motor controlled needle valves of a membrane tester, Yahya Mohammad Khawaja
TMS32020 single board computer design and implementation, Robert Longjane Liang
Intraframe coding with DPCM and switched interpolation, Brindala Mallappa
Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of CdS onto (111)Si substrates, Don Duane Martin
An assessment of large scale battery energy storage for industrial loads, Brent Edward McKinney
An IEEE 802.3 interface/driver for a Forth based National 32016 microcomputer, Rohit Mital
Computer aided diagnosis of skin cancer using texture analysis on images, Sundararajan Muruganandhan
A 16-bit data acquisition system for gas chromatography, Kartik Parikh
Design of a meta-assembler for microprogramming and a survey of microprogram optimization techniques, Rahul Saxena
Implementation of an embedded star network, Pankaj Tandon
Degradations of MOSFETs from high temperature, radiation and hot electron effects, Cheng-Fuh Jeffrey Tang
Single board computer design based on an Intel 80186 high integration microprocessor, G. Mark Terhune
Introduction and overview to a multiple sensor, multiple target tracking system, Daniel Dean Thacker
Computer vision in medicine : identification of variegated coloring in digitized skin tumor images, Scott E. Umbaugh
A 5V EEPROM using modified CMOS technology, Dinesh Venkatachalam
An improved memory model and other extensions for an Intel 8088 based version of Forth, Jim Gean Weatherwax
Foundations for automatic modeling of transistors for computer aided circuit design, Leehter Yao
Design of multivariable deadbeat controllers using reduced order models, Joaquin Alberto Zuniga
Theses from 1986
Comparison of the performance of a matched filter receiver and a median filter receiver in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise and additive Gaussian impulse noise, Kambiz Aynessazian
Optimization and limitations on a topologically tree-based local area network, Saeed Azimi
Automation of a high-potential test instrument, Jeffery D. Breshears
Expert system technology applied to the sensor allocation problem for multisensor integration, Edwin Rowe Carney
Simulation analysis of an FM communication system with a phase-locked loop discriminator operating in the presence of Gaussian noise and impulse noise, Jon Timothy Davis
Definition optimization for code translation, David Maurice DeJean
An implementation of linear predictive coding for voiced speech analysis, James G. Deken
A suboptimal nonlinear controller for robotic manipulators, Bradley Eugene DePottey
Analysis of an amplitude comparison monopulse processor using log amplifiers for amplitude and phase errors, James Kenneth Gagliarducci
Union Electric's variable, non-linear tie-line frequency bias project, Michael James Gammon
F-15E sensor failure transient analysis, in the pitch axis, John P. Hancock
A sector scan converter for an ultrasonic imaging system, David Earl Harris
Development of image processing software in a 16 bit microprocessor system, Ying-Che Michael Huang
Software implementation of the RSA public-key cryptosystem, Moutaz Mohammad Saleh Kotob
A multicomputer operating system design for image processing, Jenn-Huei Paul Lin
An experimental investigation of electrochemical memory cells, Timothy Jules Martin
Algorithm development for target recognition using histogram directed region growing, Dale Edward Mueller
A cross-assembler and an application for the Intel 8751 microcontroller, Prithvi Narayanswamy
Image metric study, Denzil Jewarld Radford
Development of a user friendly gate level logic simulator, Kumar Shiv
An experimental system for active noise attenuation in a duct, Arun Palligaranai Tirumalai
The utilization of SNRMSE computer program to evaluate MAX and uniform quantizations, Tanya Vajaranant
Stabilization of the INS vertical channel with barometric altimeter reference, Donald R. Willson
Design and implementation of a raster-scan graphics system, Yuan-fa Yeh
A software/hardware interface design between a single board computer and an Apple II Plus computer, Jenq-Tay Yuan
Theses from 1985
An image segmentation technique based on human perception of texture, Karen Elizabeth Anderson
Design of an EPROM Programmer, Wai Yin Chan
Computer vision techniques for detecting semitranslucency as an aid to skin cancer diagnosis, Kuang-Fu Chu
Algorithm development for target classification using fourier boundary descriptor features, William Joseph Ebel
Algorithm development for target classification using Walsh-Hadamard features, Richard G. Furtner
A study of the use of random software testing of a flight control circuit simulation, Michael Alan Halwachs
Software development for the emerson computer controlled machines laboratory, Steven Andrew Hauk
Logic level simulation program using interactive graphics for device entry, Kenneth James Hermann
The CRL186 single board computer design, Chentung Hu
A flight path control law for tracking three dimensional trajectories, Larry Allen Lawson
Programming with Ada in a real-time embedded system, Mark T. Mattes
An evaluation of magnetic field shielding and cross talk for various cable configurations, Amir Hossein Nafar
An evaluation of digital filters using a mean-square error criterion, John Wesley Nieto
The potential impact of load management on the associated electric cooperatives of Missouri, Ciaran O'Breartuin
The design and development of a computer-controlled digital storage oscilloscope, James M. O'Connor
Design of a VLSI graphics display processor, Ashok Badrinarayanan Ramaswamy
Development of a FORTH-based menu-driven operating system for an interactive surgical ultrasound diagnostic tool, William David Richard
Electric and magnetic field induction on parallel transmission lines, Robert Joseph Schnell
Development of a general methodology for conversion between input languages of CAD/CAM systems, Shen-Wei Shiao
Selection of an algorithm for track correlation for a multitarget tracking system, Breck Alan Sieglinger
A computer program to analyze the distribution of harmonic voltages and currents in an industrial power system, David Steven Sleboda
Development of a model for hot electron rings in fusion plasmas based on MHD concepts, Robert Frank Steimle
Feature extraction for robotic control utilizing a computer vision system, David James Stephens
A state-space averaging approach to switching mode dc-to-dc converter design, Khanh Cong Tran
Distortion effects of television scan systems and error measures of same, Gregory E. Upchurch
A study of shadow contrast for a grating, Steve Eugene Watkins
Monte carlo based ray tracing analysis of the microwave distribution manifold for the Elmo Bumpy Torus proof-of-principle device, Thomas Lyman Weaver
A study of the final prediction error criterion used in the maximum entropy method, Imad Yafi
Theses from 1984
Electrical contacts to spray pyrolized p-type cadmium telluride thin films, Daniel James Bicket