Electrical and Computer Engineering Masters Theses
Theses from 1991
Implementation of programmable logic cell arrays in the design of a hard disk controller system, Mouhammad Hazem Tabba
Design of a real time system : a count controller based on RTX2001A microcontroller, Ting-Wen Tang
Stability analysis of a multivariable model-based predictive controller with mismatch between model and process, Ching-Yu Tyan
A microcomputer-controlled automatic optical guided mobile robot system, Xiaoling Wang
An analysis of current economic models for battery energy storage, Lewis Brian Wiles
An expert system for locating and describing distribution system outages using trouble call analysis, John Frederick Witte
Theses from 1990
Design of a floating point data acquisition system and a development system for the NC 4016, Ish Kumar Bhargava
SONET utilization from FDDI sources, Catherine Diane Biagioli
The application of the VHSIC hardware description language to the test of VLSI circuits, Leon Edward Brumfield
Intel 80386SX microprocessor based single board computer CRL386, Rong-Dyi Chen
Applications and performance analysis of the Intel 80960 based single board computer : the CRL960 system, Yung-Fu Chen
The design of an Intel 80386SX cross assembler and system software, Chang-Min Chou
Computer simulation of a brain slice using fractals, Timothy Lee Culver
An investigation of the tracking, acquisition and noise performance of charge-pump phase-locked loops, Ronan Eamonn Patrick Dowling
Control of a glass bead furnace, James Donald Feher
Protection of 480 volt network systems, Harry John Ferris
Feasibility study of the discrete sine transform in parallel image processing, Cynthia Kay Fields
The electrical characterization of cadmium telluride using Hall coefficient and conductivity measurements, Bradley Alan Foreman
The equivalent noise bandwidth of IIR digital filters produced from analog prototypes, Bari E. Greenberg
Analysis and model development of phased array laser far fields, Jeffrey Roy Heidel
Theory of non-equilibrium heterojunction interface-state occupancy in semiconductors, Tzu-The Huang
An algorithmic hybrid clamper for NTSC digital video, Douglas William Irwin
Negative resistance microwave oscillator design, William Joseph Javurek
Implementation of a variable bandwidth digital bandpass filter, Marlin D. Knabach
Viterbi decoding algorithm and program simulation, Kathryn Elaine Kusmec
A computer-aided analysis of the effect of channel nonlinearities in digital communication systems, Otto Hing-Bill Lee
A new method for Partial Fourier Series approximation of long signals, Bor-Heng Lin
An expert system to assist distribution dispatchers in the location of system outages, Eric Marcel Martinez
A bistatic radar ground clutter model and computer algorithm, David Christopher Miller
Multivariable identification of a uranium dioxide chemical process, Mark Stephen Moellenhoff
Electromagnetic coupling through apertures in a conducting plane, Mark David Randol
Stability analysis of a multivariable model-based predictive controller, Anthony Dennis Raney
A direct method of system reduction : the application center of inertia based reductions to a completely modeled, large-scale power system, Shelli K. Starrett
DLTS measurements of defects in AlGaAs single quantum-well lasers, Gwo-Chin Su
Optimization of the high angle of attack flush air data sensing (HI-FADS) system algorithm executed on transputer networks, David K. Taniguchi
Multivariable identification of a glass bead furnace, Wesley Thomas Tremper
Near real-time histogram equalization, Boyd Lee Troop
Broadband impedance matching using multi-section quarter-wave transformers, Alan Richard Webber
Design of an automatic landing system using robust control synthesis techniques, Glen Allen Weichelt
Motion compensation coding augmented by intraframe prediction, Donald Frank Wilkins
Digital computer simulation of an optimum type II phase-locked loop with transport delay, Steven Alan Wright
The theory and application of binary-coded-2n-valued algebra, Sheue-Liing Yang
Theses from 1989
Expansion of an existing power system - a study, Suresh Arunachalam
Modeling rule based expert systems as neural networks, Michael J. Barnes
Stability analysis of voltage regulators used with ac power generation, Michael J. Basler
Simulation of transient characteristics and occupation dynamics in hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin-film transistors, John N. Bullock
A performance simulation of the IEEE type 3 LLC in token bus and CSMA/CD bus network with NETWORK II.5, Chung-Ho Chen
Calculation of stability margin for control system with real parameter variations, Dah-Jih Chen
A knowledge based system to develop a plan of action for eliminating transmission line overloads, Jiahn Shoou Chen
Computer vision in medicine : texture analysis algorithms for skin cancer diagnosis, Chang-Sung Chiang
Steady-state hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin-film transistor simulation, Marc L. De Wever
The CRL960 system based on Intel 80960KB microprocessor, Ivan Shyue-Cherng Doong
Loop transfer recovery, Christopher Eberhardt
Boundary detection in skin tumor images : an overall approach and a radial search algorithm, Jeremiah Eugene Golston
Optimal frequency-shaped linear-quadratic-regulator with output feedback, Victor Manuel Gonzl̀ez
High-order neural networks for computing, Lingzhi Guo
Maximum entropy compensator design, Rowena Lynn Turner Hargis
Measurement of electromagnetic properties of composites using a resonant strip-line cavity, Jeffrey Kent Hoyt
Performance evaluation of two Ethernets : a simulation study using the NETWORK II.5 simulator, Ming-Hong Robert Hsu
Computer vision techniques for symmetry analysis in skin cancer diagnosis, William Weiling Li
Design, simulation and fabrication of a microwave power amplifier, David Kevin Lovelace
A pulsed field-gradient system for nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion experiments, Saumil Shirish Mehta
Optimum linear demodulation of pulse position modulation, Hamid Naseri
Optimization of switched-capacitor filters, Joseph Pei-Tung Pan
A microprocessor-controlled, line-powered telephone, Karl Eugene Pommer
A design frame for IBM PC bus, Rajamani Ramasubramanian
A comparative study of economic models for battery energy storage systems, Ronald C. Reckrodt
Artificial neural network applications for improving airborne surveillance sensor utility, James Edward Russell
A digital implementation of a position, rotation, and scale invariant transformation, Stephen Vincent Saliga
A raster-scan display processing unit based on the TMS34010, Jinqlih Sang
Evaluation of estimation techniques for the probability of symbol error in the simulation of digital communication systems, Kevin W. Schneider
Noise generators for use in computer simulation, Martina Schollmeyer
Reducing kilohertz frequency common mode noise effects with proper line and shield terminations, Emmett Michael Slayton
The use of electrical noise reduction techniques to improve a circuit's performance, Richard Douglas Strom
A study on safety, grounding and protection of domestic electric service, Bharat Tamang
Development of a system-referenced model of a salient pole synchronous machine, William E. Veerkamp
Speech synthesis using a digital modulation scheme on the IBM personal computer, John Glenn Wallace
Modelling and simulation of the Chukha hydro power plant, Bhutan and the nearby Indian power system, Yeshi Wangdi
A single board computer based on Intel 80376 processor and Intel 82370 integrated system peripheral, Wen-Lee Wang
An ethernet implementation on a CRL-32B microcomputer, Shih-Ming Wan
Theses from 1988
A microcomputer based fuel management system for diesel towboats, Mark V. T. Anderson
Parametrization of all stabilizing compensators, Rakesh. Batra
Optimizing transformer impedance for short circuit analysis, Louis Scott Becker
Design of robust controllers using reduced order models, Mounir Belghith
Microcomputer application for power distribution system overcurrent protection and coordination, Franklin Vandyke Bernhard
Small computer system interface and floppy disk controller interface to a CRL-32B microcomputer, Phyllis H. Chin
Development of a recursive least squares algorithm for linear interpolation, Cameron Kelly Coursey
Toward interdisciplinary education : the development of a course in automated manufacturing for electrical engineering students, Jeffrey Stephen Dalton
Nonrectangular windows for the median filter, Leo G. Dehner
Analysis of local transient control using the partial energy function, Walter P. Dykas
Development of a microcomputer-based muscle tonometer, Philip Gregory Geerling
A knowledge-based method for forecasting peak and hourly electric load demand, Robert Layton Gray
Ultrasonic film thickness gauge, John M. Haake
Design and development of a prototype high speed digital communications board using VLSI components, Donald E. Hand
Investigations of thermal annealing effect on interface states of SOS devices using DLTS method, Dar-Sen Horng
The Ethernet and the validation of the network II.5 simulator program, Joseph G. Jingle
A multi-channel biotelemetry system for use in kinesiological research, Jeffrey Alan Lickenbrock
A three-dimensional bistatic radar target position measurement error model, Robert Kenneth Lynn
Computer aided design of microstrip antennas, Joseph William Martinosky