Computer Science Faculty Research & Creative Works | Computer Science | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 2019


A Bio-Inspired Approach to Design Robust and Energy-Efficient Communication Network Topologies, Satyaki Roy and Sajal K. Das


BioSmartSense: A Bio-Inspired Data Collection Framework for Energy-Efficient, QoI-Aware Smart City Applications, Satyaki Roy, Nirnay Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das


A Scalable Parallel Framework for Multicellular Communication in Bacterial Quorum Sensing, Satyaki Roy, Mohammad Aminul Islam, Dipak Barua, and Sajal K. Das

Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach, S. Roy and Sajal K. Das


Blended Root Finding Algorithm Outperforms Bisection and Regula Falsi Algorithms, Chaman Sabharwal


Tracking the 6-DOF Flight Trajectory of Windborne Debris using Stereophotogrammetry, Chaman Sabharwal and Yanlin Guo


Sample Transfer Optimization with Adaptive Deep Neural Network, Hemanta Sapkota, Md Arifuzzaman, and Engin Arslan


Botnet Detection Approach for the Distributed Systems, Oleg Savenko, Anatoliy Sachenko, Sergii Lysenko, and George Markowsky


A Secure User-Centric Framework for Dynamic Service Provisioning in IoT Environments, Amartya Sen, Kenneth Fletcher, and Sanjay Kumar Madria


Bio-DRN: Robust and Energy-Efficient Bio-Inspired Disaster Response Networks, Vijay K. Shah, Satyaki Roy, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das


Towards Energy-Efficient and Robust Disaster Response Networks, Vijay K. Shah, Satyaki Roy, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das


An Effective Dynamic Spectrum Access based Network Architecture for Smart Cities, Vijay K. Shah, Simone Silvestri, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Sajal K. Das


X-CHANT: A Diverse DSA based Architecture for Next-Generation Challenged Networks, Vijay K. Shah, Simone Silvestri, Brian Luciano, and Sajal K. Das


Factor Graph-Based Message Passing Technique for Distributed Resource Allocation in 5G Networks, Rishabh Singhal, Ajay Pratap, Rajiv Misra, and Sajal K. Das


A Shared-Memory Algorithm for Updating Single-Source Shortest Paths in Large Weighted Dynamic Networks, Sriram Srinivasan, Sara Riazi, Boyana Norris, Sajal K. Das, and Sanjukta Bhowmick


Optimizing Lossy Compression Rate-Distortion from Automatic Online Selection between SZ and ZFP, Dingwen Tao, Sheng Di, Xin Liang, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello


A Self-Aware and Active-Guiding Training & Assistant System for Worker-Centered Intelligent Manufacturing, Wenjin Tao, Ze-Hao Lai, Ming-Chuan Leu, Zhaozheng Yin, and Ruwen Qin


Hyper-Heuristics Tutorial, Daniel R. Tauritz and John Woodward

A Robust Fault Detection and Prediction Scheme for Nonlinear Discrete Time Input-Output Systems, Balaje T. Thumati and S. Jagannathan


Zero-Error Function Computation on a Directed Acyclic Network, Ardhendu S. Tripathy and Aditya Ramamoorthy


Privacy-Preserving Adversarial Networks, Ardhendu S. Tripathy, Ye Wang, and Prakash Ishwar


Improving Network Formation in 6TiSCH Networks, Carlo Vallati, Simone Brienza, Giuseppe Anastasi, and Sajal K. Das

Security Frameworks in Mobile Cloud Computing, Chaitanya Vemulapalli, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Mark Linderman


Adversarial Substructured Representation Learning for Mobile User Profiling, Pengyang Wang, Hui Xiong, Yanjie Fu, and Xiaolin Li


Data-driven Privacy-Preserving Communication, Ye Wang, Prakash Ishwar, and Ardhendu S. Tripathy


On the Structural Perspective of Computational Effectiveness for Quantized Consensus in Layered UAV Networks, Yan Wan, Jing Yan, Zongli Lin, Vardhman Sheth, and Sajal K. Das


A Neural Influence Diffusion Model for Social Recommendation, Le Wu, Richang Hong, Peijie Sun, Xiting Wang, Yanjie Fu, and Meng Wang


DBSDA: Lowering the Bound of Misclassification Rate for Sparse Linear Discriminant Analysis via Model Debiasing, Haoyi Xiong, Wei Cheng, Jiang Bian, Wenqing Hu, Zeyi Sun, and Zhishan Guo


Finding the Key Influences on the House Price by Finite Mixture Model based on the Real Estate Data in Changchun, Xin Xu; Zeyu Huang; Jingyi Wu; Yanjie Fu; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Learning Temporal Information From A Single Image For AU Detection, Huiyuan Yang and Lijun Yin


EdgeSense: Edge-Mediated Spatial-Temporal Crowdsensing, Sijia Yang, Jiang Bian, Licheng Wang, Haojin Zhu, Yanjie Fu, and Haoyi Xiong


Dynamic Intermittent Feedback Design for H∞ Containment Control on a Directed Graph, Yongliang Yang, Hamidreza Modares, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Yixin Yin, and Donald C. Wunsch


Co-Prediction of Multiple Transportation Demands based on Deep Spatio-Temporal Neural Network, Junchen Ye, Leilei Sun, Bowen Du, Yanjie Fu, Xinran Tong, and Hui Xiong


Activity-Based Shared Mobility Model for Smart Transportation, San Yeung, H M Abdul Aziz, and Sanjay Kumar Madria

Assistive Intelligence (AI): Intelligent Data Analytics Algorithms to Assist Human Experts, Zhaozheng Yin


Unifying Inter-Region Autocorrelation and Intra-Region Structures for Spatial Embedding via Collective Adversarial Learning, Yunchao Zhang, Yanjie Fu, Pengyang Wang, Xiaolin Li, and Yu Zheng

Image Data Analytics to Support Engineers' DecisionMaking, Tianyi Zhao, Zhaozheng Yin, Ruwen Qin, and Genda Chen


Image Data Analytics to Support Engineers’ Decision-Making, Tianyi Zhao, Zhaozheng Yin, Ruwen Qin, and Genda Chen


Bronchus Segmentation and Classification by Neural Networks and Linear Programming, Tianyi Zhao, Zhaozheng Yin, Jiao Wang, Dashan Gao, Yunqiang Chen, and Yunxiang Mao


Social And Geographical Disparities In Twitter Use During Hurricane Harvey, Lei Zou, Nina S.N. Lam, Shayan Shams, Heng Cai, Michelle A. Meyer, Seungwon Yang, Kisung Lee, Seung Jong Park, and Margaret A. Reams

Submissions from 2018


Motif-Level Robustness Analysis of Power Grids, A. Abedijaberi and Jennifer Leopold


Learning from Experience: An Automatic pH Neutralization System using Hybrid Fuzzy System and Neural Network, Ethar H.K. Alkamil, Seaar Al-Dabooni, Ahmed K. Abbas, Ralph Flori, and Donald C. Wunsch


PS-Sim: A Framework for Scalable Simulation of Participatory Sensing Data, Rajesh P. Barnwal, Nirnay Ghosh, Soumya K. Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das


A Study of the Genetic Algorithm Parameters for Solving Multi-Objective Travelling Salesman Problem, Romit S. Beed, Sunita Sarkar, Arindam Roy, and Shubham Chatterjee


Range based Algorithms for Precise Localization of Terrestrial Objects using a Drone, Francesco Betti Sorbelli, Sajal K. Das, Cristina M. Pinotti, and Simone Silvestri


Towards Fast and Semi-Supervised Identification of Smart Meters Launching Data Falsification Attacks, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Aditya Thakur, and Sajal K. Das


CSWA: Aggregation-Free Spatial-Temporal Community Sensing, Jiang Bian, Haoyi Xiong, Yanjie Fu, and Sajal K. Das


Message from the Program Chairs - Volume 1, Jiannong Cao, Stelvio Cimato, Yasuo Okabe, and Sahra Sedighsarvestani

LANET: Software-Defined Visible-light Ad Hoc Networks, Nan Cen, Zhangyu Guan, and Tommaso Melodia


RIPA: Real-Time Image Privacy Alert System, Dakshak Keerthi Chandra, Weerdhawal Chowgule, Yanjie Fu, and Dan Lin


Mac Layer Misbehavior Detection using Time Series Analysis, Maggie X. Cheng, Yi Ling, and Wei Biao Wu


Improvement of a Multi-Layer Quantum Secret Sharing based on GHZ State and Bell Measurement, Xiaogang Cheng, Ren Guo, Yonghong Chen, and Yanjie Fu


BeeFlow: A Workflow Management System for in Situ Processing Across HPC and Cloud Systems, Jieyang Chen; Qiang Guan; Zhao Zhang; Xin Liang; Louis Vernon; Allen McPherson; Li Ta Lo; Patricia Grubel; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Privacy-Preserving Power Usage and Supply Control in Smart Grid, Hu Chun, Kui Ren, and Wei Jiang


Mobility Management-A Personal Perspective, Sajal K. Das


DNA-GA: A Tractable Approach for Performance Analysis of Uplink Cellular Networks, Ming Ding, David Lopez-Perez, Guoqiang Mao, Zihuai Lin, and Sajal K. Das


Social-Behavioral Aware Optimization of Energy Consumption in Smart Homes, Valerie Dolce, Courtney Jackson, Simone Silvestri, Denise A. Baker, and Alessandra De Paola


Smarttransfer: Modeling the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Passenger Transfers for Crowdedness-Aware Route Recommendations, Bowen Du, Yifeng Cui, Yanjie Fu, Runxing Zhong, and Hui Xiong


Heterogeneous Activity Causes a Nonlinear Increase in the Group Energy Use of Ant Workers Isolated from Queen and Brood, Nolan Ferral, Kyara Holloway, Mingzhong Li, Zhaozheng Yin, and Chen Hou


A Multi-Label Multi-View Learning Framework for In-App Service Usage Analysis, Yanjie Fu, Junming Liu, Xiaolin Li, and Hui Xiong


PaSTRI: Error-Bounded Lossy Compression for Two-Electron Integrals in Quantum Chemistry, Ali Murat Gok, Sheng Di, Yuri Alexeev, Dingwen Tao, Vladimir Mironov, Xin Liang, and Franck Cappello


GPU-Accelerated Large-scale Genome Assembly, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, Shayan Shams, and Seung Jong Park


Self-Organizing Flying Drones with Massive MIMO Networking, Zhangyu Guan, Nan Cen, Tommaso Melodia, and Scott Pudlewski


RunnerPal: A Runner Monitoring and Advisory System based on Smart Devices, Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Sajal K. Das, and Zhenxue He


Uniprocessor Mixed-Criticality Scheduling with Graceful Degradation by Completion Rate, Zhishan Guo, Kecheng Yang, Sudharsan Vaidhun, Samsil Arefin, Sajal K. Das, and Haoyi Xiong


A Cascaded Refinement GAN for Phase Contrast Microscopy Image Super Resolution, Liang Han and Zhaozheng Yin


Learning to Transfer Microscopy Image Modalities, Liang Han and Zhaozheng Yin


Evolution of Network Enumeration Strategies in Emulated Computer Networks, Sean Harris, Eric Michalak, Kevin Schoonover, Adam Gausmann, Hannah Reinbolt, Joshua Herman, Daniel R. Tauritz, Chris Rawlings, and Aaron Scott Pope


Kinetic-Powered Health Wearables: Challenges and Opportunities, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu, Guhao Lan, Aruna Seneviratne, Sara Khalifa, and Sajal K. Das


A Machine Learning Approach for Line Outage Identification in Power Systems, Jia He, Maggie Xiaoyan Cheng, Yixin Fang, and Mariesa Crow


Modeling of Cloud-Based Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing with MT Connect, Liwen Hu, Ngoc-Tu Nguyen, Wenjin Tao, Ming-Chuan Leu, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Rakib Shahriar, and S M Nahian Al Sunny


Optimal Scheduling of Manufacturing and Onsite Generation Systems in Over-Generation Mitigation Oriented Electricity Demand Response Program, Md Monirul Islam, Xiao Zhong, Haoyi Xiong, and Zeyi Sun


Multicellular Models Bridging Intracellular Signaling and Gene Transcription to Population Dynamics, Mohammad Aminul Islam, Satyaki Roy, Sajal K. Das, and Dipak Barua


Reputation and Credit based Incentive Mechanism for Data-Centric Message Delivery in DTNs, Himanshu Jethawa and Sanjay Kumar Madria


Highly Efficient Randomized Authentication in Vanets, Jian Kang, Dan Lin, Wei Jiang, and Elisa Bertino

Trema-Unh at Trec 2018: Complex Answer Retrieval and News Track, Sumanta Kashyapi, Shubham Chatterjee, Jordan Ramsdell, and Laura Dietz


Phase Contrast Time-Lapse Microscopy Datasets with Automated and Manual Cell Tracking Annotations, Dai Fei Elmer Ker; Zhaozheng Yin; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


HARKE: Human Activity Recognition from Kinetic Energy Harvesting Data in Wearable Devices, Sara Khalifa, Guohao Lan, Mahbub Hassan, Aruna Seneviratne, and Sajal K. Das


ZU-Mean: Fingerprinting based Device Localization Methods for IoT in the Presence of Additive and Multiplicative Noise, Sudhir Kumar and Sajal K. Das


Secure Sensor Cloud, Vimal Kumar, Amartya Sen, and Sanjay Kumar Madria


BugHint: A Visual Debugger based on Graph Mining, Jennifer Leopold, Nathan W. Eloe, and Patrick Taylor


Exploring Best Lossy Compression Strategy by Combining SZ with Spatiotemporal Decimation, Xin Liang, Sheng Di, Sihuan Li, Dingwen Tao, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello


An Efficient Transformation Scheme for Lossy Data Compression with Point-Wise Relative Error Bound, Xin Liang, Sheng Di, Dingwen Tao, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello


Early Drought Plant Stress Detection with Bi-Directional Long-Term Memory Networks, Haohan Li, Zhaozheng Yin, Paul Manley, Joel Gerard Burken, Nadia Shakoor, Noah Fahlgren, and Todd Mockler


Uface: Your Universal Password that No One Can See, Dan Lin, Nicholas Hilbert, Christian Storer, Wei Jiang, and Jianping Fan


Improving Error-Bounded Compression for Cosmological Simulation, Sihuan Li, Sheng Di, Xin Liang, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello


Privacy-Preserving Multi-Task Learning, Kunpeng Liu, Nitish Uplavikar, Wei Jiang, and Yanjie Fu


Modeling the Interaction Coupling of Multi-View Spatiotemporal Contexts for Destination Prediction, Kunpeng Liu, Pengyang Wang, Jiawei Zhang, Yanjie Fu, and Sajal K. Das

Incorporating Interaction Coupling among Multi-View Spatiotemporal Contexts for Mobike Destination Prediction, K. Liu, P. Wang, J. Zhang, G. Liu, Yanjie Fu, and Sajal K. Das


Distributed Anomaly Detection using Autoencoder Neural Networks in WSN for IoT, Tony Tie Luo and Sai G. Nagarajan


Achieving Location Truthfulness in Rebalancing Supply-Demand Distribution for Bike Sharing, Hongtao Lv, Fan Wu, Tony Tie Luo, Xiaofeng Gao, and Guihai Chen


Sensor Cloud: Sensing-as-a-Service Paradigm, Sanjay Kumar Madria


Ridesharing-Inspired Trip Recommendations, Sanjay Kumar Madria, San Yeung, and K. Ward


Opportunistic Distributed Caching for Mission-Oriented Delay-Tolerant Networks, Dileep Mardham, Sanjay Kumar Madria, James Milligan, and Mark Linderman


Cloud Transactions Adhere to Strict Policy Consistency for Improved Performance, Dileep Mardham, Sanjay Kumar Madria, J. Milligan, and Mark Linderman

The Technique for Metamorphic Viruses' Detection based on its Obfuscation Features Analysis, George Markowsky, Oleg Savenko, Sergii Lysenko, and Andrii Nicheporuk


Distributed Malware Detection System based on Decentralized Architecture in Local Area Networks, George Markowsky, Oleg Savenko, and Anatoliy Sachenko


Distributed System for Detecting the Malware in LAN, George Markowsky, Oleg Savenko, and Anatoliy Sachenko


Service Provisioning in Mobile Environments through Opportunistic Computing, Davide Mascitti, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella, Laura Ricci, and Sajal K. Das


Software Engineering: Guest Editor's Introduction, Bruce M. McMillin