Computer Science Faculty Research & Creative Works | Computer Science | Missouri University of Science and Technology


Submissions from 2020


On the Use of a Full Stack Hardware/Software Infrastructure for Sensor Data Fusion and Fault Prediction in Industry 4.0, Fabrizio De Vita, Dario Bruneo, and Sajal K. Das


Quantitative Analysis of Deep Leaf: A Plant Disease Detector on the Smart Edge, Fabrizio De Vita, Giorgio Nocera, Dario Bruneo, Valeria Tomaselli, Davide Giacalone, and Sajal K. Das


Resolution of Blockchain Conflicts through Heuristics-Based Game Theory and Multilayer Network Modeling, Alessandro Di Stefano, Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, Sajal K. Das, and Pietro Liò


A Novel Methodology for Designing Policies in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems, Alessandro Di Stefano, Marialisa Scata, Barbara Attanasio, Aurelio La Corte, Pietro Lio, and Sajal K. Das


Message from the General Chairs, Falko Dressler and Sajal K. Das

Model-Based Fault-tolerant Control for Distributed Systems, Hasan Ferdowsi, Jia Cai, and Sarangapani Jagannathan


Distributed On-Demand Clustering Algorithm for Lifetime Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks, Amrita Ghosal, Subir Halder, and Sajal K. Das


Distributed De Novo Assembler For Large-scale Long-read Datasets, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, and Seung Jong Park


Distributed Joint Power, Association and Flight Control for Massive-MIMO Self-Organizing Flying Drones, Zhangyu Guan, Nan Cen, Tommaso Melodia, and Scott M. Pudlewski


Towards Identifying Alien Appliances using Semantic Information, Ashish Gupta, Hari Prabhat Gupta, Tanima Dutta, and Sajal K. Das


Big Data Energy Management, Analytics and Visualization for Residential Areas, Ragini Gupta, A. R. Al-Ali, Imran A. Zualkernan, and Sajal K. Das


COIDS: A Clock Offset based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Networks, Subir Halder, Mauro Conti, and Sajal K. Das


Designing Efficient Communication Infrastructure in Post-Disaster Situations with Limited Availability of Network Resources, Krishnandu Hazra, Vijay K. Shah, Simone Silvestri, Vaneet Aggarwal, Sajal K. Das, Subrata Nandi, and Sujoy Saha


ROAchain: Securing Route Origin Authorization with Blockchain for Inter-Domain Routing, Guobiao He, Wei Su, Shuai Gao, Jiarui Yue, and Sajal K. Das


Evaluation of Standard and Semantically-Augmented Distance Metrics for Neurology Patients, Daniel B. Hier, Jonathan Kopel, Steven U. Brint, Donald C. Wunsch, Gayla R. Olbricht, Sima Azizi, and Blaine Allen


Towards Privacy-Preserving Anomaly-Based Attack Detection Against Data Falsification in Smart Grid, Yu Ishimaki, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Hayato Yamana, and Sajal K. Das


A Collusion-Resistant Revocable Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme for Secure Data Sharing in Cloud, Azharul Islam and Sanjay Kumar Madria


Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme for Secure Multi-Group Data Sharing in Cloud, Md Azharul Islam and Sanjay K. Madria


Flexible Energy Load Identification in Intelligent Manufacturing for Demand Response using a Neural Network Integrated Particle Swarm Optimization, Md Monirul Islam, Zeyi Sun, Ruwen Qin, Wenqing Hu, Haoyi Xiong, and Kaibo Xu


A New Tunable Damped Sine-Like Waveform Generator for IEMI Applications, Omid Hoseini Izadi, R. Keith Frazier, Nevin Altunyurt, Sahra Sedighsarvestani, David Pommerenke, and Chulsoon Hwang


Software-Based Monitoring and Analysis of a USB Host Controller Subject to Electrostatic Discharge, Natasha Jarus, Antonio Sabatini, Pratik Maheshwari, and Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani


Efficient Column-oriented Processing for Mutual Subspace Skyline Queries, Tao Jiang, Bin Zhang, Dan Lin, Yunjun Gao, and Qing Li


Collective Embedding with Feature Importance: A Unified Approach for Spatiotemporal Network Embedding, Dakshak Keerthi Chandra, Pengyang Wang, Jennifer Leopold, and Yanjie Fu


Perceived-Value-driven Optimization of Energy Consumption in Smart Homes, Atieh R. Khamesi, Simone Silvestri, Denise A. Baker, and Alessandra De Paola


Target Detection and Localization Methods using Compartmental Model for Internet of Things, Sudhir Kumar and Sajal K. Das


Smart Augmented Reality Instructional System for Mechanical Assembly towards Worker-Centered Intelligent Manufacturing, Ze Hao Lai, Wenjin Tao, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Zhaozheng Yin


Comparison of Design-Centric and Data-Centric Methods for Distributed Attack Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems, Jennifer Leopold, Bruce M. McMillin, Rachel Stiffler, and Nathan Lutes


Toward Feature-Preserving 2D and 3D Vector Field Compression, Xin Liang; Hanqi Guo; Sheng Di; Franck Cappello; Mukund Raj; Chunhui Liu; Kenji Ono; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Off-policy Q-learning for Anti-interference Control of Multi-player Systems, Jinna Li, Zhenfei Xiao, Tianyou Chai, Frank L. Lewis, and Sarangapani Jagannathan


Efficiently Discovering Users Connectivity with Local Information in Online Social Networks, Na Li and Sajal K. Das


Social Botnet Community Detection: A Novel Approach based on Behavioral Similarity in Twitter Network using Deep Learning, Greeshma Lingam, Rashmi Ranjan Rout, Dvln Somayajulu, and Sajal K. Das


Towards End-To-End SDC Detection for HPC Applications Equipped with Lossy Compression, Sihuan Li, Sheng Di, Kai Zhao, Xin Liang, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello


Memristor-Based HTM Spatial Pooler with On-Device Learning for Pattern Recognition, Xiaoyang Liu, Yi Huang, Zhigang Zeng, and Donald C. Wunsch


Memristor-Based LSTM Network with in Situ Training and its Applications, Xiaoyang Liu, Zhigang Zeng, and Donald C. Wunsch


An EEG-Based Multi-Modal Emotion Database With Both Posed And Authentic Facial Actions For Emotion Analysis, Xiaotian Li, Xiang Zhang, Huiyuan Yang, Wenna Duan, Weiying Dai, and Lijun Yin


Hardness of and Approximate Mechanism Design for the Bike Rebalancing Problem, Hongtao Lv, Fan Wu, Tony Tie Luo, Xiaofeng Gao, and Guihai Chen

Mechanism Design with Predicted Task Revenue for Bike Sharing Systems, Hongtao Lv, Chaoli Zhang, Zhenzhe Zheng, Tie Luo, Fan Wu, and Guihai Chen


Sensing, Computing, and Communications for Energy Harvesting IoTs: A Survey, Dong Ma, Guohao Lan, Mahbub Hassan, Wen Hu, and Sajal K. Das


Finding All ∈-Good Arms in Stochastic Bandits, Blake Mason, Lalit Jain, Ardhendu S. Tripathy, and Robert Nowak


Catora: Congestion Avoidance through Transmission Ordering and Resource Awareness in Delay Tolerant Networks, Douglas McGeehan and Sanjay K. Madria


Security in the Cyber-Physical Electric Power Infrastructure, Bruce M. McMillin, Ravi Akella, Gerry W. Howser, Thoshitha Gamage, and Tom Roth


Optimal Control of Linear Continuous-time Systems in the Presence of State and Input Delays with Application to a Chemical Reactor, Rohollah Moghadam and Sarangapani Jagannathan


Online Optimal Adaptive Control of a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete-time Systems, Rohollah Moghadam, Pappa Natarajan, Krishnan Raghavan, and Sarangapani Jagannathan


Algorithmic Support for Personalized Course Selection and Scheduling, Tyler Morrow, Ali R. Hurson, and Sahra Sedigh Sarvestani


OBQR: Orientation-Based Source QoS Routing in VANETs, Ankur Nahar, Debasis Das, and Sajal K. Das


Contextual-bandit Anomaly Detection for IoT Data in Distributed Hierarchical Edge Computing, Mao V. Ngo, Tie Luo, Hakima Chaouchi, and Tony Q.S. Quek


Coordinated Container Migration and Base Station Handover in Mobile Edge Computing, Mao V. Ngo, Tie Luo, Hieu T. Hoang, and Q. S. Tony Quek


A Smartphone-Based Network Architecture for Post-Disaster Operations using WiFi Tethering, Amitangshu Pal, Mayank Raj, Krishna Kant, and Sajal K. Das


Adaptive Mini-Batch Gradient Ascent based Localization for Indoor IoT Networks under Rayleigh Fading Conditions, Ankur Pandey, Piyush Tiwary, Sudhir Kumar, and Sajal K. Das


Residual Neural Networks for Heterogeneous Smart Device Localization in IoT Networks, Pandey Pandey, Piyush Tiwary, Sudhir Kumar, and Sajal K. Das


Low-Latency Energy-Efficient Cyber-Physical Disaster System using Edge Deep Learning, Yashwant Singh Patel, Sourasekhar Banerjee, Rajiv Misra, and Sajal K. Das


On Demand Clock Synchronization for Live VM Migration in Distributed Cloud Data Centers, Yashwant Singh Patel, Aditi Page, Manvi Nagdev, Anurag Choubey, Rajiv Misra, and Sajal K. Das


Dynamic Trajectory Generation and a Robust Controller to Intercept a Moving Ball in a Game Setting, Ravi Prakash, Laxmidhar Behera, Santhakumar Mohan, and Sarangapani Jagannathan


Bandwidth-Constrained Task throughput Maximization in IoT-Enabled 5G Networks, Ajay Pratap, Ragini Gupta, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla, and Sajal K. Das


A Training Framework of Robotic Operation and Image Analysis for Decision-Making in Bridge Inspection and Preservation, Ruwen Qin, Genda Chen, Suzanna Long, Zhaozheng Yin, Sushil Louis, Muhammad Monjurul Karim, and Tianyi Zhao


Distributed Adaptive State Estimation and Tracking by using Active-passive Sensor Networks, Akhilesh Raj, Sarangapani Jagannathan, and Tansel Yucelen


Distributed Adaptive State Estimation and Tracking Scheme for Nonlinear Systems using Active Passive Sensor Networks, Akhilesh Raj, S. Jagannathan, and Tansel Yucelen


Analysis of Distributed and Autonomous Scheduling Functions for 6TiSCH Networks, Francesca Righetti, Carlo Vallati, Sajal K. Das, and Giuseppe Anastasi


An Evaluation of the 6TiSCH Distributed Resource Management Mode, Francesca Righetti, Carlo Vallati, Sajal K. Das, and Giuseppe Anastasi


Distributed Incentive-Based Secured Traffic Monitoring in VANETs, Ayan Roy and Sanjay K. Madria


Secure and Privacy-Preserving Traffic Monitoring in VANETs, Ayan Roy and Sanjay K. Madria


Real Time Stream Mining based Attack Detection in Distribution Level PMUs for Smart Grids, Prithwiraj Roy, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Sajal K. Das


BioSmartSense+: A Bio-Inspired Probabilistic Data Collection Framework for Priority-Based Event Reporting in IoT Environments, Satyaki Roy, Nirnay Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das


BioMCS: A Bio-Inspired Collaborative Data Transfer Framework over Fog Computing Platforms in Mobile Crowdsensing, Satyaki Roy, Nirnay Ghosh, Preetam Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das


Motifs Enable Communication Efficiency and Fault-Tolerance in Transcriptional Networks, Satyaki Roy, Preetam Ghosh, Dipak Barua, and Sajal K. Das


Exploratory Analysis of Concussion Recovery Trajectories using Multi-Modal Assessments and Serum Biomarkers, Zachary Roy, Sujit Subhash, Lien A. Bui, Bassam Hadi, Daniel B. Hier, Donald C. Wunsch, Gayla R. Olbricht, and Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi


Energy Efficient Data Forwarding Scheme in Fog-Based Ubiquitous System with Deadline Constraints, Surbhi Saraswat, Hari Prabhat Gupta, Tanima Dutta, and Sajal K. Das


An Analytical Model for Information Gathering and Propagation in Social Networks using Random Graphs, Samant Saurabh, Sanjay K. Madria, Anirban Mondal, Ashok Singh Sairam, and Saurabh Mishra


Application Design Phase Risk Assessment Framework using Cloud Security Domains, Amartya Sen and Sanjay K. Madria


Analysis of a Cloud Migration Framework for Offline Risk Assessment of Cloud Service Providers, Amartya Sen and Sanjay Kumar Madria


A Diverse Band-Aware Dynamic Spectrum Access Network Architecture for Delay-Tolerant Smart City Applications, Vijay K. Shah, Brian Luciano, Simone Silvestri, Shameek Bhattacharjee, and Sajal K. Das

Detecting Insider Threats with Machine Learning Algorithms, Sule Simsek, Ralph W. Wilkerson, and R. Joe Stanley

Fighting For Information Credibility: An End-to-end Framework To Identify Fake News During Natural Disasters, Dipak Singh, Shayan Shams, Joohyun Kim, Seung Jong Park, and Seungwon Yang


Speeding-Up Routing Schedules on Aisle-Graphs, Francesco Betti Sorbelli, Federico Coro, Sajal K. Das, Alfredo Navarra, and Cristina M. Pinotti


A Realistic Model for Failure Propagation in Interdependent Cyber-Physical Systems, Agostino Sturaro, Simone Silvestri, Mauro Conti, and Sajal K. Das


Multi-Modal Recognition of Worker Activity for Human-Centered Intelligent Manufacturing, Wenjin Tao, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Zhaozheng Yin


Distributed Bias Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems, Simon Thougaard and Bruce M. McMillin


Distributed Bias Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems, Simon Thougaard and Bruce M. McMillin


Cyber-Physical Security of Air Traffic Surveillance Systems, Anusha Thudimilla and Bruce M. McMillin


Cyber-Physical Security of Air Traffic Surveillance Systems, Anusha Thudimilla and Bruce M. McMillin

A Robust Fault Detection and Prediction Scheme for Nonlinear Discrete Time Input-output Systems, Balaje T. Thumati and S. Jagannathan


Wavesz: A Hardware-Algorithm Co-Design of Efficient Lossy Compression for Scientific Data, Jiannan Tian; Sheng Di; Chengming Zhang; Xin Liang; Sian Jin; Dazhao Cheng; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


CuSZ: An Efficient GPU-Based Error-Bounded Lossy Compression Framework for Scientific Data, Jiannan Tian; Sheng Di; Kai Zhao; Cody Rivera; Megan Hickman Fulp; Robert Underwood; Sian Jin; Xin Liang; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.


Priority-Based Multi-Flight Path Planning with Uncertain Sector Capacities, Sudharsan Vaidhun, Zhishan Guo, Jiang Bian, Haoyi Xiong, and Sajal K. Das


A Lightweight Mutual Authentication Protocol for V2V Communication in Internet of Vehicles, Harsha Vasudev, Varad Deshpande, Sajal K. Das, and Sajal K. Das


Vehicular Edge Computing based Driver Recommendation System using Federated Learning, Jayant Vyas, Debasis Das, and Sajal K. Das


An Efficient Blockchain Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, Matthew Wagner and Bruce M. McMillin


Efficient Blockchain Authentication Scheme for VANETs, Matthew Wagner and Bruce M. McMillin


A Parallel Algorithm for Anonymizing Large-Scale Trajectory Data, Katrina Ward, Dan Lin, and Sanjay Kumar Madria


CrowdPrivacy: Publish More Useful Data with Less Privacy Exposure in Crowdsourced Location-Based Services, Fang Jing Wu and Tie Luo


Approximation Algorithms for the Team Orienteering Problem, Wenzheng Xu, Zichuan Xu, Jian Peng, Weifa Liang, Tang Liu, Xiaohua Jia, and Sajal K. Das


Adaptive Multimodal Fusion For Facial Action Units Recognition, Huiyuan Yang, Taoyue Wang, and Lijun Yin


Set Operation Aided Network For Action Units Detection, Huiyuan Yang, Taoyue Wang, and Lijun Yin


Output Constrained Adaptive Controller Design for Nonlinear Saturation Systems, Yongliang Yang, Zhijie Liu, Qing Li, and Donald C. Wunsch


Safe Intermittent Reinforcement Learning with Static and Dynamic Event Generators, Yongliang Yang, Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis, Hamidreza Modares, Yixin Yin, and Donald C. Wunsch


STIMULATE: A System for Real-Time Information Acquisition and Learning for Disaster Management, M. Yasin Kabir, Sergey Gruzdev, and Sanjay K. Madria


An Explainable and Statistically Validated Ensemble Clustering Model Applied to the Identification of Traumatic Brain Injury Subgroups, Dacosta Yeboah, Louis Steinmeister, Daniel B. Hier, Bassam Hadi, Donald C. Wunsch, Gayla R. Olbricht, and Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi


TopoBARTMAP: Biclustering ARTMAP with or Without Topological Methods in a Blood Cancer Case Study, Raghu Yelugam, Leonardo Enzo Brito Da Silva, and Donald C. Wunsch

Cobra: Context-Aware Bernoulli Neural Networks for Reputation Assessment, Leonit Zeynalvand, Tie Luo, and Jie Zhang


Atomic Predicates-Based Data Plane Properties Verification in Software Defined Networking using Spark, Yicong Zhang, Jie Li, Shigetomo Kimura, Wei Zhao, and Sajal K. Das