Self-Organizing Flying Drones with Massive MIMO Networking
This article studies distributed algorithms to con-trol self-organizing swarm drone hotspots with massive MIMO networking capabilities- A network scenario referred to as OrgSwarm. We attempt to answer the following fundamental question: What is the optimal way to provide spectrally-efficient wireless access to a multitude of ground nodes with mobile base stations/aerial relays mounted on a swarm of drones and endowed with a large number of antennas; when we can control the position of many-antenna-enabled drones, access association of ground nodes to drones, and the transmit power of ground nodes? The article first derives a mathematical formulation of the problem of spectral efficiency maximization through joint control of the movement of many-antenna-enabled aerial drones, access association of single-antenna ground nodes to many-antenna drones, and transmit power of ground nodes. It is shown that the resulting network control problem is a mixed integer nonlinear nonconvex programming problem (MINLP). We then first design a distributed solution algorithm with polynomial computational complexity. Then, a centralized but globally optimal solution algorithm is designed based on a combination of the branch and bound framework and convex relaxation techniques to provide a performance benchmark for the distributed algorithm. Results indicate that the distributed algorithm achieves a network spectral efficiency very close (over 95% on average) to the global optimum.
Recommended Citation
Z. Guan et al., "Self-Organizing Flying Drones with Massive MIMO Networking," Proceedings of the 17th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (2018, Capri, Italy ), pp. 1 - 8, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Jun 2018.
The definitive version is available at
Meeting Name
17th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, Med-Hoc-Net 2018 (2018: Jun. 20-22, Capri, Italy )
Computer Science
Keywords and Phrases
Ad Hoc Networks; Aircraft Control; Antennas; Benchmarking; Efficiency; Integer Programming; Polynomials; Relaxation Processes, Convex Relaxation; Distributed Solutions; Mathematical Formulation; Mobile Base Station; Non-Convex Programming; Optimal Solutions; Spectral Efficiencies; Spectral Efficiency Maximizations, Drones
International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Document Type
Article - Conference proceedings
Document Version
File Type
© 2018 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), All rights reserved.
Publication Date
01 Jun 2018
This work is based upon material supported in part by Air Force Research Laboratory under Contract FA8750-14-1-0074 and Grant ARMY W911NF-17-1-0034.