Submissions from 2017
A Probabilistic Link Prediction Model in Time-Varying Social Networks, Sima Das and Sajal K. Das
Multi-Periodic Contact Patterns in Predicting Future Contacts over Mobile Networks, Sima Das and Sajal K. Das
Graph Compaction in Analyzing Large Scale Online Social Networks, Sima Das, Jennifer Leopold, Susmita Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das
An Adaptive Bayesian System for Context-Aware Data Fusion in Smart Environments, Alessandra De Paola, Pierluca Ferraro, Salvatore Gaglio, Giuseppe Lo Re, and Sajal K. Das
Sensor Networks for Energy Sustainability in Buildings, Alessandra De Paola, Marco Ortolani, Giuseppe Lo Re, Giuseppe Anastasi, and Sajal K. Das
Cyber-Physical Security of a Chemical Plant, Prakash Rao Dunaka and Bruce M. McMillin
Evolutionary Computation for the Automated Design of Category Functions for Fuzzy ART: An Initial Exploration, Islam Elnabarawy, Daniel R. Tauritz, and Donald C. Wunsch
iPrivacy: Image Privacy Protection by Identifying Sensitive Objects via Deep Multi-Task Learning, Jianping Fan, Zhenzhong Kuang, Baopeng Zhang, Jun Yu, and Dan Lin
Cloud Security Requirements Analysis and Security Policy Development using HOOMT, Kenneth Kofi Fletcher and Xiaoqing Frank Liu
REMIX: Automated Exploration for Interactive Outlier Detection, Yanjie Fu, Charu Aggarwal, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Deepak S. Turaga, and Hui Xiong
Unsupervised P2P Rental Recommendations Via Integer Programming, Yanjie Fu, Guannan Liu, Mingfei Teng, and Charu Aggarwal
Service Usage Analysis in Mobile Messaging Apps: A Multi-Label Multi-View Perspective, Yanjie Fu, Junming Liu, Xiaolin Li, Xinjiang Lu, Jingci Ming, Chu Guan, and Hui Xiong
Realistic Models for Characterizing the Performance of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Ken Goss, Riccardo Musmeci, and Simone Silvestri
Efficient Karaoke Song Recommendation Via Multiple Kernel Learning Approximation, Chu Guan, Yanjie Fu, Xinjiang Lu, Enhong Chen, Xiaolin Li, and Hui Xiong
Detecting Breathing Frequency and Maintaining a Proper Running Rhythm, Fei Gu, Jianwei Niu, Sajal K. Das, Zhenxue He, and Xin Jin
Guaranteeing Some Service Upon Mode Switch in Mixed-Criticality Systems, Zhishan Guo
Regarding the Optimality of Speedup Bounds of Mixed-Criticality Schedulability Tests, Zhishan Guo
Energy-Efficient Multi-Core Scheduling for Real-Time DAG Tasks, Zhishan Guo, Ashikahmed Bhuiyan, Abusayeed Saifullah, Nan Guan, and Haoyi Xiong
Sustainability in Mixed-Criticality Scheduling, Zhishan Guo, Sai Sruti, Bryan C. Ward, and Sanjoy K. Baruah
Cache-Aware Partitioned EDF Scheduling for Multi-Core Real-Time Systems, Zhishan Guo, Ying Zhang, Lingxiang Wang, and Zhenkai Zhang
Refocusing Phase Contrast Microscopy Images, Liang Han and Zhaozheng Yin
Transferring Microscopy Image Modalities with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, Liang Han and Zhaozheng Yin
IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Emergent Topics for Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems in Smartphone, IOT, and Cloud Computing ERA, Takahiro Hara, Stephan Sigg, Lei Shu, Francesco De Pellegrini, Chiara Petrioli, and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Integration of Dynamic Road Condition Updates for Real-Time Ridesharing Systems, Joseph Hargrave, San Yeung, and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Asynchronous Parallel Cartesian Genetic Programming, Adam Harter, Daniel R. Tauritz, and William M. Siever
Using Information-Flow Methods to Analyze the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, Gerry W. Howser and Bruce M. McMillin
Energy-Efficient Algorithms for Data Retrieval from Indexed Parallel Broadcast Channels, A. R. Hurson, Sahra Sedigh, and Michael Wisely
Improving Performance of CDCL SAT Solvers by Automated Design of Variable Selection Heuristics, Marketa Illetskova, Alex R. Bertels, Joshua M. Tuggle, Adam Harter, Samuel Richter, Daniel R. Tauritz, Samuel Mulder, Denis Bueno, Michelle Leger, and William M. Siever
RNR: Reverse & Replace Decoding for Collision Recovery in Wireless Sensor Networks, Dali Ismail, Mahbubur Mahbubur, Abusayeed Saifullah, and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Application of Congestion Notifications in a Cyber-Physical System, Stephen Curtis Jackson and Bruce M. McMillin
Incentive Mechanism for Data-Centric Message Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks, Himanshu Jethawa and Sanjay Kumar Madria
No One Can Track You: Randomized Authentication in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, Wei Jiang, Dan Lin, Feng Lin, and Elisa Bertino
Combining Passive Visual Cameras and Active IMU Sensors for Persistent Pedestrian Tracking, Wenchao Jiang and Zhaozheng Yin
Indoor Localization with a Signal Tree, Wenchao Jiang and Zhaozheng Yin
Quantifying Robustness in Biological Networks using NS-2, Bhanu K. Kamapantula, Ahmed F. Abdelzaher, Michael Mayo, Edward J. Perkins, Sajal K. Das, and Preetam Ghosh
Multiple Security Domain Model of a Vehicle in an Automated Platoon, U. Kanteti and Bruce M. McMillin
Time-Location-Relationship Combined Service Recommendation based on Taxi Trajectory Data, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Jinzhong Wang, Azizur Rahim, and Sajal K. Das
Automatic Privacy Prediction to Accelerate Social Image Sharing, Zhenzhong Kuang, Zongmin Li, Dan Lin, and Jianping Fan
M-Grid: A Distributed Framework for Multidimensional Indexing and Querying of Location based Data, Shashank Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Mark Linderman
Approximation Algorithms for Charging Reward Maximization in Rechargeable Sensor Networks Via a Mobile Charger, Weifa Liang, Zichuan Xu, Wenzheng Xu, Jiugen Shi, Guoqiang Mao, and Sajal K. Das
Correcting Soft Errors Online in Fast Fourier Transform, Xin Liang; Jieyang Chen; Dingwen Tao; Sihuan Li; Panruo Wu; Hongbo Li; and For full list of authors, see publisher's website.
A Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network for Vesicle Fusion Event Classification, Haohan Li, Yunxiang Mao, Zhaozheng Yin, and Yingke Xu
A Deep Learning Framework for Automated Vesicle Fusion Detection, Haohan Li, Zhaozheng Yin, and Yingke Xu
Automated Vesicle Fusion Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks, Haohan Li, Zhaozheng Yin, and Yingke Xu
Towards Privacy-Preserving Storage and Retrieval in Multiple Clouds, Jingwei Li, Dan Lin, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Jin Li, and Chunfu Jia
MMBcloud-Tree: Authenticated Index for Verifiable Cloud Service Selection, Jingwei Li, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Dan Lin, Smitha Sundrareswaran, and Chunfu Jia
Debugging Object Tracking by a Recommender System with Correction Propagation, Mingzhong Li and Zhaozheng Yin
MoZo: A Moving Zone based Routing Protocol using Pure V2V Communication, Dan Lin, Jian Kang, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Jingjie Wu, Sashi Gurung, and Ozan Tonguz
Real-Time Detection of Illegal File Transfers in the Cloud, Dan Lin, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, and A. R. Hurson
Modeling Buying Motives for Personalized Product Bundle Recommendation, Guannan Liu, Yanjie Fu, Guoqing Chen, Hui Xiong, and Can Chen
Effective and Real-Time In-App Activity Analysis in Encrypted Internet Traffic Streams, Junming Liu, Yanjie Fu, Jingci Ming, Yong Ren, Leilei Sun, and Hui Xiong
Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud: Architecture, Virtualization, Communication, and Testbed, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, M. R. Shahriar, S. M. Sunny, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Liwen Hu
Intelligent Bus Routing with Heterogeneous Human Mobility Patterns, Yanchi Liu, Chuanren Liu, Nicholas Jing Yuan, Lian Duan, Yanjie Fu, Hui Xiong, Songhua Xu, and Junjie Wu
Breaking Implicit Trust in Point-of-Care Medical Technology: A Cyber-Physical Attestation Approach, Fredrick Love and Bruce M. McMillin
Sustainable Incentives for Mobile Crowdsensing: Auctions, Lotteries, and Trust and Reputation Systems, Tony Tie Luo, Salil S. Kanhere, Jianwe Huang, Sajal K. Das, and Fan Wu
Reshaping Mobile Crowd Sensing using Cross Validation to Improve Data Credibility, Tony Tie Luo and Leonit Zeynalvand
Social User Profiling: A Social-Aware Topic Modeling Perspective, Chao Ma, Chen Zhu, Yanjie Fu, Hengshu Zhu, Guiquan Liu, and Enhong Chen
Two-Stream Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory for Mitosis Event Detection and Stage Localization in Phase-Contrast Microscopy Images, Yunxiang Mao and Zhaozheng Yin
A Novel Approach for Efficient Usage of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Ningrinla Marchang, Raja Datta, and Sajal K. Das
The Problem of Interceptor Top Level Domains Revisited, George Markowsky
Secure Fog Computing for Smart Living, Bruce M. McMillin
Cyber-Physical Security and Privacy in the Electric Power Grid, 1st Edition, Bruce M. McMillin and Thomas P. Roth
Fog Computing for Smart Living, Bruce M. McMillin and Tao Zhang
Energy Harvesting in Electromagnetic Nanonetworks, Shahram Mohrehkesh, Michele C. Weigle, and Sajal K. Das
Energy Harvesting in Nanonetworks, Shahram Mohrehkesh, Michele C. Weigle, and Sajal K. Das
A Multi-Stage Approach to Personalized Course Selection and Scheduling, Tyler Morrow, A. R. Hurson, and Sahra Sedigh
Strategic Communication between Prospect Theoretic Agents over a Gaussian Test Channel, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla, Emrah Akyol, Cedric Langbort, and Tamer Basar
Optimal Spectrum Auction Design with 2-D Truthful Revelations under Uncertain Spectrum Availability, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla, Swastik Brahma, and Pramod K. Varshney
Towards the Design of Prospect-Theory Based Human Decision Rules for Hypothesis Testing, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla, Swastik Brahma, and Pramod K. Varshney
On Strategic Multi-Antenna Jamming in Centralized Detection Networks, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla, Vinod Sharma, and Pramod K. Varshney
Real-Time Communication for Manufacturing Cyber-Physical Systems, Ngoc-Tu Nguyen, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Xiaoqing Frank Liu
Economic Incentive Schemes for Improving Availability of Rare Data in Mobile-P2P Networks, Nilesh Padhariya, Anirban Mondal, Sajal K. Das, and Masaru Kitsuregawa
Generating Crisis Maps for Large-Scale Disasters: Issues and Challenges, Partha Sarathi Paul, Krishnandu Hazra, Sujay Saha, Subrata Nandi, Sandip Chakraborty, and Sajal K. Das
Hadoop-based Replica Exchange Over Heterogeneous Distributed Cyberinfrastructures, Richard Platania, Shayan Shams, Chui Hui Chiu, Nayong Kim, Joohyun Kim, and Seung Jong Park
Automated Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Learning And Region Of Interest Detection (BC-DROID), Richard Platania, Jian Zhang, Shayan Shams, Kisung Lee, Seungwon Yang, and Seung Jong Park
Quality of Information in Mobile Crowdsensing: Survey and Research Challenges, Francesco Restuccia, Nirnay Ghosh, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Sajal K. Das, and Tommaso Melodia
Performance Evaluation the 6top Protocol and Analysis of its Interplay with Routing, F. Righetti, Carlo Vallati, Giuseppe Anastasi, and Sajal K. Das
Physical Attestation in the Smart Grid for Distributed State Verification, Thomas Roth and Bruce M. McMillin
Role of Motifs in Topological Robustness of Gene Regulatory Networks, Satyaki Roy, Mayank Raj, Preetam Ghosh, and Sajal K. Das
An SVD-Entropy and Bilinearity based Product Ranking Algorithm using Heterogeneous Data, Chaman Sabharwal and Bushra Anjum
An Intuitive Algorithm for Rotation about an Arbitrary Axis, Chaman Sabharwal and Rajendra Prasath
On the Criticality of Probabilistic Worst-Case Execution Time Models, Luca Santinelli and Zhishan Guo
Improving Productivity by Implementing a Tape Workstation Environment, Daniel F. Schulte and George Winston Zobrist
Internet of Things: Current Trends and Emerging Prospects, Amartya Sen and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Risk Assessment in a Sensor Cloud Framework using Attack Graphs, Amartya Sen and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Designing Sustainable Smart Connected Communities using Dynamic Spectrum Access Via Band Selection, Vijay K. Shah, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
CTR: Cluster based Topological Routing for Disaster Response Networks, Vijay K. Shah, Satyaki Roy, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
Evaluation Of Deep Learning Frameworks Over Different HPC Architectures, Shayan Shams, Richard Platania, Kisung Lee, and Seung Jong Park
Social-Based Routing Scheme for Fixed-Line VANET, Junling Shi, Xingwei Wang, Min Huang, Keqin Li, and Sajal K. Das
Inferring Network Topologies in MANETs: Application to Service Redeployment, S. Silvestri, B. Holbert, P. Novotny, T. La Porta, A. Wolf, and A. Swami
MobiBar: An Autonomous Deployment Algorithm for Barrier Coverage with Mobile Sensors, Simone Silvestri and Ken Goss
A Location-Privacy Approach for Continuous Queries, Douglas Steiert, Dan Lin, Quincy Conduff, and Wei Jiang
Survey of Security Advances in Smart Grid: A Data Driven Approach, Song Tan, Debraj De, Wen-Zhan Song, Junjie Yang, and Sajal K. Das
Hyper-Heuristics Tutorial, Daniel R. Tauritz and John Woodward
Leveraging Multi-Modal Smartphone Sensors for Ranging and Estimating the Intensity of Explosion Events, Srinivas Chakravarthi Thandu, Pratool Bharti, Sriram Chellappan, and Zhaozheng Yin
Multiple Security Domain Nondeducibility Air Traffic Surveillance Systems, Anusha Thudimilla and Bruce M. McMillin
JAMMY: A Distributed and Dynamic Solution to Selective Jamming Attack in TDMA WSNs, Marco Tiloca, Domenico De Guglielmo, Gianluca Dini, Giuseppe Anastasi, and Sajal K. Das
A Novel Infrastructure for Synergistic Dataflow Research, Development, Education, and Deployment: The Maxeler AppGallery Project, Nemanja Trifunovic, Boris Perovic, Petar Trifunovic, Zoran Babovic, and A. R. Hurson
Response Time in Mixed-Critical Pervasive Systems, Sudharsan Vaidhun, Samsil Arefin Arefin, Zhishan Guo, Haoyi Xiong, and Sajal K. Das
Human Mobility Synchronization and Trip Purpose Detection with Mixture of Hawkes Processes, Pengfei Wang, Yanjie Fu, Guannan Liu, Wenqing Hu, and Charu Aggarwal