Submissions from 2018
Distributed Graph Routing for WirelessHART Networks, Venkata P. Modekurthy, Abusayeed Saifullah, and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Mobile Computing, IoT and Big Data for Urban Informatics: Challenges and Opportunities, Anirban Mondal, Praveen Rao, and Sanjay Kumar Madria
A Novel Feature Set for Video Emotion Recognition, Shasha Mo, Jianwei Niu, Yiming Su, and Sajal K. Das
On Estimating Multi-Attribute Choice Preferences using Private Signals and Matrix Factorization, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla and Cedric Langbort
Effects of Subjective Biases on Strategic Information Transmission, V. Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla, Cedric Langbort, and Tamer Basar
Content Placement for Video-On-Demand Services over Cellular Networks, Zohar Naor, Sajal K. Das, and Mayank Raj
RTEthernet: Real-Time Communication for Manufacturing Cyberphysical Systems, Ngoc-Tu Nguyen, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Xiaoqing Frank Liu
Cyber-Physical Security of an Electric Microgrid, Prashanth Palaniswamy and Bruce M. McMillin
An Approach for Formal Analysis of the Security of a Water Treatment Testbed, Sai Sidharth Patlolla, Bruce M. McMillin, Sridhar Adepu, and Aditya Mathur
Automated Design of Network Security Metrics, Aaron Scott Pope, Daniel R. Tauritz, Robert Morning, and Alexander D. Kent
Resource Allocation to Maximize Fairness and Minimize Interference for Maximum Spectrum Reuse in 5G Cellular Networks, Ajay Pratap, Rajiv Misra, and Sajal K. Das
Distributed Randomized k-Clustering based PCID Assignment for Ultra-Dense Femtocellular Networks, Ajay Pratap, Rishabh Singhal, Rajiv Misra, and Sajal K. Das
A Cache-Aware Social-Based QoS Routing Scheme in Information Centric Networks, Dapeng Qu, Xingwei Wang, Min Huang, Keqin Li, Sajal K. Das, and Sijin Wu
Vehicular Social Networks: A Survey, Azizur Rahim, Xiangjie Kong, Feng Xia, Zhaolong Ning, Noor Ullah, Jinzhong Wang, and Sajal K. Das
A Novel User Revocation Scheme for Key Policy Attribute based Encryption in Cloud Environments, Yifan Ren, Jie Li, Yusheng Ji, Sajal K. Das, and Zhetao Li
The Automated Design of Probabilistic Selection Methods for Evolutionary Algorithms, Samuel N. Richter and Daniel R. Tauritz
Analysis and Improvement of the On-The-Fly Bandwidth Reservation Algorithm for 6TiSCH, Francesca Righetti, Carlo Vallati, Giuseppe Anastasi, and Sajal K. Das
Physical Attestation in the Smart Grid for Distributed State Verification, Thomas Roth and Bruce M. McMillin
A Modeling Framework for Assessing Cyber Disruptions and Attacks to the National Airspace System, Sandip Roy, Adam Hahn, Mengran Xue, Ali Tamini, Amirkhosro Vosughi, Sajal K. Das, and Sean Warnick
Design of Robust and Efficient Topology using Enhanced Gene Regulatory Networks, Satyaki Roy, Vijay K. Shah, and Sajal K. Das
Design of Efficient Lightweight Strategies to Combat DoS Attack in Delay Tolerant Network Routing, Sujoy Saha, Subrata Nandi, Rohit Verma, Satada Sengupta, Kartikeya Singh, Vivek Sinha, and Sajal K. Das
A Sensitivity Analysis for Mixed Criticality: Trading Criticality with Computational Resource, Luca Santinelli and Zhishan Guo
Galaxy: A Network Emulation Framework for Cybersecurity, Kevin Schoonover, Eric Michalak, Sean Harris, Adam Gausmann, Hannah Reinbolt, Daniel R. Tauritz, Chris Rawlings, and Aaron Scott Pope
Data Analysis of Cloud Security Alliance's Security, Trust & Assurance Registry, Amartya Sen and Sanjay Kumar Madria
MTComm Based Virtualization and Integration of Physical Machine Operations with Digital-Twins in Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Cloud, Md Rakib Shahriar, S M Nahian Al Sunny, Xiaoqing Frank Liu, Ming-Chuan Leu, Liwen Hu, and Ngoc-Tu Nguyen
Designing Green Communication Systems for Smart and Connected Communities Via Dynamic Spectrum Access, Vijay K. Shah, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
Towards Distributed Cyberinfrastructure For Smart Cities Using Big Data And Deep Learning Technologies, Shayan Shams, Sayan Goswami, Kisung Lee, Seungwon Yang, and Seung Jong Park
A Distributed Semi-Supervised Platform For DNase-Seq Data Analytics Using Deep Generative Convolutional Networks, Shayan Shams, Richard Platania, Joohyun Kim, Jian Zhang, Kisung Lee, Seungwon Yang, and Seung Jong Park
Deep Generative Breast Cancer Screening And Diagnosis, Shayan Shams, Richard Platania, Jian Zhang, Joohyun Kim, and Seung Jong Park
Algorithms CS2500, Simone Silvestri, Ken Goss, Zhishan Guo, and Ashikahmed Bhuiyan
5G for Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications, David Soldani, Y. Jay Guo, Bernard Barani, Preben Mogensen, I. Chih-Lin, and Sajal K. Das
On the Accuracy of Localizing Terrestrial Objects using Drones, Francesco Betti Sorbelli, Sajal K. Das, Cristina M. Pinotti, and Simone Silvestri
Precise Localization in Sparse Sensor Networks using a Drone with Directional Antennas, Francesco Betti Sorbelli, Sajal K. Das, Cristina M. Pinotti, and Simone Silvestri
From Tag to Protect: A Tag-Driven Policy Recommender System for Image Sharing, Anna Cinzia Squicciarini, Andrea Novelli, Dan Lin, Cornelia Caragea, and Haoti Zhong
Fixed-PSNR Lossy Compression for Scientific Data, Dingwen Tao, Sheng Di, Xin Liang, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello
Improving Performance of Iterative Methods by Lossy Checkponting, Dingwen Tao, Sheng Di, Xin Liang, Zizhong Chen, and Franck Cappello
Worker Activity Recognition in Smart Manufacturing Using IMU and sEMG Signals with Convolutional Neural Networks, Wenjin Tao, Ze-Hao Lai, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Zhaozheng Yin
American Sign Language Alphabet Recognition using Leap Motion Controller, Wenjin Tao, Z.-H. Lai, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Zhaozheng Yin
American Sign Language Alphabet Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks with Multiview Augmentation and Inference Fusion, Wenjin Tao, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Zhaozheng Yin
Hyper-Heuristics Tutorial, Daniel R. Tauritz and John Woodward
Dish: DIstributed SHuffling against Selective Jamming Attack in IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH Networks, Marco Tiloca, Domenico De Guglielmo, Gianluca Dini, Giuseppe Anastasi, and Sajal K. Das
Sum-Networks from Incidence Structures: Construction and Capacity Analysis, Ardhendu S. Tripathy and Aditya Ramamoorthy
Cyber-Physical Transactions: A Method for Securing VANETs with Blockchains, Matthew Wagner and Bruce M. McMillin
Multi-Task Allocation in Mobile Crowd Sensing with Individual Task Quality Assurance, Jiangtao Wang, Yasha Wang, Daqing Zhang, Feng Wang, Haoyi Xiong, Chao Chen, Qin Lv, and Zhaopeng Qiu
Multi-Objective Optimization based Allocation of Heterogeneous Spatial Crowdsourcing Tasks, Liang Wang, Zhiwen Yu, Qi Han, Bin Guo, and Haoyi Xiong
Learning Urban Community Structures: A Collective Embedding Perspective with Periodic Spatial-Temporal Mobility Graphs, Pengyang Wang, Yanjie Fu, Jiawei Zhang, Xiaolin Li, and Dan Lin
You Are How You Drive: Peer and Temporal-Aware Representation Learning for Driving Behavior Analysis, Pengyang Wang, Pengfei Wang, Yanjie Fu, Yu Zheng, Jiawei Zhang, and Charu Aggarwal
Ensemble-Spotting: Prioritizing Vibrant Communities Via POI Embedding with Multi-View Spatial Graphs, Pengyang Wang, Jiawei Zhang, Guannan Liu, Yanjie Fu, and Charu Aggarwal
A Novel Distributed Denial-Of-Service Attack Detection Scheme for Software Defined Networking Environments, Di Wu, Jie Li, Sajal K. Das, Jinsong Wu, Yusheng Ji, and Zhetao Li
De-Biasing Covariance-Regularized Discriminant Analysis, Haoyi Xiong, Wei Cheng, Yanjie Fu, Wenqing Hu, Jiang Bian, and Zhishan Guo
Dr. Right!: Embedding-Based Adaptively-Weighted Mixture Multi-Classification Model for Finding Right Doctors with Healthcare Experience Data, Xin Xu, Yanjie Fu, Haoyi Xiong, Bo Jin, Xiaolin Li, Shuli Hu, and Minghao Yin
Facial Expression Recognition By De-expression Residue Learning, Huiyuan Yang, Umur Ciftci, and Lijun Yin
Identity-adaptive Facial Expression Recognition Through Expression Regeneration Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks, Huiyuan Yang, Zheng Zhang, and Lijun Yin
On Designing Distributed Auction Mechanisms for Wireless Spectrum Allocation, Shuo Yang, Dan Peng, Tong Meng, Fan Wu, Guihai Chen, Shaojie Tang, Zhenhua Li, and Tony Tie Luo
Early Detection of Disease using Electronic Health Records and Fisher's Wishart Discriminant Analysis, Sijia Yang, Jian Bian, Zeyi Sun, Licheng Wang, Haojin Zhu, Haoyi Xiong, and Yu Li
Containment Control of Heterogeneous Systems with Non-Autonomous Leaders: A Distributed Optimal Model Reference Approach, Yongliang Yang, Shusen Cheng, Yixin Yin, and Donald C. Wunsch
Off-Policy Integral Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Global Constrained Output Regulation of Continuous-Time Linear Systems, Yongliang Yang, Xianzhong Chen, Yixin Yin, and Donald C. Wunsch
Leader-Follower Output Synchronization of Linear Heterogeneous Systems With Active Leader using Reinforcement Learning, Yongliang Yang, Hamidreza Modares, Donald C. Wunsch, and Yixin Yin
Optimal Containment Control of Unknown Heterogeneous Systems with Active Leaders, Yongliang Yang, Hamidreza Modares, Donald C. Wunsch, and Yixin Yin
Representing Urban Functions through Zone Embedding with Human Mobility Patterns, Zijun Yao, Yanjie Fu, Bin Liu, Wangsu Hu, and Hui Xiong
A Comprehensive Survey of Network Function Virtualization, Bo Yi, Xingwei Wang, Keqin Li, Sajal K. Das, and Min Huang
Microscopy Image Formation, Restoration and Segmentation, Zhaozheng Yin and Hang Su
MASA: Multi-Agent Subjectivity Alignment for Trustworthy Internet of Things, Leonit Zeynalvand, Jie Zhang, Tony Tie Luo, and Shuo Chen
Software Defined Networking Meets Information Centric Networking: A Survey, Qing-yi Zhang, Xing-wei Wang, Min Huang, Ke-qin Li, and Sajal K. Das
A Network Tomography Approach for Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities, Ruoxi Zhang, Sara Newman, Marco Ortolani, and Simone Silvestri
Work-In-Progress: Rws - a Roulette Wheel Scheduler for Preventing Execution Pattern Leakage, Ying Zhang, Lingxiang Wang, Wei Jiang, and Zhishan Guo
An Assessment of Users' Cyber Security Risk Tolerance in Reward-Based Exchange, Xinhui Zhan, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, and Maggie Xiaoyan Cheng
Lung Segmentation in CT Images using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Multi-Instance and Conditional Adversary Loss, Tianyi Zhao, Dashan Gao, Jiao Wang, and Zhaozheng Yin
Pyramid-Based Fully Convolutional Networks for Cell Segmentation, Tianyi Zhao and Zhaozheng Yin
Multitask Allocation to Heterogeneous Participants in Mobile Crowd Sensing, Weiping Zhu, Wenzhong Guo, Zhiyong Yu, and Haoyi Xiong
Submissions from 2017
Interactive Visualization of Robustness Enhancement in Scale-free Networks with Limited Edge Addition (RENEA), Armita Abedijaberi, Nathan W. Eloe, and Jennifer Leopold
New Results on Routing via Matchings on Graphs, Avah Banerjee and Dana Richards
Autonomous Mobile Sensor Placement in Complex Environments, Novella Bartolini, Tiziana Calamoneri, Stefano Ciavarella, Thomas La Porta, and Simone Silvestri
On Critical Service Recovery after Massive Network Failures, Novella Bartolini, Stefano Ciavarella, Thomas F. La Porta, and Simone Silvestri
QnQ: A Reputation Model to Secure Mobile Crowdsourcing Applications from Incentive Losses, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Nirnay Ghosh, Vijay K. Shah, and Sajal K. Das
W2Q: A Dual Weighted QoI Scoring Mechanism in Social Sensing using Community Confidence, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Nirnay Ghosh, Vijay K. Shah, and Sajal K. Das
Statistical Security Incident Forensics against Data Falsification in Smart Grid Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Shameek Bhattacharjee, Aditya Thakur, Simone Silvestri, and Sajal K. Das
Early Detection of Diseases using Electronic Health Records Data and Covariance-regularized Linear Discriminant Analysis, Jiang Bian, Laura E. Barnes, Guanling Chen, and Haoyi Xiong
Multi-Party Sparse Discriminant Learning, Jiang Bian, Haoyi Xiong, Wei Cheng, Wenqing Hu, Zhishan Guo, and Yanjie Fu
Real-Time Detection of Illegal File Transfers in the Cloud, Adam Bowers, Dan Lin, Aanna Squicciarini, and A. R. Hurson
Enabling Adaptive Routing Service Customization Via the Integration of SDN and NFV, Chao Bu, Xingwei Wang, Hui Cheng, Min Huang, Keqin Li, and Sajal K. Das
A WSN Testbed for Z-Order Encoding based Multi-Modal Data Compression, Xiaofei Cao, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Takahiro Hara
Efficient Z-Order Encoding based Multi-Model Data Compression in WSNs, Xiaofei Cao, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Takahiro Hara
Gaslight: A Comprehensive Fuzzing Architecture For Memory Forensics Frameworks, Andrew Case, Arghya Kusum Das, Seung Jong Park, J. (Ram) Ramanujam, and Golden G. Richard
Interview Motion Compensated Joint Decoding for Compressively Sampled Multiview Video Streams, Nan Cen, Zhangyu Guan, and Tommaso Melodia
QoS Guaranteeing Robust Scheduling in Attack Resilient Cloud Integrated Cyber Physical System, Brijesh Chejerla and Sanjay Kumar Madria
Compressive Sensing based Data Quality Improvement for Crowd-Sensing Applications, Long Cheng, Jianwei Niu, Linghe Kong, Chengwen Luo, Yu Gu, Wenbo He, and Sajal K. Das
Network Connectivity Assessment and Improvement through Relay Node Deployment, Maggie X. Cheng, Yi Ling, and Brian M. Sadler
TensorView: Visualizing the Training of Convolutional Neural Network using Paraview, Xinyu Chen, Qiang Guan, Xin Liang, Li Ta Lo, Simon Su, Trilce Estrada, and James Ahrens
TensorViz: Visualizing the Training of Convolutional Neural Network using Paraview, Xinyu Chen, Qiang Guan, Xin Liang, Li-Ta Lo, Simon Su, Trilce Estrada, and James Ahrens
TensorViz: Visualizing the Training of Convolutional Neural Network using Paraview (poster), Xinyu Chen, Qiang Guan, Xin Liang, Li-Ta Lo, Simon Su, Trilce Estrada, and James Ahrens
Minimal Coflow Routing And Scheduling In OpenFlow-Based Cloud Storage Area Networks, Chui Hui Chiu, Dipak Kumar Singh, Qingyang Wang, Kisung Lee, and Seung Jong Park
Coflourish: An SDN-Assisted Coflow Scheduling Framework For Clouds, Chui Hui Chiu, Dipak Kumar Singh, Qingyang Wang, and Seung Jong Park
Using Mobile Sensing to Test Clinical Models of Depression, Social Anxiety, State Affect, and Social Isolation among College Students, Philip I. Chow, Karl Fua, Yu Huang, Wesley Bonelli, Haoyi Xiong, Laura E. Barnes, and Bethany A. Teachman
The Internet of People (IoP): A New Wave in Pervasive Mobile Computings, Marco Conti, Andrea Passarella, and Sajal K. Das
Augmenting Amdahl's Second Law: A Theoretical Model To Build Cost-Effective Balanced HPC Infrastructure For Data-Driven Science, Arghya Kusum Das, Jaeki Hong, Sayan Goswami, Richard Platania, Kisung Lee, Wooseok Chang, Seung Jong Park, and Ling Liu
Large-scale Parallel Genome Assembler Over Cloud Computing Environment, Arghya Kusum Das, Praveen Kumar Koppa, Sayan Goswami, Richard Platania, and Seung Jong Park
ParSECH: Parallel Sequencing Error Correction With Hadoop For Large-scale Genome Sequences, Arghya Kusum Das, Shayan Shams, Sayan Goswami, Richard Platania, Kisung Lee, and Seung Jong Park
Popularity-Based Caching for IPTV Services over P2P Networks, Sajal K. Das, Zohar Naor, and Mayank Raj
Securing Big Data and IoT Networks in Smart Cyber-Physical Environments, Sajal K. Das and Hayato Yamana