Submissions from 2009
Thermal Shock Resistance and Fracture Behavior of ZrB₂-based Fibrous Monolith Ceramics, James W. Zimmermann, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Green Combustion of Waste Printed Wiring Boards, Xiangjun Zuo and Lifeng Zhang
Submissions from 2008
Microstructure of Dense Thin Sheets of Γ-TiAl Fabricated by Hot Isostatic Pressing of Tape-cast Monotapes, Alicia G. Adams, M. N. Rahaman, and Rollie E. Dutton
Preliminary Study of Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer Through a Friction Stir Channel, Nagarajan Balasubramanian, K. Krishnamurthy, and Rajiv S. Mishra
Fabrication and Testing of Silicon Nitride Bearings in Total Hip Arthroplasty: Winner of the 2007 “HAP” PAUL Award, B. Sonny Bal, Ashok Khandkar, R. Lakshminarayanan, Ian Clarke, Aaron A. Hoffman, and M. N. Rahaman
Testing of Silicon Nitride Ceramic Bearings for Total Hip Arthroplasty, B. Sonny Bal, Ashok Khandkar, R. Lakshminarayanan, Ian Clarke, Aaron A. Hoffman, and M. N. Rahaman
Improving Steel Cleanliness through Slag Refining, Sarina Bao, Xinhua Wang, Lifeng Zhang, Shufeng Yang, and Kent D. Peaslee
Effect of Mechanical Surface Treatments on Ti-6Al-4V Direct Metal Deposition Parts, Yaxin Bao, Joseph William Newkirk, Jianzhong Ruan, Todd E. Sparks, and Frank W. Liou
Glasses and Glass-ceramics in the SrO-TiO₂-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-B₂O₃ System and the Effect of P₂O₅ Additions, Murat Bengisu, Richard K. Brow, and Andrew K. Wittenauer
Development and Characterization of a Synthetic Sirna Delivery System for Cancer Therapies, Danielle S. W. Benoit, Anthony J. Convertine, C. L. Duvall, Allan S. Hoffman, and Patrick S. Stayton
Topical Issue on Perovskites, Amar Bhalla, Fatih Dogan, Quanxi Jia, and Winnie Wong-Ng
Growth and Differentiation of Osteoblastic Cells on 13-93 Bioactive Glass Fibers and Scaffolds, Roger F. Brown, D. E. Day, Thomas E. Day, Steven B. Jung, M. N. Rahaman, and Qiang Fu
Effect of Borate Glass Composition on Its Conversion to Hydroxyapatite and on the Proliferation of MC3T3-E1 Cells, Roger F. Brown, M. N. Rahaman, Agatha B. Dwilewicz, Wen-Hai Huang, D. E. Day, Yadong Li, and B. Sonny Bal
Glass and Glass-Ceramic Sealant Compositions, Richard K. Brow, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, and Glen Benson
Processing and Thermal Properties of an Mo₅Si₃C-SiC Ceramic, Andrew A. Buchheit, Douglas M. Deason, Hsin Wang, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Mechanical and Thermal Properties of AlN-BN-SiC Ceramics, Andrew A. Buchheit, Greg Hilmas, Douglas M. Deason, Hsin Wang, and William Fahrenholtz
Thermal Properties of a Reaction Hot Pressed Mo≤₅Si₃C≤₁ Ceramic, Andrew A. Buchheit, Greg Hilmas, H. Wang, William Fahrenholtz, and Douglas M. Deason
Manufacturing and Performance Evaluation of Glass-Ribbon Reinforced Transparent Composites, K. Chandrashekhara, Thomas P. Schuman, Saikrishna Sundararaman, D. E. Day, Mariano Velez, and Nam Phan
Abnormal Grain Growth in Friction Stir Processed Alloys, Indrajit Charit and Rajiv S. Mishra
Synthesis and Characteristics of Monticellite Bioactive Ceramic, Xianchun Chen, Jun Ou, Yunqing Kang, Zhongbing Huang, Hongyang Zhu, Guangfu Yin, and Haiming Wen
A Conceptual Model for the Process Variables Related to Heat Generation in Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum, Kevin J. Colligan and Rajiv S. Mishra
Preparation and Properties of Porous Microspheres Made from Borate Glass, Samuel D. Conzone and D. E. Day
Fabrication and Properties of Quasi-Isotropic Silicon Nitride-boron Nitride Fibrous Monoliths, Gene A. Danko, Greg Hilmas, John W. Halloran, and Bruce H. King
Piezoelectric Fibers Produced by the Fibrous Monolith Technique, Gene A. Danko, Dragan Popovich, and Fatih Dogan
Insertion of Fibrous Monolithic Ceramic Composites, Gene A. Danko, Kevin Stuffle, and Greg Hilmas
Development of a Reversible Bending Fatigue Test Bed to Evaluate Bulk Properties using Sub-size Specimens, P. S. De, C. M. Obermark, and R. S. Mishra
Thermal-electric Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Validation of Bipolar Electrosurgical Cautery, Robert E. Dodde, F. Scott Miller, James D. Geiger, and Albert Shih
Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Poly(decamethylene 2-oxoglutarate), Fatih Dogan, Hakan Akat, Mehmet Balcan, İsmet Kaya, and Mehmet Yürekli
Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Poly(imino Isophthaloyl Imino (2,4,8,10-tetraoksoaspiro [5,5] Undekan-3,9-dipropylene)), Fatih Dogan, Hakan Akat, and İsmet Kaya
Thermal analysis study of imidazolinium and some benzimid azolium salts by TG, Fatih Dogan, Suleyman Gulcemal, Mehmet Yurekli, and Bekir Cetinkaya
Synthesis, Characterization and Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Polyazomethineester, Fatih Dogan, Ismet Kaya, and Kasim Ocakoglu
Electron and Spin Transport in the Presence of a Complex Absorbing Potential, Fatih Dogan, Wonkee Kim, C. Blois, and Frank Marsiglio
Thermal Study of Pd(II) Complexes Containing Bis-(Diphenylthiophosphenyl) Methane, Fatih Dogan, Selmin Yanar, and Sevil Irisli
New Equations for Kinetic Analysis of Non-Isothermal Thermogravimetry, Fatih Dogan, Ahmet Yildirim, and Mehmet Yurekli
Strength and Toughness of Ceramic-metal Composites Prepared by Reactive Hot Pressing, Donald T. Ellerby, Ronald E. Loehman, and William Fahrenholtz
Clays, William Fahrenholtz
Ceramic-metal and Ceramic-intermetallic Composites by Reactive Processing, William Fahrenholtz, Donald T. Ellerby, and Ronald E. Loehman
Freeze Casting of Porous Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds -- II. Sintering, Microstructure, and Mechanical Behavior, Qiang Fu, Fatih Dogan, B. Sonny Bal, and M. N. Rahaman
Freeze-cast Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications, Qiang Fu, Fatih Dogan, M. N. Rahaman, and B. Sonny Bal
Manipulation of Porous Bioceramic Microstructures by Freezing of Suspensions Containing Binary Mixtures of Solvents, Qiang Fu and M. N. Rahaman
Mechanical and in Vitro Performance of 13-93 Bioactive Glass Scaffolds Prepared by a Polymer Foam Replication Technique, Qiang Fu, M. N. Rahaman, B. Sonny Bal, Roger F. Brown, and D. E. Day
In Vitro Study on Different Cell Response to Spherical Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles, Qiang Fu, M. N. Rahaman, Nai Zhou, Wen-Hai Huang, Deping Wang, Liying Zhang, and Haifeng Li
Structural Properties and Crystallization of Sodium Tellurite Glasses, Kresimir Furic, Masa Rajic-Linaric, C. S. Ray, A. Šantić, Andrea Moguš-Milanković, and D. E. Day
Microstructural Characterization of Diode Laser Deposited Ti-6Al-4V, Tian Fu, Zhiqiang Fan, Syamala R. Pulugurtha, Todd E. Sparks, Jianzhong Ruan, Frank W. Liou, and Joseph William Newkirk
Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Microspheres Made from a Borate Glass to Separate Protein Mixtures, Xue Han, Ming Du, Yinfa Ma, and D. E. Day
Conversion of Borate Glass to Biocompatible Phosphates in Aqueous Phosphate Solution, W. Haung, M. N. Rahaman, and D. E. Day
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics for Applications in Extreme Environments, Greg Hilmas and William Fahrenholtz
Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics for Applications in Extreme Environments, Greg Hilmas and William Fahrenholtz
Structure of Potassium Germanophosphate Glasses by X-ray and Neutron Diffraction: 1. Short-range Order, Uwe Hoppe, Richard K. Brow, Andreas Schops, N. P. Wyckoff, and A. C. Hannon
Structural Model of K₂O-GeO₂-P₂O₅ Glasses Based on Diffraction Results, Uwe Hoppe, G. Walter, Richard K. Brow, and N. P. Wyckoff
Conversion of Bioactive Silicate (45S5), Borate, and Borosilicate Glasses to Hydroxyapatite in Dilute Phosphate Solution, Wen-Hai Huang, M. N. Rahaman, and D. E. Day
Conversion of Tetranary Borate Glasses to Phosphate Compounds in Aqueous Phosphate Solution, Wen-Hai Huang, M. N. Rahaman, and D. E. Day
Preparation of Inorganic Compounds At Near Room Temperature by the Direct Conversion of Borate Glass in Solutions of the Corresponding Anions, Wen-Hai Huang, M. N. Rahaman, D. E. Day, and Xin Liu
Spray Deposition of Cerium Oxide-based Conversion Coatings on Al 2024-T3, Philip S. Jones, Pu Yu, William R. Pinc, Matthew O'Keefe, Thomas J. O'Keefe, and William Fahrenholtz
Nanoparticulate Composites of Melt Textured YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋ₓ Superconductors, Oratai Jongprateep and Fatih Dogan
Dry Film Process Development for Electroplating and Lift-off of Metal Layers, Phaninder R. Kanikella, Matthew O'Keefe, and Chang-Soo Kim
Fuzzy Logic Control of Microhole Electrical Discharge Machining, Chen-Chun Kao, Albert Shih, and F. Scott Miller
Microwave Measurement of Refractory Materials at High-Temperature, Sergey Kharkovsky, Jeffrey D. Smith, B. Davis, R. Limmer, and R. Zoughi
Microstructure and Mechanical Characterization of ZrC-Mo Cermets Produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing, Sean E. Landwehr, Greg Hilmas, Inna G. Talmy, Stephen G. DiPietro, and William Fahrenholtz
Processing of ZrC-Mo Cermets for High Temperature Applications, Part II: Pressureless Sintering and Mechanical Properties, Sean E. Landwehr, Greg Hilmas, Inna G. Talmy, and William Fahrenholtz
Kinetics of Aqueous Leaching and Carbonization of Steelmaking Slag, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, C. Hank Rawlins, D. G. C. Robertson, Von Richards, and Kent D. Peaslee
Investigation of a Two-Stage Aqueous Reactor Design for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration using Steelmaking Slag, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, D. G. C. Robertson, C. Hank Rawlins, Von Richards, and Kent D. Peaslee
Dynamic Processes for Recycling of Low Quality Charge Materials, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, D. G. C. Robertson, V. Rimoshevsky, L. Tribyshevsky, and B. Tribyshevsky
Freeform Fabrication of Zirconium Diboride Parts using Selective Laser Sintering, Ming-Chuan Leu, Erik B. Adamek, Tieshu Huang, Greg Hilmas, and Fatih Dogan
Bioactive Borate Glass Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering, Wen Liang, Nicholas W. Marion, Gwendolen C. Riley, Jeremy J. Mao, M. N. Rahaman, and D. E. Day
Cytotoxicity and Cell Membrane Depolarization Induced by Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles in Human Lung Epithelial Cells A549, Weisheng Lin, Isaac Stayton, Yue-wern Huang, X.-D. Zhou, and Yinfa Ma
Progress in Effect of Jominy End Quench on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cast Aluminum Alloys, Qingcai Liu, C. Lu, and Joseph William Newkirk
Early Stages of Calcium Phosphate Formation on Bioactive Borosilicate Glass in Aqueous Phosphate Solution, Yadong Li, B. Sonny Bal, Qiang Fu, M. N. Rahaman, and D. E. Day
Functionally Graded Bioactive Glass Coating on Magnesia Partially Stabilized Zirconia (Mg-PSZ) for Enhanced Biocompatibility, Yadong Li, B. Sonny Bal, Wen-Hai Huang, and M. N. Rahaman
One-Step Fabrication of a Polyaniline Nanofiber Vapor Sensor, Zhe-Fei Li, Frank D. Blum, Chang-Soo Kim, Sunil K. Pillalamarri, and Massimo F. Bertino
HP007 Modeling Permittivity and Conductivity Contrast on Electric Energy Storage Properties of Dielectric Composites, Xuhui Lu, Robert W. Schwartz, and Wayne Huebner
Dehydration and Sintering Mechanism of Indonesian Nickeliferous Laterite, X.-W. Lu, C.-G. Bai, Lifeng Zhang, G.-B. Qiu, T. Hu, and H. Xie
Aqueous-Based Extrusion of High Solids Loading Ceramic Pastes: Process Modeling and Control, Michael S. Mason, Tieshu Huang, Robert G. Landers, Greg Hilmas, and Ming-Chuan Leu
Integral Channels in Metal Components and Fabrication Thereof, Rajiv S. Mishra
Preface to the Viewpoint Set on Friction Stir Processing, Rajiv S. Mishra
Development of a Reversible Bending Fatigue Test Bed to Evaluate Bulk Properties Using Sub-size Specimens, Rajiv S. Mishra, Partha Sarathi De, and C. M. Obermark
Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Friction Stir Processed Aluminum Alloy, Rajiv S. Mishra and Siddharth R. Sharma
Effect of Temperature and Strain Rate on Tensile Behavior of Ultrafine-grained Aluminum Alloys, Rajiv S. Mishra, T. J. Watson, and X. L. Shi
Will Lead-based Anodes Ever Be Replaced in Aqueous Electrowinning?, Michael S. Moats
Energy Efficiency in Steel Casting Production, Raymond Monroe, Kent D. Peaslee, and R. Eppich
Modeling of Electric Field Distribution and its Corelation with Breakdown Strength in Diphasic Dielectrics, Sandeep K. Patil, Marina Koledintseva, Robert W. Schwartz, and Wayne Huebner
Prediction of Effective Permittivity of Diphasic Dielectrics Using an Equivalent Capacitance Model, Sandeep K. Patil, Marina Koledintseva, Robert W. Schwartz, and Wayne Huebner
Opportunities and Challenges in Steel Manufacturing: Engineering a Brighter Future, Kent D. Peaslee
Improvements in Steel Melting Efficiency -- Industrial Trials, Kent D. Peaslee, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, and Edith Martinez
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration with Steelmaking Slag: Process Feasibility and Reactor Design, Kent D. Peaslee, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, C. Hank Rawlins, and Von Richards
Continuous Steel Production and Apparatus, Kent D. Peaslee, Jörg Peter, D. G. C. Robertson, Brian G. Thomas, and Lifeng Zhang
Bioactive Borate Glass Coatings for Titanium Alloys, Laxmikanth Peddi, Richard K. Brow, and Roger F. Brown
Characterization of Dielectric Particles by Impedance Spectroscopy (Part I), Vladimir Petrovsky, Tatiana Petrovsky, Swetha Kamlapurkar, and Fatih Dogan
Dielectric Constant of Barium Titanate Powders Near Curie Temperature, Vladimir Petrovsky, Tatiana Petrovsky, Swetha Kamlapurkar, and Fatih Dogan
Physical Modeling and Electrodynamic Characterization of Dielectric Slurries by Impedance Spectroscopy (Part II), Vladimir Petrovsky, Tatiana Petrovsky, Swetha Kamlapurkar, and Fatih Dogan
Fibrous Monoliths: Room- and High-temperature Non-brittle Fractuke from Powder Processed Ceramics, Dragan Popovich, Gene A. Danko, Greg Hilmas, Kevin Stuffle, Bruce H. King, G. Allen Brady, Rodney W. Trice, and John W. Halloran
Effect of BaO on the Properties of Continuous Casting Mold Flux, H. Qingyun, Lifeng Zhang, and L. Xuewei
Conversion of Borate Glass to Biocompatible Phosphates in Aqueous Phosphate Solution, Mohamed N. Rahaman, Delbert E. Day, and Wenhai Huang
Feasibility of Processing Steelmaking Slag for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration and Metal Recovery, C. Hank Rawlins, Kent D. Peaslee, and Von Richards
Characterization and Glass Formation of JSC-1 Lunar and Martian Soil Simulants, C. S. Ray, Sabhayu Sen, and Signo Tadeu Dos Reis
Properties of Glass-ceramic Seals for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Signo Tadeu Dos Reis, Richard K. Brow, Teng Zhang, and Piotr Z. Jasinski
Evolution of Structure during the Oxidation of Zirconium Diboride-Silicon Carbide in Air Up to 1500°C, Alireza Rezaie, Greg Hilmas, and William Fahrenholtz
Morphological and Electrochemical Investigation of RuO₂-Ta₂O₅ Oxide Films Prepared by the Pechini-Adams Method, Josimar Ribeiro, Michael S. Moats, and Adalgisa R. Andrade
Age Strengthening of Gray Iron - Kinetics Study, Von Richards, Thottathil Viswanathan Anish, Semen Naumovich Lekakh, David C. Van Aken, and Wayne M. Nicola
Rapid Freeze Prototyping of Investment Cast Thin-Wall Metal Matrix Compostites I - Pattern Build and Molding Parameters, Von Richards, Edward A. Druschitz, Sriram Praneeth Isanaka, Matt Cavins, Tim Hill, and Ming-Chuan Leu