
Submissions from 1985


Effects Of Iron Implantation On The Aqueous Corrosion Of Magnesium, S. Akavipat, Edward Boyd Hale, C. E. Habermann, and P. L. Hagans


Spin Polarisation and Scattering Asymmetry for Electron Impact Excitation of the (6s6p) States of Mercury: DWBA Treatment, Klaus Bartschat, Don H. Madison, and G. Friedrich Hanne


Absorption Coefficient of Dupont Teflon Fep in the 20-130 Wave-Number Range, Robert John Bell, Ralph William Alexander, Raymond E. Paul, and Raymond E. Paul


Equations Linking Different Sets of Optical Properties for Nonmagnetic Materials, Robert John Bell, Mark A. Ordal, and Ralph William Alexander


Erratum: Normalized Line Shapes For Far-wing Continuum Spectra: The Rb-Xe Satellite Band (Physical Review A(1985) 32, 5 (3150-3152)), Ronald James Bieniek


Spin-1 Exchange-interaction Model Of Ferromagnetism, Harry A. Brown


The Spin‐Exchange Ferromagnet With Dipole And Quadrupole Interactions, Harry A. Brown


Spin-exchange Cross Sections For Hydrogen-atomalkali-metal-atom Collisions, H. R. Cole and Ronald E. Olson


A Continental Well-aged Aerosol In The Guinean Savannah At The Level Of A Trough Along The ITCZ, F. Desalmand, Josef Podzimek, and R. Serpolay


Laser-assisted Charge-transfer Collisions: K++Na, Y. P. Hsu, M. Kimura, and Ronald E. Olson


Satellite Structure In Laser-assisted Charge-transfer Cross Sections, Y. P. Hsu and Ronald E. Olson


Investigation of the Appropriateness of Sensitized Luminescence to Determine Exciton Motion Parameters in Pure Molecular Crystals, Vasudev M. Kenkre, Paul Ernest Parris, and Dankward B. Schmid


Electron Capture In Pseudo-two-electron Systems: Ar8++He, M. Kimura and Ronald E. Olson


Angular Differential Cross Sections for the Excitation of 1¹S Helium to the 2¹S and 2¹P States by 25- to 100-keV-Proton Impact, Thomas J. Kvale, Denver G. Seely, D. M. Blankenship, E. Redd, Timothy Gay, Mineo Kimura, Eduard P. Rille, Jerry Peacher, and John T. Park


Time-dependent Magnetic Structures of the Superconducting Mixed Ternary System Ho(Rh₁₋ₓIrₓ)₄B₄, Steven E. Lambert, M. Brian Maple, Oran Allan Pringle, and Herbert A. Mook


An Exact Second-Order Theory and its Application to Electron-Hydrogen Excitation, Don H. Madison, J. A. Hughes, and D. S. McGinness


Charge Transfer Of Hydrogen Ions And Atoms In Metal Vapors, T. J. Morgan, Ronald E. Olson, A. S. Schlachter, and J. W. Gallagher

Molecular-state Cross-section Calculations For H+NaH-+Na+, Ronald E. Olson and M. Kimura


Neutron-diffraction Study of the Magnetic Ordering in Ni(CH₂CO₂NH₂)₂ 2H₂O, Akifumi Onodera, Yorihiko Tsunoda, Nobuhiko Kunitomi, Oran Allan Pringle, Robert M. Nicklow, and Ralph M. Moon


Optical Properties of Fourteen Metals in the Infrared and Far Infrared: Al, Co, Cu, Au, Fe, Pb, Mo, Ni, Pd, Pt, Ag, Ti, V, and W, M. A. Ordal, Robert John Bell, Ralph William Alexander, L. L. Long, and M. R. Querry


Low Temperature Tunneling Dynamics in Condensed Media, Paul Ernest Parris and Robert J. Silbey


Electron Capture By Slow Alq+ Ions Colliding With Hydrogen, R. A. Phaneuf, M. Kimura, H. Sato, and Ronald E. Olson


Small-angle neutron scattering of (Er₀.₈Ho₀.₂)Rh₄B₄, Oran Allan Pringle, Herbert A. Mook, and M. Brian Maple


Electron Production in Proton Collisions: Total Cross Sections, M. Eugene Rudd, Yongki Kim, Don H. Madison, and Jean W. Gallagher


Faraday's Law Demonstration, Richard Sankovich


Relative Fluorescence Efficiencies For The Dissociative Excitation Of Some Hg-halides By N2(A ³Σu+), Laird D. Schearer


Spectroscopy of Quasimolecular X-Rays with H-like Decelerated Ions, Horst Schmidt-Bocking, Reinhold S. Schuch, Itzhak Tserruya, Regina Hoffmann, Brant M. Johnson, Keith W. Jones, Edson L B Justiniano, Mati Meron, Paul H. Mokler, Hartwig Ingwersen, W. Schadt, Michael Schulz, and Burkhard Fricke


Interference in K-K Transfer Investigated with Decelerated H-like S Beams, R. Scuch, Hartwig Ingwersen, Edson L B Justiniano, Horst Schmidt-Bocking, Michael Schulz, and F. Ziegler


Characterization of Wear Modes in Ion-Implanted Steel from Auger Measurements, Timothy J. Sommerer, Edward Boyd Hale, Kenneth W. Burris, and Ronald A. Kohser


Computerized Scanning Auger Microprobe, T. J. Sommerer and Edward Boyd Hale


Summary Abstract: Computerized Scanning Auger Microprobe, T. J. Sommerer and Edward Boyd Hale


Evidence For Uncorrelated Electron Capture And K-shell Excitation In S13++He Collisions, J. A. Tanis, E. M. Bernstein, M. W. Clark, W. G. Graham, Robert H. McFarland, T. J. Morgan, B. M. Johnson, K. W. Jones, and M. Meron


Resonant-transfer-and-excitation For Highly Charged Ions (16 ≤ Z ≤ 23) In Collisions With Helium, J. A. Tanis, E. M. Bernstein, C. S. Oglesby, W. G. Graham, M. Clark, Robert H. McFarland, T. J. Morgan, M. P. Stockli, K. H. Berkner, A. S. Schlachter, J. W. Stearns, B. M. Johnson, K. W. Jones, and M. Meron


Electron Excitation of Auger Transitions in Atoms, Shailendra N. Tiwary, Joseph H. Macek, and Don H. Madison

Analytical Current-Potential Relation for Coupled Activation, Liquid Diffusion and OHMIC Losses in Porous Gas Diffusion Electrodes, Gerald Wilemski


Raman Studies Of Heavily Implanted, Dye-laser-annealed GaAs, H. D. Yao, A. Compaan, and Edward Boyd Hale

Submissions from 1984


The Homogeneous Nucleation Of Nonane, G. W. Adams, John L. Schmitt, and R. A. Zalabsky


Additional Remarks To The Schrödinger Spin‐Exchange Ferromagnet, Harry A. Brown


A Three-spin Interaction Model, Harry A. Brown


Increased Optical Damage Resistance In Lithium Niobate, D. A. Bryan, Robert Gerson, and H. E. Tomaschke

Modeling Studies of Electrolyte Loss from Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Alan Gelb and Gerald Wilemski


Homogeneous Nucleation Rate for Water, Donald E. Hagen and James L. Kassner


Parameter Induced Changes in the Wear Behavior of Ion Implanted Steel under Heavy Loading, Edward Boyd Hale, Michael M. Muehlemann, Wilfred E. Baker, and Ronald A. Kohser


Usefulness of Sensitized Luminescence As a Probe for Exciton Motion, Vasudev M. Kenkre and Paul Ernest Parris


Motion and Capture of Quasiparticles in Solids in the Presence of Cooperative Trap Interactions, Vasudev M. Kenkre, Paul Ernest Parris, and S. M. Phatak


Electron-ion Recombination In Gas Mixtures Of Helium, Nitrogen, And Carbon Dioxide, Ian M. Littlewood, M. C. Cornell, and Kaare J. Nygaard


Full Second-Order Distorted-Wave Calculation without Approximations for Atomic Excitation by Electron Impact, Don H. Madison


Film Thickness and Distribution of Electrolyte in Porous Fuel Cell Components, Joshua J. Mitteldorf and Gerald Wilemski


Molecular-state Cross-section Calculations For H+CsH-+Cs+, Ronald E. Olson, M. Kimura, and H. Sato


Non-Exponential Luminescence Intensities in Exciton Trapping: Quantitative Comparison for Triplets in 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, Paul Ernest Parris and Vasudev M. Kenkre


Motion and Capture in the Presence of Cooperative Trap Interactions Ii: Exact Calculations for Perfect Absorbers in One Dimension, Paul Ernest Parris, S. M. Phatak, and Vasudev M. Kenkre


Angular Differential and Total Cross Sections for the Excitation of Atomic Hydrogen to Its n=2 Level by 25-150-kev Hydrogen Molecular Ions, Jerry Peacher, Paul J. Martin, Denver G. Seely, Judith E. Aldag, Thomas J. Kvale, E. Redd, D. M. Blankenship, V. C. Sutcliffe, and John T. Park


Microprocessor-based Pressure Controller, E. Redd and John T. Park


Elastic Differential Cross Sections for Small-Angle Scattering of 25-, 40-, and 60-keV Protons by Atomic Hydrogen, Eduard P. Rille, Jerry Peacher, E. Redd, Thomas J. Kvale, Denver G. Seely, D. M. Blankenship, Ronald E. Olson, and John T. Park


Interference Effects in K Vacancy Transfer of Hydrogenlike S Ions Colliding with Ar, Reinhold S. Schuch, Hartwig Ingwersen, Edson L B Justiniano, Horst Schmidt-Bocking, Michael Schulz, and F. Ziegler

Study of the Effect of Ion Implantation on Polymer to Metal Adhesion, G. Surendran, William Joseph James, W. Brearley, and Edward Boyd Hale


Non-linear Oscillation, Automodulation And Anelasticity, Tetsuro Suzuki and Manfred Wuttig


Threshold Effect In Mg-doped Lithium Niobate, K. L. Sweeney, L. E. Halliburton, D. A. Bryan, R. R. Rice, Robert Gerson, and H. E. Tomaschke


Resonant Electron Transfer And Excitation In Two-, Three-, And Four- Electron Caq +20 And Vq +23 Ions Colliding With Helium, J. A. Tanis, E. M. Bernstein, W. G. Graham, M. P. Stockli, M. Clark, Robert H. McFarland, T. J. Morgan, K. H. Berkner, A. S. Schlachter, and J. W. Stearns

Inclusion of Gas Phase Diffusion and Electrode Resistance Effects in Models of Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Electrodes, Gerald Wilemski

Some Implications of Porous Electrode Models for Cathode Reaction Mechanisms in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Gerald Wilemski and Alan Gelb

Modeling of Performance and Electrolyte Loss in Large, Nonisothermal Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells, Gerald Wilemski, Alan Gelb, and Thomas L. Wolf

Role of Heat Transfer in Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Performance, Gerald Wilemski and Thomas L. Wolf


Dipole Moment And Potential Energy Functions Of The X ¹Σ + And A 1Σ+ States Of NaH, W. T. Zemke, Ronald E. Olson, K. K. Verma, W. C. Stwalley, and B. Liu

Submissions from 1983


Vibrational-rotational Deexcitation Of HF In Collision With He, Ronald James Bieniek


Universal Stationary-phase Treatment Of Far-wing And Excimer Spectral Line Shapes, Ronald James Bieniek and T. J. Streeter


On The Schrödinger Spin‐exchange Ferromagnet, Harry A. Brown


Electron Drift Velocities In Gas Mixtures Of He, N2, And CO 2, Michael C. Cornell, Ian M. Littlewood, Howard L. Brooks, and Kaare J. Nygaard


Structural Studies of Low Temperature Ice Iₕ Using a Central Force Potential Model, Peter W. Deutsch, Barbara N. Hale, Richard C. Ward, and Donald A. Reago Jr.


Theoretical Studies of the Structure of a Model Bulk Ice Iₕ near 300 K Using a Central Force Potential Model, Peter W. Deutsch, Barbara N. Hale, Richard C. Ward, and Donald A. Reago Jr.


Intermolecular Interactions For Phosphatidyl Choline And Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine, Tony Flaim, Stig Friberg, and Patricia L.M. Plummer

Inversion of Differential Mobility Analyzer Data, Donald E. Hagen and Darryl J. Alofs


Linear Inversion Method to Obtain Aerosol Size Distributions from Measurements with a Differential Mobility Analyzer, Donald E. Hagen and Darryl J. Alofs


Linear Inversion Method to Obtain Aerosol Size Distributions from Measurements with a Differential Mobility Analyzer, Donald E. Hagen and Darryl J. Alofs


Charge Transfer And Ionisation Processes Involving Multiply Charged Ions In Collision With Atomic Hydrogen, D. J.W. Hardie and Ronald E. Olson

Current Questions in Nucleation Theory, James L. Kassner, Donald E. Hagen, John L. Schmitt, Sung-Ho Suck Salk, and Richard A. Zalabsky


Exciton Trapping and Sensitized Luminescence: A Generalized Theory for All Trap Concentrations, Vasudev M. Kenkre and Paul Ernest Parris


Molecular Treatment Of Charge Transfer In Li+ +Ca Collisions, M. Kimura, H. Sato, and Ronald E. Olson


A Simple Approximation To Ionic Dissociation Energies Of Electronic States Of Diatomic Molecules, G. W. King, N. T. Littlewood, and Ian M. Littlewood


Ion Scattering From State-selected Rydberg Atoms, G. A. Kohring, A. E. Wetmore, and Ronald E. Olson


Nanosecond Optical Transmission Studies Of Laser Annealing In Ion-implanted Silicon-on-sapphire, M. C. Lee, H. W. Lo, A. Aydinli, G. J. Trott, A. Compaan, and Edward Boyd Hale


Fabrication Of HgI2 Nuclear Radiation Detectors By Machine Cleaving, A. Levi, A. Burger, M. Schieber, L. Van Den Berg, W. (William) B. Yelon, and R. W. Alkire


Two- And Three-body Electron-ion Recombination In Carbon Dioxide, Ian M. Littlewood, M. C. Cornell, B. K. Clark, and Kaare J. Nygaard


Third-Order Effects of Electron-Hydrogen Scattering, Don H. Madison, M. E. Stewart, Ian E. McCarthy, and Andris T. Stelbovics


A Second-Order Distorted-Wave Model for the Excitation of the 2¹p State of Helium by Electron and Positron Impact, Don H. Madison and Kieth H. Winters


Homogeneous Nucleation Rate Measurements for Water Over a Wide Range of Temperature and Nucleation Rate, Ronald C. Miller, Robert J. Anderson, James L. Kassner, and Donald E. Hagen


Superconductivity and Magnetism in Ternary Rare-earth Compounds, Herbert A. Mook, Oran Allan Pringle, Shuzo Kawarazaki, Sunil K. Sinha, George W. Crabtree, David G. Hinks, M. Brian Maple, Zachary Fisk, David C. Johnston, Lawrence D. Woolf, and H. C. Hamaker


Angular Scattering In Ion-atom Collisions At Intermediate Energies, Ronald E. Olson


Ion-atom Differential Cross Sections At Intermediate Energies, Ronald E. Olson


Ionic–covalent Collision Interactions, Ronald E. Olson


Optical Properties of the Metals AL, CO, CU, AU, FE, PB, NI, PD, PT, AG, TI, and W in the Infrared and Far Infrared, M. A. Ordal, L. L. Long, Robert John Bell, S. E. Bell, R. R. Bell, Ralph William Alexander, and C. A. Ward


Thermal Decomposition Kinetics Of Iodine‐doped Polyacetylene In Vacuum, J. ‐E Osterholm, H. Yasuda, and L. L. Levenson


Interactions Of Simple Ion-Atom Systems, John T. Park


Reactive Scattering Cell For Atomic Hydrogen And Deuterium, John T. Park, E. Redd, T. J. Kvale, and E. Rille


A Note On The Aitken Nuclei And Ion Flow Measurements In The Lower Stratosphere, Josef Podzimek


Momentum-Transfer Scaling in Hydrogen-Isotope Collision Systems, Eduard P. Rille, Jerry Peacher, Thomas J. Kvale, E. Redd, D. M. Blankenship, and John T. Park


Isotope Effect and Momentum-Transfer Scaling in the Elastic-Scattering Differential Cross Sections for Hydrogen-Isotope Collision Systems, Eduard P. Rille, Jerry Peacher, Denver G. Seely, Thomas J. Kvale, E. Redd, D. M. Blankenship, and John T. Park


Study of Prenucleation Ion Clusters: Correlation between Ion Mobility Spectra and Size Distributions, Sung-Ho Suck Salk, Donald E. Hagen, and James L. Kassner


Electron Capture Cross Sections For TiH⁴⁺, H. Sato, M. Kimura, A. E. Wetmore, and Ronald E. Olson


Collisions Of Fast Highly Charged Ions In Gas Targets: Ionization, Recoil-Ion Production, And Charge Transfer, A. S. Schlachter, K. H. Berkner, H. F. Beyer, W. G. Graham, W. Groh, R. Mann, A. Müller, Ronald E. Olson, R. V. Pyle, J. W. Stearns, and J. A. Tanis