Physics Dissertations
Dissertations from 1975
Dissertations from 1974
Cross sections for photoionization of the 6²P-fine structure levels of cesium, John Daniel Jones
Surface electromagnetic waves with damping I. Isotropic Media II. Anisotropic Media, Gary Shannon Kovener
Double reflection dips - from grating ruled semiconductors, Le-Fu Teng
Dissertations from 1973
A study of gas-surface interactions through sticking coefficient, condensation coefficient and sublimation rate measurements, Charles E. Bryson III
A stochastic theory of the stepwise growth of ice crystal surfaces, Andreas Kasimir Goroch
Hall effect measurements of the net ionic mobility in NaCl, NaBr and NaI, Suman Kumar Hukku
Charge transfer between Oˉ ions and O₂ molecules in the ground state and singlet delta excited state, Ronald Floyd Mathis
Auger satellites of the L₂₃ auger emission bands of Al, Si, and P, John Junior Melles
Absolute differential elastic and inelastic cross sections in 25-140 keV He⁺ + He collisions, Victor Pol
Dissertations from 1972
Ionization mechanisms in cesium, Yu Bong Hahn
The eikonal distorted wave Born approximation for the excitation of hydrogen by impact with hydrogen and helium in the intermediate energy range, Richard Homer Shields
Radiative and predissociative lifetimes of the A²Σ⁺ state of OH, Robert Allen Sutherland
Time resolved measurements of droplet growth in a Wilson cloud chamber, Michael Anthony Vietti
Diffusiophoretic forces between juxtaposed atmospheric particles, Allen L. Williams
Dissertations from 1971
Surface plasmon-longitudinal optical phonon contribution to the reflectivity of n-type InSb, William Eugene Anderson
Homogeneous nucleation of water vapor in inert gas atmospheres, Arthur Henry Biermann
Theory of nucleation of water properties of some clathrate like cluster structures, Mehdi Daee
Photoionization of photoexcited cesium, Robert E. Hebner
X-ray and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of the silicon-antimony and bismuth-antimony alloys, James Ralph Teague
Absolute cross sections for excitation of neon by impact of 20-180 keV H , H₂ and He ions, George William York
Dissertations from 1970
Investigation into the monotonic magnetostriction and magnetic breakdown in cadmium, James Milo Carter
Radiative lifetime of the A¹π state and the transition moment variation of the fourth positive band system of carbon monoxide, Joseph George Chervenak
A quasi-lattice model of simple liquids, Jesse Herbert Collins
Theory of shallow donor impurity surface states, Vidal Emmanuel Godwin
Realistic impulsive P wave source in an infinite elastic medium, Joseph Hugo Hemmann
The surface effects of alkali halides in the infrared, Vincent Joseph Llamas
Structures and relationships of some Perovskite-type compounds, Christian Michel
A study of far infrared grid filters, Harold Victor Romero
Absolute excitation cross sections of He⁺ in 20-100 keV He⁺-He collisions using energy-loss spectrometry, Donald Roy Schoonover
An experimental and theoretical study of the nucleation of water vapor on ions in helium and argon, Daniel R. White
Dissertations from 1969
Vapor phase clustering model for water, Richard W. Bolander
A.C. Hall effect measurements on very high resistivity materials exhibiting electrode polarization, James Dale Boyd
Mössbauer Effect studies of ferroelectric phase transitions in the PbZrO₃ - PbTiO₃ - BiFeO₃ ternary system, James P. Canner
The statistics of finite, one dimensional lattice fluids, John Roger Glaese
Low-lying levels in some spherical and rotational nuclides by Coulomb excitation and radiative capture of thermal neutrons, Donald Allan McClure
Longitudinal optical phonon-plasmon coupling in ionic semiconductors, Thomas Joseph McMahon
Radiative lifetime of the B¹Σ⁺ and b³Σ⁺ states of carbon monoxide, John Robert Rogers
A study of the energy loss spectra induced by impact of 23-125 keV protons on helium atoms, Franklin Dean Schowengerdt
Dissertations from 1968
An experimental determination of the homogeneous nucleation rate of water vapor in argon and helium, Louis Benton Allen
The lifetime and effective quenching cross section of the 6²P₃/₂ state of thallium, Robert Charles Pickett
Cell model of a fluid with hard-core repulsive long-range attractive potential, Ralph G. Tross
Dissertations from 1967
A theoretical investigation of elastic and Voigt transient spherical waves, and plane three-element viscoelastic waves, Edward Hornsey
Magnetic properties of the BiFeO₃-PbTiO₃-PbZrO₃ ternary system, James Ivan Latham
Kilocycle range dislocation damping in dilute magnesium alloy single crystals, Robert Ray Nothdurft
A calorimetric study of the effects of surface energy in a type II superconductor, Robert Rex Rice
High frequency ferroelectric properties of the BiFeO₃-PbTiO₃-PbZrO₃ ternary system, Robert Travis Smith
Dissertations from 1966
Diffusional drop growth in a supersaturated atmosphere, John C. Carstens
Calculated cohesive energy of the ordered copper-gold alloy Cu Au I, Richard W. Hannum
An investigation of the control of hydraulic fracturing through the inclusions of prefractures, William Joseph Kabeiseman
Theory of the lunar photoelectron atmosphere, Hal Emerson McCloud Jr.
Dynamics of disordered harmonic lattices, Daniel N. Payton III
Re-evaporation nuclei and evaporation in a Wilson cloud chamber, James G. Smith
Dissertations from 1965
A study of near surface elastic-anelastic layers, Charles Allen Aldrich
A solution to Einstein's gravitational field equation for a spherically symmetrical static perfect fluid, Lionel Donnell Hewett
An investigation of current induced mass migration in solid metals, Steven Mitchell Kovel
Pair distribution for a cell-model liquid, James M. Phillips
Decay of certain mercury lines in argon, thallium, and pure mercury atmospheres, Edward E. Stepp
Dissertations from 1964
A new determination of the homogeneous nucleation rate of water in helium, Edward Francis Allard
On the Kirkwood superposition approximation, Russell V. Cochran Jr.