"Auger satellites of the L₂₃ auger emission bands of Al, Si, and P" by John Junior Melles

Doctoral Dissertations


"In this study a detailed investigation of the high energy satellites of the L23 Auger emission bands of Al, Si, and P was made. The satellites are interpreted as arising from double ionization of the L23 shell rather than from a plasmon gain process. The parent-satellite energy separations, ΔE, between like structures were determined and were found to be consistently smaller than the volume plasmon energies measured for the same samples. A comparison of Si and SiO revealed no evidence that ΔE for Si is dependent on the volume plasmon energy of the sample.

The satellite threshold excitation energies, Et, were determined and were found to compare well with results expected for double ionization of the L23 level. In the energy range Et < p- < 2KeV, the ratio of the satellite to parent Auger intensities for all three samples were in good agreement when plotted vs. the reduced energy scale, Ep/Et. The results were also found to be consistent with Gryzinski's binary-encounter model.

The previously reported plasmon like loss structure associated with the L23 ionization loss peak for Si was found not to be related to the high energy L23 Auger satellite. Also, an ionization loss peak for Si observed at a loss energy of 216 eV is tentatively identified as corresponding to double ionization of the L23 shell"--Abstract, page ii.


Levenson, L. L., 1928-1998

Committee Member(s)

Tefft, Wayne E., 1929-1973
Ownby, P. D.
Alexander, Ralph William, Jr.
Plummer, O. R.



Degree Name

Ph. D. in Physics


University of Missouri--Rolla. Materials Research Center
United States. Air Force
National Science Foundation (U.S.)


University of Missouri--Rolla

Publication Date



vii, 73 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references.


© 1973 John Junior Melles, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Subject Headings

Plasmons (Physics)IonizationAuger electron spectroscopy

Thesis Number

T 2990

Print OCLC #


Electronic OCLC #


Included in

Physics Commons
