Physics Dissertations
Dissertations from 2025
Photoionization of Spin-Polarized Rydberg Atoms Out of a Continuous Wave Optical Dipole Trap, Kevin Lee Romans
Dissertations from 2024
Critical Behavior and Dynamics of the Superfluid-Mott Glass Transition, Jack Russell Crewse
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Interstellar Lines and Comets, Chemeda Tadese Ejeta
Synthesis and characterization of quantum materials, Yunsheng Qiu
Crystal Structure Prediction of Metal Chalcogenides, Qi Zhang
The Science of Gravitational-Wave Sources and Beyond Compact Binary Coalescences, Yanyan Zheng
Dissertations from 2023
Near-IR Spectroscopic Analysis of the Primary Volatile Composition of Long and Short-Period Comets, Younas Khan
Novel Quantum Materials for Spintronic and Opto-Electronic Applications, Ali Sarikhani
Dissertations from 2022
Using coherence and interference to study the few body dynamics in simple atomic collisions systems, Sujan Bastola
Dissertations from 2021
Complete experiments on multi-photon ionizations of ultra-cold and polarized atoms, Bishnu Prasad Acharya
Reduced calibration uncertainties for the global network of gravitational-wave observatories and the impact on sky localization of burst-like sources, Dripta Bhattacharjee
Semi-empirical modeling of liquid carbon's containerless solidification, Philip C. Chrostoski
Improving the data quality in gravitation-wave detectors by mitigating transient noise artifacts, Kentaro Mogushi
Critical behavior in evolutionary and population dynamics, Stephen Walter Ordway
Computational studies of carbon nanocluster solidification, Chathuri Chandani Silva
Dissertations from 2020
Symmetry-breaking in the multi-photon ionization dynamics of oriented atoms, Aruma Handi Nishshanka Chandrajith De Silva
Fully differential study of higher-order contributions to the few-body dynamics of simple atomic systems, Madhav Dhital
A molecular dynamics study of temperature dependent wetting in alkane-water systems, Pauf Neupane
A spectroscopic and photometric survey of the W4 HII region and its young stellar population, Matt Wentzel-Long
Dissertations from 2019
A computational study of sleep and the hemispheres of the brain, Tera Ashley Glaze
Coherent effects in wave propagation through complex media, Milan Koirala
Decoding the history of the early solar system using comet volatile compositions, Nathaniel Xavier Roth
The dynamical state of a young stellar cluster, Timothy Sullivan
Dissertations from 2018
Functionalized nanoporous carbon scaffolds for hydrogen storage applications, Christopher L. Carr
Disorder at first-order classical and quantum phase transitions, Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim
Nanoporous carbon scaffolds for energy storage applications, Waruni Jayawardana
Fully differential study of dissociative capture in P + H₂ collisions, Basu Ram Lamichhane
Evolving specialization in an agent-based model without task-switching costs, Shane Robert Meyer
Dissertations from 2017
Long-range interatomic interactions: Oscillatory tails and hyperfine perturbations, Chandra Mani Adhikari
Electron impact excitation-ionization of molecules, Esam Abobakr A. Ali
Theoretical calculations for electron impact ionization of atoms and molecules, Sadek Mohamed Fituri Amami
Dirac surface states of magnetic topological insulators, Seng Huat Lee
Dissertations from 2016
Fully differential study of projectile coherence effects in ionization of molecular hydrogen and atomic helium, Thusitha Priyantha Arthanayaka
Unconventional phase transitions in random systems, Hatem Nuri Barghathi
Spectroscopic and spectro-astrometric analysis of T Tauri Stars, Logan Ryan Brown
Properties of Amorphous Transparent Conducting and Semiconducting Oxides from First Principles, Rabi Khanal
DFT investigations of hydrogen storage materials, Gang Wang
Dissertations from 2015
Accuracy of theory for calculating electron impact ionization of molecules, Hari Chaluvadi
Evolutionary dynamics of speciation and extinction, Dawn Michelle King
Approximation methods in relativistic eigenvalue perturbation theory, Jonathan Howard Noble
Analytical and numerical studies of photo-injected charge transport in molecularly-doped polymers, Amrita Roy Chowdhury
Nano-structured materials for energy storage applications, Dongxue Zhao
Dissertations from 2014
Speciation dynamics of an agent-based evolution model in phenotype space, Adam David Scott
Investigation of projectile coherence effects in fully differential studies of 75 keV proton - H₂ collisions, Sachin Sharma
Dissertations from 2013
Quantum phase transitions in impurity models and percolating lattices, Manal M. Al-Ali
Structural and magnetic properties of Ni and Cr substituted La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃, Thomas Franklin Creel Jr.
Optical spectroscopic studies of two star forming regions, Kristen Leilani Erickson
Transport in correlated and uncorrelated random media, with applications to molecularly doped polymers, Nilanka Praveena Gurusinghe
Study of artificially disordered optical fibers, Herath Mudiyanselage Sumudu Rasika Kumari Herath
Phase transitions in disordered systems, Fawaz Y. Hrahsheh
Quantum phase transitions in disordered magnets, David Nozadze
Characterization of nano-scaled metal-hydrides confined in nano-porous carbon frameworks, David Edward Peaslee
Dissertations from 2012
Handel's Maser-Solution Theory of ball lightning: the creation of stable three-dimensional cavitons by an atmospheric maser with an open resonator, Glenn Andrew Carlson
Theoretical studies of few-body problems, Uttam Chowdhury
Complex oxides as novel transparent conductors, Altynbek Murat
Synthesis and applications of imidazolium-based ionic liquids and their polymer derivatives, Woon Su Oh
Characterization of wave transport in non-conservative media with random and correlated disorder, Benjamin Henry Payne
Complex scaling behavior in animal foraging patterns, Prabhavi Kaushalya Premachandra
A Monte Carlo study of the scaling of nucleation rates in a Lennard-Jones system, Mark Allan Thomason
The characterization of volatiles associated with young stellar objects, Kari Anne Wojtkowski
Dissertations from 2011
Multiple differential study of fragmentation processes in 75 keV proton-molecular hydrogen collisions, Kisra Nayomal Egodapitiya
Quantum phase transitions in the presence of disorder and dissipation, Chetan Kotabage
Absorbing state transitions in clean and disordered lattice models, Man Young Lee
First-principles studies of complex hydrides for Li-ion battery and hydrogen storage applications, Timothy Hudson Mason
Quantum electrodynamics and fundamental constants, Benedikt J. Wundt
Dissertations from 2010
Theoretical study of electron impact-ionization of molecules, Ola Al-Hagan
Weak shear study of galaxy clusters by simulated gravitational lensing, David Coss
A study of the growth and structure of chromium and iron oxide films on Pd(001) using X-ray photoelectron diffraction and low energy electron diffraction, Tina Dhekial-Phukan
Three-body dynamics in single ionization of atomic hydrogen by 75 keV proton impact, Aaron C. LaForge
A study of synchronization of nonlinear oscillators: Application to epileptic seizures, Daisuke Takeshita
Quantum 1/f noise in infrared detectors and scanning tunneling microscopes, Amanda Marie Truong
Dissertations from 2009
Interference effects due to projective-target nucleus scattering in single ionization of molecular hydrogen by 75 keV proton impact, Jason S. Alexander
Cognitive and cellular levels of synchronization in the central nervous system, Roxana Patricia Contreras
The role of stochastic resonance and physical constraints in the evolution of foraging strategy, Nathan Daniel Dees
Triple differential measurements of single and multiple ionization of argon by electron and positron impact, Jared M. Gavin
Fully differential cross sections for four-body scattering processes, Allison L. Harris
Dissertations from 2008
Characterization and synthesis of nanoscale materials, Jinfeng Wang
Dissertations from 2007
Analysis and modeling of stochastic oscillations with applications to biology, Jorge Nicolas Brea
Quantum dot photolithography, Raghuveer Reddy Gadipalli
Electron beam characterization of carbon nanostructures, Eric Samuel Mandell
Dissertations from 2006
Analysis of laser diode bar degradation, C. Ryan Feeler
Single ionization of helium by charged particle impact, Lewis Matthew Foster
Electron-impact ionization of molecules, Junfang Gao
Structural, magnetic and electric transport properties of metal substituted La₀.₇Sr₀.₃MnO₃, Minseob Kim
Classical Hamiltonian dynamics of a particle interacting with the vibrational modes of a one-dimensional medium, Alex A. Silvius
Superfield calculation of loop contribution in extra dimensional theories, Minh Quang Truong
Dissertations from 2005
Second order distorted wave calculations for electron impact ionization processes, Zhangjin Chen
Lens design and optimization using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, Shaine Joseph
The effects of the coulomb interaction between outgoing electrons in electron impact ionization processes, Andrew Richard Prideaux
Surface structure determination of nanoscale transition metal oxide films using x-ray photoelectron diffraction and low energy electron diffraction, W. A. A. Priyantha
Quantum 1/f noise and the resulting phase noise in high-stability resonant sensors, Adam Gregory Tournier
Dissertations from 2004
Surface deposition and encapsulation of metallic clusters, Jared F. Hund
Nucleation theory using equations of state, Abdalla Obeidat
Magnetic and superconducting quantum critical behavior of itinerant electronic systems, Rastko Sknepnek
Dissertations from 2003
Probing the classical/quantal boundary using the Stark effect, Joseph Frederick Baugh
Magnetic studies of novel mixed rare earth-iron rich R₂T₁₇ intermetallics, Kishore Kamaraju
Search for post-starburst (E+A) galaxies in the cluster Abell 3266, Zhongyu Zhang