"Decay of certain mercury lines in argon, thallium, and pure mercury at" by Edward E. Stepp

Doctoral Dissertations


"Organization of thesis and Hg-A study, The time decay of the intensity of selected mercury lines was examined under three different conditions, Each section of this thesis i s divided into three parts corresponding to these three different conditions, In each section part A concerns the decay of intensity of the 2537, 4079, 4360, and 5462 A mercury lines, following the excitation of the states from which they originate by an Hg-A de discharge, Part B concerns the decay of intensity of 14 mercury lines following the excitation of the originating state of these lines by an intense r-f discharge in a pure mercury sample. Finally, in part C, a Hg-Tl collision cross section is determined by observing the decay of intensity of the 2537 A mercury line, following a r -f discharge in a Hg-Tl mixture.

Much work has been done on the afterglow of mercury band systems. The intensity behavior of mercury atomic spectral lines, however, has not been investigated in detail. In particular the data have not been extended into the microsecond time region. In this phase of the investigation the decay of intensity of four mercury lines, in a Hg-A mixture, was examined. The time region observed was from 2 to 3000 microseconds after the shut off of a de discharge. This data were taken at temperatures ranging from 8 ° to 100° C"--Introduction, page 1.


Anderson, Richard A.

Committee Member(s)

Rivers, Jack L.
Carter, Robert L.



Degree Name

Ph. D. in Physics


degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering Physics

The Appendix contained copies of publications completed during the time this experimentation was being conducted. The articles are in Scholars' Mine:


University of Missouri at Rolla

Publication Date



ix, 90 pages

Note about bibliography

Includes bibliographical references (pages 87-88).


© 1965 Edward E. Stepp, All rights reserved.

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

File Type




Thesis Number

T 1679

Print OCLC #


Included in

Physics Commons
