Submissions from 2024
"You Want Me to Teach What?!": Emerging Technologies, Required Knowledge, and Pedagogical Practice, Rachel Bryson, Ryan Cheek, Sam Clem, and Hannah Stevens
Biden's Puppet and McConnell's Protege: Manipulative Political Communication Design in the 2023 Kentucky Govenors Race, Ryan Cheek and Samuel Allen
Hoodies in the Halls of Power: A Rhetorical Materialist Critique of Professional Decorum in the United States Senate, Ryan Cheek and Samuel T. Allen
In the Eye of AI: Conspiracies of Facial Recognition Software, Kira Courtois, Rachel M. Schneider, and Carleigh J. Davis
The Influence of Sensory Modality on Aesthetic Judgments of Poetry, Jessica Frame, Kendra Mehl, Karen J. Head, and Amy M. Belfi
Bias toward the Accents of Virtual Assistants, Sarah E. Hercula, Daniel Burton Shank, Jessica L. Cundiff, and David Wright
Submissions from 2023
Making a Case for Political Technical Communication (Pxtc), Ryan Cheek
Professionalizing Campaign Text Spam: How Technical Marketing Rhetoric Influences Rapid Change to the Professional Communication of Politics, Ryan Cheek and Samuel T. Allen
Mapping The DNA Of Conspiracy Theories: Analyzing Key Nodes Across Digital Geographies, Carleigh J. Davis, Ryan Cheek, Kathryn C. Dolan, and Rachel M. Schneider
Adapting the Verbal-Guise Technique: A STEM-Focused U.S. Campus Community’s Attitudes toward Nonnative Englishes, Sarah E. Hercula and Jessica L. Cundiff
Perspectives on Usability Testing with IoT Devices in Technical Communication Courses, David Wright
Submissions from 2022
Unjust Revisions: A Social Justice Framework For Technical Editing, Sam Clem and Ryan Cheek
Channeling Experience: Reflections On Developing A Technical Communication YouTube Channel, Daniel Liddle, Victoria Braegger, Allison Durazzi, Yoonji Kim, Elena Kalodner-Martin, and Jacob Richter
Embodying Public Feminisms: Collaborative Intersectional Models for Engagement, Temptaous Mckoy, Cecilia D. Shelton, Carleigh J. Davis, and Erin A. Frost
Embodying Public Feminisms: Collaborative Intersectional Models for Engagement, Temptaous McKoy, Cecilia D. Shelton, Carleigh J. Davis, and Erin A. Frost
Discontinuance and Restricted Acceptance to Reduce Worry after Unwanted Incidents with Smart Home Technology, Daniel Burton Shank, David Wright, Sumina Nasrin, and Mariter White
Discontinuance and Restricted Acceptance to Reduce Worry after Unwanted Incidents with Smart Home Technology, Daniel Burton Shank, David Wright, Sumina Nasrin, and Mariter White
Rejecting and Restricting Smart Home Technology, David Wright and Daniel Burton Shank
Submissions from 2021
The hardcore gamer is dead: Long live gamers, Victoria L. Braegger and Ryan M. Moeller
Icelandic Folklore and the Cultural Memory of Religious Change, Eric Shane Bryan
Trans∗Vulnerability And Digital Research Ethics: A Qubit Ethical Analysis Of Transparency Activism, Avery C. Edenfield, Ryan Cheek, and Sam Clem
The Digital Role-Playing Game and Technical Communication: A History of Bethesda, BioWare, and CD Projekt Red, Daniel C. Reardon and David Wright
Outcomes of Training in Smart Home Technology Adoption: A living laboratory study, David Wright, Daniel Burton Shank, and Thomas Yarbrough
Submissions from 2020
Murder in McComb: The Tina Andrews Case, Trent Brown
Inclusive Audience Analysis and Creating Manageable Content, Carleigh J. Davis and Michelle F. Eble
Fostering Linguistic Equality: The SISE Approach to the Introductory Linguistics Course, Sarah E. Hercula
Transnational Science Publication Ethics Training using Scenarios, Kathryn M. Northcut, Alanna Krolikowski, Clair Reynolds Kueny, Kaidi Yang, and Rainer Glaser
Knowledge, Perceived Benefits, Adoption, and Use of Smart Home Products, Daniel Burton Shank, David Wright, Rohan Lulham, and Clementine Thurgood
Smart Home Technology Diffusion in a Living Laboratory, David Wright and Daniel Burton Shank
Resources from 2019
English 3302 -- The History and Structure of the English Language, Sp 2019, Eric Shane Bryan
Prospective Memory of Death in Old Norse and Icelandic Sources, Eric Shane Bryan
Feminist Rhetorical Practices in Digital Spaces, Carleigh J. Davis
Memetic Variation in the Whole30: Understanding Content Consistency in a Transmediated Nutritional Program, Carleigh J. Davis
Eating Moose: Thoreau, Regional Cuisine, and National Identity, Kathryn C. Dolan
The Birth of Cattle Country in Washington Irving, Kathryn C. Dolan
Located Accountabilities & Assumptions within STEM Institutions, Sarah E. Hercula
Back Pocket Activities Put the ‘Go’ Back in PedaGOgy, Kathryn M. Northcut and Carleigh J. Davis
Protecting and Promoting Higher Education’s Greatest Resource, Daniel C. Reardon
Introduction, Anita G. Welch, Jocelyn Bolin, and Daniel C. Reardon
Mid-Career Faculty: Trends, Barriers, and Possibilities, Anita G. Welch, Jocelyn Bolin, and Daniel C. Reardon
Smart Home Technology Adoption and Learning, David Wright
Sounding Off: Toward a Rhetoric of Sound in Technical Communication, David Wright
Submissions from 2018
Back the Way We Came! The Place of Old Norse in the History of the English Language, Eric Shane Bryan
'Armed Winter and Inverted Day': The Politics of Cold in Dryden and Purcell's King Arthur, Anne Cotterill
Digital Projects and Global Food Cultures: Food Films in a Latin American Literature Course, Kathryn C. Dolan
Indigenous Californians and Cattle: Consuming the Consumers in "The Squatter and the Don", Kathryn C. Dolan
Invitation to Intersectionalize Diversity, Michelle F. Eble, Joshua Gardner, Gina Kruschek, and Carleigh J. Davis
“To Promote That Demand”: Toward a History of the Marketing White Paper as a Genre, Edward A. Malone and David Wright
Writing Beyond the Curriculum: Latin American Themes Spur Innovative Pedagogy, Kathryn M. Northcut
Portfolio Assessment and Certification: Three Cases in Academic Program Administration, Kathryn M. Northcut, Dawn Armfield, and Kaye Adkins
Submissions from 2017
Introduction: On Studying Sex in the American South, Trent Brown
"I Wish I Had a Daddy Good as You": Fay and the Rough Sex of Larry Brown, Trent Brown
Sex and Sexuality in Modern Southern Culture, Trent Brown
The Moon Glides, Death Rides: Pejoration and Aborted Otherworldly Journeys in "The Dead Bridegroom Carries Off His Bride" (ATU 365), Eric Shane Bryan
Dialogic Collaboration in Coded Interactions: Cultivating Feminist Values and Practices in Digital Spaces, Carleigh J. Davis
Drafting and Revising Rhetorically Effective Scientific Articles, Carleigh J. Davis
Memetic Rhetorical Theory in Technical Communication: Fake News, Junk Science, and the Post-Fact Era, Carleigh J. Davis
Rhetorics of Conspiracy and Control, Carleigh J. Davis
The Anonymous Feminists: An Examination of Rhetorical Functionality in Hacktivist Practice, Carleigh J. Davis
A rhetorical approach to scientific communication pedagogy in face-to-face and digital contexts, Carleigh J. Davis and E. A. Frost
Writing in Professional Contexts, 4th edition, Carleigh J. Davis, Gina Kruschek, Matthew Cox, Erin A. Frost, and Michelle F. Eble
Cattle as Metaphor: Expansion, Commodification, and the U.S. Representative Animal in Winnemucca’s "Life Among the Piutes", Kathryn C. Dolan
Diet and Vegetarianism, Kathryn C. Dolan
Food Innovations and Their Discontents: A Historical Approach to the Literature, Kathryn C. Dolan
Out of Six Voices, One: The Art of Writing an Interdisciplinary Article on the BP Oil Spill, Kathryn C. Dolan
Prohibition, Kathleen Morgan Drowne
Disrupt This!: MOOCs and the Promises of Technology, Karen J. Head
Linguistics as Un-Learning and Re-Learning: Exploring the Boundary between K-12 and the University, Sarah E. Hercula
An Approach to Serving Faculty in the Writing Center, Caitlin L. Kelly and Karen J. Head
Suck It Up, Buttercup! Or, Why Cu*ts Leave STEM, Kathryn M. Northcut
Reimagining the Stacks: Classroom Technology and Library Collaboration for Writing in the Disciplines, Daniel C. Reardon and Jossalyn Larson
Quest for the Happy Ending to Mass Effect 3: The Challenges of Cocreation with Consumers in a Post-Certeauian Age, Daniel C. Reardon, David Wright, and Edward A. Malone
Hothouse Victorians: Art and Agency in Freshwater, Kristine Swenson
Scientific Communication: Practices, Theories, and Pedagogies, Han Yu and Kathryn M. Northcut
Submissions from 2016
Introduction to New Edition, Trent Brown
Introduction Meeting the Challenge of Teaching Visual Communication, Eva R. Brumberger and Kathryn M. Northcut
The Moon Glides, Death Rides: Pejoration and Aborted Otherworldly Journeys in "The Dead Bridegroom Carries Off His Bride" (ATU 365), Eric Shane Bryan
Hacking the Hacktivist: An Examination of Gendered Social Activism in Digital Spaces, Carleigh J. Davis
Hacktivism as Social Action: Understanding Corporeal Ramifications of Digital Movements, Carleigh J. Davis
How Language Hacks the World, Carleigh J. Davis
Reconceptualizing Digital Authorship, Carleigh J. Davis
Dinner Stories, Kathryn C. Dolan
Questioning ‘Native Country’ in Irving’s "A Tour of the Prairies", Kathryn C. Dolan
Review of the Book "Food Will Win the War: The Politics, Culture, and Science of Food on Canada's Home Front," by Ian Mosby, Kathryn C. Dolan
Review of the Book "The Vegan Studies Project: Food, Animals, and Gender in the Age of Terror," by Laura Wright, Kathryn C. Dolan
Introduction: Fugitive Environmentalisms, Andrea Knutson and Kathryn C. Dolan
Blended and Asynchronous Course Effectiveness in First-Year Composition: A Case Study, Daniel C. Reardon
The Myers-Goodboy/Dok Approach to Positive Disposition through Feedback Training in Preservice Teacher Education, Daniel C. Reardon
Searching the Disciplines: Improving Student Writing Self-Efficacy through Departmental Collaboration, Daniel C. Reardon, Jossalyn Larson, Julie Phelps, and Mia Reisweber
Submissions from 2015
K. Stephen Prince. Stories of the South: Race and the Reconstruction of Southern Identity, 1865-1915 (Review), Trent Brown
Lewis and the Divine: An Imaginary Conversation between C. S. Lewis and the Westminster Confession of Faith, Eric Shane Bryan
Women's Health and Fitness on Pinterest: An Examination of the Formation of Idealized Bodies, Carleigh J. Davis
Communicating Food through Muckraking: Ethics, Food Engineering, and Culinary Realism, Kathryn C. Dolan
Eating Moose: Thoreau in the Maine Woods, Kathryn C. Dolan
Mark Twain Players, “Whittier Speech Revisited", Kathryn C. Dolan
"The Awakening’s" New Orleans Coffee: Global Commodity and National Culture, Kathryn C. Dolan
Writing for Cultural and Culinary Liberty in "The Sketchbook of Geoffrey Crayon", Kathryn C. Dolan