
Submissions from 2001


Dynamic Re-Optimization of a Fed-Batch Fermentor using Adaptive Critic Designs, Donald C. Wunsch and M. S. Iyer


Mitigating Power Bus Noise with Embedded Capacitance in PCB Designs, Minjia Xu, Todd H. Hubing, Juan Chen, James L. Drewniak, Thomas Van Doren, and Richard E. DuBroff


Integration of a StatCom and Battery Energy Storage, Zhiping Yang, Shen Chen, Lin Zhang, Stan Atcitty, and Mariesa Crow


Integration of a StatCom and Battery Energy Storage, Zhiping Yang, Shen Chen, Lin Zhang, Stan Atcitty, and Mariesa Crow

Integration of a StatCom and Battery Energy Storage, Z. Yang, C. Shen, L. Zhang, Mariesa L. Crow, and S. Atcitty


Incorporating Two-Port Networks with S-Parameters into FDTD, Xiaoning Ye and James L. Drewniak


EMI Mitigation with Multilayer Power-Bus Stacks and Via Stitching of Reference Planes, Xiaoning Ye, David M. Hockanson, Min Li, Yong Ren, Wei Cui, James L. Drewniak, and Richard E. DuBroff


DC Power-Bus Design using FDTD Modeling with Dispersive Media and Surface Mount Technology Components, Xiaoning Ye, Marina Koledintseva, Min Li, and James L. Drewniak


Investigation of PCB Layout Parasitics in EMI Filtering of I/O Lines, Xiaoning Ye, Geping Liu, and James L. Drewniak

Reducing Power Bus Impedance at Resonance with Lossy Components, Theodore M. Zeeff and Todd H. Hubing


Feasibility Study Of Embedded Fiber-optic Strain Sensing For Composite Propeller Blades, V. E. Zetterlind, S. (Steve) E. Watkins, and M. W. Spoltman

The Steady State Characteristics of an SSSC Integrated with Energy Storage, L. Zhang, Mariesa L. Crow, Z. Yang, and S. Chen


A Comparison of FACTS Integrated with Battery Energy Storage Systems, Lin Zhang, Shen Chen, Stan Atcitty, and Mariesa Crow


A Comparison of the Dynamic Performance of FACTS with Energy Storage to a Unified Power Flow Controller, Lin Zhang, Shen Chen, Zhiping Yang, Aysen Arsoy, Yilu Liu, Stan Atcitty, and Mariesa Crow

A PC-DSP-Based Unified Control System Design for FACTS Devices, L. Zhang, Z. Yang, S. Chen, and Mariesa L. Crow


A Comparative Study of Neural Networks Based Learning Strategies for Collective Robotic Search Problem, Nian Zhang, Alexander Novokhodko, Donald C. Wunsch, and Cihan H. Dagli


A Novel Morphological Operator to Calculate Euler Number, Zhao Zhang, Randy Hays Moss, and William V. Stoecker

Submissions from 2000

Characterization of Single Waterjet-induced Thermal Profile for Antipersonnel Landmine Detection and Discrimination, Sanjeev Agarwal and Robert Mitchell


Prediction of Impact Contact Forces of Composite Plates Using Fiber Optic Sensors and Neural Networks, Farhad Akhavan, Steve Eugene Watkins, and K. Chandrashekhara

Representing Task and Machine Heterogeneities for Heterogeneous Computing Systems, Shoukat Ali, Howard Jay Siegel, Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Debra Hensgen, and Sahra Sedigh


Detection of Solid Pigment in Dermatoscopy Images using Texture Analysis, Murali Anantha, William V. Stoecker, and Randy Hays Moss


EMI Model Validation and Standard Challenge Problems, Bruce Archambeault and James L. Drewniak


Improved Inference of Heart Potentials using the Multipole-Equivalent Method, R. Martin Arthur and Daryl G. Beetner


Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based Processor for Compressed Images, Venkataramanan S. Balakrishnan, Hardy J. Pottinger, Fikret Erçal, and Mukesh Agarwal

Design and Implementation of an FPGA based Processor for Compressed Images, V. S. Balakrishnan, Hardy J. Pottinger, Fikret Ercal, and Mukesh Agarwal


Laboratories Teaching Concepts in Microcontrollers and Hardware-Software Co-Design, Daryl G. Beetner, Hardy J. Pottinger, and Kyle Mitchell


FDTD and FEM/MOM Modeling of EMI Resulting from a Trace Near a PCB Edge, Daniel P. Berg, Motoshi Tanaka, Yun Ji, Xiaoning Ye, James L. Drewniak, Todd H. Hubing, Richard E. DuBroff, and Thomas Van Doren


Nonlinear Parameter Estimation of Excitation Systems, Rajeev Bhaskar, Mariesa Crow, Eric Ludwig, Kelvin T. Erickson, and Kirit S. Shah


Microwave Near-Field Reflection Property Analysis of Concrete for Material Content Determination, Karl Joseph Bois, Aaron D. Benally, and R. Zoughi


A Novel FPGA-Based Master/slave PCI Interface Core, Chris Brueggen and Hardy J. Pottinger


Experimental Evaluation of Power Bus Decoupling on a 4-Layer Printed Circuit Board, Juan Chen, Minjia Xu, Todd H. Hubing, James L. Drewniak, Thomas Van Doren, and Richard E. DuBroff

Dissemination of Introductory Energy Systems Course Material Via the World Wide Web for a Changing Power Engineering Curriculum, Badrul H. Chowdhury


Power Education at the Crossroads, Badrul H. Chowdhury

Web-oriented Power Electronics Learning Aid, Badrul H. Chowdhury and Madhu Gourineni


Voltage Stability Analysis: V-Q Power Flow Simulation versus Dynamic Simulation, Badrul H. Chowdhury and C. W. Taylor


Dispersive Transient Photocurrent in Amorphous Silicon at High and Low Trap-State Occupations, M. H. Chu and Cheng-Hsiao Wu


A Hysteresis Current-Regulated Control for Multi-Level Drives, Keith Corzine


Analysis of a Novel Four-Level DC/DC Boost Converter, Keith Corzine and Sonal K. Majeethia


Successful Proposal Preparation, Mariesa Crow


EMI Resulting from a Signal Via Transition Through DC Power Bus-Effectiveness of Focal SMT Decoupling, Wei Cui, Xiaoning Ye, Bruce Archambeault, Doug White, Min Li, and James L. Drewniak


EMI Resulting from Signal Via Transitions through the DC Power Bus, Wei Cui, Xiaoning Ye, Bruce Archambeault, Doug White, Min Li, and James L. Drewniak


Modeling EMI Resulting from a Signal Via Transition Through Power/Ground Layers, Wei Cui, Xiaoning Ye, Bruce Archambeault, Doug White, Min Li, and James L. Drewniak

Vibration Analysis of Landmine Detection using High-pressure Water Jets, Robert Denier and Thomas J. Herrick


Phase-Based Cerebellar Learning of Dynamic Signals, Witali L. Dunin-Barkowski and Donald C. Wunsch


SCADA System Trends in Deepwater Developments, Shari Dunn-Norman, Kelvin T. Erickson, Egemen K. Çetinkaya, Keith Stanek, and Ann K. Miller


Fuzzy Regression by Fuzzy Number Neural Networks, James Dunyak and Donald C. Wunsch


DC Power Bus Modeling using a Circuit Extraction Approach Based on a Mixed-Potential Integral Equation Formulation and an Iterative Equation Solver, Jun Fan, James L. Drewniak, and James L. Knighten


Quantifying Decoupling Capacitor Location, Jun Fan, James L. Knighten, Antonio Orlandi, Norman W. Smith, and James L. Drewniak


DC Power Bus Modeling in High-Speed Digital Designs Including Conductor and Dielectric Losses, Jun Fan, Hao Shi, James L. Knighten, and James L. Drewniak

MPIE-Based Circuit Extraction Technique and Its Applications on Power Bus Modeling in High-Speed Digital Designs, Jun Fan, Hao Shi, James L. Knighten, and James L. Drewniak


A Robust Proportionate Affine Projection Algorithm for Network Echo Cancellation, T. Gansler, J. Benesty, Steven L. Grant, and M. M. Sondhi


A Neural Network for Segmentation of Line Drawings into Lines of Different Orientations, Alexander Goltsev, Donald C. Wunsch, and Dmitri Rachkovskij


Comparison of Site-to-Site Measurement Reproducibility using UK National Physical Laboratory and Austrian Research Center Test Sites as a Reference, Ken Hall, David Pommerenke, and Lowell E. Kolb

The Horse and the Cart in Web-based Instruction: Prevalence and Efficacy, Richard H. Hall, Fikret Erçal, and Steve Eugene Watkins


Broad-Band Microwave Dielectric Property Characterization and Nondestructive Inspection of Various Glass Specimens, Larry F. Handjojo, Karl Joseph Bois, J. Bauer, R. Hamilton, and R. Zoughi


Broadband Measurement of the Conductivity and the Permittivity of Semiconducting Materials in High Voltage XLPE Cables, Ralf Heinrich, Sven P. Bönisch, David Pommerenke, Roman G. Jobava, and Wilfried Kalkner


The Development of Augmented Reality Environment: A Case Study on the Parts Feeding Systems, Ju-Chang Huang, Sanjeev Agarwal, and Frank W. Liou


Influence of Chloride in Mortar Made of Portland Cement Types II, III, and V on the Near-Field Microwave Reflection Properties, Cairong Hu, Aaron D. Benally, Tobias Case, R. Zoughi, and K. E. Kurtis


Role of Laboratory Education in Power Engineering: Is the Virtual Laboratory Feasible? Part I, S. Iwamoto, G. G. Karady, Kraig J. Olejniczak, H. A. Mantooth, Mariesa Crow, and Gerald T. Heydt

Computer Exercises to Incorporate Energy Concepts into the Electrical Engineering Curriculum, Raymond G. Jacquot, John W. Pierre, Jerry C. Hamann, and Badrul H. Chowdhury


Predictive Congestion Control of ATM Networks: Multiple Sources/single Buffer Scenario, Sarangapani Jagannathan and J. Talluri


Automated Identification of the Operational Modes of Switched Electric Circuits, J. Jatskevich, O. Wasynczuk, E. A. Walters, C. E. Lucas, Steven Pekarek, and P. T. Lamm

EMAP5: A 3D Hybrid FEM/MOM Code, Y. Ji and Todd Hubing

Techniques for Optimizing FEM/MoM Codes, Y. Ji, Todd H. Hubing, and H. Wang


Finite Element Modeling of Patch Antenna and Cavity Sources, Yun Ji, Todd H. Hubing, and James L. Drewniak

A Novel Preconditioning Technique and Comparison of Three Formulations for Hybrid FEM/MoM Methods, Yun Ji, H. Wang, and Todd H. Hubing


Calculation of Pulse Propagation in Coaxial Cables with Multi-layered Insulation System, Roman G. Jobava, David Pommerenke, Ralf Heinrich, Wilfried Kalkner, and Anna L. Gheonjian

Role of Laboratory Education in Power Engineering: is the Virtual Laboratory Feasible? Part I, George G. Karady, Gerald T. Heydt, Shinichi Iwamoto, Kraig J. Ojeniczak, H. Alan Mantooth, and Mariesa Crow


About Resonant Modes at the Shielded Dielectric Hemisphere, Sergey Kharkovsky, A. E. Kogut, Z. E. Eremenko, V. V. Kutuzov, and Yuri F. Filipov

Potential Incorporation of Transuranics into Uranium Phases, Chang-Soo Kim, David J. Wronkiewicz, and E. C. Buck


Advances of Gyromagnetic Electronics for EMC Problems, Marina Koledintseva, L. K. Mikhailovsky, and Alexander A. Kitaytsev


FDTD Modeling of Lumped Ferrites, Min Li, Xiao Luo, and James L. Drewniak


EMI from Airflow Aperture Arrays in Shielding Enclosures-Experiments, FDTD, and MoM Modeling, Min Li, Joe Nuebel, James L. Drewniak, Richard E. DuBroff, Todd H. Hubing, and Thomas Van Doren


EMI from Cavity Modes of Shielding Enclosures-FDTD Modeling and Measurements, Min Li, Joe Nuebel, James L. Drewniak, Richard E. DuBroff, Todd H. Hubing, and Thomas Van Doren


EMI Reduction from Airflow Aperture Arrays using Dual-Perforated Screens and Loss, Min Li, Joe Nuebel, James L. Drewniak, Todd H. Hubing, Richard E. DuBroff, and Thomas Van Doren

Evolutionary Programming Methodology for Portfolio Selection, M. H. Lim, Donald C. Wunsch, and K. W. Ho


Planning of a Multi-Disciplinary Rapid Product Realization Program, Frank W. Liou, Daniel A. McAdams, Bahador Ghahramani, Sanjeev Agarwal, Richard H. Hall, Ming-Chuan Leu, and Venkat Allada


Structural Health Monitoring using Parameter Identification Methods, Pengxiang Liu and Vittal S. Rao


Aerodynamic Testing of a Smart Composite Wing Using Fiber-Optic Strain Sensing and Neural Networks, Abha Lunia, Kakkattukuzhy M. Isaac, K. Chandrashekhara, and Steve Eugene Watkins


Performance Monitoring in UMR's Solar Car, Louis McCarthy, Josh Pieper, Aaron Rues, and Cheng-Hsiao Wu

Improved Preprocessing and Data Clustering for Landmine Discrimination, Pramodh Mereddy, Sanjeev Agarwal, and Vittal S. Rao


A Schooling on Their Implications for Software Engineering [Trends], Ann K. Miller

Distributed Computing and Sensing for Structural Health Monitoring Systems, Kyle Mitchell, Sridhar Sana, Pengxiang Liu, Krishnamohan Cingirikonda, Vittal S. Rao, and Hardy J. Pottinger

A Critical Comparison of the Performance of Two Direct Methods for Transient Stability Assessment, Suresh Muknahallipatna and Badrul H. Chowdhury


Process Modeling, Monitoring and Control of Laser Metal Forming, N. Munjuluri, Sanjeev Agarwal, and Frank W. Liou


Damage Detection Using Modal Strain Energy and Laser Vibrometer Measurements, Andrew W. Otieno, Pengxiang Liu, Vittal S. Rao, and Leslie Robert Koval

University Research Capabilities Database, Anil Pahwa, Hashem Nehrir, and Mariesa Crow


Collaborative Distance Education in Power Engineering, Anil Pahwa, Shelli K. Starrett, Kraig J. Olejniczak, S. D. Sudhoff, and Mariesa Crow


Recurrent Neural Network Based Prediction of Epileptic Seizures in Intra- and Extracranial EEG, Arthur Petrosian, Danil Prokhorov, Richard Homan, Richard Dasheiff, and Donald C. Wunsch


Methods for Speeding up Radiated and Conducted Immunity Tests, David Pommerenke


Electromagnetic Finite Differences Time Domain (FDTD) Modeling of Partial Discharge Coupling Applied to High Voltage Cables and Cable Joints, David Pommerenke, Roman G. Jobava, and Ralf Heinrich


Novel Concept for Monitoring Partial Discharge on EHV-Cable System Accessories using No Active Components at the Accessories, David Pommerenke and Keith D. Masterson


Neurocontroller Alternatives for "Fuzzy" Ball-and-Beam Systems with Nonuniform Nonlinear Friction, Danil V. Prokhorov, Donald C. Wunsch, and Paul H. Eaton

Microwave Corrosion Detection using Open Ended Rectangular Waveguide Sensors, Nasser N. Qaddoumi, Larry F. Handjojo, Timothy S. Bigelow, Jacob K. Easter, Alan V. Bray, and R. Zoughi

Microwave Detection of Stress-Induced Fatigue Cracks in Steel and Potential for Crack Opening Determination, Nasser N. Qaddoumi, Emarit Ranu, J. David McColskey, Radin Mirshahi, and R. Zoughi

Data Fusion and Evidence Accumulation for Landmine Detection using Dempster-Shafer Algorithm, Karthik Ramaswamy, Sanjeev Agarwal, and Vittal S. Rao


STATCOM Control for Power System Voltage Control Applications, Pranesh Rao, Zhiping Yang, and Mariesa Crow


Application of Linear Matrix Inequalities in the Control of Smart Structural Systems, Sridhar Sana and Vittal S. Rao

Design of Robust Controllers for Smart Structural Systems with Structured Uncertainties, Sridhar Sana and Vittal S. Rao


Control of STATCOM with Energy Storage Device, Chen Shen, Zhiping Yang, Stan Atcitty, and Mariesa Crow