COVID-19 Research | Missouri University of Science and Technology
This collection showcases journal articles and other publications and presentations about the Coronavirus COVID-19 by Missouri S&T faculty.


Submissions from 2024


Analysis of Rural Broadband Adoption Dynamics: A Theory-Driven Agent-Based Model, Ankit Agarwal and Casey Canfield


Predicting Construction Costs Under Uncertain Market Conditions: Probabilistic Forecasting Using Autoregressive Recurrent Networks Based On DeepAR, Ghiwa Assaf, Rayan H. Assaad, Islam H. El-Adaway, and Mohamad Abdul Nabi


Price Escalation in Construction Projects: Examining National and International Contracts, Bahaa Chammout, Islam H. El-Adaway, Mohammad Abdul Nabi, and Rayan H. Assaad


Price Escalation in Design–Bid–Build Construction Projects: A Contractual and Legal Perspective, Bahaa Chammout, Mohammad Abdul Nabi, Islam H. El-adaway, Rayan H. Assaad, and Yasser Jezzini


A Union Versus Non-Union Analytics for the Construction Labor Market, Tamima Elbashbishy and Islam H. El-adaway


System Dynamics Modeling For Investigating The Retention Of Skilled Labor In The Construction Market, Tamima Elbashbishy and Islam H. El-Adaway


An Accurate-Pricing Estimate Game-Theoretic Model For Determining Price Escalations In Construction Projects During Economic Uncertainties, Yasser Jezzini, Rayan H. Assaad, Islam H. El-Adaway, and Mohamad Abdul Nabi


Transfer Learning with Spinally Shared Layers, H. M.Dipu Kabir, Subrota Kumar Mondal, Syed Bahauddin Alam, and U. Rajendra Acharya


Wearable MXene-Graphene Sensing Of Influenza And SARS-CoV-2 Virus In Air And Breath: From Lab To Clinic, Yanxiao Li, Zhekun Peng, Jiaoli Li, Congjie Wei, Shangbin Liu, Weixing Hao, Huanyu Cheng, Casey Burton, Yang Wang, Yue-Wern Huang, Chang Soo Kim, Fang Yao Stephen Hou, DongHyun (Bill) Kim, and Chenglin Wu


A Feasible Reuse of Waste Surgical Face Mask Fibers in Reinforcement of Wide-Range Cemented Sand with Various Porosities, Majid Naghdipour Mirsadeghi, Farimah Fattahi Masrour, Hossein MolaAbasi, Moses Karakouzian, and Nicolas Libre


Modeling Inflation Transmission Among Different Construction Materials, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Islam H. El-Adaway, and Rayan H. Assaad


Data-Driven Analysis Of Progressive Design Build In Water And Wastewater Infrastructure Projects, Fareed Salih, Radwa Eissa, and Islam H. El-adaway

Submissions from 2023


Covid-19 and the Chemical Industry: Impacts, Challenges, and Opportunities, Hossein Abedsoltan


HatEmoTweet: Low-level Emotion Classifications And Spatiotemporal Trends Of Hate And Offensive COVID-19 Tweets, Ademola Adesokan, Sanjay Kumar Madria, and Long Nguyen


Aerogels In The 2020s And Beyond, Michel A. Aegerter, Nicholas Leventis, Matthias M. Koebel, and Stephen A. Steiner


Making a Case for Political Technical Communication (Pxtc), Ryan Cheek


Analyzing the Impact of Covid-19 on the Electricity Demand in Austin, Tx using an Ensemble-Model based Counterfactual and 400,000 Smart Meters, Ting Yu Dai, Praveen Radhakrishnan, Kingsley Nweye, Robert Estrada, Dev Niyogi, and Zoltan Nagy


Detecting Mental Distresses Using Social Behavior Analysis In The Context Of COVID-19: A Survey, Sahraoui Dhelim, Liming Chen, Sajal K. Das, Huansheng Ning, Chris Nugent, Gerard Leavey, Dirk Pesch, Eleanor Bantry-White, and Devin Michael Burns


System Dynamic Modeling To Study The Impact Of Construction Industry Characteristics And Associated Macroeconomic Indicators On Workforce Size And Labor Retention Rate, Tamima Elbashbishy and Islam H. El-adaway


Value Creation and Disruptive Innovation by Robots: An Abstract, Nobuyuki Fukawa and Naoto Onzo


The Antecedents Of Family Firms’ Resilience To Crisis In Hospitality And Tourism, Esra Memili, Chevy-Hanqing Fang, and Burcu Koç


Designing Local Food Systems: Results from a Three-Year Pilot, Daniel B. Oerther, Sarah Hultine-Massengale, and Sarah E. Oerther


Workshop Result: Environmental Engineering Faculty Learning Boyer's Model of Scholarship, Daniel B. Oerther, Jody Squires, and Danny Willis


Family Environments And Educational Inequality During The COVID-19 Pandemic In The UK, Ting Shen


Risking One’s Life to Save One’s Livelihood: Precarious Work, Presenteeism, and Worry About Disease Exposure during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Mindy K. Shoss, Hanyi Min, Kristin Horan, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Jeannie A.S. Nigam, and Naomi G. Swanson


Evaluating the Impact of Broadband Access and Internet Use in a Small Underserved Rural Community, Javier Valentín-Sívico, Casey I. Canfield, Sarah A. Low, and Christel Gollnick


Evaluating the Impact of Broadband Access and Internet Use in a Small Underserved Rural Community, Javier Valentín-Sívico, Casey I. Canfield, Sarah A. Low, and Christel Gollnick


Corporate Governance, Financial Indicators And Asset Impairments During The COVID-19 Pandemic Period, Thanyaluk Vichitsarawong and LiLi Eng

Submissions from 2022


Capturing the Impact of Covid-19 on Construction Projects in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Iraq, M. K. S. Al-Mhdawi, Mario P. Brito, Mohamad Abdul Nabi, Islam H. El-adaway, and Bhakti Stephan Onggo


Management of Change Orders in Infrastructure Transportation Projects, Rayan H. Assaad, Muaz O. Ahmed, Islam H. El-adaway, and Pramen P. Shrestha


Management of Change Orders in Infrastructure Transportation Projects, Rayan H. Assaad, Muaz O. Ahmed, Islam H. El-adaway, and Pramen P. Shrestha


The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Catalyst and Accelerator for Offsite Construction Technologies, Rayan H. Assaad, Islam H. El-adaway, Makarand Hastak, and Kim Lascola Needy


On General Multi-Server Queues with Non-Poisson Arrivals and Medium Traffic: A New Approximation and a COVID-19 Ventilator Case Study, Carlos Chaves and Abhijit Gosavi


Commercial Janus Fabrics as Reusable Facemask Materials: A Balance of Water Repellency, Filtration Efficiency, Breathability, and Reusability, Steven Cheng, Weixing Hao, Yuchen Wang, Yang Wang, and Shu Yang


Commercial Janus Fabrics as Reusable Facemask Materials: A Balance of Water Repellency, Filtration Efficiency, Breathability, and Reusability, Steven Cheng, Weixing Hao, Yuchen Wang, Yang Wang, and Shu Yang


Frame of Reference Training for Content Analysis with Structured Teams (Fort-Cast): A Framework for Content Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Questions using Multidisciplinary Coders, Sandra J. Galura, Kristin A. Horan, Joy Parchment, Daleen Penoyer, Ann Schlotzhauer, Kenzie Dye, and Emily Hill


A Deep Learning Approach For Ideology Detection And Polarization Analysis using Covid-19 Tweets, Md Yasin Kabir and Sanjay Kumar Madria


Managing Construction Projects Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Contractual Perspective, Ramy Khalef, Gasser G. Ali, Islam H. El-adaway, and Ghada M. Gad


A Systems Approach for Solving Inter-Policy Gaps in Dynamic Spectrum Access-Based Wireless Rural Broadband Networks, Pawel Kryszkiewicz, Casey I. Canfield, Shamsnaz Virani Bhada, and Alexander M. Wyglinski


Parenting Pre-Teens during Covid-19 in a Rural Midwestern Community: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study, Sarah Oerther and Daniel B. Oerther


Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Road Congestion during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Shanghai, China, Pengfei Xu, Weifeng Li, XianBiao Hu, Hangbin Wu, and Jian Li


Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban Road Congestion during and Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Shanghai, China, Pengfei Xu, Weifeng Li, XianBiao Hu, Hangbin Wu, and Jian Li

Submissions from 2021


Guidelines for Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic: Best Practices, Impacts, and Future Research Directions, Rayan Assaad and Islam H. El-adaway


Aesthetic Judgments of Live and Recorded Music: Effects of Congruence Between Musical Artist and Piece, Amy M. Belfi, David W. Samson, Jonathan Crane, and Nicholas L. Schmidt


Durable Nanocomposite Face Masks with High Particulate Filtration and Rapid Inactivation of Coronaviruses, Andrew Gonzalez, Hamada A. Aboubakr, John Brockgreitens, Weixing Hao, Yang Wang, Sagar M. Goyal, and Abdennour Abbas


Factors Influencing the Filtration Performance of Homemade Face Masks, Weixing Hao, Guang Xu, and Yang Wang


Impact of Multiple Waves of Covid-19 on Healthcare Networks in the United States, Emad M. Hassan and Hussam N. Mahmoud


Orchestrating Performance of Healthcare Networks Subjected to the Compound Events of Natural Disasters and Pandemic, Emad M. Hassan and Hussam N. Mahmoud

The Psychological and Biological Impact of COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion, Amber M. Henslee, David J. Westenberg, and Yang Wang
Streaming video available

Disaster Planning in the Age of Pandemics, C. Jason Hollan and Suzanna Long


Disaster Planning in the Age of Pandemics, Jason C. Hollan and Suzanna Long


EMOCOV: Machine Learning for Emotion Detection, Analysis and Visualization using COVID-19 Tweets, Md Yasin Kabir and Sanjay K. Madria


COVID-19 Tweets Analysis for Human Emotion Detection, Md Yasin Kabir and Sanjay Kumar Madria


MXene-Graphene Field-Effect Transistor Sensing of Influenza Virus and SARS-CoV-2, Yanxiao Li, Zhekun Peng, Natalie J. Holl, Md Rifat Hassan, John M. Pappas, Congjie Wei, Omid Hoseini Izadi, Yang Wang, Xiangyang Dong, Cheng Wang, Yue-Wern Huang, Donghyun Kim, and Chenglin Wu


Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Accelerated the Future of Work or Changed its Course? Implications for Research and Practice, Matthew A. Ng, Anthony Naranjo, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Mindy K. Shoss, Nika Kartvelishvili, Matthew Bartek, Kenneth Ingraham, Alexis Rodriguez, Sara Kira Schneider, Lauren Silverlieb-Seltzer, and Carolina Silva


Has the Covid-19 Pandemic Accelerated the Future of Work or Changed its Course? Implications for Research and Practice, Matthew A. Ng, Anthony Naranjo, Ann E. Schlotzhauer, Mindy K. Shoss, Nika Kartvelishvili, Matthew Bartek, Kenneth Ingraham, Alexis Rodriguez, Sara Kira Schneider, Lauren Silverlieb-Seltzer, and Carolina Silva


Quantifying Time-Frequency Co-Movement Impact of Covid-19 on U.s. and China Stock Market toward Investor Sentiment Index, Rui Nian, Yijin Xu, Qiang Yuan, Chen Feng, and Amaury Lendasse


Improved Health Diplomacy is Necessary for Resilience after Covid-19, Daniel B. Oerther and Hester Klopper


Person-Centeredness Enhances Public Health Approaches to Combat COVID-19, Daniel B. Oerther and Brendan McCormack


AIChE Virtual Communities of Practice – Supporting Faculty during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christi L. Patton (Luks)


Research Commentary on IS/IT Role in Emergency and Pandemic Management: Current and Future Research, Wen Lung Shiau, Keng Siau, Yuan Yu, and Jia Guo

Achieving Domestic Internationalization and Global Competence through On-Campus Activities and Globally Responsive Education, Sanjay Tewari, Peng Zhang, and Yuan Zhuang


Achieving Domestic Internationalization and Global Competence Through On-Campus Activities and Globally Responsive Education, Sanjay Tewari, Peng Zhang, and Yuan Zhuang

Submissions from 2020


Public Policy in a Pandemic: A Hazard-Control Perspective and a Case Study of the BCG Vaccine for COVID-19, Abhijit Gosavi and Robert J. Marley


Filtration Performances of Non-Medical Materials as Candidates for Manufacturing Facemasks and Respirators, Weixing Hao, Andrew Parasch, Stephen Williams, Jiayu Li, Hongyan Ma, Joel Gerard Burken, and Yang Wang


Framing Energy and Minerals for Future Pathways, Michelle Michot Foss, Michael S. Moats, and Kwame Awuah-Offei


Covid-19 Pandemic -- Role of Technology in Transforming Business to the New Normal, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah and Keng Siau


Educating Heads, Hands, and Hearts in the COVID-19 Classroom, Daniel B. Oerther and Catherine A. Peters


Think-Pair-Listen in the Online COVID-19 Classroom, Daniel B. Oerther and Catherine A. Peters


Environmental Hygiene for COVID-19: It's All About the Mask, Daniel B. Oerther and Mona Shattell


Risk Communication is Important in Environmental Engineering during COVID-19, Daniel B. Oerther and Roger Watson


Leading Change during the Convergence of an Epidemic and a Pandemic, Sarah Oerther and Daniel B. Oerther

Missouri's Fentanyl Problem: The China Connection, William V. Stoecker, K. Taylor Bosworth, and Fred Rottnek


Modeling the Load of SARS-CoV-2 Virus in Human Expelled Particles during Coughing and Speaking, Yang Wang, Guang Xu, and Yue-Wern Huang


As Close as It Might Get to the Real Lab Experience -- Live-Streamed Laboratory Activities, Klaus Woelk and Philip D. Whitefield


COVID-19 Pandemic-online Education in the New Normal and the Next Normal, Xin Xie, Keng Siau, and Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah


COVID-19 Calls for Remote Reskilling & Retraining, Cui Zou, Wangchuchu Zhao, and Keng Siau


COVID-19 Pandemic: A Usability Study on Platforms to Support eLearning, Cui Zou, Wangchuchu Zhao, and Keng Siau